Is Secession a Realistic Option? (1 Viewer)

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    Mr. Blue Sky

    Still P***** at Yoko
    Feb 4, 2020
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    Between the Moon and New York City
    I’m looking for serious responses, hopefully.. I think there is a good chance that Trump loses the election- but, as posters have pointed out in other threads- as i type this , we have an American president who is actively trying to suppress voters and rig the election, AND has stated on multiple occasions that if he loses, then by definition that means that the election was fixed... SO, with all that in mind- in the event of a Trump ‘victory’- what is to stop , say, California , Oregon and Washington pulling away from the US (CA has the world’s sixth-largest economy, As we all know).. Same with the New England states .. One initial problem i see is that, all 50 states have both Trump voters, as well as Non-Trump voters within their borders.. So unfortunately, anyone who ISNT willing to live under a strong armed dictator will have to move to the East or West Coast (if they want to, of course).. I have talked to conservatives in the past who have told me that they ‘wish California would just fall into the ocean’ (not even paraphrasing)- so presumably the New Trump America wouldnt mind seeing us all go.. Why would they even bother to start a Civil War, since they have such animosity towards the coasts (and non-Trump voters) anyway... It sucks, but it’s where we are.. Is this realistic, why or why not?
    I don't know about the probability of it actually happening, but it would be disadvantageous for everyone.

    The Soviet Union gamed out a plan to cause the US to splinter into four separate countries which would each uttilmately fall under the influence of different foreign, geopolitical regions. The succession conversations currently going on eerily fit into the Soviet's plan.
    There's a simpler and far less traumatic than secession. Maybe allow for more federalism. I think that's probably where we're heading - let the states keep more of their money - less federal taxation and redistribution to other states, and let states form interstate partnerships and policies.

    If the west coast states want to form some sort of affordable care act type insurance, they can do so.

    Obviously the big hurdle will be the taxation/redistribution angle. The military would still be a federal government responsibility, and with its size, the money from rich states will still get pulled to poorer states via military bases and such, and I don't see any way that a vote to do away with that will ever pass.

    But I think the general idea of redistributing power away from the government back to the states might solve a lot of these tensions. It's not nearly as efficient, and a lot of people will be stuck in states they can't leave due to economic reasons, but a good part of me would like to see it from a social experiment perspective.
    So he was off by about 10 years?

    I thought you were the one who quoted the article that spells it out in detail. Thanks for reposting.

    I have to admit, all the sucession talk of late coupled with Putin's extension of KGB plans and tactics, makes me a bit anxious about our future as a nation.
    I cannot continue to live amongst MAGA morons... I want to be clear, that i have exactly ZERO answers as to how to best accomplish this... But listening to this guy ‘Congressman Clyde’ trying to deny reality and rewrite history by claiming that the insurrection was a ‘tourist visit’ (not a joke, look it up if you’re unaware).. and absolute lunatics like Marjorie Trumplor Greene or whatever her name is, accosting AOC in the halls of congress.. and now Republicans virtue signaling by not wearing masks whether they are vaccinated or not, next they’ll probably want to start shaking hands again... I want America to be a place of sanity again, and that just cannot be whilst these jerkwads walk amongst us... All i know is that i‘m not planning to leave America anytime soon, so I’m open to any ideas that would exterminate these MAGA cockroaches.
    To be crystal clear, i have no issue whatsoever with conservatives, or republicans... only with the MAGA crowd.. if there is anyone reading this who isnt sure where they fit into that equation- only YOU can decide .. if you tell us you are “MAGA”, then you are admitting to being a mentally- ill reality-denier... But ONLY YOU can decide that, and no amount of religion, or moral superiority can change that .
    I cannot continue to live amongst MAGA morons... I want to be clear, that i have exactly ZERO answers as to how to best accomplish this... But listening to this guy ‘Congressman Clyde’ trying to deny reality and rewrite history by claiming that the insurrection was a ‘tourist visit’ (not a joke, look it up if you’re unaware).. and absolute lunatics like Marjorie Trumplor Greene or whatever her name is, accosting AOC in the halls of congress.. and now Republicans virtue signaling by not wearing masks whether they are vaccinated or not, next they’ll probably want to start shaking hands again... I want America to be a place of sanity again, and that just cannot be whilst these jerkwads walk amongst us... All i know is that i‘m not planning to leave America anytime soon, so I’m open to any ideas that would exterminate these MAGA cockroaches.

