Biden Address (9/1/2022): MAGA extremism is a threat to democracy (1 Viewer)

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    U.S. Blues
    Mar 26, 2019
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    Charleston, SC
    This will be controversial. It appears tailored to appeal to independent and Republican voters who don't approve of what the MAGA movement has become - an attempt to try to further isolate the Trump wing.

    Will it work? Or will it have the opposite effect sort of like what we saw with the "deplorables" remark from Hillary?

    One thing working for Biden's timing is that some Trump support in the media has clearly been pealing away, he's at a weak point - and could get weaker as the criminal case against him builds. But Biden is definitely throwing down the gauntlet.
    He's never going to appeal to brainwashed MAGA mooks so he might as well say it. And he's 100% right. I can envision a 2024 strategy where Biden steps aside but is used as a hammer against the far right while the Democrat nominee can be more 'unifying.'
    He's never going to appeal to brainwashed MAGA mooks so he might as well say it. And he's 100% right. I can envision a 2024 strategy where Biden steps aside but is used as a hammer against the far right while the Democrat nominee can be more 'unifying.'
    I find it interesting (and perhaps part of the long term play) that so many Democrats (with Presidential aspirations) have been so vocal about Biden’s performance so far (looking at Gavin Newsom in particular). I can see the party saying, “give Biden his flowers, his time is almost up. We promise that if you play nice we will consider making you the nominee when he doesn’t seek a 2nd term.”

    If he doesn’t step aside in 2024 I can see some of these folks losing their shirt (graciously of course) if the party doesn’t win.
    The smart move by most 2024 Demo hopeful would be to basically say nothing but just keeping talking about local and popular national issues. If they win their reelections, I see Mark Kelly and Raphael Warnock being two strong contenders that might have a shot against DeSantis. Both of the latter have inspiring backgrounds/vocations. DeSantis is just another young-ish political hack who never shuts up about the culture war. Perhaps people in the battle ground states will get tired of hearing anti-woke whining and listen to a candidate who talks issues. Then you can have ol' Joey B (if he's still alive) hammer the anti-MAGA message. I can't see a path where Biden runs again. He would be 81. He's not particularly sharp as it is now and it's only going to get worse. He would have to have a string of major economic victories in the interim.
    This will be controversial. It appears tailored to appeal to independent and Republican voters who don't approve of what the MAGA movement has become - an attempt to try to further isolate the Trump wing.

    Will it work? Or will it have the opposite effect sort of like what we saw with the "deplorables" remark from Hillary?

    One thing working for Biden's timing is that some Trump support in the media has clearly been pealing away, he's at a weak point - and could get weaker as the criminal case against him builds. But Biden is definitely throwing down the gauntlet.
    It’s making Trumpists lose their shirt, but it all needed to be said. Defending democracy in the US is on the line. In a better world, the elders of the Republican Party would have checked Trump long before now. But their cowardice and immoral cynicism has led us here. They have failed the American people and failed their oath of office.
    He's never going to appeal to brainwashed MAGA mooks so he might as well say it. And he's 100% right. I can envision a 2024 strategy where Biden steps aside but is used as a hammer against the far right while the Democrat nominee can be more 'unifying.'
    Turns out Hillary was right with the deplorables remark, but it was a rallying cry that galvanized them

    Remains to be seen what effect this speech and semi facism has
    The smart move by most 2024 Demo hopeful would be to basically say nothing but just keeping talking about local and popular national issues. If they win their reelections, I see Mark Kelly and Raphael Warnock being two strong contenders that might have a shot against DeSantis. Both of the latter have inspiring backgrounds/vocations. DeSantis is just another young-ish political hack who never shuts up about the culture war. Perhaps people in the battle ground states will get tired of hearing anti-woke whining and listen to a candidate who talks issues. Then you can have ol' Joey B (if he's still alive) hammer the anti-MAGA message. I can't see a path where Biden runs again. He would be 81. He's not particularly sharp as it is now and it's only going to get worse. He would have to have a string of major economic victories in the interim.
    My concern is that if anyone other than Harris is nominated (who I think would lose handily in the general), it will set off a ton of folks who will claim sexism for not giving her the nomination as the sitting VP. They could care less that she hasn't done anything to help herself out (much like her presidential campaign).
    My concern is that if anyone other than Harris is nominated (who I think would lose handily in the general), it will set off a ton of folks who will claim sexism for not giving her the nomination as the sitting VP. They could care less that she hasn't done anything to help herself out (much like her presidential campaign).
    Stacy Abrams
    I liked probably 90% of the speech, but I didn't like using Marines as props. Politicizing the military should be off limits. Trump did it and got called to the carpet for it. Whoever decided to put those 2 Marines there deserves the same criticism. The military belongs to the country, not to a political party.
    I liked probably 90% of the speech, but I didn't like using Marines as props. Politicizing the military should be off limits. Trump did it and got called to the carpet for it. Whoever decided to put those 2 Marines there deserves the same criticism. The military belongs to the country, not to a political party.
    I don’t agree with this particular criticism. The speech was not labeled as political, and wasn’t intended as such. Biden was careful to say not all Republicans, in fact he said most Republicans were not the subject of his speech. He (and I) would contend that his speech was about a threat to our very form of government, and one that all people who are for the Constitution should unite to defeat. Several presidents have given speeches about threats to the Republic with military personnel in attendance. It’s not a break in protocol.

    This is the type of media “both side-ism” that has downplayed the very threat that we now find ourselves facing. That portrays the cultish Trumpism as politics as usual, and therefore opposing Trumpism is just a political stance. It’s not political. It’s supporting America to oppose these goons.

    How could any movement that includes both Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi be political? It’s not. It needs to be made clear that it’s a point of pride in this American experiment to oppose Trumpism.
    I liked probably 90% of the speech, but I didn't like using Marines as props. Politicizing the military should be off limits. Trump did it and got called to the carpet for it. Whoever decided to put those 2 Marines there deserves the same criticism. The military belongs to the country, not to a political party.

    Presidents routinely make speeches in front of military. He didn’t “use” them apart from their standing there - I don’t think it’s a big deal.

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