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    I'm trying to generate some threads on actual issues which are sorely lacking. You guys think I'm being difficult or something but I'm genuinely curious about you and Farb's stances on issues and governance.

    The unfortunate thing is you both limit your postings to banal media headline type of stuff. A 'but so-and-so does it shouldn't be your basis for doing it, too. I understand the rhetorical bent of why you post the way you do but, imho, the best way to defeat what you view as empty or shallow posting is to post substance discussions on the merits, not clutter the forum with even more sensationalist claptrap.
    When you start criticizing people here on the left that do what you claim we do then I'll start taking you seriously.
    When you start criticizing people here on the left that do what you claim we do then I'll start taking you seriously.
    What about the notion that I'd prefer to have a discussion about issues is not to be taken seriously? I've attempted numerous times to glean your political positions on a variety of issues to no avail.
    Give me a break. He's being quite reasonable. Its a good faith request to discuss the issues. If you can't handle that, then I don't know what to tell you.

    I do. I find that most users on here are capable of reasoned debate and disagreement and the general atmosphere is much more amiable when Farb and SFL stick to their usual once a month drive by whataboutism. Interesting that we've had several Trump trolls show up in the past week just as these two seem to be making a return.
    Well *checks watch* it is about that time when "socialism/communism/marxism -- any scary sounding ISM" starts making its rounds on Fox News, seeing that a Democrat won. Doesn't even matter that Biden is basically a Republican... You can't really blame folks when the right wing media fearmongers. It just takes its toll.
    Give me a break. He's being quite reasonable. Its a good faith request to discuss the issues. If you can't handle that, then I don't know what to tell you.
    You haven't been posting here that long so it's understandable that you are unaware of the tactics of some of the people here on the left.

    They constantly try to tell us how to post, what we should post, what we shouldn’t post and saying we shouldn't criticize a democrat unless we also constantly criticize Trump.

    They dismiss articles we post as opinions when they also post opinion articles, they complain about us posting a tweet without comment when people on the left still constantly do that, they dismiss articles based on their opinion of the authors credibility but rarely say what's inaccurate, etc. Their rules for how we post don't apply to themselves.

    They constantly accused us of being racists and/or supporting everything about Trump including what he said if we ever said we supported a Trump policy, if we said what they said about Trump wasn't true, if we didn't believe the unnamed intelligence sources in articles that provided zero evidence etc.

    It doesn't matter how many times we criticize Trump as a liar who is likely guilty of some crimes they still ask us the same things over and over.

    SaulGoodmanEsq could have been genuine in his request, but considering I've never seen him make that same request to people on the left I'm skeptical.
    SFL, that is quite a post. I think Dave has been here plenty long to recognize the lay of the land. He’s a quality conservative poster. You should rather try to emulate him than air imaginary grievances. I don’t think you have ever been called a racist here, for example, let alone constantly. 🙄

    Take a minute and think about what you posted. Just some friendly advice.
    You haven't been posting here that long so it's understandable that you are unaware of the tactics of some of the people here on the left.

    They constantly try to tell us how to post, what we should post, what we shouldn’t post and saying we shouldn't criticize a democrat unless we also constantly criticize Trump.

    They dismiss articles we post as opinions when they also post opinion articles, they complain about us posting a tweet without comment when people on the left still constantly do that, they dismiss articles based on their opinion of the authors credibility but rarely say what's inaccurate, etc. Their rules for how we post don't apply to themselves.

    They constantly accused us of being racists and/or supporting everything about Trump including what he said if we ever said we supported a Trump policy, if we said what they said about Trump wasn't true, if we didn't believe the unnamed intelligence sources in articles that provided zero evidence etc.

    It doesn't matter how many times we criticize Trump as a liar who is likely guilty of some crimes they still ask us the same things over and over.

    SaulGoodmanEsq could have been genuine in his request, but considering I've never seen him make that same request to people on the left I'm skeptical.

    I've actually been here since the site started, although I didn't start posting until several months later. I'll just try to address what I see.

    1. No, they don't constantly tell you how to post. I do see it every now and then, and usually the requests are reasonable. I've seen numerous instances where sources were sites like thegatewaypundit and similar which by all accounts are less news and more propaganda site. Now a discussion can be had about other sources, and I believe there was an entire thread about that subject, although it's been a while.

    2. No one that I can recall has said that you can't criticize Biden unless you criticize Trump. We're all free to criticize one or the other. Whether the criticism is warranted can certainly be debated.

