Capitol Riot arrests (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Nov 16, 2019
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    Prairieville, La
    Figured we should start a separate thread on the arrests and those involved in the storming of the Capitol. I know it has been talked about in the other thread a lot, but for the ones who just want to follow the ones arrested and/or charged, this will be an easier way to see updates on the investigations.

    Link below is everyone who has been arrested. But we know there will be more.

    The website seems to be updated with new information daily.

    The ones who are getting the most air time:

    Jake Angeli

    Adam Johnson

    Richard Barnett

    Kevin Seefried

    Eric Gavelek Munchel

    Larry R. Brock
    Lisa Eisenhart
    Robert Keith Packer
    Klete Keller
    Aaron Mostofsky
    Anthime Joseph Gionet
    Peter Francis Stager
    Christine Priola
    Legitimately ashamed or crocodile tears?

    A California man pleaded guilty on Tuesday to using a stun gun to attack Michael Fanone, the Washington DC police officer who was seriously injured while trying to defend the US Capitol from Donald Trump’s supporters on 6 January 2021.

    Daniel Rodriguez, 40, of Fontana, admitted to taking part in the violent assault on Fanone, now a former Metropolitan police officer, after another rioter dragged Fanone into a crowd outside a tunnel where police were trying to beat back the mob.

    Fanone, who lost consciousness and suffered a heart attack, was heard on camera screaming he had kids, in a desperate appeal for his life, as rioters beat him.

    Rodriguez’s guilty plea came about two weeks before jury selection in his trial in federal court in Washington. He pleaded guilty to four felony charges including conspiracy and assaulting a law enforcement officer with a deadly or dangerous weapon.

    An email seeking comment was sent to his lawyers. He was scheduled to be sentenced in May. Federal sentencing guidelines call for about seven to 10 years in prison.

    Rodriguez admitted in an FBI interview in March 2021 that he drove a stun gun into Fanone’s neck. Rodriguez told agents he believed that he was doing the “right thing” and had been prepared to die to “save the country”. He cried as he spoke, saying he was “stupid” and ashamed of his actions……..

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A police officer frequently provided Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio with internal information about law enforcement operations in the weeks before other members of his far-right extremist group stormed the U.S. Capitol, according to messages shown Wednesday at the trial of Tarrio and four associates.

    A federal prosecutor showed jurors a string of messages that Metropolitan Police Lt. Shane Lamond and Tarrio privately exchanged in the run-up to a mob's attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Lamond, an intelligence officer for the city’s police department, was responsible for monitoring groups like the Proud Boys when they came to Washington for protests.

    Less than three weeks before the Jan. 6 riot, Lamond warned Tarrio that the FBI and U.S. Secret Service were “all spun up” over talk on an Infowars internet show that the Proud Boys planned to dress up as supporters of President Joe Biden on the Democrat's inauguration day.

    Justice Department prosecutor Conor Mulroe asked a government witness, FBI Special Agent Peter Dubrowski, how common it is for law enforcement to disclose internal information in that fashion.

    “I've never heard of it,” Dubrowski said.

    Tarrio was arrested in Washington two days before the Capitol attack and charged with burning a Black Lives Matter banner taken from a historic Black church during a protest in December 2020. He was released from jail before the riot and wasn’t in Washington on Jan. 6.

    In a message to Tarrio on Dec. 25, 2020, Lamond said Metropolitan Police Department investigators had asked him to identify Tarrio from a photograph. He warned Tarrio that police may be seeking a warrant for his arrest.

    Later, on the day of his arrest, Tarrio posted a message to other Proud Boys leaders that said, “The warrant was just signed.”...............

    A man who allegedly took part in the insurrection on January 6 2021 wearing the head of a panda costume has been arrested by the FBI.

    Jesse James Rumson was arrested in Florida on Monday. He is accused of storming the US Capitol among hundreds of other supporters of former President Donald Trump in an attempt to block Congress from certifying the 2020 election victory of President Joe Biden.

    Court records state that Mr Rumson faces several charges including assaulting, resisting, or impeding an officer and engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds.

    Video footage from the day of the insurrection shows that a man wearing the head of a panda costume entered the congressional complex via an emergency fire escape just seconds after it had been forced open by the mob and he moved towards police officers attempting to stop the rioters from getting further.

    Online investigators who have aided in the identification of hundreds of people who took part in the riot have named the man “Sedition Panda” and they had revealed images of him before his arrest……..

    A Georgia man who asked where the “swamp rats” were hiding during the Jan. 6 attacks on the Capitol was found guilty of felony charges, the Justice Department announced Tuesday.

    Bruno Joseph Cua, 20, was found guilty on two felony charges – obstruction of an official proceeding and assaulting, resisting, interfering with, intimidating, opposing or impeding officers – during a stipulated trial on Feb. 24. He was arrested on Feb. 5, 2021, and his sentencing is scheduled for May 12, where he could be sentenced up to 28 years in prison for both felony charges.

    The Justice Department said that government evidence showed Cua traveled to D.C. with his parents from Milton, Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021 before attending a rally at the Washington Monument, where former President Trump told the crowd to head to the Capitol..............

    Ruined his life over what his parents probably put in his head. I hope they are proud of what they did, I know he's an adult, but at 20, most at that age believe what they have been fed.. Thsi guy is the opposite of a patriot.
    “This is what happens when you piss off patriots!”
    Last edited:
    Ruined his life over what his parents probably put in his head. I hope they are proud of what they did, I know he's an adult, but at 20, most at that age believe what they have been fed.. Thsi guy is the opposite of a patriot.
    Yup. And he is an idiot on top of that. Of course, patriotism is one of the strongest forms of agitprop.
    Donald Trump has released a charity single, recorded with a choir of men held in a Washington DC prison for their parts in the deadly January 6 insurrection he incited.

