Gavin Newsom for President? (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    This article quotes current President Biden as he praises California's Governor: Gavin Newsom
    Would any of you Democrats be interested in having Biden withdraw his decision to run for a 2nd term and have Governor Newsom run in his stead?
    I'm not a Democrat but.. I tend to like Newsom's odds vs Trump over Biden's. I think Biden's obvious lack of vigor due to his advanced age is a problem and while Trump is old too he doesn't seem as old as Biden.

    I don't know much about Newsom but from the little I have seen I could see him as the nominee for sure.. he presents well and looks "presidential," which matters.
    I would rather Biden - just because of the foreign relations aspect. He’s done a truly masterful job with NATO and keeping the ME conflict from spreading (so far). This is an impressive juggling act. And his meeting with Xi reportedly went well. His tendency to speak slowly doesn’t bother me when compared to what he has done.

    He has moral clarity - for example today when asked if he would still call Xi a dictator - he didn’t try to backtrack or flinch. He answered clearly, and forthrightly. It’s not as common a trait among politicians as one would hope.
    I'd prefer Newsom over Biden. President's get too much credit for following the advice of their advisors. Newsom would get the same foreign advisors that Biden has or some who have worked with Biden's advisors. Newsom also has a lot of economic foreign affairs experience. Xi meeting with Biden in California was not a random choice.

    California is a major economy in the world and as a result the governors of California get a lot more foreign relations experience than the governors of most states. Same is true for New York and Texas.

    I think Newsom would have a much easier time defeating Trump for a bunch or reasons, most of them because of how irrational the majority of voters are. If defeating Trump or the other extreme Republican candidates, poorly pretending to be moderates, is the most important goal, then Newsom would be the better choice than Biden.

    On top of all of that, I think Newsom would be a better President than Biden. I'm not saying there's nothing good about Biden's presidency, just saying I think Newsom would be better.

    That said, if Newsom doesn't sign California Senate Bill 58, then he can bite my rusty metal arse.
    I'd prefer Newsom over Biden. President's get too much credit for following the advice of their advisors. Newsom would get the same foreign advisors that Biden has or some who have worked with Biden's advisors. Newsom also has a lot of economic foreign affairs experience. Xi meeting with Biden in California was not a random choice.

    California is a major economy in the world and as a result the governors of California get a lot more foreign relations experience than the governors of most states. Same is true for New York and Texas.

    I think Newsom would have a much easier time defeating Trump for a bunch or reasons, most of them because of how irrational the majority of voters are. If defeating Trump or the other extreme Republican candidates, poorly pretending to be moderates, is the most important goal, then Newsom would be the better choice than Biden.

    On top of all of that, I think Newsom would be a better President than Biden. I'm not saying there's nothing good about Biden's presidency, just saying I think Newsom would be better.

    That said, if Newsom doesn't sign California Senate Bill 58, then he can bite my rusty metal arse.
    Would you be willing to briefly explain what CA's "Senate Bill 58" is about? I and many others I'm sure have no idea. Thanks.
    I respect everyone's opinion. Everyone has stated their reasoning very well.
    I will make a stab at giving my I'll probably regret that I did so, but here I go.
    IF I...STEVE....IF I WAS a Democrat, my #1 goal would be to make sure that Donald Trump did not ever serve as President again.
    Keeping that in mind, I would set aside what seems fair or what seems just....I'd want the Democratic Party candidate who has the best chance to win in November of 2024.
    I personally feel that Newsom has a better chance to win than Biden does.
    If it hasn't taken place already, I'm sure that their will be a bunch of polls and a bunch of op eds that back up my opinion.
    Just as a minor tip, some of you are adding an "e" at the end of "Newsom"
    It's Gavin Newsom.....not Newsome
    I respect everyone's opinion. Everyone has stated their reasoning very well.
    I will make a stab at giving my I'll probably regret that I did so, but here I go.
    IF I...STEVE....IF I WAS a Democrat, my #1 goal would be to make sure that Donald Trump did not ever serve as President again.
    Keeping that in mind, I would set aside what seems fair or what seems just....I'd want the Democratic Party candidate who has the best chance to win in November of 2024.
    I personally feel that Newsom has a better chance to win than Biden does.
    If it hasn't taken place already, I'm sure that their will be a bunch of polls and a bunch of op eds that back up my opinion.
    So I'd say three things.. first that the polls may just be in the same position that they almost always are at this time when an incumbent is attempting to be re-elected. And so if that's the case Biden may not actually have any larger problem to deal with.

    Second however is that Biden I believe may have a unique weakness not seen with other Democrats here who have done well recently in the sense that his age - like I said earlier - paired along with his pretty apparent lack of vigor.. presents poorly in a way that that may turn off some voters that he needs to win.

