All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (24 Viewers)

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    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    “I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

    But Trump’s desire to not take responsibility could also be extrapolated to the coronavirus crisis in general.

    Trump has thrown blame in nearly a dozen different directions for the virus’s spread and different aspects of the response to it.

    As he acknowledges that 100,000 to 200,000 Americans could die of the virus, here are the people and places he’s blamed for it, with some added context:...........

    The best such example....

    "We took over a dead, barren system. that didn't work, because when CDC first looked at their test, the biggest problem they had is, the test didn't work. That wasn't from us. that's been there a long time. Now we have the best tests in the world."

    Yep...that's right. The president of the United States said that "a long time" ago, the CDC, under a different administration, created a test for a virus that didn't exist yet.
    I think one good thing about these press briefings is that the not only is the nation getting to see President Trump and his mastery of this crisis, but we are also getting to see that Mike Pence is up for the challenges that await him when Trump turns over the keys to the kingdom in January 2005.
    But, that's Trump's go to move...let me say something might happen, and then wait and see what the response is....

    "I might testify."
    "I might sit down and interview with Mueller."
    "I might pardon Mike Flynn."
    "I might pardon Roger Stone."
    Still clinging to the discredited Russiagate huh? What did you think about this since everyone here ignored it?

    Still clinging to the discredited Russiagate huh? What did you think about this since everyone here ignored it?

    Definitely don't intend to let it go. Trump has to pay for all of his crimes after he leaves office, otherwise people that follow will think it was worth it. It has to be done to protect law and order. He may even commit crimes in relation to this crisis by funding his cronies with the funds allocated by congress. He usually doesn't go long between crimes, so the list of indictable crimes will probably continue to grow until he leaves office.
    Definitely don't intend to let it go. Trump has to pay for all of his crimes after he leaves office, otherwise people that follow will think it was worth it. It has to be done to protect law and order. He may even commit crimes in relation to this crisis by funding his cronies with the funds allocated by congress. He usually doesn't go long between crimes, so the list of indictable crimes will probably continue to grow until he leaves office.

    That's a personal decision, but one that will only lead to frustration, disappointment and resentment. Do you recall how you felt when the Democrats completely failed to get anywhere near the number of votes needed to remove Trump from office? Or, when his poll numbers only climbed higher the longer the impeachment went on? Or, how Trump laughed about the whole process, saying before a crowd that it didn't even feel like how he had been impeached? Or, afted his acquittal how smug Trump was as he mocked those who thought he would be removed?

    You don't want to just keep going over that in your head for the next 4.5 years only to discover that Trump is going to live out his life as an American hero.
    Our good friends at (Founded in 1998 to oppose the Clinton impeachment, now funded by George Soros as a far-left mouthpiece.) have now issued a petition calling for an end coverage of the president's daily coronavirus briefings.

    More than 120,000 people have signed a petition calling on news broadcasters to stop providing live coverage of the White House's briefings on the coronavirus outbreak.

    Accusing President Donald Trump of using each briefing as a "live campaign rally," the petition, which has been published on, asks CNN, ABC, CBS NBC, NPR and Fox News to consider whether it is necessary to livestream the COVID-19 press conferences in full.

    "President Trump is blatantly using the news organizations' extensive, live coverage to freely campaign for a second term," the petition claims. "It is wrong and dangerous to provide so much unfettered airtime to someone who is happily, shamelessly spreading terrible, damaging misinformation that is already costing fellow Americans their lives."

    Glad to see there's finally something you agree with Moveon about. Thanks for taking seriously the egregious abuse of bandlength that's coming out of these nonsensical "briefings."
    It was one week ago when President Trump’s comparison of the novel coronavirus pandemic to the number of deaths in car crashes each year prompted me to explain why that analogy made little sense.

    The argument came down to rate of change. Yes, nearly 40,000 people die in car crashes every year, far more than had died at that point from covid-19, the disease caused by the virus.

    But the number of people dying from covid-19 was escalating quickly and was expected by some experts to pass the number of annual automobile deaths.

    We don’t shut down the economy for 40,000 annual vehicle fatalities — but we also don’t see the number of automobile fatalities increase by a factor of 10 every 10 days..........

    A new blame angle
    As far as political rhetoric goes, it doesn’t get much tidier. What if the still growing coronavirus epidemic could be blamed not on President Trump and missteps by the federal government but, instead, on Democrats?

    What if Americans could be convinced that thousands of them are dying because Democrats were focused earlier this year on kicking Trump out of the White House and not through any fault of the White House itself?

    Trump himself made this connection during an interview with Fox News on Monday.

    “All she did was focus on impeachment,” Trump said, referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). “She didn’t focus on anything having to do with pandemics, she didn’t focus on — she focused on impeachment and she lost. And she looked like a fool.”

    The message soon propagated outward. Speaking to conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said that the trial following Trump’s impeachment was a distraction from the public health emergency.

    “It came up while we were tied down on the impeachment trial,” McConnell said. “And I think it diverted the attention of the government, because everything every day was all about impeachment.”.............

    Yes, many, many, many people have said many, many, many times that Pelosi and congress wasted their time and effort and our money on bogus Russia Collusion investigations and the bogus Ukraine impeachment scam.

    The fact that Republican leaders are now saying it means they are in tune with their constituents, unlike Pelosi & Co.
    Many many many of those same people said that the coronavirus was a bogus issue and it was basically just a cold or the flu and that this was a creation of the Democrats and media to go after Trump.

    Trump's followers will essentially parrot what he says about such things which is why he did so much damage in this instance.
    Yes, many, many, many people have said many, many, many times that Pelosi and congress wasted their time and effort and our money on bogus Russia Collusion investigations and the bogus Ukraine impeachment scam.

