SDNY fraud indictment of "We Build the Wall" non-profit org. includes Steve Bannon (1 Viewer)

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    U.S. Blues
    Mar 26, 2019
    Reaction score
    Charleston, SC
    We Build The Wall purports to raise funds through a non-profit (501(c)(3)) to build segments of "Trump's Wall" (per their website). The founders include former Trump advisor Steve Bannon.

    Today the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York announced the indictment of the We Build the Wall's principles for defrauding "hundreds of thousands of donors." The defendants, including Steve Bannon, have been arrested.

    How long till he is pardoned? Seems like Bannon would not only know where the bodies are buried but probably dig most of the holes.
    The dominos just keep falling. Every one in Trumps close campaign circle has dirt under their nails. Color me surprised.

    The walls around Trump must feel like they are now only feet away. All of his "layers" keep falling to justice.

    Eventually they will reach the center.
    Wait, you mean the $25 million these scammers raised from complete morons on GoFundMe to Build The Wall that those same morons were also convinced Mexico would pay for didn't actually actually use the morons' money to build a wall? It's awfully hard to feel bad for the "victims" here.

    In before "bUt ThE fRaUd HaD nOtHiNg To Do WiTh TeH CaMpAiGn"
    Speaking of, does anyone remember when Donald Trump was elected president and then immediately paid out $25 million because he was about to lose a civil fraud lawsuit filed by another bunch of morons who were defrauded by his fake university? I can't believe that such a man would have ever associated himself with the likes of Steve Bannon.
    Wait, you mean the $25 million these scammers raised from complete morons on GoFundMe to Build The Wall that those same morons were also convinced Mexico would pay for didn't actually actually use the morons' money to build a wall? It's awfully hard to feel bad for the "victims" here.

    In before "bUt ThE fRaUd HaD nOtHiNg To Do WiTh TeH CaMpAiGn"
    This is pretty much what I was going to post verbatim. If you donated to this fraud you're probably a racist butt crevasse and deserve to have your money stolen by the racist butt crevasses you blindly support. The "victims" are probably defending Bannon and the whole sham right now thinking the deep state is behind this. I mean that with all sincerity.
    I had no idea postal inspectors had such cool job. What exactly does a postal inspector do? From the title, I just figured they inspected post offices or something.

    They are federal agents- akin to DEA, FBI etc.

    My good friend is one. ( Got transferred out NO as field agetn - now in Baltimore working inside IG office ) They investigate anything with postal issues. ( send drugs in mail...get Postal Inspectors....steal mail...same ). Yeah they get to do true investigative things- stake outs, stings etc. It was cool to get him drunk and tell stories lolol
    I had no idea postal inspectors had such cool job. What exactly does a postal inspector do? From the title, I just figured they inspected post offices or something.

    They are fully commissioned federal law enforcement agents with all of the investigatory and arrest powers that FBI agents have (badges and guns, the whole nine yards) except their jurisdiction is limited to investigating crimes that involve the use of the U.S. mail (illegal payments made by mail, trafficking of drugs and contraband through the mail, etc.). And they work with U.S. Attorneys offices to build and prosecute criminal cases.
    They are federal agents- akin to DEA, FBI etc.

    My good friend is one. ( Got transferred out NO as field agetn - now in Baltimore working inside IG office ) They investigate anything with postal issues. ( send drugs in mail...get Postal Inspectors....steal mail...same ). Yeah they get to do true investigative things- stake outs, stings etc. It was cool to get him drunk and tell stories lolol

    They are fully commissioned federal law enforcement agents with all of the investigatory and arrest powers that FBI agents have (badges and guns, the whole nine yards) except their jurisdiction is limited to investigating crimes that involve the use of the U.S. mail (illegal payments made by mail, trafficking of drugs and contraband through the mail, etc.). And they work with U.S. Attorneys offices to build and prosecute criminal cases.

    Thanks, y'all. Makes sense now that I get it. IDK if it was in a tweet I posted here, but apparently they didn't use the FBI at all in this investigation because of fears it'd have been shut down by Barr's DOJ.

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