All things Racist...USA edition (1 Viewer)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    Residents of Nashville, Tennessee, are struggling to find ways to respond to a sudden upsurge in neo-Nazi and white supremacist activity in the city as small groups of extremists have descended on the community carrying swastika flags, chanting “Sieg Heil” and handing out flyers saying “Diversity means fewer white people”.

    Over the past two weeks, neo-Nazi groups and affiliated organizations, including the Patriot Front and a network calling itself the Goyim Defense League, have staged antisemitic stunts in the city center – including stopping passersby and asking them if they are Jewish. They have also disrupted a city council meeting.

    While the groups have first amendment rights of free assembly, political and law enforcement leaders have encouraged residents to avoid engaging with the far-right extremists, as to do so would play into their desire for attention.

    On Sunday, about 400 people gathered in Bicentennial Park for a peace rally in an attempt to present a positive alternative message to the hate. The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, which organized the event under the hashtag #NashvilleTogether, said: “We stood up for kindness, decency and respect in the face of bigotry, cruelty and dangerous propaganda being spread by those who want to promote a Nazi agenda.”

    Nashville has become a popular destination in recent months for outside far-right and antisemitic groups convening online. It appears to have been cherrypicked by the neo-Nazis because of its status as a Democrat-run city surrounded by staunchly conservative rural areas.

    The extremists have also been emboldened by a rash of recent anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-transgender legislation moved by Republicans in the state legislature, including a bill to ban Pride flags in public schools.

    The city’s police chief, John Drake, said he had intelligence that the Goyim Defense League had taken up temporary residence in Scottsville, Kentucky, about 65 miles (105km) away. The group is described by the Anti-Defamation League as a loose network of white supremacists and antisemites who specialize in harassing Jewish people.……

    Residents of Nashville, Tennessee, are struggling to find ways to respond to a sudden upsurge in neo-Nazi and white supremacist activity in the city as small groups of extremists have descended on the community carrying swastika flags, chanting “Sieg Heil” and handing out flyers saying “Diversity means fewer white people”.

    Over the past two weeks, neo-Nazi groups and affiliated organizations, including the Patriot Front and a network calling itself the Goyim Defense League, have staged antisemitic stunts in the city center – including stopping passersby and asking them if they are Jewish. They have also disrupted a city council meeting.

    While the groups have first amendment rights of free assembly, political and law enforcement leaders have encouraged residents to avoid engaging with the far-right extremists, as to do so would play into their desire for attention.

    On Sunday, about 400 people gathered in Bicentennial Park for a peace rally in an attempt to present a positive alternative message to the hate. The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, which organized the event under the hashtag #NashvilleTogether, said: “We stood up for kindness, decency and respect in the face of bigotry, cruelty and dangerous propaganda being spread by those who want to promote a Nazi agenda.”

    Nashville has become a popular destination in recent months for outside far-right and antisemitic groups convening online. It appears to have been cherrypicked by the neo-Nazis because of its status as a Democrat-run city surrounded by staunchly conservative rural areas.

    The extremists have also been emboldened by a rash of recent anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-transgender legislation moved by Republicans in the state legislature, including a bill to ban Pride flags in public schools.

    The city’s police chief, John Drake, said he had intelligence that the Goyim Defense League had taken up temporary residence in Scottsville, Kentucky, about 65 miles (105km) away. The group is described by the Anti-Defamation League as a loose network of white supremacists and antisemites who specialize in harassing Jewish people.……

    You would think that the bolded part would make someone stop and think, "Neo-Nazis, racists, and antisemites love these policies. Maybe I should reconsider my support."

    But it won't. It never does.
    Olympic silver medalist Jordan Chiles recounted racist remarks she endured while competing as a child in a sport that’s historically lacked diversity.

    Days before the Olympics kick off in Paris, the 23-year-old gymnast opened up to Teen Vogue about the vicious comments she’s faced — and how she learned to ignore the hate and “live life to the fullest.”

    “Some lady in the crowd basically was like, ‘She doesn’t deserve to be on the floor. She doesn’t even look like anybody else,’” Chiles said.

    “People were racially attacking me without me even really knowing,” the athlete continued. “I’m young, so I only know the story because my mom told me. Security had to come and say, ‘Ma’am, she’s doing everything just like everybody else.’”

    “I’ve gotten medals taken away from me. I’ve been told that my mom wasn’t my mom. I’ve gotten told that I wasn’t Black,” Chiles told the magazine.……

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Puerto Rico’s governor on Wednesday signed a law that prohibits discrimination against people wearing Afros, curls, locs, twists, braids and other hairstyles in the racially diverse U.S. territory.

    The move was celebrated by those who had long demanded explicit protection related to work, housing, education and public services.

    “It’s a victory for generations to come,” Welmo Romero Joseph, a community facilitator with the nonprofit Taller Salud, said in an interview.

    The organization is one of several that had been pushing for the law, with Romero noting it sends a strong message that “you can reach positions of power without having to change your identity.”

    While Puerto Rico’s laws and constitution protect against discrimination, along with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, a precedent was set in 2016 when a U.S. Court of Appeals dismissed a discrimination lawsuit and ruled that an employer’s no-dreadlock policy in Alabama did not violate Title VII.

    Earlier this year, legislators in the U.S. territory held a public hearing on the issue, with several Puerto Ricans sharing examples of how they were discriminated against, including job offers conditional on haircuts.

    It’s a familiar story to Romero, who recalled how a high school principal ordered him to cut his flat top.

    “It was a source of pride,” he said of that hairstyle. “I was a 4.0 student. What did that have to do with my hair?”

    With a population of 3.2 million, Puerto Rico has more than 1.6 million people who identify as being of two or more races, with nearly 230,000 identifying solely as Black, according to the U.S. Census.

    “Unfortunately, people identified as black or Afro descendant in Puerto Rico still face derogatory treatment, deprivation of opportunities, marginalization, exclusion and all kinds of discrimination,” the law signed Wednesday states.…….


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