Biden Tracker (9 Viewers)

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    What I'm about to say is the "same old, same old" from me:
    I disagree with the last sentence "Most Rs don't mind Trump's immoral behavior".
    You don't know that "most" is the appropriate word.
    We won't know that until November. Or maybe even longer....maybe we won't know unless Trump is a candidate in the Iowa or New Hampshire Primaries.
    AND.....I'm sure there would be many articulate conservative thinkers who could say that they are not in favor of a future Trump Presidency....BUT setting that aside, they'd possibly argue that Trump is not "against American Democracy". (as you word it)
    If (God forbid) the people of this land elected him President in Nov. of 2024 (please no!)...but IF that happened, I'm sure they would make the point that Trump would not become a Fidel Castro or a Muammar Gaddafi.
    Although I carefully avoid seeing him on tv or is likely that Trump is railing against "mail in voting".....he's not anti democracy....he just wants elections to be the way they were prior to Covid. That's my assumption but I don't want to even hear his voice so I studiously avoid any exposure to him.
    How is he not against democracy? What more would you (and others) have to see from him? This is the biggest reason I have turned on all Republicans. This denial of what they should be able to see, because it’s as plain as day.

    Trump admires dictators and autocrats, pretty much fawning over them. He told Xi it was fine to carry out a pogrom against the Uyghurs - put them in concentration camps. He spoke admiringly of the way Xi and Putin have installed themselves without opposition.

    Trump openly welcomed help from Putin to win his election, and then obstructed the probe into his dealings with Russia. He should be prosecuted for that - but there are plenty of other crimes he can be prosecuted for.

    Trump has claimed massive voter fraud constantly - when there is none. He encouraged Republicans to overturn valid election results, in fact he is still doing this. He encouraged violence against Congress on Jan. 6, and was disappointed when it didn’t achieve his goal. He pressured state Republicans to override the election results, he asked Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes for him, or “just say you recalculated” in order to overturn his loss in GA. We have this on tape. He pressured Mike Pence to do something that is against the Constitution, and told violent insurrectionists that Pence had betrayed him and them by not doing what he asked.

    He votes by mail himself - and has consistently. So no, this all has nothing to do with vote by mail, that’s just a convenient smokescreen.

    I find the lack of concern among Republicans about these anti-democracy plots and schemes to be unforgivable. They don’t deserve to be in a position of public trust. Spineless cowards.

    Oh, and if Trump is ever elected President again, the American experiment is over. Nobody in the Republican Party will ever vote to impeach him and he will fill his cabinet with toadies. He will never, ever cede power again, IMO. There wouldn’t be anything the people could do about it. I don’t know how you think rational conservatives could “make the point” that he wouldn’t become a Castro or Gaddafi? What exactly would they do to stop it? We saw how the “guard rails” just barely held last time.

    The American President is the most powerful person in the world. He has had a taste of that - he won’t “play nice” next time. There won’t be anyone in his administration to stand up to him, like we had last time. He may not be well-schooled or have much intelligence, but he is a ruthless, malignant narcissist. He has a certain street smarts - in the way of the Mafia. He’s associated with Mafiosos his whole life. He knows how to conduct himself in that manner.

    This rant isn’t truly directed at you, Steve, but every rational person in America should be scared to death of a second Trump term - and we should all unite to make sure it doesn’t happen.
    How is he not against democracy? What more would you (and others) have to see from him? This is the biggest reason I have turned on all Republicans. This denial of what they should be able to see, because it’s as plain as day.

    Trump admires dictators and autocrats, pretty much fawning over them. He told Xi it was fine to carry out a pogrom against the Uyghurs - put them in concentration camps. He spoke admiringly of the way Xi and Putin have installed themselves without opposition.

    Trump openly welcomed help from Putin to win his election, and then obstructed the probe into his dealings with Russia. He should be prosecuted for that - but there are plenty of other crimes he can be prosecuted for.

    Trump has claimed massive voter fraud constantly - when there is none. He encouraged Republicans to overturn valid election results, in fact he is still doing this. He encouraged violence against Congress on Jan. 6, and was disappointed when it didn’t achieve his goal. He pressured state Republicans to override the election results, he asked Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes for him, or “just say you recalculated” in order to overturn his loss in GA. We have this on tape. He pressured Mike Pence to do something that is against the Constitution, and told violent insurrectionists that Pence had betrayed him and them by not doing what he asked.

    He votes by mail himself - and has consistently. So no, this all has nothing to do with vote by mail, that’s just a convenient smokescreen.

    I find the lack of concern among Republicans about these anti-democracy plots and schemes to be unforgivable. They don’t deserve to be in a position of public trust. Spineless cowards.

