Harris for President Thread (1 Viewer)

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    Mar 13, 2019
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    We can use this for just general Harris talk - related to schedule, crowd sizes, interviews and such. Things that don’t fit in the economic thread or in the general election thread.

    I just saw this: a packed house in Savannah, GA. Around 7-9k people came out in the rain and waited in line. Another 80k were watching it live online at one point - just on the campaign YouTube account. That’s a lot of enthusiasm, in a red part of GA.

    Look at this IA result - what was a double digit lead for Trump is down to 4%! IA is in play, lol!

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Two decades ago, when a Democratic presidential nominee wouldn’t dream of endorsing gay marriage, a newly elected district attorney named Kamala Harris was performing one of the first same-sex unions in the United States.

    It was the so-called Winter of Love in San Francisco. The mayor at the time, Gavin Newsom, had directed the county clerk to approve gay marriages even though there was no law on the books recognizing them. His act of rebellion prompted a bipartisan political backlash, but Harris had no hesitation.

    “You could tell she was so overwhelmed and had so much joy about performing this ceremony,” said Brad Witherspoon, whose marriage to Raymond Cobane was officiated by Harris on Valentine’s Day 2004.

    The moment represents a stark difference between Harris and all previous Democratic presidential nominees, who didn’t begin their political careers as gay marriage supporters.

    Four years after the Winter of Love, the issue was still off the table during the party’s primary. And it took another four years for Democratic President Barack Obama, running for reelection against Republican Mitt Romney, to back gay marriage.……

    We might scream “5 POINT DIFFERENCE!!??” and then wonder what the hell is wrong with us as a society. 🤔 Of course, in no healthy sane group would a person such as DJT ever be considered for leadership, much less be competitive. And if all our voting age citizens activate, he should not stand a chance.
    This is the 2020 Election results. In 2020, 74m were vested in a wanna be mob boss. So many who seem ready to flush the foundation upon which the country was founded and replace it with what’s accurately described as fascism. 😳

    Reasons? What pops into my head is racism, tribal, white supremacy, xenophobia, SELFISHNESS and stupidity.


    Tiballism and Dualism

    With only 2 real choice it easily descent into us vs. them - an either or choice

    We have 13 different parties and I have voted for 5 different ones over the years depending on the situation current at the time of election. It prevents major shifts (or delay) them because no party ever hold a complete majority and will always have to make compromises to achive a majority. While we do have a 4 year election interval the primeminister can and have simply ask the people by calling for a new election prior to that, in case the parliment gets deadlocked or ineffective. That way it is up the the voters to decide which way the country should move. You need more real parties - as in serious with a bigger chunk of the seats to force a real cooperation and break the duality you have right now.
    After Tuesday night’s debate, as former president Donald Trump worked the reporters in the spin room in Philadelphia, Vice President Kamala Harris’s TikTok team was busy appealing to a different crowd.

    In the digital “war room” at campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Del., they hit the button on their pièce de résistance shortly after midnight: A six-second video that mocked Trump’s performance by showing his lectern inhabited by a laughably dramatic “Dance Moms” star. “I thought I was ready to be back. I thought I was stronger than this but obviously I’m not,” she lamented. “I wanna go home.”

    Viewed more than 7 million times, the video was produced by a small TikTok team — all 25 and under, some working their first jobs — given unfettered freedom to chase whatever they think will go viral. Over the past eight weeks, Harris’s social media team has helped supercharge her campaign, harnessing the rhythms and absurdities of internet culture to create one of the most inventive and irreverent get-out-the-vote strategies in modern politics.

    They have trolled Trump inside his own social network, Truth Social. They have made viral memes out of bags of Doritos and camouflage hats. In 2016, a single Hillary Clinton tweet might have required 12 staffers and 10 drafts; today, many of Harris’s TikTok videos are conceived, created and posted in about half an hour.

    “This campaign empowers young people to speak to young people,” said Parker Butler, the 24-year-old director of Harris’s digital rapid response content, a team that watches all of Trump’s speeches and can blast a clip onto social media at a moment’s notice. “And we’re here to put in the work.”

