All things Racist...USA edition (14 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    for what it's worth
    One year after the death of George Floyd, a new report from diversity, equity and inclusion strategy firm Paradigm finds that many Americans are not only more aware of racial injustice in the United States, but they also want to see their own company take action against it.

    Of the more than 2,000 adults surveyed by The Harris Poll on behalf of Paradigm, it was found that 69% of Americans believe racial injustice is a problem in the U.S. and 60% now think racial injustice is a bigger problem than they thought it was a year ago.

    Additionally, 68% said they believe you should be able to discuss racial justice issues at work, and 54% said they would even consider leaving an organization if it did not speak out directly against racial injustice..........

    One of the biggest determinations in the overwhelming disparity of “success” in this country is the fact that minorities don’t have generational wealth. The reason they don’t have generational wealth for years and years and years of racist policies that the government enacted and followed. I mean, if the child of a Rockefeller fails miserably and makes “bad choices“, they’re still a Rockefeller. If one’s family has been in the country club set for a couple generations at least, the bad choices are almost completely mitigated by the fact that the family has wealth. And there is absolutely no denying that US policy has greatly deterred generational wealth of minorities.
    Nearly every immigrant that enters the country has no generational wealth. That is an excuse. Current policies favor minorities. The bigger problem is cultural. Most immigrants enter the country with a mindset to work hard to succeed. I’ve seen statistics that most successful companies were founded by immigrants. They did that without generational wealth.
    Nearly every immigrant that enters the country has no generational wealth. That is an excuse. Current policies favor minorities. The bigger problem is cultural. Most immigrants enter the country with a mindset to work hard to succeed. I’ve seen statistics that most successful companies were founded by immigrants. They did that without generational wealth.

    That's an interesting point. I've seen this argument before, but can't recall what the counterpoint would be to this. A large majority of the rich/wealthy families my kids are friends with are immigrants. Most of them first or second generation immigrants. I'd say around half are Asians, a quarter are European/Middle Eastern and the rest are a mix of most everyone else.

    Probably part of the reason for the large number of Asians is more anecdotal because my kids are half-Asian.

    Interestingly enough, each of my kids have much different circles of influence. Oldest son, he don't care, he's friends with everybody. Number 2, most of her friends are Hispanic or black, 3, he's got a pretty good mix of friends, but mostly Asians, our last, 16 year old, most of her friends are white, but a little bit of everything otherwise. So not a ton of rhyme or reason with their friends, but Asians seems to be the largest group of the ones who are first generation immigrants who have their own businesses.
    Appraisals follow demand. If a house can sell for a price above the appraised value, all appraisals in the area go up. That is a market driven thing, not a function of racist appraisers.
    That's an interesting point. I've seen this argument before, but can't recall what the counterpoint would be to this. A large majority of the rich/wealthy families my kids are friends with are immigrants. Most of them first or second generation immigrants. I'd say around half are Asians, a quarter are European/Middle Eastern and the rest are a mix of most everyone else.

    Probably part of the reason for the large number of Asians is more anecdotal because my kids are half-Asian.

    Interestingly enough, each of my kids have much different circles of influence. Oldest son, he don't care, he's friends with everybody. Number 2, most of her friends are Hispanic or black, 3, he's got a pretty good mix of friends, but mostly Asians, our last, 16 year old, most of her friends are white, but a little bit of everything otherwise. So not a ton of rhyme or reason with their friends, but Asians seems to be the largest group of the ones who are first generation immigrants who have their own businesses.
    TIL you've got a lot of kids. I always knew you had multiple, just never had the sense that it was 4 of them.

    I've got a question for ya. With your 16 year old daughtewr who's half Asian with mostly white friends, do you pull this trick/game that all of the dads of the Asian girls I hung out with in high school used to pull? (I know you're the white half of the equation, but still...) I'd show up to pick up one of their daughters, usually with a bunch of other people in the car. I'd always be required to go in since I was the one driving and, without fail, almost as if they'd had neighborhood dad meetings on how to handle white guys driving their Asian daughters around at night, the dad would offer me a beer. I was, of course, warned in advance to always refuse the beer and would have even without warning. But it seems like that was the test for whether or not a particular white guy was safe to unleash their Asian daughter on even with like a 10:00 curfew. I know for a fact that they did not do this to other Vietnamese guys who would ever drive their daughters around when we'd all go out because they'd always make fun of me and ask if I passed ther test.
    TIL you've got a lot of kids. I always knew you had multiple, just never had the sense that it was 4 of them.

