Supreme Court Corruption (Formerly Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire) (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known monkey
    May 17, 2019
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    It seems that a billionaire GOP donor has spent a small fortune on vacations for Ginni and Clarence Thomas.

    Anyone with even a single drop of intellectual integrity can see how screwed up this situation is. Say what you want about ACB, but she's a true believer. I'm not surprised of all the right-wingers on the court she'd be the one to agree with an ethics code.
    Yeah, but when her religious beliefs about abortion conflict with the bodily autonomy of women, she will vote her religious beliefs every time. Women’s health be damned. That’s the flip side of the “true believer”.
    Yeah, but when her religious beliefs about abortion conflict with the bodily autonomy of women, she will vote her religious beliefs every time. Women’s health be damned. That’s the flip side of the “true believer”.

    Oh absolutely, that's part of being a true believer though. Everything she says she really believes. It's not politics, it's her. Thomas is a right-wing zealot who just believes whatever is the latest far-right fever dream his wife told him about.
    Anyone with even a single drop of intellectual integrity can see how screwed up this situation is. Say what you want about ACB, but she's a true believer. I'm not surprised of all the right-wingers on the court she'd be the one to agree with an ethics code.
    Your use of the phrase “true believer” is intriguing considering her religious belief structure. She believes, imo, because she must believe because she requires belief. The religious belief structure shows a requirement, a need, for authoritarian rigidity.
    That's pretty interesting coming from Barrett.

    Not really, she's really a politician like most of the other right wing wackjobs on the SC.....she is saying what she think folks want to hear, just like when she said Roe was established law and she wouldn't favor overturning it.....she is full of dung....
    The Senate is attempting to subpoena the people who are corrupting the SC. GOP doesn’t want them to. 😡


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