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Immigration is completely out of control (2 Viewers)

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    Uh yu ka t'ann
    May 17, 2019
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    A couple of days ago, one of the main US-MX border points of entry was blocked by 1000's of migrants demanding entry into the country, which caused chaos for those who lawfully cross the border on business, for work, or for delivery of goods, both ways.

    Lawful border crossings are getting progressively worse across the border, and drug cartels are finding it easier to move product, as the CBP has to transfer personnel and efforts to the processing of migrants.

    It's not different on MX's South border. Yesterday, ~5000 migrants stormed into Chiapas all the way to the INM building (INM is immigration) running over fences, barricades, and elements of the National Guard. They are now taking over an ecological park in Tapachula, Chiapas, which it's going to be severely affected, as it's been the case with just about everywhere migrants squat.

    Unfortunately, Juan Trump (that's Donald Trump's pet name for the President of México) was bamboozled by his "friend" Donald into making MX a "lobby" for migrants trying to reach the U.S.

    Many people would argue that migrants are "good for the economy", but that is not always the case. Billions of dollars leave the U.S. economy every year, because migrants send money from the U.S. to other countries to support families there. The biggest destinations are India and MX, to the tune of 100 billion dollars in 2023 alone, according to the Bank of México (kind of like the MX version of the Fed). These billions of dollars do not circulate in the U.S. economy.

    Speaking of inflation, the past year, the U.S. dollar has lost ~20% of its value against the MX peso. One of the main reasons for it, is the amount of money being sent to MX from the U.S. And MX is the U.S. 2nd largest trading partner.

    Gregg Abbott is a lot of things, but I don't blame him for his attempts at curbing the hordes of people demanding entry into the U.S., even the busing of migrants to other States, making some put their money where their mouth is, like the Mayor of NYC, who was so welcoming of migrants, until he he got a taste, then went crying to the federal government for more money, while the shelters were at full capacity; shelters which BTW serve the NYC poor as well.

    And please, no one mention a wall. There is a wall. A wall can be climbed; a wall can be dug under.; holes can be punched through walls.
    Do you want to depopulate the human population, do you want to phase out the burning fossil fuels, or do you want to keep burning fossil fuels which will lead to depopulation of the human population?

    Personally? I'd prefer to phase out the burning of fossil fuels and find a substitute for plastics.
    You and Krod's argument is a lame "guns don't kill people, people kill people" fallacy that avoids and distracts from the actual inherent cause of climate change.

    Whether you like it or not, if no one pulls the trigger (or even drops the gun), no one dies. And really, a gun has to be made, the bullets have to be made, the pistol has to be loaded... but that's besides the point.

    The argument is VERY simple.

    The actual inherent cause of climate change is burning fossil fuels. The human population, and only the human population burn fossil fuels. The more humans burning fossil fuels, the more the climate changes. So, yes, the more the Earth's human population grows, and the more humans burn fossil fuels, the more the Earth's climate is going to change.

    Is that simple. No one is avoiding anything. Fossil fuel burning doesn't happen by itself.

    Humans can populate the planet without burning fossil fuels.
    Fossil fuels cannot be burned without causing climate change that threatens the survival of humans and other living things.
    It sounds like you and Krod think we should start killing 100's of millions of people or letting 100's of millions of people die, because that's the only logical solution to what the two of you claim is the real problem.

    For crying out loud...
    It's like pulling teeth. And again, who burns fossil fuels? Let me give you a hint: starts with H and ends with uman population. That's what in computing engineering root call root cause.

    Can you even say that humans burn fossil fuels?
    Can you even say that humans burn fossil fuels?

    I already have several times. The Earth being populated with humans is not the actual inherent cause of climate change. As you yourself said:

    The actual inherent cause of climate change is burning fossil fuels.​

    The solution to climate change is to stop burning fossil fuels. Depopulating the planet of humans is not the solution to climate change.
    For Hispanic voters, endorsing Donald Trump’s extraordinary plans for deporting millions of undocumented immigrants should present a moral dilemma. But for many, it doesn’t seem to. Although recent polls have showed Vice President Kamala Harris faring somewhat better among Latinos than President Joe Biden had been a few weeks ago, Trump’s support still hovers around 40 percent.

    I have covered the country’s Latino community for nearly two decades and have seen significant shifts in Hispanic voter priorities and allegiances. There are many theories for why these swings are happening. Journalist Paola Ramos argued that some Latinos vote out of “political trauma,” weary of the left’s association with socialism. David French suggested that Democrats’ progressive agenda could be alienating Hispanic voters who hold traditional values.

    Many activists have pointed their finger at lackluster community outreach by the Democratic Party. All these accounts have some truth to them. There are plausible reasons for Republican strategists to be optimistic about bringing more Latinos into the party in the future.

    Nevertheless, I struggle to fully understand some Hispanic voters’ enduring support for Trump today, given his racist rhetoric and terrifying policy proposals. While Latinos are generally more moderate on immigration policy than the average American, a considerable number appear to favor punitive measures.

