Biden Tracker (10 Viewers)

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    What specifically do you mean by "this"?

    I already said that one of the drivers was that they had hope they would be treated humanely when they get here since Trump lost the election.

    Why were the numbers so high in the spring of 2018 and 2019? Did Trump have open borders?
    The "this" is the Democrats open border policy. There's a difference between being treated humanely and the open borders policies of many Democrats.
    Was is it an anonymous Intelligence source that has a long history of lies and deceit? Nope. I see you are using your other method of deflection. Saying it's just an opinion piece.

    The Democratic Central Committee is paying for it but according to you we shouldn't pay attention to that? I didn't vote for Trump or support any of his actions in regards to the election, but nice attempt at a strawman. There's no way this goes forward without Pelosi's blessing.

    I didn’t say it was an opinion piece. I said it reads like one. Going back to look at it, it seems to be compiled from a podcast or something, which might be why it doesn’t read like a well written article.

    The chair of the House Administration committee says they will look at evidence presented, by both sides, and that the democrat has the burden to prove that there were wrongs. This isn’t all that uncommon, having happened 90 some times in 110 years. it may be that new information has come to light since the election.

    The DCC is a political organization, right? I don’t think Pelosi controls them. The Democrats are not tightly controlled as a political party like the Republicans are.

    Who said anything about “intelligence” sources? You started an entire thread on the media to complain about the press using an anonymous source that turned out to be wrong later and you were quite assertive that they shouldn’t use them unless they can totally confirm what they say. Then you turn around and use an article that cites an anonymous source because you like what this article says.

    Michael Duncan is, per his own Twitter page, “team Mitch” and Todd Young. Mitch is Mitch McConnell. He has his own axe to grind here, don’t you think? Your article mentions that Mitch is “furious” about this, and has taken to the Senate floor to birch about it. Maybe he thinks they have a case? Lol.

    Edited to add: why is this in the Biden Tracker thread, which I just now realized, lol?
    Well, whatever we call it, I'd just want our policy to be in the vein of being a good global citizen.
    That is a good point and that is probably where a lot of miscommunication comes from.
    I personally don't care about being a good global citizen per se. I care far more about being a good American citizen. If those two points align, great! If not, the priority is my country and allies second. It is not this countries responsibility to anyone that is not a citizen.
    That being said, Americans, despite the narrative that is critical race theory, Marxism and identity politics are some of the most charitable and sympatric people on earth. I didn't say perfect.
    That is a good point and that is probably where a lot of miscommunication comes from.
    I personally don't care about being a good global citizen per se. I care far more about being a good American citizen. If those two points align, great! If not, the priority is my country and allies second. It is not this countries responsibility to anyone that is not a citizen.
    That being said, Americans, despite the narrative that is critical race theory, Marxism and identity politics are some of the most charitable and sympatric people on earth. I didn't say perfect.

    I definitely do think we can better channel some of our resources. Central and South America should our allies to the extent possible. And it would be mutually beneficial to help some of them rebuild their economies.

    Being a good global citizens means building alliances and defending them wherever we can. I'm not a fan of a go it alone approach, and I'm not a fan of being all things to all countries either. We have the pick and choose our alliances carefully and keep our commitments when the going gets tough.
    What Democrat open border policy?

    I'm amazed at the low information conservatives on this board use to form an opinion. Obama deported more illegals then Trump. There is some nuance in the argument of Trump had less deportations then Obama because they were stopped at the border, etc. Still, the fact more illegals got deported under Obama then Trump is something that was talked about everywhere but the conservative bubbles. No one would describe Obama's immigration policy as "open border".

    I'll give a hot take. This issue is nothing, and it means nothing. This is typical right wing dribble that they repeated enough for mainstream media to pickup. We are talking about 15,000 kids sent alone to the border. The "jesus party" trying to score political points over showing a sliver of empathy for CHILDREN is disgusting.
    I'm amazed at the low information conservatives on this board use to form an opinion. Obama deported more illegals then Trump. There is some nuance in the argument of Trump had less deportations then Obama because they were stopped at the border, etc. Still, the fact more illegals got deported under Obama then Trump is something that was talked about everywhere but the conservative bubbles. No one would describe Obama's immigration policy as "open border".

    I'll give a hot take. This issue is nothing, and it means nothing. This is typical right wing dribble that they repeated enough for mainstream media to pickup. We are talking about 15,000 kids sent alone to the border. The "jesus party" trying to score political points over showing a sliver of empathy for CHILDREN is disgusting.

    The reason Obama had more deportations is because he prioritized deporting criminals, and those are usually easy rulings for judges.

    Trump treated a 50 year old grandmother who had lived here illegally for thirty years the same as a MS-13 member.

    So the courts are backed up to the point where an MS-13 member who gets arrested today has a hearing scheduled in 2023, because there are 2,000 grandmothers with court dates ahead of him.

    Biden is in the process of changing it back to the Obama era, but it is not a simple process.
    That is a good point and that is probably where a lot of miscommunication comes from.
    I personally don't care about being a good global citizen per se. I care far more about being a good American citizen. If those two points align, great! If not, the priority is my country and allies second. It is not this countries responsibility to anyone that is not a citizen.
    That being said, Americans, despite the narrative that is critical race theory, Marxism and identity politics are some of the most charitable and sympatric people on earth. I didn't say perfect.

    Here’s how I look at this issue. Say you have a leaky roof, but you are not responsible for the actual shingle situation, your only legal responsibility is the inside of your building. And the people who are responsible for the shingles are just gone, and nobody knows where they are. Should you spend the money that you have on fixing the source, or should you install an elaborate system to collect and contain the water once it reaches the inside of the building?