    The fact that Republican leaders are now saying it means they are in tune with their constituents, unlike Pelosi & Co.

    Not easy to sell that one.

    Considering the lack of supplies that could have been stocked anytime over the three years.
    Had plenty of time to send troops to barbwire the border faster than to help with the coronavirus.

    It goes on and on the incompetent work of this administration. So look away from that and blame Nancy!

    Sounds kinda like blaming the immigration for the jobs corporate America sent overseas. Oops that does work on that side they are that silly.
    I think one good thing about these press briefings is that the not only is the nation getting to see President Trump and his mastery of this crisis, but we are also getting to see that Mike Pence is up for the challenges that await him when Trump turns over the keys to the kingdom in January 2005.
    I agree Pence has been impressive in the briefings. We'd be better off if he were President right now.
    I agree Pence has been impressive in the briefings. We'd be better off if he were President right now.
    If I knew for a fact that I could replace Trump with Pence with no risk of Trump continuing on as President, I would do it in a heartbeat even at the expense of a possible Democratic Presidency.

    And I don't even like Pence.
    Yes, many, many, many people have said many, many, many times that Pelosi and congress wasted their time and effort and our money on bogus Russia Collusion investigations and the bogus Ukraine impeachment scam.

    The fact that Republican leaders are now saying it means they are in tune with their constituents, unlike Pelosi & Co.
    Russian Collusion investigation occurred under a GOP House and was part of the Justice Department and was started because there was so much crap coming out, they had to do something or look complicit. Not sure how Pelosi gets blamed for that one. That was wrapped up well before the Corona Virus.

    Impeachment was on her but it was warranted. How can you accept turning the other way when there was questionable behavior from the WH? You might not think it was egregious enough to impeach but it was worth investigating. If not, please share your furor about the 7 Benghazi investigations that were made that didn't find anything wrong except bad protocols for handling these situations.

    Trump will just blame and deflect because he doesn't own up to anything. Show me one time EVER where he accepted blame or admits making a mistake. What kind of person is that? I teach my kids to own up when you are wrong, otherwise you won't learn from your mistakes. I assume you have done the same with your kids.
    Russian Collusion investigation occurred under a GOP House and was part of the Justice Department and was started because there was so much crap coming out, they had to do something or look complicit. Not sure how Pelosi gets blamed for that one. That was wrapped up well before the Corona Virus.

    Impeachment was on her but it was warranted. How can you accept turning the other way when there was questionable behavior from the WH? You might not think it was egregious enough to impeach but it was worth investigating. If not, please share your furor about the 7 Benghazi investigations that were made that didn't find anything wrong except bad protocols for handling these situations.

    Trump will just blame and deflect because he doesn't own up to anything. Show me one time EVER where he accepted blame or admits making a mistake. What kind of person is that? I teach my kids to own up when you are wrong, otherwise you won't learn from your mistakes. I assume you have done the same with your kids.
    Honestly? In my lifetime, I have watched so many politicians be given a free pass for things of this nature that I found it utterly ridiculous that so much time and effort was put into Russia Collusion and Ukraine Impeachment.

    As the decades have passed and more and more things have come to light and been declassified, I've found presidents who were touted as righteous, virtuous and honest were anything but that. The president who I was taught to admire as a virtuous good guy family man turned out to be a whore monger who screwed around with actresses and mob bosses' girlfriends while in office.

    After covering Louisiana elections in the 1980s, I reached the conclusion that our system is such that only the most cutthroat, vicious and ruthless person climbs to the top of the political pile. Dave Treen was the most honest, intelligent politician I ever met and Edwin Edwards was the most charismatic I ever met. Edward was the better governor by far, even if he did call me a bald faced liar in front of the Jackson Parish Chamber of Commerce. :hihi:

    On rare occasions, the public will actually vote a truly righteous, honest and virtuous man into the White House. Jimmy Carter was the example in my lifetime, and we all know how well that worked out, don't we?

    Stay safe, NE.
    Honestly? In my lifetime, I have watched so many politicians be given a free pass for things of this nature that I found it utterly ridiculous that so much time and effort was put into Russia Collusion and Ukraine Impeachment.

    As the decades have passed and more and more things have come to light and been declassified, I've found presidents who were touted as righteous, virtuous and honest were anything but that. The president who I was taught to admire as a virtuous good guy family man turned out to be a whore monger who screwed around with actresses and mob bosses' girlfriends while in office.

    After covering Louisiana elections in the 1980s, I reached the conclusion that our system is such that only the most cutthroat, vicious and ruthless person climbs to the top of the political pile. Dave Treen was the most honest, intelligent politician I ever met and Edwin Edwards was the most charismatic I ever met. Edward was the better governor by far, even if he did call me a bald faced liar in front of the Jackson Parish Chamber of Commerce. :hihi:

    On rare occasions, the public will actually vote a truly righteous, honest and virtuous man into the White House. Jimmy Carter was the example in my lifetime, and we all know how well that worked out, don't we?

    Stay safe, NE.
    The crap that will be revealed when Trump leaves office will be orders of magnitude worse than any other president. I'm convinced that we're only seeing a fraction of his abuses, and we've already seen orders of magnitude worse than any other president. Just because your man is one of the worst human beings to ever hold office, doesn't mean that that is true in general. I think almost all politicians are driven and egotistical, but most are not horrible like Trump. The way that he has dismissed the potential of this virus from the beginning and ignored his experts until it was already too late to avert horrible outcomes is potentially criminal negligence. These results are what we get when we choose to elect someone that makes us feel smart by comparison.

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