    Trump also has leaped forcefully into social media, seeing it as critical to grabbing voters’ attention in an age of mass distraction. But while Trump has posted attacks on Harris’ intelligence, warnings of economic “disaster” and grim polemics about how America’s “FUTURE IS AT STAKE” — “We’re a nation in decline,” he says in one video, holding handcuffs aloft. “Nobody is safe. Absolutely nobody” — the Harris team has adopted a more playful approach, chasing virality with snarky, upbeat and oddball content delivered at internet speed.

    Trump’s team has occasionally worked to mimic Harris’s online energy, but with darker memes. This week, Trump’s Truth Social account posted AI-generated images showing him saving cats from a crowd of dark-skinned men — a reference to the false claims that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating pets, which Trump repeated on the debate stage. In other images, cats hold up signs reading “Don’t Let Them Eat Us. Vote for Trump!” and “Kamala Hates Me.”.............

    Tiballism and Dualism

    With only 2 real choice it easily descent into us vs. them - an either or choice

    We have 13 different parties and I have voted for 5 different ones over the years depending on the situation current at the time of election. It prevents major shifts (or delay) them because no party ever hold a complete majority and will always have to make compromises to achive a majority. While we do have a 4 year election interval the primeminister can and have simply ask the people by calling for a new election prior to that, in case the parliment gets deadlocked or ineffective. That way it is up the the voters to decide which way the country should move. You need more real parties - as in serious with a bigger chunk of the seats to force a real cooperation and break the duality you have right now.

    There's a lot to say about culture and societal norms... contrast your situation in Denmark with the situation in MX... there are god knows how many parties (down to 6 national parties from 15, but many State parties, many unique to a State) which end up forming coalitions led by the 2 strongest parties (MORENA, PAN), and you practically get to choose between 2 presidential candidates, , as it happened this year (a choice that may soon turn to 1 if the judicial reform is approved, but that's another discussion)
    Tiballism and Dualism

    With only 2 real choice it easily descent into us vs. them - an either or choice

    We have 13 different parties and I have voted for 5 different ones over the years depending on the situation current at the time of election. It prevents major shifts (or delay) them because no party ever hold a complete majority and will always have to make compromises to achive a majority. While we do have a 4 year election interval the primeminister can and have simply ask the people by calling for a new election prior to that, in case the parliment gets deadlocked or ineffective. That way it is up the the voters to decide which way the country should move. You need more real parties - as in serious with a bigger chunk of the seats to force a real cooperation and break the duality you have right now.
    I am thinking that proportional representation could work better overall than a winner take all situation. Why? Because if an election, results in close to 50% being denfranchised especially by an asshat, the lessers still need representation. This also really hurts at the State level when 45% lose out and you’re part of the 45. . 🤔
    OTOH multi parties lead to the situation you have in Israel where a bad leader holds on to power against the will of the majority of the people because of alliances with other minority parties. 🤷🏼‍♀️
    There's a lot to say about culture and societal norms... contrast your situation in Denmark with the situation in MX... there are god knows how many parties (down to 6 national parties from 15, but many State parties, many unique to a State) which end up forming coalitions led by the 2 strongest parties (MORENA, PAN), and you practically get to choose between 2 presidential candidates, , as it happened this year (a choice that may soon turn to 1 if the judicial reform is approved, but that's another discussion)
    The US has a serious issue with media, false media, self serving media. There has to be an insisted upon on level of factual accuracy and qualifiers that separate fact from opinion. When faced with a habitual liar, the lies must be fact checked immediately and labeled as such. We don’t need the home audience thinking the avalanche of lies in any way resembles reality or you get things like multiple bomb threats because extremists, whether their actions are legitimate or not, think they are acting on something that’s real. 🤔
    Tiballism and Dualism

    With only 2 real choice it easily descent into us vs. them - an either or choice

    We have 13 different parties and I have voted for 5 different ones over the years depending on the situation current at the time of election. It prevents major shifts (or delay) them because no party ever hold a complete majority and will always have to make compromises to achive a majority. While we do have a 4 year election interval the primeminister can and have simply ask the people by calling for a new election prior to that, in case the parliment gets deadlocked or ineffective. That way it is up the the voters to decide which way the country should move. You need more real parties - as in serious with a bigger chunk of the seats to force a real cooperation and break the duality you have right now.
    I don't believe the two part system necessarily results in tribalism. We can point to the 80s when both parties compromised regardless of which party held the white house. What's happened since was one party felt that to win in future elections, they cannot ever compromise with the other party. They view them as the enemy. Anyone in their party who does will be branded traitors and primaried. Naturally to hold on to power, these new Republicans furthered gerrymandering. This created safe haven where zero compromises will not have any repercussions, thus snowballing the tribalism. Appropriations, once was a cudgel to keep party members in line no longer was effective. We can pinpoint this to one person.