    In a recent poll, 53 percent of Hispanic voters said they would support the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, with 50 percent supporting “large detention centers” for those awaiting possible deportation.

    One possibility is that the sheer scale of Trump’s proposed immigration policies is making it hard for people to comprehend the human toll.

    Trump’s plans to carry out the largest mass deportation campaign in history are no secret — he refers to them frequently in stump speeches. And the outlines of the plans have been amply documented. Trump is aiming to expel at least 15 million undocumented people from the country. (For a sense of scale, compare this figure to the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which currently protects more than 500,000 “dreamers.”)

    These vulnerable millions know no other country but this one. If they are forced to leave everything they have behind overnight, their anguish will make the hideous stories of family separations we heard during the first Trump term pale in comparison.

    If carried out, Trump’s planned mass deportation would leave nearly 4½ million children in the United States partially or wholly orphaned. The impact of mass deportation on families would be profound. In Florida, nearly 2 million U.S. citizens or non-undocumented residents live in households with at least one undocumented person; in California, it’s more than 4 million.

    The sudden disappearance of a parent or a main provider will be devastating: It is estimated that more than 900,000 households with at least one child who is a U.S. citizen will fall below the poverty line if the undocumented breadwinners in these families are deported.

    Some Latino voters who are considering Trump seem skeptical of the plan’s actual implementation. “I don’t think he is going to start rounding up Mexicans or Venezuelans,” said Anthony Gavic, a potential Trump voter of Mexican descent, in a recent interview with the New York Times.

    Other Trump voters appear willing to disregard the human costs of an unforgiving immigration policy. “Terrible for those who came after. Congratulations to me,” Santiago Ferran Barnet, a Cuban immigrant, told the Miami Herald during a Trump rally.

    Other Trump supporters share this moral meanness and lack of empathy. “Putting them in a camp and deporting them? It sounds great to me,” said Anais Refujol, a Trump voter from California, when asked about detention centers for recent Venezuelan immigrants. Ironically, Refujol herself earned citizenship after arriving as a refugee in 2004 — from Venezuela.

    Can voters like these be reached? Perhaps not, but Democrats must try................

    Guess this can go here
    Opponents are suing to end a federal program that could potentially give nearly half a million immigrants without legal status who are married to U.S. citizens a path to citizenship.

    Sixteen Republican-led states filed suit Friday to halt the program launched by President Joe Biden in June, saying in court filings that the Biden administration bypassed Congress to create a pathway to citizenship for “blatant political purposes.”

    Under the policy, which started taking applications Monday, many spouses without legal status can apply for something called “parole in place,” offering permission to stay in the U.S., apply for a green card and eventually get on a path to citizenship.

    But the program has been particularly contentious in an election year where immigration is one of the biggest issues, with many Republicans attacking the policy and contending it is essentially a form of amnesty for people who broke the law.

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement Friday that the plan “violates the Constitution and actively worsens the illegal immigration disaster that is hurting Texas and our country.”

    To be eligible, immigrants must have lived continuously in the U.S. for at least 10 years, not pose a security threat or have a disqualifying criminal history, and have been married to a citizen by June 17 — the day before the program was announced.

    They must pay a $580 fee to apply and fill out a lengthy application, including an explanation of why they deserve humanitarian parole and a long list of supporting documents proving how long they have been in the country.……

    Guess this can go here
    Opponents are suing to end a federal program that could potentially give nearly half a million immigrants without legal status who are married to U.S. citizens a path to citizenship.

    Sixteen Republican-led states filed suit Friday to halt the program launched by President Joe Biden in June, saying in court filings that the Biden administration bypassed Congress to create a pathway to citizenship for “blatant political purposes.”

    Under the policy, which started taking applications Monday, many spouses without legal status can apply for something called “parole in place,” offering permission to stay in the U.S., apply for a green card and eventually get on a path to citizenship.

    But the program has been particularly contentious in an election year where immigration is one of the biggest issues, with many Republicans attacking the policy and contending it is essentially a form of amnesty for people who broke the law.

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement Friday that the plan “violates the Constitution and actively worsens the illegal immigration disaster that is hurting Texas and our country.”

    To be eligible, immigrants must have lived continuously in the U.S. for at least 10 years, not pose a security threat or have a disqualifying criminal history, and have been married to a citizen by June 17 — the day before the program was announced.

    They must pay a $580 fee to apply and fill out a lengthy application, including an explanation of why they deserve humanitarian parole and a long list of supporting documents proving how long they have been in the country.……

    Paxton saying anything breaks the law is a joke. That man deserves to be in jail.
    I will say I am tired of these less than useless corporate statements

    “We at ABC company are fully committed to (the opposite of what we are accused of and/or charged with doing)”

    Abuse of thousands of migrants at federal immigration detention centers in Louisiana is rampant, inhumane and meets the legal definition of torture, according to a report published on Monday by a coalition of human rights groups.

