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General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump (7 Viewers)

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It's Not my Fault
Dec 2, 2021
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Today it begins, Kamala has reached the point that she's the Democratic Party nominee:

There's video from today. this link has video from her first public appearance since Biden endorsed her:

She spent yesterday on the telephone for most of the day. I read that yesterday that she called the party leaders in all 50 states. That would take me three days.

She's renamed her YouTube channel, that's the where to go for video: https://www.youtube.com/@kamalaharris

This is her video on her channel from two hours ago:

To play it, start it, and then move it up to 5:47. This was one of those live videos which don't start at zero.

I've named this thread General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump

Trump needs an introduction post as well, a MAGA suporter ought to write it: @Farb, @SaintForLife , @Others, calling for someone to please introduce your GOP candidate for this 2024 general election thread.
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Minivan Taliban
Klanned Karenhood
Mary Kay Kay Kay
Betty Crackers
Azzholes with Cassaroles
Whine Kampf

Actually, I wonder if this group is being given too much oxygen and media play.
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A siren blares. Feet crunch on gravel. A county sheriff looks into a car and tells a teenage girl he knows she is pregnant. He arrests her father for driving her to a state where she can get an abortion. “And you, young lady,” the sheriff says, “well, you’re under arrest for evading motherhood.”

This is an advert from the Lincoln Project, a pro-democracy group, presenting a dark vision of the future for millions of American women if Donald Trump defeats Kamala Harris in the presidential election and criminalises abortion nationwide.

But its target audience includes another crucial group of voters: conservative men.

“Dobbs Dads” – named after the supreme court’s Dobbs decision, which in 2022 ended the constitutional right to abortion – are suburban gen X and millennial fathers angered by the prospect of “big government” making choices for their wives’ and daughters’ reproductive healthcare needs.

The group has been identified as crucial by the Lincoln Project’s sister organisation, the Lincoln Democracy Institute, along with “Red Dawn conservatives” – inspired by the 1984 film Red Dawn, in which American teenagers fight invading Soviet forces – who value a strong national defence and traditional alliances.

It is the latest attempt to find a snappy shorthand to describe the type of voters whose decisions are set to affect the whole of America and the world. That is because, in the absence of a national popular vote, the result of the presidential election is likely to come down to just tens of thousands of votes in seven swing states.

The first iteration was “soccer moms” backing the Democrat Bill Clinton against the Republican Bob Dole in 1996. But after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001, the then senator Joe Biden opined that “soccer moms are security moms now” as the Republican George W Bush sought re-election.

Later elections delivered the “Starbucks mom”, “waitress mom” and “Walmart mom”, labels generally applied to suburban white women facing economic struggles. Then there “Nascar dads” – referring to mostly white, middle-aged, working-class or lower-middle-class men – and “mama bears”, conservative mothers and grandmothers who in recent years have organised for parental rights……..

Of course they did, and they’re revamping their name to “Moms For Tyranny”*.
* The “Liberty” label is just another Fool’d Ya, the Right Wing/ MAGA lives by. 🔥
Why does nobody in the press cover these insane allegations? It’s entirely frustrating to me. I will never understand why nobody in mainstream media says - he’s delusional. Because he’s obviously delusional.

Two options here:
  • The Man is so convinced the audience is STUPID, or Koolaid drinkers, and he’s conned them.
  • The Man is mentally ill.
I truly believe he believes he’s such a talented liar that he can persuade enough STUPID people to get him elected for the demolition derby part 2.
Anthony Scaramucci, a former aide to Donald Trump, has claimed he has only met one person who hates his ex-boss more than his wife Melania Trump.

Speaking in an interview with MeidasTouch on Saturday, Scaramucci suggested that the former president’s wife might be the only person who would like to see Vice President Kamala Harriswin the presidential election more than he does, because “she hates him.”

“I judge the hatred of Donald Trump by the Melania standard,” the former aide said, providing the interviewer with examples, including “My wife hates Trump as much as Melania.” Experts say the former first lady is unlikely to return to the White House if her husband wins the November election.

Scaramucci said that retired General Mark Milley is the only person he’s met that hates the former president more than the former first lady.…..

Donald Trump shared statements from the relatives of 13 soldiers killed during the chaotic US evacuation from Kabul as they hit out at Kamala Harris after she criticized the former president’s involvement in a ceremony honoring the service members.