    3. The rules for posting tweets, articles and other links apply equally to both sides. If I see something that warrants a warning, I'll report the post, whether it's coming from either extreme. You perception doesn't match what I'm actually seeing on this point.

    4. I can't recall anyone calling you a racist. That said, I've seen some blatantly racist posts by a few other posters, and they've had to answer for that.

    5. You've already made your points clear about how you're no fan of Trump. Others may forget that you've said as much. I do think you've got a fair point there.

    6. I think Saul was being reasonable. I would just respond to his request instead of worrying about what his motives are. I've seen enough from him to believe he's a good faith poster. Others may have their own agendas, and posters on the left have been banned before on multiple occasions, so the staff as best as I can tell has tried to facilitate healthy political dialogue on the site. As long as everyone is treated fairly and given the opportunity make a case for their position, I think the site can be a place for conservatives, moderates and liberals.

    I totally get that conservatives are in the minority here, and that patience for conservatives is rather fragile because Trump has basically irredeemably wrecked the Republican party. Ever since Trump was elected, I basically wrote off my Republican affiliation. I want nothing to do with the party until they either get rid of Trumpism completely, or a new party with more moderate views is started.
    SFL, that is quite a post. I think Dave has been here plenty long to recognize the lay of the land. He’s a quality conservative poster. You should rather try to emulate him than air imaginary grievances. I don’t think you have ever been called a racist here, for example, let alone constantly. 🙄

    Take a minute and think about what you posted. Just some friendly advice.
    I stand by what I posted. No problem if you disagree. Those things I talked about were discussed many times on the conservative board.
    I've actually been here since the site started, although I didn't start posting until several months later. I'll just try to address what I see.

    1. No, they don't constantly tell you how to post. I do see it every now and then, and usually the requests are reasonable. I've seen numerous instances where sources were sites like thegatewaypundit and similar which by all accounts are less news and more propaganda site. Now a discussion can be had about other sources, and I believe there was an entire thread about that subject, although it's been a while.

    2. No one that I can recall has said that you can't criticize Biden unless you criticize Trump. We're all free to criticize one or the other. Whether the criticism is warranted can certainly be debated.

    3. The rules for posting tweets, articles and other links apply equally to both sides. If I see something that warrants a warning, I'll report the post, whether it's coming from either extreme. You perception doesn't match what I'm actually seeing on this point.

    4. I can't recall anyone calling you a racist. That said, I've seen some blatantly racist posts by a few other posters, and they've had to answer for that.

    5. You've already made your points clear about how you're no fan of Trump. Others may forget that you've said as much. I do think you've got a fair point there.

    6. I think Saul was being reasonable. I would just respond to his request instead of worrying about what his motives are. I've seen enough from him to believe he's a good faith poster. Others may have their own agendas, and posters on the left have been banned before on multiple occasions, so the staff as best as I can tell has tried to facilitate healthy political dialogue on the site. As long as everyone is treated fairly and given the opportunity make a case for their position, I think the site can be a place for conservatives, moderates and liberals.

    I totally get that conservatives are in the minority here, and that patience for conservatives is rather fragile because Trump has basically irredeemably wrecked the Republican party. Ever since Trump was elected, I basically wrote off my Republican affiliation. I want nothing to do with the party until they either get rid of Trumpism completely, or a new party with more moderate views is started.
    I've never posted anything from gatewaypundit or any websites like that. They don't like the people on the left that called out Russigate like Greenwald, Tracey, and Taibbi.

    In the past they did constantly tell us how to post. That hasn't happened as much recently.

    In regards to #2, your statement isn't accurate. I'm talking about how its been since this website started. You are probably going by what you've seen recently. It was a very common occurrence to ask us about Trump almost every time when we criticized Democrats.

    #3, The rules do apply equally to everyone, but they always complain or report my post when I post a tweet with no comment or an article with a short comment. I can find multiple examples of that from them in the last week with zero complaints because they don't disagree with the poster. I've hardly every reported their posts or complained about them doing the same thing.

