Federal criminal investigation Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings (Update: DOJ appoints special counsel) (3 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 5, 2019
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    Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

    Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

    “Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman.

    The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made.

    The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.

    Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, the investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to BAK USA.

    We all know their is massive corruption on both sides of the aisle. Here is an alleged allegation against Hunter Biden who was allegedly enriching himself because his Dad was Vice President.
    Also, it’s nice to see that Shapley has now testified that what I heard from former federal prosecutors is absolutely true. The investigators almost always disagree with prosecutors about the charges and want there to be more charges.


    So interesting how the right wing loves using gay people, democrats and minorites when it's convient to their cause. Suddenly gay people/democrats are credible and not groomers or evil.

    Regardless, this doesn't amount to much. At most there's a difference of opinion between the prosecuter and investigator. Since the prosecuter is the one charges crime, his decision is the one that controls. Much ado about nothing.
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    And this is the context the GOP and their press lackeys don’t want you to hear. It is just about exactly two minutes of facts delivered by Raskin:

    I see Raskin has taken on the Adam Schiff role for the Democrats.

    He talked about Hunter's addiction as if that's why he made these bad choices. Zeigler found that he committed these crimes when he was sober and married. Zeigler talked about a series of deductions that Hunter knowingly falsely used.

    He said Trump appointed Weiss. That's true, but he left out the fact that US Attorneys are chosen on the recommendation of the States Senators which in Delaware are both Democrats.

    He said Barr expressed confidence in Weiss. That's also true, but Weiss isn't the issue here. The issue is who above Weiss that didn't let him file the charges that Weiss and the IRS agents wanted. Zeigler said Weiss was hamstrung and marginalized.

    Ziegler says that "we all agreed" on the felony counts, including related to 2014. That included both investigators and prosecutors. All four prosecutors agreed that the charges were warranted to include the felonies in two separate districts.

    Shapley talked about a series of tip offs and wave offs by DOJ officials, including from AUSA Wolf, that prevented them from pursuing evidence needed in their investigation.

    Ziegler said that other Biden family members received some of this money, including the Biden grandchildren. He said that they wanted to interview these family members.

    Ziegler testified how AUSA Leslie Wolf waved him off from interviewing the the Biden children. He said that he had never had such a move blocked in this type of circumstance.

    Zeigler is blowing the whistle on the fact that Hunter and the DoJ agreed to a plea deal. He also recognizes the fact that his questions would become clearer once the full terms of the deal would be released.
    Either Zeigler or Shapley stated that it's a DOJ rule that if someone committed a felony and a misdemeanor then they have to charge the felony. That obviously didn't happen.

    Also, Ziegler says that "we all agreed" on the felony counts, including related to 2014. That included both investigators and prosecutors. All four prosecutors agreed that the charges were warranted to include the felonies in two separate districts.
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    Oh, it’s true. The slow-walking they are talking about happened under Trump, in April 2020. They are insisting somehow that it was Joe Biden’s fault. Once again, they seem to think that Joe Biden is simultaneously a doddering old man, and capable of exercising mind control over Trump‘s DOJ.

    Listen to his answer at 1:40 which answers the question. They couldn't do anything because of the election and the DOJ rules preventing investigations of candidates. Is the Democrat Representative not aware of those rules?

    The main issues are what's happened the last 2 years when all the prosecutors and IRS agents involved wanted to charge Hunter with two felonies but Weiss wasn't allowed to bring those charges.
    Also, it’s nice to see that Shapley has now testified that what I heard from former federal prosecutors is absolutely true. The investigators almost always disagree with prosecutors about the charges and want there to be more charges.

    Except that wasn't the case this time.

    As I already posted: Ziegler says that "we all agreed" on the felony counts, including related to 2014. That included both investigators and prosecutors. All four prosecutors agreed that the charges were warranted to include the felonies in two separate districts.
    @SFL I really want your comment on this fact from the testimony:

    Edited to add: the CBS reporter is Catherine Herridge, who I have found before to be extremely biased. Pro-Trump, pro-Barr, former Fox News reporter.

    I'm not sure what that person who Tweeted that meant. Did he confuse two different parts of the article. I saw this:

    Ziegler's requests to pursue a number of investigative avenues came when Trump was still in office and Attorney General William Barr had instituted a policy requiring he personally approve any investigation of a president or presidential candidate. Ziegler told CBS that he was not "aware" of any approvals sought from Barr at that time.

    But the quote from the Tweet is from this part of the article:

    "Anytime we potentially wanted to go down the road of asking questions related to the president, it was 'That's gonna take too much approvals. We can't ask those questions."

    Ziegler said he expected extra approvals when investigating the son of a president, but he said the requests went unmet.

    That sounds like it was from when Biden was President.
    Not only that, it’s highly likely these photos were not legally obtained. They are Russian-sourced Kompromat on Hunter.
    It's idiotic that she showed those photos, but you are still sticking with the BS narrative that the photos were from Russia? Even after multiple news agencies verified the laptop? Do you think the Russians created the photos and videos of Hunter?
    So interesting how the right wing loves using gay people, democrats and minorites when it's convient to their cause. Suddenly gay people/democrats are credible and not groomers or evil.
    I knew the attempted smear was coming. What a joke.