The dispute over the ceremony at Arlington national cemetery, during which Trump campaign aides allegedly shoved a cemetery worker so they could film Trump laying a wreath, contravening rules against political activity at the site, escalated after the vice-president said Saturday that Trump “disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt”.

But eight members of the “Gold Star” families who lost relatives posted messages on Trump’s Truth Social platform Saturday saying they had invited Trump to the ceremony and criticized the Biden-Harris administration for the Afghanistan pull-out three years ago.

“Why did we want Trump there? It wasn’t to help his political campaign,” Mark Schmitz, father of Marine lance corporal Jared Schmitz, said in one video. “We wanted a leader. That explains why you and Joe didn’t get a call.”

Darren Hoover, the father of Marine staff Sgt Taylor Hoover, said Harris lacks “empathy and basic understanding” about the event, and emphasized that Trump’s appearance was respectful.

The army said this week that a cemetery official was “abruptly pushed aside” while interacting with Trump’s staff.

On Saturday, congressional Democrats called on the army to deliver a report on what had taken place at the cemetery on Monday. Harris later posted on Twitter/X that the military burial site is “not a place for politics”…….

Donald Trump shared statements from the relatives of 13 soldiers killed during the chaotic US evacuation from Kabul as they hit out at Kamala Harris after she criticized the former president’s involvement in a ceremony honoring the service members.

The dispute over the ceremony at Arlington national cemetery, during which Trump campaign aides allegedly shoved a cemetery worker so they could film Trump laying a wreath, contravening rules against political activity at the site, escalated after the vice-president said Saturday that Trump “disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt”.

But eight members of the “Gold Star” families who lost relatives posted messages on Trump’s Truth Social platform Saturday saying they had invited Trump to the ceremony and criticized the Biden-Harris administration for the Afghanistan pull-out three years ago.

“Why did we want Trump there? It wasn’t to help his political campaign,” Mark Schmitz, father of Marine lance corporal Jared Schmitz, said in one video. “We wanted a leader. That explains why you and Joe didn’t get a call.”

Darren Hoover, the father of Marine staff Sgt Taylor Hoover, said Harris lacks “empathy and basic understanding” about the event, and emphasized that Trump’s appearance was respectful.

The army said this week that a cemetery official was “abruptly pushed aside” while interacting with Trump’s staff.

On Saturday, congressional Democrats called on the army to deliver a report on what had taken place at the cemetery on Monday. Harris later posted on Twitter/X that the military burial site is “not a place for politics”…….

They wanted a leader? Then they are idiots. Trump caused the mess in Afghanistan. Sure, it could have been handled better. But how many terrorists were released by Trump’s idiot agreement.
Defend American Jobs is a PAC that I noted is backing overtime wage thief Bernie Moreno for senate against Sherrod Brown. The people behind Defend American Jobs are crypto bros.

Donald Trump shared statements from the relatives of 13 soldiers killed during the chaotic US evacuation from Kabul as they hit out at Kamala Harris after she criticized the former president’s involvement in a ceremony honoring the service members.

The dispute over the ceremony at Arlington national cemetery, during which Trump campaign aides allegedly shoved a cemetery worker so they could film Trump laying a wreath, contravening rules against political activity at the site, escalated after the vice-president said Saturday that Trump “disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt”.

But eight members of the “Gold Star” families who lost relatives posted messages on Trump’s Truth Social platform Saturday saying they had invited Trump to the ceremony and criticized the Biden-Harris administration for the Afghanistan pull-out three years ago.

“Why did we want Trump there? It wasn’t to help his political campaign,” Mark Schmitz, father of Marine lance corporal Jared Schmitz, said in one video. “We wanted a leader. That explains why you and Joe didn’t get a call.”

Darren Hoover, the father of Marine staff Sgt Taylor Hoover, said Harris lacks “empathy and basic understanding” about the event, and emphasized that Trump’s appearance was respectful.

The army said this week that a cemetery official was “abruptly pushed aside” while interacting with Trump’s staff.

On Saturday, congressional Democrats called on the army to deliver a report on what had taken place at the cemetery on Monday. Harris later posted on Twitter/X that the military burial site is “not a place for politics”…….