    I am thinking that proportional representation could work better overall than a winner take all situation. Why? Because if an election, results in close to 50% being denfranchised especially by an asshat, the lessers still need representation. This also really hurts at the State level when 45% lose out and you’re part of the 45. . 🤔

    We have a system that combines two methods of election. You can either win by being directly elected in your district or by receiving a 'supplemental seat.' Here's how it works:

    If 10 candidates are elected across 6 districts, and 6 are directly elected (for example, 5 from one party and 1 from another), but the party that won only 1 seat actually received 40% of the overall vote, they would be awarded 3 additional seats from the supplemental pool. Meanwhile, the majority party would receive 1 more seat. This results in a final distribution of 6 seats for the majority party and 4 for the other, reflecting the actual vote share more accurately.

    Yeah, that's I'm on the payroll, and can't say yes kind of an answer. Russia is a much clearer example. There was no Oct 7th from Ukraine on Russia that instigated the war.

    SFL could never give us a logically consistency answer as to the why he was Pro Putin but against Netanyahu. Well, other then the obvious answer. He was the biggest partisan hack on the board.
    Yeah, that's I'm on the payroll, and can't say yes kind of an answer. Russia is a much clearer example. There was no Oct 7th from Ukraine on Russia that instigated the war.

    SFL could never give us a logically consistency answer as to the why he was Pro Putin but against Netanyahu. Well, other then the obvious answer. He was the biggest partisan hack on the board.

    with the amount of money Russia was throwing at US Social media, i still hold firm to my belief that he was paid....albeit on the much LOWER end of the spectrum, but was aligned with some who were offering payment ( either direct payment or "gifts" of some sort)

    I said it on the Ukraine/Russia thread many many months ago - there is no WAY a US citizen spouts off that kind of defensive posture when it came to Russia and its involvement in Ukraine OR the US.

    He spent HOURS on here at a time, bombarding this site and threads with dozens of links to tweets that you simply dont compile ( even with his X algo being skewed ) - he would post links that had video/article/threads that were 2-3 days old.

    Then disappear for several days and pop back up, repeat cycle. For MONTHS.
    with the amount of money Russia was throwing at US Social media, i still hold firm to my belief that he was paid....albeit on the much LOWER end of the spectrum, but was aligned with some who were offering payment ( either direct payment or "gifts" of some sort)

    I said it on the Ukraine/Russia thread many many months ago - there is no WAY a US citizen spouts off that kind of defensive posture when it came to Russia and its involvement in Ukraine OR the US.

    He spent HOURS on here at a time, bombarding this site and threads with dozens of links to tweets that you simply dont compile ( even with his X algo being skewed ) - he would post links that had video/article/threads that were 2-3 days old.

    Then disappear for several days and pop back up, repeat cycle. For MONTHS.
    And he accused me of being paid by Dems - every accusation is a confession, lol.
    with the amount of money Russia was throwing at US Social media, i still hold firm to my belief that he was paid....albeit on the much LOWER end of the spectrum, but was aligned with some who were offering payment ( either direct payment or "gifts" of some sort)

    I said it on the Ukraine/Russia thread many many months ago - there is no WAY a US citizen spouts off that kind of defensive posture when it came to Russia and its involvement in Ukraine OR the US.

    He spent HOURS on here at a time, bombarding this site and threads with dozens of links to tweets that you simply dont compile ( even with his X algo being skewed ) - he would post links that had video/article/threads that were 2-3 days old.

    Then disappear for several days and pop back up, repeat cycle. For MONTHS.

    He for sure used some kind of aggregate tool for all those twitter post bombs. He woud post RWNJs in one thread, and then Ezra Klein/Tim Miller during the Biden chaos. No one follows that wide of a political spectrum organically.
    He for sure used some kind of aggregate tool for all those twitter post bombs. He woud post RWNJs in one thread, and then Ezra Klein/Tim Miller during the Biden chaos. No one follows that wide of a political spectrum organically.
    Yeah he pulled some really obscure shirt from Twitter didn’t he?

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