    Oh, and if Trump is ever elected President again, the American experiment is over. Nobody in the Republican Party will ever vote to impeach him and he will fill his cabinet with toadies. He will never, ever cede power again, IMO. There wouldn’t be anything the people could do about it. I don’t know how you think rational conservatives could “make the point” that he wouldn’t become a Castro or Gaddafi? What exactly would they do to stop it? We saw how the “guard rails” just barely held last time.

    The American President is the most powerful person in the world. He has had a taste of that - he won’t “play nice” next time. There won’t be anyone in his administration to stand up to him, like we had last time. He may not be well-schooled or have much intelligence, but he is a ruthless, malignant narcissist. He has a certain street smarts - in the way of the Mafia. He’s associated with Mafiosos his whole life. He knows how to conduct himself in that manner.

    This rant isn’t truly directed at you, Steve, but every rational person in America should be scared to death of a second Trump term - and we should all unite to make sure it doesn’t happen.
    No we should not be scared. America will not let happen what you fear will happen. It can't happen here. We (the USA) have too many safeguards in place. This is not Russia or Libya. You are just being overly dramatic.
    ....and why would America re-elect Trump anyway?
    They won't. He only has some support now because he is not running for anything. IF he was a declared candidate, all kinds of commercials would be broadcasted and many people would see his flaws and withdraw their support.
    Save your typing/posting. We have a free press. A well established government with checks and balances. America has a large anti Trump populace who would take to the streets if he turned into a Castro/Stalin, etc.. Yet there will not be a need for that. No dictators from either party will ever be tolerated.
    Yet who is going to be at the top of the Democratic ticket in Nov. of 2024?
    Biden - Harris again? I don't want Trump vs Biden again. That would be such a mistake.
    They both should be rejected by the voters and someone better should be the standard bearer of each party!
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    Steve, do you know how close we came in 2020? If only three state officials had caved to the pressure put on them, we would have been thrown into a full-blown Constitutional crisis with one camp pushing for activating the National Guard and seizing the voting machines and the other rightly maintaining that there was nothing wrong with the election.

    I wish I could have your blind faith - but we came so very close. And Trumpists are working hard to put people in positions in the states to go through with it next time. If Trump is the candidate - it won’t matter what the vote says. He will say the election was rigged and he will have people in position to carry out his will in the states.

    I really am not an overly dramatic person - and I wonder if you would say that to a man? 😁 Anyway, you can go back and read what we were discussing before Jan. 6 - I didn’t think Trump would go as far as he did. And I was shocked by how many officials in government helped. Actively schemed to thwart the will of the people - which is the bedrock American value. If we don’t have this - we have nothing.

    You can listen to any number of actual conservatives who are as worried about this as I am. I just read a tweet from one the other day - he’s from TN, Republican lawyer, who recently left the party over this push for anti-democracy. He said he’s been most surprised that all his friends and acquaintances, people he’s known his whole life and thought they shared his values and belief in the American form of government, that they would witness a US president push to overturn the results of a valid election, to the point of orchestrating an attack on Congress while they are in session, and be pretty much okay with it.
    Steve, do you know how close we came in 2020? If only three state officials had caved to the pressure put on them, we would have been thrown into a full-blown Constitutional crisis with one camp pushing for activating the National Guard and seizing the voting machines and the other rightly maintaining that there was nothing wrong with the election.

    I wish I could have your blind faith - but we came so very close. And Trumpists are working hard to put people in positions in the states to go through with it next time. If Trump is the candidate - it won’t matter what the vote says. He will say the election was rigged and he will have people in position to carry out his will in the states.

    I really am not an overly dramatic person - and I wonder if you would say that to a man? 😁 Anyway, you can go back and read what we were discussing before Jan. 6 - I didn’t think Trump would go as far as he did. And I was shocked by how many officials in government helped. Actively schemed to thwart the will of the people - which is the bedrock American value. If we don’t have this - we have nothing.