That article is a prime exhibit of the media trying to be 'balanced' by bending over way too far to accommodate one side of things.

Like, it doesn't even mention that the Trump campaign did, in fact, release a political video on TikTok using footage from Arlington. The article uses a photo of Trump looking serious at a completely different event, and not the more relevant photo of him grinning and giving a thumbs up by a grave.

It literally quotes the family member saying Harris wasn't invited, and then further down quotes Cotton attacking her for not going, and only reiterates that she wasn't invited by characterising that as a "White House official and a Harris aide" disputing it, despite, again, the article having literally quoted the family member saying she wasn't.

If you just read that article, you could have the impression that the Trump campaign hadn't filmed it for political purposes and that they weren't pretending that Harris had been invited.

Just terrible journalism.
First time hearing about this guy
And I’ve always hated this tactic

I know it seemed to work in the 22 midterms (or at least not backfire) but it’s more than a little unsavory to me

In a new roundabout strategy to defeat Donald Trump in November, some Democrats are promoting an anti-abortion candidate to capitalize on the former president’s wishy-washy stance and potentially even siphone votes from the Republican ticket, according to a report.

Randall Terry launched a presidential bid as part of the Constitution Party, which touts itself as “the only national party who is 100% Pro-Life.”

Terry founded Operation Rescue, an organization known for blocking access to abortion clinics, and on his campaign website describes pro-abortion folks as “baby killers.”……

When asked whether he thought there was a chance that Democrats were organizing his efforts without his knowledge, he told The Independent: “That is possible.”

He also said he understood their thought process behind these efforts, acknowledging the former president’s flip-flopping: “Donald Trump has enraged pro-lifers...I’m very upset with Trump’s waffling.”

The Democrats’ interests, though, are at odds with his own: “I want Kamala to lose way more than I want Trump to win.”

Democrats are reportedly exploring two strategies to benefit Terry. The first is geared toward funding his ballot access. Terry has only qualified to appear on the ballot in 12 states, and only a few of those are competitive states, such as Wisconsin and Michigan.…..

I do wonder how the candidates feel about being mere pawns in this game

“No one cares about you, your views, your positions or your policies and you don’t have a snowball’s chance of getting more than 2% of the vote. But that 2% might just be enough to swing the state in our favor”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Italo Medelius was leading a volunteer drive to put Cornel West on North Carolina’s presidential ballot last spring when he received an unexpected call from a man named Paul who said he wanted to help.

Though Medelius, co-chairman of West’s “Justice for All Party,” welcomed the assistance, the offer would complicate his life, provoking threats and drawing him into a state election board investigation of the motivations, backgrounds and suspect tactics of his new allies.

His is not an isolated case.

Across the country, a network of Republican political operatives, lawyers and their allies is trying to shape November’s election in ways that favor former President Donald Trump. Their goal is to prop up third-party candidates such as West who offer liberal voters an alternative that could siphon away support from Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee.

It is not clear who is paying for the effort, but it could be impactful in states that were decided by miniscule margins in the 2020 election won by Democrat Joe Biden.

This is money West’s campaign does not have, and he has encouraged the effort. Last month the academic told The Associated Press that “American politics is highly gangster-like activity” and he “just wanted to get on that ballot.”

Trump has offered praise for West, calling him “one of my favorite candidates.” Another is Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Trump favors both for the same reason. “I like her very much. You know why? She takes 100% from them. He takes 100%.”………

Minivan Taliban
Klanned Karenhood
Mary Kay Kay Kay
Betty Crackers
Azzholes with Cassaroles
Whine Kampf

Actually, I wonder if this group is being given too much oxygen and media play.
I wouldn't worry about something that small descending from outer space.

According to Wikipedia they as a collective of mom idiots who amount to about 100,000 persons nationwide.

So what. 700,000 nation wide is the average number of voters needed to elect just one of our members of Congress. There are 535 members of congress, which means these extreems amount to one seventh of 0.001869% of American voters.

We can totally ignore that one in one in more than a hundred thousand group. Statically they would amount to not quite being one full person in my entire county.

If we had two of them here we would be overstocked in Moms for whatever they are.

Let's not degrade moms. I like moms. Respect moms. Heres nice video about respecting normal mom's:

Abey normal is not normal. Here's video for that little detail which matters.


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