    I've got a question for ya. With your 16 year old daughtewr who's half Asian with mostly white friends, do you pull this trick/game that all of the dads of the Asian girls I hung out with in high school used to pull? (I know you're the white half of the equation, but still...) I'd show up to pick up one of their daughters, usually with a bunch of other people in the car. I'd always be required to go in since I was the one driving and, without fail, almost as if they'd had neighborhood dad meetings on how to handle white guys driving their Asian daughters around at night, the dad would offer me a beer. I was, of course, warned in advance to always refuse the beer and would have even without warning. But it seems like that was the test for whether or not a particular white guy was safe to unleash their Asian daughter on even with like a 10:00 curfew. I know for a fact that they did not do this to other Vietnamese guys who would ever drive their daughters around when we'd all go out because they'd always make fun of me and ask if I passed ther test.

    Nope, never would have thought of that. Lol. Fwiw, I've always given my kids a lot of freedom to visit friends or have friends over. I rarely interact with other parents much, other than the obligatory "hey, nice to meet you." introductions. Most of the parents here are pretty chill, so it's been fairly smooth sailing. There have been a few occasions where I've been invited in, but that's more the exception than the rule.
    Appraisals follow demand. If a house can sell for a price above the appraised value, all appraisals in the area go up. That is a market driven thing, not a function of racist appraisers.
    How do you explain the difference in appraisals for the same house depending on whether the black woman or the white man arranged for the appraisal? Did you read about the case in Indianapolis?
    Interestingly enough, each of my kids have much different circles of influence. Oldest son, he don't care, he's friends with everybody. Number 2, most of her friends are Hispanic or black, 3, he's got a pretty good mix of friends, but mostly Asians, our last, 16 year old, most of her friends are white, but a little bit of everything otherwise. So not a ton of rhyme or reason with their friends, but Asians seems to be the largest group of the ones who are first generation immigrants who have their own businesses.

    That's an interesting breakdown - curious how that came about

    You said your youngest is 16, do you mind sharing how old the others are?

    Did they all grow up in the same house and go to the same schools or did you move around as they were growing up and neighborhoods/schools had different racial makeups?

    Could their interests/hobbies/afterschool activities be a part of it?
    How do you explain the difference in appraisals for the same house depending on whether the black woman or the white man arranged for the appraisal? Did you read about the case in Indianapolis?
    I haven't seen that. Did the same appraiser give 2 different appraisals for the same house for 2 different people? Not saying it didn't happen, but I've not read anything to that effect.
    I haven't seen that. Did the same appraiser give 2 different appraisals for the same house for 2 different people? Not saying it didn't happen, but I've not read anything to that effect.

    read it a few days ago, I think the appraisal when they thought it was a white owner was significantly higher (don't remember if it was the same appraisal firm or not)
    Dave - coldseat brought it up earlier in this thread.

    Thanks. I missed that, will check it out.

    Edit: so I just read it...what the hell, that's crazy. So, I have to think blacks' problem isn't a lack of generational wealth, but rather, an inability to build and maintain wealth because their assets are being severely undervalued. Essentially, their wealth is being stolen from them. Hard to believe this is still happening today.

    I don't know how to remedy this, but if appraisers and banks are knowingly participating in this pattern of systemic racism, they need to be held accountable. This is pathetic.
    Last edited:
    That's an interesting breakdown - curious how that came about

    You said your youngest is 16, do you mind sharing how old the others are?

    Did they all grow up in the same house and go to the same schools or did you move around as they were growing up and neighborhoods/schools had different racial makeups?

    Could their interests/hobbies/afterschool activities be a part of it?

    Sure, 22, 20, 18, 16. They all grew up in the same house and same middle and high school. We moved around a lot prior to 10 years ago. The two older kids were in an elementary school that was 99% black when we lived in DC for a couple of years. Went to a middle school that was 85%+ white for a year when we lived in Arkansas for a year. All of them went to the same high school, which is probably 40% white, 30% Asian and a good mix of everything else for the other 30%.

    The boys both have similar hobbies, although the older one is very much an extrovert and makes friends with everyone, while the younger son is more of an introvert, and his circle is smaller. Both were in marching band and both are the gamer types, like me, hah. The big difference is they're not really into sports like I was when I was their age.