    I'll have to find some examples for you.
    I'm talking about how its been since this website started. You are probably going by what you've seen recently. It was a very common occurrence to ask us about Trump almost every time when we criticized Democrats.
    for my own part, i think i'm typically looking for a baseline - from my perspective Trump fans and apologists including the 'but muh taxes' crowd have been arguing flat earth reality for 4 years (honestly since the Tea Party)
    1/6 is the latest most egregious example (not that it's what we're talking about here specifically) if someone can't admit that 1/6 was insurrection and an attempted coup, i'm not sure what there is to discuss about the smaller stuff

    there are like 3 conservatives on this board who argue against every republican agenda item - and politically they haven't really moved - it's the Alts and Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer and the rest who silently/tacitly endorse the most heinous aspects of Trump's presidency (which is a lot of it) that have jumped off the political cliff

    i promise you that most here want a decent left v right, progressive v moderate, conservative v moderate debate
    but if some of y'all can't admit that the earth is ovoid what's the point in putting stock into anything you say/post?
    I missed Biden’s townhall, but the news has highlighted his opposition to forgiving $50k of student loans, but wants $10k and free community college. That seems reasonable, but not if the due amount is for a master’s degree. I also worry about free community college unless it has conditions. I want accountability to produce graduates that can earn money with the education.

    I’m also glad that he’s flexible on the minimum wage. I would like to see wages linked to experience somehow. Maybe allow paying below minimum wage for low skilled jobs for up to 6 months. It should be a high percentage of the minimum wage to discourage very short term hiring. Of course short term hires will make more mistakes, so that will also discourage it. Also perhaps use a reward system to encourage companies to pay the minimum wage commensurate with poverty in their region, rather than a nationwide minimum, since costs of living vary widely across the country and even regionally. The Federal government already does this for their employees with regional adjustments.

    Later in the press conference, a second reporter asked Psaki, “Does the president still plan to take executive action on gun” control?

    “The president has a range of actions at his disposal,” Psaki responded. “He hasn’t ruled out either of those options.”

    The question came after Biden called on Congress late last week to “enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.”

    We know this administration loves them some Executive Orders so this is not surprising. I guess I am an old fashioned 'conservativeish' that thinks if any rights that are enumerated in the constitution are chipped away, it should be done by those we voted to represent us. They should vote now, why they are surrounded by armed citizens soldiers. The optics are amazing.
    Well *checks watch* it is about that time when "socialism/communism/marxism -- any scary sounding ISM" starts making its rounds on Fox News, seeing that a Democrat won. Doesn't even matter that Biden is basically a Republican... You can't really blame folks when the right wing media fearmongers. It just takes its toll.
    Don't forget gas prices! OMG the gas prices!

    Biden also appeared to blame Psaki and his communications team for the discrepancy, saying the claim that he only meant in-person learning once a week was “not true.” “That’s what was reported. That’s not true,” Biden said of Psaki’s statement. “That was a mistake in the communications.”

    “Teachers should be a priority,” Harris reiterated, noting that teachers “are critical to our children’s development, they should be able to teach in a safe place and expand the minds and the opportunities of our children. So teachers should be a priority along with other front-line workers.”

    I still have not seen any 'science' that shows schools and or children as a significant transmission of the virus that originated in China. And with this administration so beholden to teachers unions, kids in certain states will miss almost an entire year or longer of an actual education.

    With such an important issue, its troubling to see this current administration bumble the basics so badly (basics being communication and transparency to the American people).
    He’s “owning” us or something. Heh.

    so didn’t the president say k-8 schools will be full time, in person by the end of April? That has been their goal since before the inauguration, IIRC. The president did say there was some miscommunication about that goal, and corrected the error. Seems pretty transparent?

    So, Farb, I’m not seeing where kids will miss a year longer?
    I missed Biden’s townhall, but the news has highlighted his opposition to forgiving $50k of student loans, but wants $10k and free community college. That seems reasonable, but not if the due amount is for a master’s degree. I also worry about free community college unless it has conditions. I want accountability to produce graduates that can earn money with the education.

    I’m also glad that he’s flexible on the minimum wage. I would like to see wages linked to experience somehow. Maybe allow paying below minimum wage for low skilled jobs for up to 6 months. It should be a high percentage of the minimum wage to discourage very short term hiring. Of course short term hires will make more mistakes, so that will also discourage it. Also perhaps use a reward system to encourage companies to pay the minimum wage commensurate with poverty in their region, rather than a nationwide minimum, since costs of living vary widely across the country and even regionally. The Federal government already does this for their employees with regional adjustments.
    You’re describing trade school and what you say is fine for trade school - or even CCs that do a partnership with local businesses to provide training
    But it’s a losing proposition to link college education to ‘career’
    We’re about to venture into the most dynamic, unpredictable labor market ever
    Tying education to careers that might be obsolete in 10 years makes no sense

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