All things Racist...USA edition (3 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    So I read through all of the four articles that had to be read to find the actual quote.

    I am going to save you all a shock…… it was taken out of context.

    First, it is from a blog post by a member of BLM, not an official statement or position.

    Here is the whole quote -

    As BLMLA organizer, Jan Williams, reminds us, “Capitalism doesn’t love Black people.” In fact, white-supremacist-capitalism invented policing, initially as chattel-slavery-era “paddy rollers,” in order to protect its interests and put targets on the backs of Black people. Under modern-day policing, those targets have been affixed to the backs of Black people like, #JohnCrawford and #StevenTaylor, who were murdered by police inside Walmart stores; like #YuvetteHenderson and #RedelJones, Black mothers who were accused of petty thefts before their lives were stolen by police; and like #AlbertRamonDorsey and #DennisToddRogers, who were gunned down when 24-Hour-Fitness locations called in police on Black male patrons…twice.

    Beginning in 2014, in response to John Crawford’s murder by police in Beavercreek, Ohio, Black Lives Matter has been challenging people to “dream of a #BlackXmas,” to intentionally use our economic resources to disrupt white-supremacist-capitalism and build Black community”

    So yeah…..the hate whitey narrative? not so much
    Crazy how when you commit a crime the police get involved. Nuts.
    The thread isn’t about crimes committed.

    It’s about an BLM article you posted saying things that weren’t true.

    I then obliterated your article and by proxy your argument and you change the subject.

    Lemme guess. You are getting busy and will respond later?
    The thread isn’t about crimes committed.

    It’s about an BLM article you posted saying things that weren’t true.

    I then obliterated your article and by proxy your argument and you change the subject.

    Lemme guess. You are getting busy and will respond later?
    I am working, yes, but not too busy at this moment. Thanks for the concern, although I am picking up the sarcasm

    I think you and I have vastly different definitions of 'obliterated'.

    So policing has nothing to do with crime? I think we need to tell the police and everyone else in the world about this so as not to confuse people.

    Does capitalisms love, like or hate the founder of BLM has purchased million of dollars of properties?

    On a side note, I am wondering if 'paddy rollers' is an actual slave thing or one of the things where the definition changes to coddle the black nationalists. I am putting this up there with 'paddy wagon' but I could be wrong. I just have never heard that before but after just a quick glance, it is also lumped in with patrols so the word 'patrol' must be a linked to black slavery in the US. Does the word 'patrol' now have a racist slant to it? Maybe this should go in the language thread?
    More alt-left paranoia

    CNN) - Some Black students are being told they stink while others are being called monkeys by their White peers. The n-word has been written on the walls of school restrooms as other students are the targets of racist rants on social media.

    Students of color are facing racial slurs and bullying in and outside the classroom, and many who are fed up have been walking out of class, speaking at board meetings and even suing school districts……..
    More evidence of systemic racism that @Farb and others on the far right continue to deny exist. Also, it doesn't matter if you're a rich black person or poor black person, it affects them all.

    Paul Austin said he felt good as the appraiser roamed his Northern California home last year, ticking off some of the $400,000 worth of improvements he and his wife had made to the property.
    The appraiser noted the new fireplace, Austin told a state reparations task force in October, mentioned a room they’d added and complimented the view from the new deck.

    So Austin and his wife were shocked when the appraiser pegged the value of their Marin City home in the San Francisco Bay area at $995,000, far lower than previous appraisals.
    “It was a slap in the face,” Austin told KGO-TV in February.
    Austin and his wife, Tenisha Tate-Austin decided to get another opinion three weeks later, they say in a lawsuit filed Thursday in federal court in San Francisco. This time, they enlisted the help of their White friend Jan who agreed to pretend to be the homeowner for a different appraiser, the lawsuit alleges. The Austins “whitewashed” their house by removing their family photos and stripping the walls of their African-themed art. Jan helped on this front, too, by staging photos of her own family, the lawsuit states.