    Third, this pushback from Palestinian/Arab Americans and the far left over the administration's handling of the Israeli-Hamas war may cost him important votes in states like Michigan from apathetic voters who supported Biden last time but are now unwilling to do so because they disagree so strongly with the administration's firm support of Israel. In that sense somebody like Newsom I think could maybe do better because he has some space to distance himself from the administration's handling and possibly bring back some of those voters.
    Last edited:
    So I'd say three things.. first that the polls may just be in the same position that they almost always are at this time when an incumbent is attempting to be re-elected. And so if that's the case Biden may not actually have any larger problem to deal with.

    Second however is that Biden I believe may have a unique weakness not seen with other Democrats here who have done well recently in the sense that his age - and like I said earlier - that paired along with his pretty apparent lack of vigor.. presents poorly in a way that that may turn off some voters that he needs to win.

    Third, this pushback from Palestinian/Arab Americans and the far left over the administration's handling of the Israeli-Hamas war may cost him important votes in states like Michigan from apathetic voters who supported Biden last time but are now unwilling to do so because they disagree so strongly with the administration's firm support of Israel. In that sense somebody like Newsom I think could maybe do better because he has some space to distance himself from the administration's handling and possibly bring back some of those voters.
    I'm actually going to add one more thing to that as a unique factor in this which is that Biden will be running against Trump, a man who directly preceded him in office. I think that probably can break both ways - good and bad - for Biden in the sense that the presidencies and everything that came with them can be directly compared in a way that is not normally able to be factored in.
    I think Biden should have pulled out a year ago.

    At this point, i wouldn't support Biden pulling out of the race.

    We are in for a mess of a cycle like we've never seen in 2024 though.
    I think Biden should have pulled out a year ago.

    At this point, i wouldn't support Biden pulling out of the race.

    We are in for a mess of a cycle like we've never seen in 2024 though.
    It would have to happen like.. right now probably. And there doesn't really seem to be any indication that Biden is going that way with it.
    It would have to happen like.. right now probably. And there doesn't really seem to be any indication that Biden is going that way with it.

    I think if Kamala Harris had more public support, Biden would have declared he wasn't running a long time ago. I think they expected her to be a more popular vice president setting her up to take the reins.

    As it is, i think the Democrats have a problem jumping behind a non Biden candidate, and skipping over Harris. It creates all sorts of complexities for them. Especially if that candidate looks like Gavin Newsome.

    Maybe if Harris was willing to come out and say she wasn't interested, but I am not sure even that would make much difference.
    I think if Kamala Harris had more public support, Biden would have declared he wasn't running a long time ago. I think they expected her to be a more popular vice president setting her up to take the reins.

    As it is, i think the Democrats have a problem jumping behind a non Biden candidate, and skipping over Harris. It creates all sorts of complexities for them. Especially if that candidate looks like Gavin Newsome.

    Maybe if Harris was willing to come out and say she wasn't interested, but I am not sure even that would make much difference.
    I don't really understand why they would have expected that based upon how poorly she did in her last presidential campaign.. she has the same sort of flaws as Hillary (comes off inauthentic, inability to connect) without the Clinton name and all.

    I do understand what you're saying but I think that's a poor position to operate from if that's in fact why Biden has not stepped aside. I feel pretty confident that most people who feel that Kamala should just be anointed would ultimately come around to someone like Newsom.
    I don't really understand why they would have expected that based upon how poorly she did in her last presidential campaign.. she has the same sort of flaws as Hillary (comes off inauthentic, inability to connect) without the Clinton name and all.

    I do understand what you're saying but I think that's a poor position to operate from if that's in fact why Biden has not stepped aside. I feel pretty confident that most people who feel that Kamala should just be anointed would ultimately come around to someone like Newsom.

    Kamala is making a big impact among the younger voters. She really understand and talk their language
    Two things - news site and especially the coverage of her college tours. She is doing a lot of footwork and the young people are responding to her because she speaks their language and meet them as equals. Lots of video around showing that. Not the "go make a speach and wave a hand" tour at all

    The other thing is social media - I am kind of doing a bit of a, call it "fake news hunting" on social media when on backup call at work with nothing else to do except wait and be ready IF something happens lol So instead of reading a book as I usually do, I chase fake news and post links to the correct information - including when images are falsely used to display something that in reality did not happen. Kind of doing my part in trying to limit the misinformation lol - During that I have encounterd LOTS of young people talking about Kamala and even posting pictures or videos of encounters.
    I think Biden should have pulled out a year ago.

    At this point, i wouldn't support Biden pulling out of the race.

    We are in for a mess of a cycle like we've never seen in 2024 though.

    My question is can Biden campaign? Joe Biden will be an octogenarian on the campaign trial. If he can't keep up the physical demands, and rigors of running for office he should step aside.

    It's still not to late to announce your not running, and let a primary race begin. He can even endorse Kamala, she won't win either way.

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