    Regardless, this doesn't amount to much. At most there's a difference of opion between the prosecuter and investigator. Since the prosecuter is the one charges crime, his decision is the one that controls. Much ado about nothing.
    Ziegler says that "we all agreed" on the felony counts, including related to 2014. That included both investigators and prosecutors. All four prosecutors agreed that the charges were warranted to include the felonies in two separate districts.

    Except that wasn't the case this time.

    As I already posted: Ziegler says that "we all agreed" on the felony counts, including related to 2014. That included both investigators and prosecutors. All four prosecutors agreed that the charges were warranted to include the felonies in two separate districts.
    Let’s hear from those prosecutors then. Otherwise it’s just his opinion that they all agreed.

    You are really minimizing the fact that Trump’s DOJ had this case for 3 years. It wasn’t because of any rule it was because they couldn’t prove anything.
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    It's idiotic that she showed those photos, but you are still sticking with the BS narrative that the photos were from Russia? Even after multiple news agencies verified the laptop? Do you think the Russians created the photos and videos of Hunter?
    Why do you say they didn’t? You think Hunter took those videos and then walked around with them on his laptop? Lol. They look like standard Russian Kompromat.

    We know the salacious photos and videos were added after the date that the FBI took the laptop. Forensic analysis showed that and the repair shop owner says it as well.

    So you can quit trying to say that these vids and photos were on the laptop. They weren’t.
    I think, in fact I think it’s known, that Hunter was stupid and addicted enough to cavort with Russian prostitutes in Ukraine, and he got recorded. It’s a standard move by Russian intelligence. These vids and photos didn’t show up until Rudy got his hands on the files. Rudy spent months in Ukraine trying to dig up dirt, and they gave him those.

    You have to admit it makes a hell of a lot more sense than that Hunter was trying to shoot pornography. Someone who was allegedly making millions, shot these horribly lit and grainy videos? LOL.

    come on, man. You should be smarter than that.
    Shapley has in fact changed his story as well. He has contradicted himself, and has neglected to mention other things. Ziegler also. They are not truly whistleblowers, they came forward only after they got in trouble for leaking to the press. And they are being paid to testify.

    You can fact check me, I am totally going from memory here from bits and pieces I’ve read. I’m not about to spend any more time on what a private citizen did. It’s just ridiculous.
    ... Zeigler talked about a series of deductions that Hunter knowingly falsely used.

    He said Trump appointed Weiss. That's true, but he left out the fact that US Attorneys are chosen on the recommendation of the States Senators which in Delaware are both Democrats.
    Neither of which Weiss was accountable to
    He said Barr expressed confidence in Weiss. That's also true, but Weiss isn't the issue here. The issue is who above Weiss that didn't let him file the charges that Weiss and the IRS agents wanted. Zeigler said Weiss was hamstrung and marginalized.
    Again, Weiss had ultimate authority on this matter.
    Ziegler says that "we all agreed" on the felony counts, including related to 2014. That included both investigators and prosecutors. All four prosecutors agreed that the charges were warranted to include the felonies in two separate districts.
    And yet, Weiss made a deal. A deal that likely has been made thousands of times by hundreds of US Attorneys.
    Shapley talked about a series of tip offs and wave offs by DOJ officials, including from AUSA Wolf, that prevented them from pursuing evidence needed in their investigation.

    Ziegler said that other Biden family members received some of this money, including the Biden grandchildren. He said that they wanted to interview these family members.

    Ziegler testified how AUSA Leslie Wolf waved him off from interviewing the the Biden children. He said that he had never had such a move blocked in this type of circumstance.
    It's cute that they are trying to mask their testimony behind an Assistant US Attorney and not directly naming Weiss as her Superior. Now that we got that out of the way, they are saying that Weiss blocked all of their efforts...Interesting.
    I'm not sure what that person who Tweeted that meant. Did he confuse two different parts of the article. I saw this:

    Ziegler's requests to pursue a number of investigative avenues came when Trump was still in office and Attorney General William Barr had instituted a policy requiring he personally approve any investigation of a president or presidential candidate. Ziegler told CBS that he was not "aware" of any approvals sought from Barr at that time.

    But the quote from the Tweet is from this part of the article:

    "Anytime we potentially wanted to go down the road of asking questions related to the president, it was 'That's gonna take too much approvals. We can't ask those questions."

    Ziegler said he expected extra approvals when investigating the son of a president, but he said the requests went unmet.

    That sounds like it was from when Biden was President.
    It wasn’t. Entirely possible he mis-spoke. He and Shapley both were desperate to somehow pin these decisions on Biden even though Dems forced them to admit it was in early 2020. Plus it happened in April of 2020, that is before the election rule from DOJ had kicked in. There was no election reason to have slow walked it.

    Something isn’t adding up here. You need to explain how Biden is responsible for what Weiss decided in his ultimate authority over this case. Not a single prosecutor has come forward to corroborate these two guys, and they both have some issues with credibility.

    After all, Biden was within his rights to change out the US Attorney running the case, saying they had 3 years and that was enough time. Trump directed Barr to shut down a criminal case against Roger Stone, and he actually did it, so Rs would have been cool with it.

    Both these IRS guys are partisan, and I don’t care if Zeigler claims to be a democrat or whatever. It was crystal clear from what little testimony I saw that they were both adhering to a strict narrative that everything was Biden’s fault. It couldn’t possibly have to do with their shenanigans on the job?

    Why do they refuse to go to the Senate to testify? They were in talks, and then just pulled out without explanation. I wonder if there were questions disclosed they just didn’t want to answer?
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