Miscellaneous Trump (3 Viewers)

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Misty Mountains Envoy
Mar 8, 2023
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Anxiety surges as Donald Trump may be indicted soon: Why 2024 is 'the final battle' and 'the big one'​

WASHINGTON – It looks like American politics is entering a new age of anxiety, triggered by an unprecedented legal development: The potential indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate.

Donald Trump's many legal problems – and calls for protests by his followers – have generated new fears of political violence and anxiety about the unknowable impact all this will have on the already-tense 2024 presidential election

I’ll reframe this is a more accurate way, Are Presidents above the law? This new age was spurred into existence when home grown dummies elected a corrupt, mentally ill, anti-democratic, would be dictator as President and don’t bother to hold him responsible for his crimes, don’t want to because in the ensuing mayhem and destruction, they think they will be better off. The man is actually advocating violence (not the first time). And btw, screw democracy too. If this feeling spreads, we are In deep shirt.

This goes beyond one treasonous Peice of work and out to all his minions. This is on you or should we be sympathetic to the idea of they can’t help being selfish suckers to the Nation’s detriment? Donald Trump is the single largest individual threat to our democracy and it‘s all going to boil down to will the majority of the GOP return to his embrace and start slinging his excrement to support him?
And this is where SFL stopped posting and waited for the next Twitter thread.

You can always tell when the light goes on for him because he just completely disappears.
I don’t really think he has any sort of revelation, because he continues to use the same crap sources for the next time.
A rat is a vermin. Also, Washington Post:


Of course, the White House is infested.

Mice, rats, cockroaches, ants. Raccoons, even. This has been going on for nearly 200 years.

Traps galore, according to the reporters who are there every day and familiar with the yelp of a colleague whose toes were nearly tickled by a scampering rodent.

This is nothing new in an old house.
And it’s a little glass-housey of President Trump — veteran of numerous health code violations in his properties across the country — to talk about vermin in Baltimore.

This is the guy who comes from a city that lionized a rat that scavenged a slice of pizza in a subway station.

And this cheap shot about rodents in Baltimore is how he took a swipe at Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) over the weekend when he called the congressman’s district a “rat and rodent infested mess.”

You wanna talk pestilence? The nation’s capital is in the middle of a huge, public infestation.

And let’s take a look at the history of Trump’s current residence (when he’s not at Mar-a-Lago or his other Florida properties, with their more than 70 health code violations) — the White House.

This place has been rat-infested for much of its history.

“The rats have nearly taken the building so it has become necessary to get a man with ferrets” is how first lady Caroline Harrison reported it on Oct. 9, 1889, according to “America’s First Ladies,” by Nancy Hendricks.

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt’s housekeeper, Henrietta Nesbitt, was horrified by the mice, rats, squirrels, cockroaches and black ant infestations she found when they moved in, according to her 1948 book, “White House Diary.”

“I tried to get one of the entomologists to figure out how many generations of cockroaches had grown up there since President Adams,” Nesbitt wrote.
That administration modernized the kitchen. But that did little for the rest of the White House.

The National Security Council, during the Ford administration, had to evacuate the secure Situation Room in the basement of the White House thanks to a rat. Classified journal notes obtained by The Washington Post in the 1990s logged a rat incident on Nov. 25, 1975:

“Meeting was held in the Roosevelt Room rather than the Situation Room because one of the ladies saw a large rat in the Situation Room immediately before the meeting,” a staffer wrote. “I looked, but couldn’t find anything to club. The rat probably escaped into the wall space where the sliding map boards fit.”

Or that time President Jimmy Carter was the meanest he’s probably ever been, fuming when the Oval Office reeked from dead rodents rotting in the walls.

And maybe Trump forgot about the swimming rat?

“It did not look like a Walt Disney rat, I’ll tell you that,” first lady Barbara Bush told the Houston Post in 1990, after a rat swam with her while she did her daily laps in the White House pool. “I was out of that pool so much faster than I thought I could.”
“I swim with a mask, and it just went right by in front of me,” she told the Post. “Fortunately, George Bush was there and drowned the beast. It was horrible.”

The current administration has placed numerous work orders to capture rats, mice, cockroaches and stink bugs, according to a probe by the NBC4 investigative team. Trump famously called the place “a dump” when he was moving in…….

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And the relevant part

What incorrect about this?

The Baltimore Sun brilliantly punched back at Trump, calling him the biggest rat of all.

And given his impact on the country, that may be true.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica explains why rats get such a bad rap from humans: “Brown and house rats exploit human food resources, eating and contaminating stored grains and killing poultry.

They have been responsible for the depletion or extinction of native species of small mammals, birds, and reptiles, especially on oceanic islands. Both the brown and house rat have been implicated in the spread of 40 diseases among humans, including bubonic plague, food poisoning, schistosomiasis, murine typhus, tularemia, and leptospirosis.”

