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Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed (Replaced by Amy Coney Barrett)(Now Abortion Discussion) (1 Viewer)

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    I wonder how many that applaud this move are also ones that like to say "my body my choice" when it comes to not vaccinating
    Yeah, but many of these same anti-vaxxers, or never-vaxxers when it comes or as it relates to refusing to get partially or fully vaccinated probably will catch Covid or its newer, more deadlier Delta variant and likely die or suffer such draconian, terrible long-term severe consequences to their overall health (pulmonary, blood flow to heart, lungs, brain) or significant psychological side-effects, for many, trying to live the normal life they experienced or remember pre-2020 will be very difficult.
    Yeah, but many of these same anti-vaxxers, or never-vaxxers when it comes or as it relates to refusing to get partially or fully vaccinated probably will catch Covid or its newer, more deadlier Delta variant and likely die or suffer such draconian, terrible long-term severe consequences to their overall health (pulmonary, blood flow to heart, lungs, brain) or significant psychological side-effects, for many, trying to live the normal life they experienced or remember pre-2020 will be very difficult.

    There is a subreddit dedicated to the clowns that are antivax on socialmedia, and end up dead. At this point, I think its funny. I have zero empathy for these people.
    Yeah, but many of these same anti-vaxxers, or never-vaxxers when it comes or as it relates to refusing to get partially or fully vaccinated probably will catch Covid or its newer, more deadlier Delta variant and likely die or suffer such draconian, terrible long-term severe consequences to their overall health (pulmonary, blood flow to heart, lungs, brain) or significant psychological side-effects, for many, trying to live the normal life they experienced or remember pre-2020 will be very difficult.
    As long as you can pwn the libs, amirite?
    There is a subreddit dedicated to the clowns that are antivax on socialmedia, and end up dead. At this point, I think its funny. I have zero empathy for these people.
    I think you, me and most people might be able to develop some sympathy or empathy for those who survive battling Covid-19 or the Delta variant, change their attitudes or viewpoints after experiencing such excruciating physical, life-threatening pain or torture, they recover and regain most of their health, realize how stupid, idiotic, and asinine their previous views towards mask mandates, CDC guidelines, social distancing procedures were, get fully vaccinated, wear masks out while in public or during their daily lives.

    Some might feel tempted or justified to reproach them for their previous stupidity or inane, frankly dangerous, potentially deadly behavior even long after the fact, and God forbid, its a damn shame, some people still have to realize the depths of such stupidity the hard way, if they do, indeed, learn their collective lessons, then its certainly very easy to have sympathy for them after the fact.
    My gut on this is that the Court isn't going to overturn Roe and the Texas statute (and any like it) is going to be held unconstitutional. I recognize that for the time being the law came into effect. But the Court didn't want to rule on the merits for emergency injunctive relief. It will rule on it though.
    From the Atlantic

    ……..Perhaps they don’t want the big headlines, because overturning Roe v. Wade is consistently unpopular with American voters. But another motivation could explain the silence: For half a decade, Republicans—especially self-described moderate members of the party—have been gaslighting America on the issue of abortion rights, pretending they didn’t know that Donald Trump’s Supreme Court picks were always planning to overturn Roe.

    A central goal of the conservative judicial movement that these justices came out of is overturning Roe. The Federalist Society handpicked them for that reason. It’s a transparently phony act, one that’s now been exposed as such.

    Senator Susan Collins of Maine, for example, tried to convince everyone that she genuinely believed Brett Kavanaugh would let Roe stand, despite all evidence to the contrary. “Protecting [the right to an abortion] is important to me,” Collins told The New York Times after a two-hour, face-to-face session with Kavanaugh during which, she said, he convinced her that he would not overturn Roe.

    “His views on honoring precedent would preclude attempts to do by stealth that which one has committed not to do overtly.” Collins said that Kavanaugh assured her Roe was “settled law,” and that his answer on Roewas “very strong,” though he had openly criticized the decision in a speech, used the anti-abortion lingo “abortion on demand,” and voted more than once as a federal judge against reproductive rights……..

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    From the Atlantic

    ……..Perhaps they don’t want the big headlines, because overturning Roe v. Wade is consistently unpopular with American voters. But another motivation could explain the silence: For half a decade, Republicans—especially self-described moderate members of the party—have been gaslighting America on the issue of abortion rights, pretending they didn’t know that Donald Trump’s Supreme Court picks were always planning to overturn Roe.

    A central goal of the conservative judicial movement that these justices came out of is overturning Roe. The Federalist Society handpicked them for that reason. It’s a transparently phony act, one that’s now been exposed as such.