    While I sympathize, I think it's more likely that it will be the maga group who will want to secede from the Union. I've actually met a couple who are openly hoping for it. I told them, "go for it. Everybody will be happier for it."
    While I sympathize, I think it's more likely that it will be the maga group who will want to secede from the Union. I've actually met a couple who are openly hoping for it. I told them, "go for it. Everybody will be happier for it."

    Awesome, how can we expedite this?? I will help them pack.
    May I suggest “Break It Up: Secession, Division and the Secret History of America’s Imperfect Union” by Richard Kreitner? He chronicles secession fever that has broken out in mutiple places and different times.

    Personally, I think that the era of the large geography nation-state is coming to an end.
    Just give them Montana and the Dakotas and let them inbreed themselves to death.
    I would be down with that but I loved Montana when I visited it is unbelievably beautiful place.

    And that would blow the hole life goal of being a dental floss tycoon.
    Make an exchange program.

    MS, AL, SC, and GA (since they want it so bad) are the new MAGASA. MAGA stuck in a blue state? Swap housing with someone in the new MSA!
    Conservative but not quite MAGA? No problem! Come see our border territories in LA, FL, TN, NC and AR!
    Act now, spots are filing fast!

    I would be down with that but I loved Montana when I visited it is unbelievably beautiful place.

    And that would blow the hole life goal of being a dental floss tycoon.

    I personally know a few people, friends who unfortunately have adopted the MAGA worldview, who have relocated to places like Montana and Idaho .. I haven’t been to either, i have heard theyre beautiful and they are on my List.. but they do seem to appeal to those who i guess want to have their own sort of society, where they can presumably say whatever they want- you know, “Tell it like it is“ (with apologies to A Neville) without having to live amongst people who’s backgrounds and ethnicities differ from their own... Another place that i know of like this is TX- i personally know one hard core MAGA person who moved from CA to Lubbock (talk about a culture shock) and another good friend (political views notwithstanding) who is planning a move to Dallas, almost exclusively for political reasons.
    I personally know one hard core MAGA person who moved from CA to Lubbock (talk about a culture shock) and another good friend (political views notwithstanding) who is planning a move to Dallas, almost exclusively for political reasons.
    Possibly the dumb-shirtiest reason to move your family.
    I personally know a few people, friends who unfortunately have adopted the MAGA worldview, who have relocated to places like Montana and Idaho .. I haven’t been to either, i have heard theyre beautiful and they are on my List.. but they do seem to appeal to those who i guess want to have their own sort of society, where they can presumably say whatever they want- you know, “Tell it like it is“ (with apologies to A Neville) without having to live amongst people who’s backgrounds and ethnicities differ from their own... Another place that i know of like this is TX- i personally know one hard core MAGA person who moved from CA to Lubbock (talk about a culture shock) and another good friend (political views notwithstanding) who is planning a move to Dallas, almost exclusively for political reasons.
    Yep I do get the move to the middle of nowhere people. It is not just the maga type. Plenty of people are selling and getting out of the big cities because jobs are remote now.

    Your hardcore maga areas are dirt cheap. I personally know more than a few gay couples that sold in the marigny and moved to the maga hardcore maga areas like north Georgia. They are in some tiny town in a 1800s built farm house with 12 acres for a quarter of what the 1200 sq feet in the marigny sold for. The other couple is right across the border in north east Alabama with a similar spread.

    The maga world is about the be over run because liberals can now live anywhere with work. The cost of living is so cheap and work changes are gonna have people moving in droves to maga land.

    I asked them about it before they moved and the basically said we bought in the marigny when the crack problems were real the rednecks are gonna be a walk in the park.

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