Trump, the way his family and company enrich themselves with their suspect deals, questionable negotiations and persistent conflicts of interest, is eating into the stored savings of this nation’s working class.

His tax policies that help the rich and his largesse to corporate pals are hastening the depletion of America’s middle class and a livable, sustainable environment.

And his hateful, divisive and racist rhetoric in tweets, speeches and outbursts is spreading a disease of partisanship, division and hatred this nation hasn’t seen since the 1960s.
Yes, the biggest rat is in the White House…….

……The problem is about to get much worse, moreover, because Trump himself is going to get much worse. He has clearly decided that his best response to charges of being a potential dictator is to double down. Instead of trying to calm people’s concerns by disavowing the accusations against him, he has issued more threats of investigations and persecutions should he become president.

And he has taken another page out of the dictator’s playbook: claiming that he is the savior of democracy while the Biden administration is the real dictatorship. Republicans are already girding themselves for what they know is going to be an endless stream of frightening statements for them to comment on in the days and weeks to come.

This, of course, is also Trump’s legal strategy: to argue that the Biden administration is a dictatorial regime using the justice system to persecute its primary political opponent.

In time-honored fashion, Trump is going for the biggest lie. His goal is to delegitimize the trials and convince Republican voters that he is the victim of corruption and abuse of the judicial system. He has just begun making that case, but he is going to bang it like a bass drum for the next year.

Can he succeed in establishing this as the narrative?

You bet he can, and for the reasons outlined in the previous essay: As he becomes the presumptive nominee, the vast Republican campaign apparatus will be at his disposal, putting out his line on an hourly basis.

If he says that the Biden administration is a dictatorship engaged in political persecution, then that is going to be the Republican line. Are leading Republicans going to say they support Trump but not his legal case? That they are for Trump — but not his defense? At best, they will be silent, as they are now; at worst, they will support his legal case.

As Trump remakes himself into a victim of persecution, will Haley and other Republicans still insist that they will support Trump if he is the nominee?

In doing so, they will be tacitly agreeing, and certainly not refuting, the claim that Biden is a dictator and Trump is being persecuted. By the time the trials get underway, that will be the standard Republican talking point.

Today, it is just the most devoted Trumpers, but before long, we will see even respectable Republicans “raising questions” about the prosecutions, to the point where the entire court proceeding will be delegitimized in the eyes of the ordinary Republican voter.

What effect will that have on that small percentage of Trump supporters who now say they would drop their support if he were convicted?

Those who cling to the hope that the trials will bring Trump down need to understand that the number of Republicans willing to abandon Trump because of a conviction, already small today, is going to be much smaller come spring.

As the Trump narrative gains traction and becomes the baseline Republican position, Haley will become a footnote as Republicans of all stripes rally to the martyrdom of Trump…….

Can you imagine if Biden were this cognitively impaired? Yet no major news outlet will run this.

“During his speech at the New York Young Republican Club Annual Gala, Donald Trump seemed to experience another cognitive misfire when he stated that ExxonMobil moved from New York to Dallas, Texas, just moments before declaring, 'businesses are fleeing our country!'

Trump claimed that ExxonMobil's departure from New York to Dallas, Texas (not another country), was an 'end result' of a lawsuit involving New York Attorney General Letitia James in 2019. Exxon moved its headquarters near Dallas in 1989.”

exact quote:
Trump: You know, as everybody knows, she was the one— She sued ExxonMobil in 2019. Letitia James, in a much-watched legal battle. The end result was that Exxon moved out of New York. Do you think that’s a good idea? ExxonMobil, one of the biggest companies in the world, left New York and then went to Dallas. Great job, Letitia. And that’s what’s happening right now. Businesses are fleeing our country. Businesses are leaving our— this— this whole horrible system…
I think most of us suspected this was the case. NBC is reporting on an investigation into Trump purposefully withholding money that Congress appropriated for Puerto Rico.

“Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."

Under Trump, Congress had approved a total of $20 billion in HUD funds for Puerto Rico's post-hurricane reconstruction, a historic amount. But the agency stalled the release of the aid in 2019 and imposed additional restrictions and requirements last year on how Puerto Rico could gain access to the funds, citing corruption and financial mismanagement concerns.

Office of Inspector General audits published last year found that Puerto Rico needs to have a better system for requesting and monitoring federal grants to rebuild after Hurricane Maria — but Texas and Florida had similar issues and their funds were not held up after natural disasters.”
I think most of us suspected this was the case. NBC is reporting on an investigation into Trump purposefully withholding money that Congress appropriated for Puerto Rico.

“Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."

Under Trump, Congress had approved a total of $20 billion in HUD funds for Puerto Rico's post-hurricane reconstruction, a historic amount. But the agency stalled the release of the aid in 2019 and imposed additional restrictions and requirements last year on how Puerto Rico could gain access to the funds, citing corruption and financial mismanagement concerns.

