Federal Law Enforcement Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab Protesters Off Portland Streets (UPDATE: Trump admin. deploying federal LE to cities) (1 Viewer)

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    Sep 28, 2019
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    “All United States Marshals Service arrestees have public records of arrest documenting their charges. Our agency did not arrest or detain Mark James Pettibone.”

    OPB sent DHS an extensive list of questions about Pettibone’s arrest including: What is the legal justification for making arrests away from federal property? What is the legal justification for searching people who are not participating in criminal activity? Why are federal officers using civilian vehicles and taking people away in them? Are the arrests federal officers make legal under the constitution? If so, how?

    After 7 p.m. Thursday, a DHS spokesperson responded, on background, that they could confirm Wolf was in Portland during the day. The spokesperson didn’t acknowledge the remaining questions.

    This story is very troublesome.
    I am glad the elected officials that have 'stroked' the flames of the idiots, have the money and the means to relocate once their little social experiment went to shirt. While the poor are forced to stay in violence because no one they have elected gives a damn about them.

    Why are people that are protesting idiots?

    Why do you think the mayor of St. Louis 'stroked' their flames?

    THIS is why people are protesting all over the country on a daily basis. Because this isn't something that anyone who isn't black has to deal with.

    At least the cop that was on the scene is a legit, good person/cop and accurately described what he saw.
    (CNN)A Portland man who was killed Thursday night while authorities attempted to apprehend him appeared to admit he was responsible for the fatal shooting of a supporter of a right-wing group during clashes between pro-Trump groups and left-wing protesters in the Oregon city.

    The US Marshals said a task force was attempting to arrest Michael Forest Reinoehl in Washington state. He was wanted by the Multnomah County Circuit Court on a charge of murder.

    Stuff is crazy right now..
    So I’m an idiot now Farb?

    I thought we were friends

    And what exactly do you think they should have done differently? That whole First Amendment thing and all.
    I wasn't aware that this was going on, but it makes sense considering the type of coverage that is seen on mainstream media outlets.

    The police indeed have tear-gassed and beaten people; there has been brutality. It is equally true, but featured less prominently in the news coverage, that activists spend hours every night menacing and setting fires to police stations and other institutions: City Hall, Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters, and last week Mayor Ted Wheeler's apartment building (until he agreed to move out). With the PRESS crew recording part of the story and the "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO FILM!" crew harassing other journalists, the result can be a misleading view of the protests. It's a revolution via the cellphone video they allow you to see.

    The IPC and other documentarians who are deemed sympathetic to the activists' cause agree on certain principles. You do not show activists' faces. You only show activists in a defensive position: responding to, rather than inciting, violence. You enhance what can appear to be police brutality, e.g., activists defending themselves with homemade shields, often bearing the anarchist circle-A, against police. The shields are largely ineffective for personal defense, but extremely effective for optics, and that's precisely the point. If a member of the IPC is arrested, he or she will be protected.

    Reporters seen as not sufficiently sympathetic to the cause—which is defined by the Ten Demands for Justice, and includes most notably the abolition of the police—will be followed, be harassed, have their notes photographed and their phones blocked or stolen. (All these things have happened to me in the last month. A photographer friend has been repeatedly doxxed and placed on a list of "enemies.")

    If you forget any of these rules, you can just refer to the handy Google spreadsheet of approved journalists and suggested behavior. The spreadsheet contains names, Twitter handles, and ways to financially support the journos who make the cut.

    Not a good look for BLM to harass restaurant customers and destroying things

    Why in the world would someone attack a fire fighter? Did they mistake him for a police officer?

    PORTLAND, Ore.—Jesse Herman Bates, 38, of Seattle, Washington, has been charged by criminal complaint with civil disorder after shooting a firefighter with a ball bearing during a protest in Portland on July 13, 2020, announced Billy J. Williams, U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon.

    According to court documents, in the early morning hours of July 13, 2020, a firefighting crew was working to put out a fire burning in the middle of an intersection in downtown Portland that was blocking traffic. A crowd of approximately 300 people were in the immediate area, some of whom were assaulting police officers and committing acts of vandalism and property damage. A firefighter, who was wearing a grey uniform with a large medic patch, was walking across the street to brief his team when he was shot in the chest with a round metal ball bearing.

    It looks fiery:
    I don't think the narrative that the violence was only due to the federal agents holds any water.

    I never recall that narrative. It is widely known that the Portland police were using tear gas and other crowd control tactics.

    It was said that when the federal agents rolled in that the crowds got much larger and more defiant and that the federal agents made things much worse than they had been before they showed up though.
    I never recall that narrative. It is widely known that the Portland police were using tear gas and other crowd control tactics.