    Accusations include the shackling of detainees for lengthy periods in painful positions, filthy drinking water, food contaminated by rat feces and served in meager portions, and a denial of or restricted access to medical and mental health treatment.

    Additionally, the report alleges, women are routinely refused essential menstrual products, some restrained detainees were denied food, water, exercise or restroom facilities for more than 24 hours at a time and others were taunted, beaten or sexually assaulted by guards.

    The allegations draw on interviews over a two-year period with more than 6,200 people held in nine Louisiana detention centers under the purview of the New Orleans immigration and customs enforcement field office (Nola Ice).

    The report paints a damning picture of a miserable life in the facilities, eight of which are run by private contractors that have made substantial financial contributions for lobbying and to various politicians’ campaigns.

    “These individuals have fled persecution and violence only to be thrown in ‘civil’ detention and left to fend for themselves in an abusive, profit-driven and manipulative system,” said Sarah Decker, staff attorney at Robert F Kennedy Human Rights and one of the report’s lead authors.

    “We’ve heard horrific stories that have been corroborated by extensive documentation. Our findings further support what detained people and their advocates have long demanded. The Nola Ice jails must be shut down.”

    In a statement to the Guardian on Monday, Ice ERO (enforcement and removal operations) said it was “firmly committed to the health and welfare of all those in its custody” and that a continual review of immigration centers nationally monitored “the quality of life and treatment of individuals among other factors relevant to the continued operation of each facility”.……

    Last edited:
    California too

    More than 60 detainees at immigration processing centers in California launched a hunger strike during the last month in protest of conditions they say are in violation of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) policies.

    The hunger strike at Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex facilities is an escalation of a 1 July labor strike, in which 59 people stopped working in protest of the dangerous and neglectful conditions. The hunger strike started on 11 July, but was paused when guards threatened to transfer the detainees to Texas. It was resumed in early August.

    “This hunger strike is our way of peacefully protesting the lack of accountability from Ice officials,” said Juan Carlos Corona, a US veteran who has been detained at Mesa Verde for six months. He said the detainees are protesting “the injustice, discrimination and inhumane treatment and living conditions” within the facility.

    Both processing centers, Mesa Verde Facility in Bakersfield and Golden State Annex in McFarland, are run by the Geo Corporation and contracted with Ice for up to $1.5bn.

    The detainees in the two facilities have reported medical neglect, poor food quality that they say has resulted in food poisoning, unavailability of water for up to 12 hours, unpalatable tap water, a working wage of $1 a day and unsanitary conditions that have led to people contracting ringworm from the showers.

    “There’s just been violations after violations of Ice’s standards that have put people in their custody at risk,” said Eunice Hernández Chenier, co-director of Pangea Legal Services.

    The strike comes after Ice revoked their free phone call program which allowed people to call their loved ones and legal counsel without charge. Now, detainees at the two facilities are demanding six-month case reviews for release, an end to solitary confinement, a raise to minimum wage and restoration of free phone calls.

    They are also calling on the Geo Group and Ice not to renew their contract this December, when it is up. They say the conditions are worsening since the facilities opened – Mesa Verde in 2015 and Golden State Annex in 2020…….


    It has gotten much better at the border.

    The last months of the Biden term will be about the same or better than the last few months of Trump’s term, which was still artificially depressed by Covid.

    The rights complaints will shift to be primarily about their problems with the ones already here.

    We still need to improve border security, but by the end of the year we really won’t be too far away from a sustainable amount of illegal immigration.

    We need to create systems to integrate and support these people. The extra population is good for us in the long run.
    Who will be getting bloody?

    Donald Trump has issued yet another ominous warning about his potential second term in the Oval Office, this time promising a "bloody story" for the millions of immigrants he intends to deport.

    He made the comments at a campaign rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin on Saturday, echoing the broader Republican National Committee’s 2024 platform. The GOP's plans for America after a Trump victory include aggressive immigration enforcement and mass deportations.

    That's when Trump alluded to the blood.

    "And ya know getting them out will be a bloody story," Trump said. "[Undocumented immigrants] should have never been allowed to come into our country. Nobody checked them."

    Though Trump did not explain what he meant by "bloody story," he has frequently — and falsely — insisted that many undocumented workers crossing into the US illegally are criminals released from Venezuelan prisons or other violent lawbreakers.……

    He may have been talking about the lie that immigrant gangs have taken over parts of Colorado. I heard him saying that, there are all sorts of rumors in MAGA world about tens of thousands of Haitian immigrants being sent to Ohio, for example. And Trump is saying that whole sections of CO are now in the control of gangs from Venezuela.

    I think he’s trying to say it will be bloody to get the gangs out of CO. But it’s really hard to say what he means, since he is functionally mentally ill and cannot communicate clearly.

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