    You can listen to any number of actual conservatives who are as worried about this as I am. I just read a tweet from one the other day - he’s from TN, Republican lawyer, who recently left the party over this push for anti-democracy. He said he’s been most surprised that all his friends and acquaintances, people he’s known his whole life and thought they shared his values and belief in the American form of government, that they would witness a US president push to overturn the results of a valid election, to the point of orchestrating an attack on Congress while they are in session, and be pretty much okay with it.
    #1 The user name "MT15" is so unrelated to gender that actually I DID think you were a man. In my defense....Did you ever use your first name or refer to yourself as a woman? Not that I recall....or not that I noticed.
    #2 THIS post of yours ( on our Trump topic) makes me see your point of view a little better. Your: We came so close in 2020 argument....the way you expanded on that was effective.
    Feel free to continue watching out for the things you are fearing. America is in good hands when concerned citizens are paying attention.
    What I'm about to say is the "same old, same old" from me:
    I disagree with the last sentence "Most Rs don't mind Trump's immoral behavior".
    You don't know that "most" is the appropriate word.
    We won't know that until November. Or maybe even longer....maybe we won't know unless Trump is a candidate in the Iowa or New Hampshire Primaries.
    AND.....I'm sure there would be many articulate conservative thinkers who could say that they are not in favor of a future Trump Presidency....BUT setting that aside, they'd possibly argue that Trump is not "against American Democracy". (as you word it)
    If (God forbid) the people of this land elected him President in Nov. of 2024 (please no!)...but IF that happened, I'm sure they would make the point that Trump would not become a Fidel Castro or a Muammar Gaddafi.
    Although I carefully avoid seeing him on tv or is likely that Trump is railing against "mail in voting".....he's not anti democracy....he just wants elections to be the way they were prior to Covid. That's my assumption but I don't want to even hear his voice so I studiously avoid any exposure to him.

    Yup, you folks are as big a problem as the Trumpers....portend to not like Trump and then make excuses for him....Not anti democracy? You must be joking.....Most is the appropriate word until we start to see otherwise.....MT15 hits the nail on the head whilst you flail around failing to make any sense.....I hope your party implodes because of Trump...we will see....
    Yup, you folks are as big a problem as the Trumpers....portend to not like Trump and then make excuses for him....Not anti democracy? You must be joking.....Most is the appropriate word until we start to see otherwise.....MT15 hits the nail on the head whilst you flail around failing to make any sense.....I hope your party implodes because of Trump...we will see....
    I make plenty of sense.
    I'm not flailing around.
    Democracy all my life is where people go to the voting booth on election day and vote in person.
    The exceptions were numerous.
    Out of the country in the military.
    No transportation.
    And MANY other reasons that I have not listed.
    Trump ( who I DO INDEED dislike) is in favor of keeping voting the way it has been since he was born.
    Democracy by voting on election day. DEMOCRACY IS what he wants. Not like Putin who came into power in an election but a billion years later he is still there. That is NOT democracy.
    Trump is of the opinion that when we all went to bed a little past midnight last 2020 and he was ahead in PA....then we woke up and by lunch time bags and bags of mail in votes for Biden were counted....and Biden was the winner. Well, Trump found that a bit suspicious.
    Yet all the election misconduct claims were thoroughly investigated and no misconduct was found.
    I...Steve....I am satisfied with that.
    Trump is not.
    He is wrong...BUT....that does not mean he is "against democracy".
    He just thinks shady stuff took place and he is not convinced that it didn't.
    "My" Republican Party(as you call it) might indeed be in trouble if not enough people follow my example and say they want nothing to do with Trump.
    "Your" Democratic Party could be in trouble also....if people don't put pressure on Biden to say that he has decided not to run in 2024. He is so unpopular and Vice President Harris has been less than stellar also. Both parties need someone who is under 70 and not polarizing.
    Yup...I make plenty of sense :)
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    I make plenty of sense.
    I'm not flailing around.
    Democracy all my life is where people go to the voting booth on election day and vote in person.
    The exceptions were numerous.
    Out of the country in the military.
    No transportation.
    And MANY other reasons that I have not listed.
    Trump ( who I DO INDEED dislike) is in favor of keeping voting the way it has been since he was born.
    Democracy by voting on election day. DEMOCRACY IS what he wants. Not like Putin who came into power in an election but a billion years later he is still there. That is NOT democracy.
    Trump is of the opinion that when we all went to bed a little past midnight last 2020 and he was ahead in PA....then we woke up and by lunch time bags and bags of mail in votes for Biden were counted....and Biden was the winner. Well, Trump found that a bit suspicious.
    Yet all the election misconduct claims were thoroughly investigated and no misconduct was found.
    I...Steve....I am satisfied with that.
    Trump is not.
    He is wrong...BUT....that does not mean he is "against democracy".
    He just thinks shady stuff took place and he is not convinced that it didn't.
    "My" Republican Party(as you call it) might indeed be in trouble if not enough people follow my example and say they want nothing to do with Trump.
    "Your" Democratic Party could be in trouble also....if people don't put pressure on Biden to say that he has decided not to run in 2024. He is so unpopular and Vice President Harris has been less than stellar also. Both parties need someone who is under 70 and not polarizing.
    Yup...I make plenty sense :)

    Who cares what Trump found suspicious? Everyone paying an ounce of attention knows why there was a delay. Officials weren't allowed to tabulate the mail-in votes early, so they had to sit on them until election day. A record 6.9 million people voted in PA in 2020. This is an article from the day before the election discussing it.