Office of Inspector General audits published last year found that Puerto Rico needs to have a better system for requesting and monitoring federal grants to rebuild after Hurricane Maria — but Texas and Florida had similar issues and their funds were not held up after natural disasters.”


I mean, in this age of Trump fatigue, if he can't go to jail for it, it's not going to move the needle. I can't really despise him any more than I already do, my contempt is already at infinity for the worthless sack of fat.

I guess yeah, if you're a news agency you kind of have to report it, but damn. Every time his name is mentioned, he wins. The only time he doesn't is when the jury foreman reads out "We the jury, find the defendant, Donald J. Trump, guilty on all charges."
A bogus claim every 12 seconds, on average. That’s what a single five-minute clip of former president Donald Trump speaking in Iowa on Dec. 5 yielded.

In the clip, from a Fox News “town hall” hosted by Sean Hannity and brought to our attention by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CFRB), Trump ludicrously asserts that American oil and natural gas resources — “liquid gold” in the ground — could solve Social Security’s looming fiscal imbalance.

That claim comes toward the end of the clip; to get there, a listener must first hear falsehood after falsehood in rapid succession……

Is Trump proposing that the state seize gas and oil resources? Also:

This guy

A few things:

1. That’s a weirdly specific (and high) price

2. If these sell well (and they very well may) I have no doubt that he’d sell more fabric than his suit could have been made of

3. Can you imagine if Obama offered to sell pieces of the infamous tan suit?

4. “the most historically significant artifact in United States history”

More than the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, More than the Gettysburg Address or Emancipation Proclamation.

More significant than all those is the suit Trump was wearing when he was arrested for trying to overturn the election

Despite his claims, Donald Trump’s business career has had many more failures than successes.

His record of catastrophic investments has never held Trump back, however, and now the one-term, twice-impeached, 91-time felony-charged former president has embarked on a new hustle: selling little cut-out pieces of a suit he wore during one of his arrests.

“It was a great suit, believe me, a really good suit. It’s all cut up, and you’re gonna get a piece of it,” Trump said in a video announcing the sale.

Trump wore a blue suit when he was arrested and had his mugshot taken at an Atlanta jail in August. The former Apprentice host has already monetized the mugshot: on his campaign website, people can buy coffee mugs, T-shirts and Christmas stockings bearing the image.

The move into fabric sales is a new one, however.

To buy a piece of the suit, people first have to buy 47 “digital trading cards”, each featuring an illustration of Trump, through the Collect Trump Cards website. Buyers will then receive a bit of the suit, or tie, that Trump wore when he was arrested – on charges related to his attempts to overturn the election – at Fulton county jail in August 2023.

The suit, according to the website description, is “the most historically significant artifact in United States history”.

The suit is described as “priceless”. People can buy a piece of it for $4,699.53.…….

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This guy

A few things:

1. That’s a weirdly specific (and high) price

2. If these sell well (and they very well may) I have no doubt that he’d sell more fabric than his suit could have been made of

3. Can you imagine if Obama offered to sell pieces of the infamous tan suit?

Despite his claims, Donald Trump’s business career has had many more failures than successes.

His record of catastrophic investments has never held Trump back, however, and now the one-term, twice-impeached, 91-time felony-charged former president has embarked on a new hustle: selling little cut-out pieces of a suit he wore during one of his arrests.

“It was a great suit, believe me, a really good suit. It’s all cut up, and you’re gonna get a piece of it,” Trump said in a video announcing the sale.

Trump wore a blue suit when he was arrested and had his mugshot taken at an Atlanta jail in August. The former Apprentice host has already monetized the mugshot: on his campaign website, people can buy coffee mugs, T-shirts and Christmas stockings bearing the image.

The move into fabric sales is a new one, however.

To buy a piece of the suit, people first have to buy 47 “digital trading cards”, each featuring an illustration of Trump, through the Collect Trump Cards website. Buyers will then receive a bit of the suit, or tie, that Trump wore when he was arrested – on charges related to his attempts to overturn the election – at Fulton county jail in August 2023.

The suit, according to the website description, is “the most historically significant artifact in United States history”.

The suit is described as “priceless”. People can buy a piece of it for $4,699.53.…….

Has there ever been a political movement with a higher percentage of rubes than MAGA? This is hilarious.
I have only a passing knowledge of Christianity. One of the things I was taught was that “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord”. That Christians shouldn’t try to avenge wrongs or get even with other people. To my memory this is a pretty important part of Christianity.

And yet….

Here is another clip. He repeatedly refers to felony federal indictments as “lawsuits”. Can he even comprehend what is happening to him? He also claims that the DOJ didn’t do anything until he declared he was running for President, which is just a lie.


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