    I think it would be shortsighted to ignore the source of the leak. 🤷‍♀️ Are you legally obligated to fix the roof, nope. Should you, heck yeah.
    Here’s how I look at this issue. Say you have a leaky roof, but you are not responsible for the actual shingle situation, your only legal responsibility is the inside of your building. And the people who are responsible for the shingles are just gone, and nobody knows where they are. Should you spend the money that you have on fixing the source, or should you install an elaborate system to collect and contain the water once it reaches the inside of the building?

    I think it would be shortsighted to ignore the source of the leak. 🤷‍♀️ Are you legally obligated to fix the roof, nope. Should you, heck yeah.
    I'm not entirely sure that is a great, all-points covered analogy, because some people tend to attack and address problems more thoroughly and systematically in solving them, expenses being taken into consideration of course. The issue you described affects me more directly in your analogy but even if I have the foresight and ability to solve some of the problems, what if I don't have enough money to completely fix the sources of the leak because from a cost-benefit analysis, I can't balance it against the myriad other financial issues I would be facing at the time.

    I think Farb's point might've been pointed from a non-interventionist foreign policy standpoint instead of complete isolationism or even neo-isolationism of Trump, being a good American in wanting to improve our overall national infrastructure (rebuild roads, highways, urban renewal in major US cities urban areas, improving our educational and healthcare systems without partisan bullshirt posturing or progressives' social justice rhetorical pandering, pragmatically starting a new cleaner, energy policies that doesn't destroy existing oil and natural gas companies and sending their employees into forced retirement, unemployment lines along with a sense of feeling embittered, disposable trash).

    Non-interventionism isn't the same thing as isolationism. We can still be a world leader in global trade, business, financial markets, technological innovation without having US soldiers being stationed in 1/3 of the world's nations, although given Russia and China's increased belligerency in Europe and in Asia respectively, it might not be such a bad idea to keep them their as a safeguard or as a deterrent force. Some international policy analysts and even some US intelligence experts and officers are concerned that China may try to ramp up its threatening rhetoric to invade or attack Taiwan, which it sees as a breakaway province, increasingly becoming real over the next 5-10 years. And the US is treaty obligated to defend Taiwan militarily from a foreign invasion as it is Saudi Arabia due to an 1945 Gulf of Aden treaty between the reigning Saudi monarch and FDR.
    Well, according to Factcheck, 'misleading-by-numbers' might be more appropriate.

    Thanks for the link. Not surprising. Biden has a history of this type of stuff. I knew listening to it someone of his statements on immigration didn’t pass the sniff test. Good to see the “liberal” fact checkers giving us the same clarity on Biden they did on Trump.
    What Democrat open border policy?

    Here's my thing about that particular question. People on the right love pointing to the current border crisis as proof that democrats want open borders. I mean, it's easy to do, look at all of those people trying to get here, asking Biden to let them in..

    But, it ignores the bigger question (which also shows who is responsible for the situation)....Why did these people show up at the border expecting to be let in? Was there a moment during the campaign where Biden claimed that if he was elected, he would open up the borders? I don't remember hearing about that. What I DO remember, though, is all of the people on the right screaming over and over that if Biden was elected, the borders would be open.

    So, why isn't anyone blaming the Republicans (at least in part) for this crisis? These people are here because Republicans promised them open borders if Biden was elected.
    Here's my thing about that particular question. People on the right love pointing to the current border crisis as proof that democrats want open borders. I mean, it's easy to do, look at all of those people trying to get here, asking Biden to let them in..

    But, it ignores the bigger question (which also shows who is responsible for the situation)....Why did these people show up at the border expecting to be let in? Was there a moment during the campaign where Biden claimed that if he was elected, he would open up the borders? I don't remember hearing about that. What I DO remember, though, is all of the people on the right screaming over and over that if Biden was elected, the borders would be open.

    So, why isn't anyone blaming the Republicans (at least in part) for this crisis? These people are here because Republicans promised them open borders if Biden was elected.

    The truth of it is that the current surge isn’t much higher than it would have been if Trump was still president.

    2021 was always going to see an above average number because there was a huge decrease in 2020 because of covid.

    If you compare now to this time in 2019 the numbers do not represent an alarming increase.

    The main driver is the conditions in their home countries, not US policy.
    Last edited:
    Thanks for the link. Not surprising. Biden has a history of this type of stuff. I knew listening to it someone of his statements on immigration didn’t pass the sniff test. Good to see the “liberal” fact checkers giving us the same clarity on Biden they did on Trump.
    Even when I read a different fact check (NBC), it seems like he is correct on the trends or points, but using exaggerated stats to make the point.

    In terms of unaccompanied minors, he used the overall crossings/detentions numbers, which is the usual seasonal surge due to cooler weather. But kids did pop more. So, he's not wrong, but used the overall season trend to defend just the kids being normal and that's only sorta true.

    On the tax cuts benefitting the top 1% disproportionately, he is correct. The 83% figure is their max benefit in a few years (2027. I think) when the middle class benefits expire after a few years of eroding away. I'd have rather he stated their current proportion and highlighted what it will be in a few years of we don't act. Eyes on the future is a good thing.

    So, not really outright lies. One embellished figure, and one future figure that probably was conflated to a current figure. But, the current plan does allow that future figure.
    The truth of it is that the current surge isn’t much higher than it would have been if Trump was still president.

    2021 was always going to see an above average number because there was a huge decrease in 2020 because of covid.

    If you compare now to this time in 2019 the numbers do not represent an alarming increase.

    The main driver is the conditions in their home countries, not US policy.

    I get that...and, I recently saw an article (I wish I could find it again) that said that this particular surge started in early November.

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