    As for this being evidence of him against democracy- it is. It's evidence because he has chosen to ignore the blatantly obvious, thoroughly discussed truth in favor of bullshirt lies that directly undermine our elections. Please explain how that isn't against democracy.
    It can't happen here.
    Absolutely it can. It nearly did. All you need is enough bad actors in the right places. The GOP (which is 85% Trumpsters now) is looking to take control over Secretary of State offices so the next time they can carry out the insane plan of refusing to certify legitimate elections.
    Absolutely it can. It nearly did. All you need is enough bad actors in the right places. The GOP (which is 85% Trumpsters now) is looking to take control over Secretary of State offices so the next time they can carry out the insane plan of refusing to certify legitimate elections.
    The GOP is NOT trying to do that.
    Seemingly Trump is trying to do that.
    I totally take issue with your chosen % number.
    Bah humbug.
    The GOP is NOT trying to do that.
    Seemingly Trump is trying to do that.
    I totally take issue with your chosen % number.
    Bah humbug.
    I think you're vastly overestimating the number of Liz Cheneys left in the GOP. The truth is for every Liz Cheney that sticks around and fights there are probably half a dozen who are either voted out or opt not to run for reelection because of pressure.


    And the GOP is most certainly trying to make it easier to cry election fraud and call into question the integrity of the elections. It's happening in nearly every battleground or conservative-leaning state out there. Perhaps it's because you are in a relatively moderate state like New Jersey, but I assure you it is happening wide spread. Trump has moved the goalposts for the GOP.

    This gem of a lady is the GOP candidate for governor in Arizona:

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    @SaulGoodmanEsq 85% of Republicans are not currently Trump supporters.
    The End.
    A question please to anyone on madaboutpolitics . On some posting platforms there is a way to select "ignore" or select "block".
    Does madaboutpolitics have either of these options?
    A question please to anyone on madaboutpolitics . On some posting platforms there is a way to select "ignore" or select "block".
    Does madaboutpolitics have either of these options?

    Yes. Hover over my name, then click ignore. The best part is that when you do it, it acknowledges that you read my post.
    I make plenty of sense.
    I'm not flailing around.
    Democracy all my life is where people go to the voting booth on election day and vote in person.
    The exceptions were numerous.
    Out of the country in the military.
    No transportation.
    And MANY other reasons that I have not listed.
    Trump ( who I DO INDEED dislike) is in favor of keeping voting the way it has been since he was born.
    Democracy by voting on election day. DEMOCRACY IS what he wants. Not like Putin who came into power in an election but a billion years later he is still there. That is NOT democracy.
    Trump is of the opinion that when we all went to bed a little past midnight last 2020 and he was ahead in PA....then we woke up and by lunch time bags and bags of mail in votes for Biden were counted....and Biden was the winner. Well, Trump found that a bit suspicious.
    Yet all the election misconduct claims were thoroughly investigated and no misconduct was found.
    I...Steve....I am satisfied with that.
    Trump is not.
    He is wrong...BUT....that does not mean he is "against democracy".
    He just thinks shady stuff took place and he is not convinced that it didn't.
    "My" Republican Party(as you call it) might indeed be in trouble if not enough people follow my example and say they want nothing to do with Trump.
    "Your" Democratic Party could be in trouble also....if people don't put pressure on Biden to say that he has decided not to run in 2024. He is so unpopular and Vice President Harris has been less than stellar also. Both parties need someone who is under 70 and not polarizing.
    Yup...I make plenty of sense :)

    I stand by my statement, above is inane gibberish.....
    @SaulGoodmanEsq 85% of Republicans are not currently Trump supporters.
    The End.
    I am very familiar with the Lincoln Project and Bill Kristol but they represent only a very small fraction of the current GOP. Show me the number of successful candidates that advertise their endorsement by these groups versus the ones who will do anything to get Trump's approval.

    I don't know what else to tell you, if you don't see Trump's obvious controlling grip on the GOP you are not paying attention. Ron DeSantis, whom you've seen as strong non-Trump candidate, is merely a proxy for Trump and won his election spouting the same rhetoric. It's not so much Trump the man as it is the anti-democracy GOP and the means they will perpetrate to achieve their ends.

    I'll cite to the current politics of the UK if you want to see what a reasonable democracy and political process looks like. Compare it to the US and you'll see just how far the US has fallen in a very short time span.
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