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    Oct 17, 2021
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    What’s up peeps. First post.

    1. The liberal, conservative and moderate boards seem to be locked. The liberal board allowed me in, but no info. The other 2 said oops. (I selected undecided upon registering).

    2. Doesn’t seem like a lot of conversation here. I was told that this was a great place for discussion of ideas. Looks as if a couple posters are the antagonist and the rest of the posters treat them this way. Lurking the last couple months, I have seen some really good info, just not much back and forth about the actual topics. Like most websites, it dissolves into a pie throwing contest.

    3. The board seems well moderated. Maybe so much so that it has stifled creativity?? Doesn’t look like humor is tolerated so much. Odd that an online community has no real cohesion. I’m used to joking back and forth with other posters about what they post or even what they had for dinner. You guys are serious!!!!!

    4. I will probably not post much as I prefer to read. See you soon.
    Welcome. The forums marked “liberal“, “conservative” etc are locked unless you declare. I am fairly new here as well.
    Welcome. The forums marked “liberal“, “conservative” etc are locked unless you declare. I am fairly new here as well.
    I wonder why it lets me access the liberal, albeit with no content. The others are locked. I guess that is the default.
    There is lots of content on the liberal board, so if you declare, you will see the content. There’s a lot of humor in the liberal board. The administration of the site has requested we limit memes on the main board (which seems to be most of the internet humor these days). But it’s free reign in the sub-boards!

    I like to kid around with people, so anything in that vein would be welcome, as long as it’s not mean-spirited.

    Oh, and welcome! 😁
    There is lots of content on the liberal board, so if you declare, you will see the content. There’s a lot of humor in the liberal board. The administration of the site has requested we limit memes on the main board (which seems to be most of the internet humor these days). But it’s free reign in the sub-boards!

    I like to kid around with people, so anything in that vein would be welcome, as long as it’s not mean-spirited.

    Oh, and welcome! 😁
    So a poster can only access 1 of the sub boards? That’s weird. Seems like that promotes division. I guess knowing this gives me a clearer picture is the board dynamic.
    The idea was partially, as I understand it, to give people of like mind a place to vent when they get frustrated. Rather than spilling it all over the main board. The main board is supposed to be a place for civil disagreements.

    The sub-boards are like a water cooler where folks can chat or discuss things that they don’t want the whole board to see, I guess.
    The idea was partially, as I understand it, to give people of like mind a place to vent when they get frustrated. Rather than spilling it all over the main board. The main board is supposed to be a place for civil disagreements.

    The sub-boards are like a water cooler where folks can chat or discuss things that they don’t want the whole board to see, I guess.
    Ughhh, that sounds like segregation to me. So the community board is set up for disagreements? That doesn’t sound community friendly. I guess I see why there are only a handful of posters in this forum.

    How do I see what posters are on the other boards?
    why weird? People should be judged on what they say, and how they advance their ideas, not by a label they select, no?
    why weird? People should be judged on what they say, and how they advance their ideas, not by a label they select, no?
    I agree. But why the segregation? Why would one not be able to be part of both groups? I thought the idea was to bring people together, not separate them based on labels.
    I agree. But why the segregation? Why would one not be able to be part of both groups? I thought the idea was to bring people together, not separate them based on labels.

    Ask Andrus, not us. We didn't make the rules and this isn't our site or run by us. These are the rules set by the person who owns the site
    Ask Andrus, not us. We didn't make the rules and this isn't our site or run by us. These are the rules set by the person who owns the site
    A. I get that, but I don’t see andrus posting in these threads.
    B. I was just having casual conversation. You sound upset that I asked a logical question.
    A. I get that, but I don’t see andrus posting in these threads.
    B. I was just having casual conversation. You sound upset that I asked a logical question.
    He does when he does. Like you said. You're new and have only been lurking for a little while. Send him a PM if you have an issue.
    He does when he does. Like you said. You're new and have only been lurking for a little while. Send him a PM if you have an issue.
    I don’t have an issue. I’m just trying to get a feel for what’s up.
    I don’t have an issue. I’m just trying to get a feel for what’s up.
    Did you read the stickies and the "Before Posting, Read This" threads? If so, you should have a pretty good feel for what's up and why things are set up the way they are. And they're set up the way they are because of the reason this site had to be created in the first place, which used to just be the Political Discussion Board on SaintsReport - too many people would get their jimmies all rustled up and it spilled over onto the other (main) boards on the site and there was no way to reign it in.
    I gotcha. I’m just floating the idea that this set up as in us vs them. I thought the idea was as society to bring groups together, not separate us.

    There is little action on the main board. Very little back and forth conversation. (Other than rob and Paul who wrote journals to each other).

    If this is the intent, what do I care. I’m not trying to monetize the site. I just assumed that there was more to this when I signed up. As a lurker, I assumed I would be granted access to the other boards. (I mean really, who reads stickies). Though I just did. Whoa!!! This place must have been like the Wild West. I must have missed al the action.

    Kind of like the saloon in tombstone with Johnny Tyler. Is this the modern day oriental?

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