    The new appraisal came in at $1.48 million — nearly a half-million more than the previous estimate.
    The Austins, according to the lawsuit, believe the first appraiser, Janette Miller, gave them a lowball valuation because they’re Black. The couple and the nonprofit Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California are now suing Miller and her company, Miller & Perotti Real Estate Appraisals in San Rafael. They’re seeking financial damages and asking the court to order the defendants to ensure they won’t discriminate when appraising houses.
    Miller and her appraisal company did not respond to messages from The Washington Post sent late Sunday night. Attorneys with Fair Housing Advocates, who are representing themselves and the Austin family, also did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
    interesting article on children and race

    ....... One of the biggest misconceptions white parents have is that their children don’t notice race unless it is pointed out to them. The underlying assumption is that children only become racist if they are taught to be. In fact, research clearly shows the opposite: Kids develop racial prejudice unless their parents or teachers directly engage with them about it.

    In a 2005 study, psychologist David J. Kelly and his colleagues found that 3-month-old babies can distinguish faces on the basis of race and show preferences toward faces of their own race. By the time kids are toddlers, they behave in prejudiced ways, too.

    In a landmark study, developmental psychologist Phyllis Katz, founder of the Institute for Research on Social Problems in Colorado, regularly observed more than 200 children, half black and half white, from the time they were 6 months old until they were nearly 6 years old. “I think it is fair to say that at no point in the study did the children exhibit the Rousseau type of colorblindness that many adults expect,” Katz wrote in a 2003 summary in American Psychologist.

    When 3-year-olds were shown photos of children of different races and asked to choose whom they might like to be friends with, one-third of the black kids chose only photos of other black kids, but 86 percent of the white kids only chose photos of other white kids.

    More recently, in a 2012 study, researchers asked white mothers of preschoolers — parents who were well-educated and did not show any overt racial bias themselves — how racially prejudiced they thought their kids were. Most said they believed their kids harbored no prejudice. When the researchers evaluated the kids, though, many said they wouldn’t want black friends. When the researchers later told the parents what their kids had said, parents were shocked, distressed and embarrassed.

    Naomi O’Brien, a black parent and primary school educator in Denver, says she sees her white students saying and doing racist things all the time. They’ll say, “ ‘Well, because their skin is black, or their skin is like mud, or their skin looks dirty, I don’t want to sit next to them,’ ” O’Brien says. “And then their parents come to you wondering why you brought up race to their child who ‘doesn’t see color,’ even though they just made somebody feel less than or hurt their friend’s feelings strictly based on race.”

    Kids develop racial prejudices for a number of reasons. For one thing, they can readily see how race and power intersect in the world around them. They notice that the heroes in their TV shows are usually white (and often, the bad guys are not), that most politicians are white, that the wealthiest families at school are white. They notice schools and communities tend to self-segregate by race, which confirms their suspicion that race is an important social construct.

    In her book “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race,” Spelman College psychologist Beverly Tatum writes that “cultural racism — the cultural images and messages that affirm the assumed superiority of Whites and the assumed inferiority of people of color — is like a smog in the air. Sometimes it is so thick it is visible, other times it is less apparent, but always, day in and day out, we are breathing it in.”.

    So kids breathe this racially charged air — and if their parents and teachers don’t help to explain to them what race means (and what it doesn’t), kids start to create their own narratives. They often infer that racial hierarchies exist because of innate differences between people of different races and so start to believe that whites are privileged because they are inherently better and smarter.

    “They think there has to be a reason and no one explains it, so then they make up reasons — and a lot of kids make up biased, racist reasons,” explains Rebecca Bigler, a professor emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, who has spent decades studying how prejudice develops in kids............

    That BLM is somehow responsible for the crime committed. That is an evil lie.
    What organization is pushing the whole 'get our of bail free card'?

    Are you saying this guy did not have anti-white racist ideals? Who peddles that ideology?
    interesting article on children and race

    ....... One of the biggest misconceptions white parents have is that their children don’t notice race unless it is pointed out to them. The underlying assumption is that children only become racist if they are taught to be. In fact, research clearly shows the opposite: Kids develop racial prejudice unless their parents or teachers directly engage with them about it.

    In a 2005 study, psychologist David J. Kelly and his colleagues found that 3-month-old babies can distinguish faces on the basis of race and show preferences toward faces of their own race. By the time kids are toddlers, they behave in prejudiced ways, too.