    Senator Susan Collins of Maine, for example, tried to convince everyone that she genuinely believed Brett Kavanaugh would let Roe stand, despite all evidence to the contrary. “Protecting [the right to an abortion] is important to me,” Collins told The New York Times after a two-hour, face-to-face session with Kavanaugh during which, she said, he convinced her that he would not overturn Roe.

    “His views on honoring precedent would preclude attempts to do by stealth that which one has committed not to do overtly.” Collins said that Kavanaugh assured her Roe was “settled law,” and that his answer on Roewas “very strong,” though he had openly criticized the decision in a speech, used the anti-abortion lingo “abortion on demand,” and voted more than once as a federal judge against reproductive rights……..

    My gut on this is that the Court isn't going to overturn Roe and the Texas statute (and any like it) is going to be held unconstitutional. I recognize that for the time being the law came into effect. But the Court didn't want to rule on the merits for emergency injunctive relief. It will rule on it though.
    Yeah, I'm not so sure this will hold up for long because I don't get the sense that the court will overturn Roe either. But that Texas law is way over the top. Hopefully it gets ruled unconstitutional sooner than later.

    I actually think the legislature in Texas probably passed it as red meat for their base and didn't think it would actually pass Constitutional muster. We'll see I guess.
    I don't always like Jennifer Rubin's takes - she's a lawyer but I often question some of her legal content.

    I think she's absolutely right on this:

    I don't always like Jennifer Rubin's takes - she's a lawyer but I often question some of her legal content.

    I think she's absolutely right on this:

    Rubin is a former Republican. She wasn't wise enough to see how dangerous the Republican Party was becoming during the Bush years and the rise of the Tea Party back in 2009 - 2010. Now she is trying to make amends.

    The Democrats have got to up their game. This is no holds barred now. They need to stop whining about how extreme the fascist Trump Cult Repug Party has become and do something about it. They need to put 12 Justices on the Supreme Court so that these insane rulings are prevented. It's obviously unconstitutional what Texas did and this ruling would not have happened if Merrick Garland was on the Supreme Court.
    I am prolife and I can not wait until the day that abortion is illegal but I am not big on the head hunter thing, if that is accurate. On a realist level, I also think certain exceptions should be made.

    All that to be said, I will take a win when we can get a win.
    My gut on this is that the Court isn't going to overturn Roe and the Texas statute (and any like it) is going to be held unconstitutional. I recognize that for the time being the law came into effect. But the Court didn't want to rule on the merits for emergency injunctive relief. It will rule on it though.
    The injunction would have merely maintained the status quo so I don't see any downside if the Court were indeed going to uphold Roe. Keep in mind, there is a way the conservatives can frame the argument to distance it from a 'God wills it!' perspective. They will simply say there is no right to abortion specified in the Constitution and that there is basically no such thing as Substantive Due Process and call it a day.

    Conservatives have the 'advantage' in that most of the rights they care about, e.g., guns and hyper-religiosity, are codified in the Constitution. A lot of rights that liberals espouse come from the more malleable concept of Substantive Due Process. This unfortunate reality is why I disdain that this country still adheres to a Constitution drafted in the 18th Century with what are now near-impossible-to-meet requirements for its amendment. Whereas most every other western nation has more modern constitutions that codify rights you would think would be a matter of common sense (to those who aren't fanatics).
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    I am prolife and I can not wait until the day that abortion is illegal but I am not big on the head hunter thing, if that is accurate. On a realist level, I also think certain exceptions should be made.

    All that to be said, I will take a win when we can get a win.

    What this law shows is just how far down the rabbit hole Republicans and the right wing will go to achieve their desired outcome. There is no respect for the rule of law or respect for dissenting beliefs or opinion. Anti-abortion advocacy has always been about forcing a specific moral and religious philosophy and world view on America where Women are "host bodies" for the "baby" and should be treated as such under law. To believe that, you have to believe that life begins a conception of the embryo by receiving a soul from the creator at its origination. That is an entirely moral and religious belief. You also have to believe that Woman do not posses the agency, to decide for their own well being whether or not they should carry and unintended pregnancy to birth, even before the viability of the fetus, and that they should be treated as "host bodies".

    They, with your support and encouragement, care so much about achieving this objective that they will go to any lengths to see it through. The will corrupt and hijack the SC so that they can pack the court with the Christian Rights Justices, check! They will pass every manner of abortion restriction in every state they can and constantly challenge the validity of the expanded personal protection for women and has stood for 40 years costing billions of tax payer dollars to be spent, check! They will enable vigilante justice by granting activist the legal right to harass women and clinics and anybody that may aid them, thereby making abortion illegal and unleashing constitutional chaos, check! Nothing is to extreme, a perfect encapsulation of where the Republican party is at. Congratulations on your victory.

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