    It was said that when the federal agents rolled in that the crowds got much larger and more defiant and that the federal agents made things much worse than they had been before they showed up though.
    The narrative here and in the media was that the protests were mostly peaceful and most of the violence was after the federal agents showed up.. Here is an interesting study from Princeton:

    The narrative here and in the media was that the protests were mostly peaceful and most of the violence was after the federal agents showed up.. Here is an interesting study from Princeton:

    That study concludes that the protests *are* mostly peaceful, despite York’s tweet implying otherwise.
    That study concludes that the protests *are* mostly peaceful, despite York’s tweet implying otherwise.
    I'm sure they are mostly peaceful, but 570 violent demonstrations in 220 different locations is much more violence than the way the media have portrayed them.
    I'm sure they are mostly peaceful, but 570 violent demonstrations in 220 different locations is much more violence than the way the media have portrayed them.
    I thought that by saying this 👇, you were implying that the Princeton study showed that the narrative in the media and in this thread that the protests were mostly peaceful was wrong
    The narrative here and in the media was that the protests were mostly peaceful
    The study shows that 93% of distinct locations in which protests occurred were peaceful, which conflicts with the notion that 42% of poll respondents believed that “most [BLM] protesters are trying to incite violence or destroy property.”

    In short, if people in this thread or the media are framing the protests as “mostly peaceful,” that would appear to be accurate. They’re overwhelmingly peaceful. The people who believe that they’re not “mostly peaceful” are the ones who believe a false narrative, at least according to the Princeton study you cited.
    The Portland protests were down to about 50 people a night, IIRC. Once the feds showed up and started to do their illegal snatch and grab of people off the street and illegal detainments, the protests quickly grew to thousands, rather tens of thousands of people nightly.

    These are just facts.

    That’s not to say the Portland police didn’t use tear gas ever. Nobody is saying that.
    I thought that by saying this 👇, you were implying that the Princeton study showed that the narrative in the media and in this thread that the protests were mostly peaceful was wrong

    The study shows that 93% of distinct locations in which protests occurred were peaceful, which conflicts with the notion that 42% of poll respondents believed that “most [BLM] protesters are trying to incite violence or destroy property.”

    In short, if people in this thread or the media are framing the protests as “mostly peaceful,” that would appear to be accurate. They’re overwhelmingly peaceful. The people who believe that they’re not “mostly peaceful” are the ones who believe a false narrative, at least according to the Princeton study you cited.
    I should have added that the violence has been downplayed and ignored by the media instead of just the mostly peaceful statement. Do you think 570 violent demonstrations in 220 different is a substantial amount of violence? Do you think the media has accurately portrayed or even mentioned how much violence there has been? We've already seen CNN trying to ignore the violence with burning buildings behind them.
    The Portland protests were down to about 50 people a night, IIRC. Once the feds showed up and started to do their illegal snatch and grab of people off the street and illegal detainments, the protests quickly grew to thousands, rather tens of thousands of people nightly.

    These are just facts.

    That’s not to say the Portland police didn’t use tear gas ever. Nobody is saying that.
    Why is there still a lot of violence even after the federal agents have left?
    I should have added that the violence has been downplayed and ignored by the media instead of just the mostly peaceful statement. Do you think 570 violent demonstrations in 220 different is a substantial amount of violence? Do you think the media has accurately portrayed or even mentioned how much violence there has been? We've already seen CNN trying to ignore the violence with burning buildings behind them.
    Those numbers have to be used in context. Do you have a count of how many gatherings where there was no violence and peaceful protest. From TaylorBs post of 93% off the top of my head that means there were 8000 total protests in that time period. Of those, 570 turned violent. So in the world of math that is mostly peaceful.

    First of all I do not support violent protest but am a huge fan of peaceful demonstration. I will defend both sides for their right to peacefully protest and it is clearly stated in the constitution. To generalize all protests as violent does a huge dis-service to your argument. If you want to say there is too many violent protests or that needs to stop, I agree with you completely. There are other factors resulting in this violence including the police, agitators from counter protestors and people using protests as cover to be knuckleheads. It isn’t black and white, all protestors aren’t bad, all counter protestors aren’t bad either.

    Do some research and look how the public portrayed the Civil Rights movement in the sixties. Today it is looked upon fondly with photos of peaceful protestors being spot on or attacked. The same elements then are here today saying the protests are going to end America. Those people were on the wrong side of history and people who claim these protests make things worst will likely be the same.
    I'm sure they are mostly peaceful, but 570 violent demonstrations in 220 different locations is much more violence than the way the media have portrayed them.
    This is also not an accurate understanding or contextualizing of the source you are using.

    Those incidents, which make up a fractionally small number of demonstrations and demonstrators(over 10,000 events and only 570 where any type of violence occurred, roughly 95% of protestors in an unstructured movement remaining non-violent), do not seemingly isolate the catalyst for the violence, be it police engaging and protestors engaging back or vice versa, or identify severity of the occurrence(as one minor incident would seemingly go into that 570 number). Despite that, nearly 28% of protests have been met with force by the government. Indicating that in the aggregate, the aggressor has been the state, and aggressive in a wildly disproportionate way when contrasted to the number of violent protests and protestors. That lede and that context is completely absent in your tweet or invocation/articulation of the study.

    Furthermore, as the study points out, the largest growing cause for personal safety is becoming counter protestors, of which 12% have turned violent and the number of incidents is on a steady increase, which stands in addition to now 30 incidents during this studied period of people ramming cars at peaceful protestors.

    This is once again a glaring example where either you are demonstrating a poor process for navigating political events and sources, are incredibly susceptible to confirmation bias and motivated reasoning, or are just flat out being intentionally misleading to win internet arguments. And again, I’m not sure which one harms your credibility more?

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