    In a landmark study, developmental psychologist Phyllis Katz, founder of the Institute for Research on Social Problems in Colorado, regularly observed more than 200 children, half black and half white, from the time they were 6 months old until they were nearly 6 years old. “I think it is fair to say that at no point in the study did the children exhibit the Rousseau type of colorblindness that many adults expect,” Katz wrote in a 2003 summary in American Psychologist.

    When 3-year-olds were shown photos of children of different races and asked to choose whom they might like to be friends with, one-third of the black kids chose only photos of other black kids, but 86 percent of the white kids only chose photos of other white kids.

    More recently, in a 2012 study, researchers asked white mothers of preschoolers — parents who were well-educated and did not show any overt racial bias themselves — how racially prejudiced they thought their kids were. Most said they believed their kids harbored no prejudice. When the researchers evaluated the kids, though, many said they wouldn’t want black friends. When the researchers later told the parents what their kids had said, parents were shocked, distressed and embarrassed.

    Naomi O’Brien, a black parent and primary school educator in Denver, says she sees her white students saying and doing racist things all the time. They’ll say, “ ‘Well, because their skin is black, or their skin is like mud, or their skin looks dirty, I don’t want to sit next to them,’ ” O’Brien says. “And then their parents come to you wondering why you brought up race to their child who ‘doesn’t see color,’ even though they just made somebody feel less than or hurt their friend’s feelings strictly based on race.”

    Kids develop racial prejudices for a number of reasons. For one thing, they can readily see how race and power intersect in the world around them. They notice that the heroes in their TV shows are usually white (and often, the bad guys are not), that most politicians are white, that the wealthiest families at school are white. They notice schools and communities tend to self-segregate by race, which confirms their suspicion that race is an important social construct.

    In her book “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race,” Spelman College psychologist Beverly Tatum writes that “cultural racism — the cultural images and messages that affirm the assumed superiority of Whites and the assumed inferiority of people of color — is like a smog in the air. Sometimes it is so thick it is visible, other times it is less apparent, but always, day in and day out, we are breathing it in.”.

    So kids breathe this racially charged air — and if their parents and teachers don’t help to explain to them what race means (and what it doesn’t), kids start to create their own narratives. They often infer that racial hierarchies exist because of innate differences between people of different races and so start to believe that whites are privileged because they are inherently better and smarter.

    “They think there has to be a reason and no one explains it, so then they make up reasons — and a lot of kids make up biased, racist reasons,” explains Rebecca Bigler, a professor emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, who has spent decades studying how prejudice develops in kids............

    Wait, you mean the birds of a feather thing that has been around forever is true? Should I be shocked. The only thing shocking is that this 'researcher' decides there is something inheritably anti-black and white is bad behind this.
    I think this is more human nature and not some evil white nationalist plan cooked up in 1619.
    What organization is pushing the whole 'get our of bail free card'?

    Are you saying this guy did not have anti-white racist ideals? Who peddles that ideology?
    You’re really reaching. It’s an evil lie. you know it is a lie and you push it anyway.
    More alt-left paranoia

    CNN) - Some Black students are being told they stink while others are being called monkeys by their White peers. The n-word has been written on the walls of school restrooms as other students are the targets of racist rants on social media.

    Students of color are facing racial slurs and bullying in and outside the classroom, and many who are fed up have been walking out of class, speaking at board meetings and even suing school districts……..
    You mean kids pick on each other based on skin color? I wonder where the students learned that behavior? Where ever do you think they picked up the idea of skin color defining a person? Thanks CRT that is not being taught.
    You’re really reaching. It’s an evil lie. you know it is a lie and you push it anyway.
    So he didn't have that ideology? His social media disagrees.
    You mean kids pick on each other based on skin color? I wonder where the students learned that behavior? Where ever do you think they picked up the idea of skin color defining a person? Thanks CRT that is not being taught.
    You are now trying to say that CRT is responsible for racism that has been around forever? This is another obvious lie. Kids have picked on other kids due to skin color forever.

    A black man feels hostility toward white people, so he must be BLM? Even you cannot believe this claptrap.

    Seriously, Farb, these arguments are trash. If you believe this nonsense, you need help.
    You mean kids pick on each other based on skin color? I wonder where the students learned that behavior? Where ever do you think they picked up the idea of skin color defining a person? Thanks CRT that is not being taught.

    Are your serious with this crap? You seriously need a break from ingesting and feeding off of right wing propaganda.

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