    On Friday, Justice for All by Donald J Trump and the J6 Prison Choir was available on streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube.

    The move is the latest in a growing trend by Trump and others on the far right of US politics to embrace the January 6 attack on the Capitol as a political cause and portray many of those who carried it out as protesters being persecuted by the state.

    Forbes, which first reported the song’s production, said a video would debut on a podcast hosted by Steve Bannon, the far-right activist and alleged fraudster who was Trump’s campaign chair and White House strategist.

    Over an ambient backing, the song features Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, interspersed with a male voice choir singing The Star-Spangled Banner. The song lasts for about two and a half minutes and ends with a chant of “U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!” Forbes said it was “produced by a major recording artist who was not identified”.

    Robert Maguire, research director for the watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said: “I have never been more repulsed by the mere existence of a song than one sung by a president who tried to do a coup and a literal ‘choir’ of insurrectionists who tried to help him.”

    Barb McQuade, a University of Michigan law professor and former US attorney, called the song “a disinformation tactic right out of the authoritarian playbook”.

    Trump, she said, was seeking to “wrap lies in patriotism”……..

    Anyone who thinks that the Republican Party won’t fall in line behind Trump come the primary season and general election is fooling themselves. It doesn’t matter that Haley and Pompeo are trying to put forth some “never Trump” image while contorting themselves so it isn’t noticeable. The Party, as a whole, is Trump’s party. That it is nihilism on steroids is irrelevant.
    Anyone who thinks that the Republican Party won’t fall in line behind Trump come the primary season and general election is fooling themselves. It doesn’t matter that Haley and Pompeo are trying to put forth some “never Trump” image while contorting themselves so it isn’t noticeable. The Party, as a whole, is Trump’s party. That it is nihilism on steroids is irrelevant.

    My dream scenario is he doesn't get the nomination (in reality I believe he will) and forms his own "MAGA" party and completely destroys the R party.....they sure as heck deserve it.....
    My dream scenario is he doesn't get the nomination (in reality I believe he will) and forms his own "MAGA" party and completely destroys the R party.....they sure as heck deserve it.....
    Yeah, I like that dream.
    Yeah, I like that dream.

    Same. Especially the part where Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are forced to resign after getting caught having a late-night session in camera, if you catch my drift.
    Anyone who thinks that the Republican Party won’t fall in line behind Trump come the primary season and general election is fooling themselves. It doesn’t matter that Haley and Pompeo are trying to put forth some “never Trump” image while contorting themselves so it isn’t noticeable. The Party, as a whole, is Trump’s party. That it is nihilism on steroids is irrelevant.
    Yeah, I didn't always think that. But until the party proves otherwise, you're absolutely right.
    Same. Especially the part where Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are forced to resign after getting caught having a late-night session in camera, if you catch my drift.

    There have very likely been 1000's of women that have already suffered death, irreparable damage or have been forced to travel to other states (if they are fortunate enough to have the resources/means) to get the healthcare then need because of those radical Christian zealots.....I hope they receive the karma they so richly deserve one day....
    There have very likely been 1000's of women that have already suffered death, irreparable damage or have been forced to travel to other states (if they are fortunate enough to have the resources/means) to get the healthcare then need because of those radical Christian zealots.....I hope they receive the karma they so richly deserve one day....

    So very much. forking butt crevasses.
    Donald Trump has released a charity single, recorded with a choir of men held in a Washington DC prison for their parts in the deadly January 6 insurrection he incited.

    On Friday, Justice for All by Donald J Trump and the J6 Prison Choir was available on streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube.

    The move is the latest in a growing trend by Trump and others on the far right of US politics to embrace the January 6 attack on the Capitol as a political cause and portray many of those who carried it out as protesters being persecuted by the state.

    Forbes, which first reported the song’s production, said a video would debut on a podcast hosted by Steve Bannon, the far-right activist and alleged fraudster who was Trump’s campaign chair and White House strategist.

    Over an ambient backing, the song features Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, interspersed with a male voice choir singing The Star-Spangled Banner. The song lasts for about two and a half minutes and ends with a chant of “U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!” Forbes said it was “produced by a major recording artist who was not identified”.

    Robert Maguire, research director for the watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said: “I have never been more repulsed by the mere existence of a song than one sung by a president who tried to do a coup and a literal ‘choir’ of insurrectionists who tried to help him.”

    Barb McQuade, a University of Michigan law professor and former US attorney, called the song “a disinformation tactic right out of the authoritarian playbook”.

    Trump, she said, was seeking to “wrap lies in patriotism”……..

    Wow, the YouTube of that thing is at the link. Two minutes of my life I will never ever get back.

    One of the most gag-able things I think I've ever seen. And now it can't be unseen.

    Here, something else to watch:

    If anyone thinks that some of the officers weren't sympathetic to these insurrectionists, they aren't very smart.
    If a secret ervice guy let me in the White House and i destroy stuff and make threatening statements about the President and Vice President and the rest , i can guarntee you the excuse of " well, one of your guys let me in" isn't gonna help my defense any...
    I don't know what happened to this particular officer, but if he's still and officer of some sort, there or anywhere else, his fellow officers should turn their backs on him and force him out for helping put so many lives in danger.

    QAnon Shaman Video Raises Questions About Capitol Police Officers​


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