    The girls are a little similar in the the older one is more of an extrovert and has a large circle of influence, while the younger is more of a homebody and introvert, and smaller group of friends. Lately she's been getting out a lot more so that's an interesting development.

    From the beginning, I've always told them that they can be friends with whoever they wanted to and their friends are welcome in our family. I've kept my word, no matter the race or sexual orientation, all are welcome in our home.

    It's worked pretty well as we've had a wide variety of friends we've made over the years.
    Thanks. I missed that, will check it out.

    Edit: so I just read it...what the hell, that's crazy. So, I have to think blacks' problem isn't a lack of generational wealth, but rather, an inability to build and maintain wealth because their assets are being severely undervalued. Essentially, their wealth is being stolen from them. Hard to believe this is still happening today.

    I don't know how to remedy this, but if appraisers and banks are knowingly participating in this pattern of systemic racism, they need to be held accountable. This is pathetic.
    Yes, this denial of the opportunity to amass generational wealth has been happening ever since the Civil War. My dad came to this country as a young boy, and was awarded a scholarship to become the first in his family to attend college because his mom cleaned the house of the local pastor who had a scholarship available for the college his church runs. He and my mom were able to save up and pass on a little money to all four kids, and we intend to do the same for our two kids. But let’s look at the opportunities that wouldn’t have happened had he been black.

    Unlike black people who can never just “blend in”, after several years in this country nobody knew my dad was an immigrant unless he told them since he had no accent. He was able to get a stable job, he became a citizen, he served in the Army as a teaching sergeant during WWII and later used his GI benefits for grad school. He could do this because he had a good job and opportunities in grad school were opened up for him.

    He had opportunities that wouldn’t have been offered so freely to a black man in the same position. A black man would certainly not have been offered teaching jobs in rural areas like he was. Or been able to buy a home in a nice area of town like he did when they settled in a larger town after he worked his way up to larger schools. Because he went to grad school he eventually got jobs as school principals in several schools. Again, at that time a black man could have never done this and would have been relegated to poorer schools in poorer neighborhoods.

    It‘s difficult to see people imply that immigrants get where they get because they have a ‘work ethic’ which implies that black people do not have the same sort of work ethic. Doors have continually been closed to black people. At banks, at schools, at businesses. And we haven’t even talked about how black farmers were and still are targeted by predatory bank practices and can end up losing their land.

    We need to have this type of conversation though. It was only 50-60 years ago that black people were being actively targeted by the KKK and Jim Crow laws. It wasn’t ancient history. While my dad was blending in and benefiting from that ability, the dads and granddads of today’s black adults were being actively discriminated against. We apparently need to remind ourselves of this fact.
    Nearly every immigrant that enters the country has no generational wealth. That is an excuse. Current policies favor minorities. The bigger problem is cultural. Most immigrants enter the country with a mindset to work hard to succeed. I’ve seen statistics that most successful companies were founded by immigrants. They did that without generational wealth.
    Howzabout some links to stats? Most small businesses fail no matter how hard people work.

    It's only the abstract, but it's an interesting point. Often, Americans think of Immigrants as just poor Mexicans and Central Americans who little to no education, but an ethic of hard work.

    But so many are educated people, with degrees, or skills, and they come here for those kind of jobs. Their education was either free, or heavily discounted compared to an equivalent American. A free education vs $40k in debt is a huge difference, right there.

    This covers another simple, and interesting area. Immigrants just move to where there is economic opportunity for themselves, and their kids. They're not tied to any particular area, so they just go to where the jobs are. Americans, black, white, brown, or any other 'color' are more likely to stick to their geographic area. And the first generation immigrants will take jobs below their skill level to get going. Heck, I knew a Brazillian who was working as a cleaning lady, then in our lab, and she was a dental hygienist in her country.
    Nearly every immigrant that enters the country has no generational wealth. That is an excuse. Current policies favor minorities. The bigger problem is cultural. Most immigrants enter the country with a mindset to work hard to succeed. I’ve seen statistics that most successful companies were founded by immigrants. They did that without generational wealth.
    First off, the argument isn’t that one needs generational wealth to succeed, but having generational wealth makes things much easier and it provides cushion for the children. Denying that is simply laughable.

    Second, no things are not favored for minorities in current policies. That’s a ridiculous assertion.

    The problem isn’t cultural, either. Many immigrants do well here, indeed. But many do not despite the hard work and effort they put in. However, immigrants have not lived in the system that has been designed to keep them down for generations which has an effect.

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