All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (24 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    And yet you never point out what he lied about.
    Yes, I have, in the past. Several times. I will admit I quit debunking what he says every time you post him because it takes time and he is a known liar. But because I have a minute here are some recent lies about a journalist.

    And an article discussing the way he lies about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    Do you think trying to cloak Fauci as being a good person supposedly protects him against the fact that the NIH, under his control, was funding dangerous gain of function research in Wuhan?
    You keep harping on this. It’s just nonsense. You don’t know what you are talking about.

    Unpacking the story of Fauci and painful experiments involving dogs

    Documents obtained by an animal rights group show that NIH was not fully transparent when the controversy erupted in 2021.

    by @GlennKesslerWP
    June 7, 2024

    “As director of NIH, you did sign off on these so-called scientific experiments. And as a dog lover, I want to tell you this is disgusting and evil. What you signed off on and these experiments that happened to beagles paid for by the American taxpayer. And I want you to know Americans don’t pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this.”

    — @RepMTG (R-Ga.), questioning Anthony S. Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), during a House hearing on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, June 3

    “What does dogs have to do with anything that we’re talking about today?”
    — Fauci, in response.

    During the coronavirus hearing this week, Greene attacked Fauci as she held up a photo of two sedated puppies, their heads placed in mesh cages, as they lie on a table while being swarmed by sand flies. Outside the hearing, an ad truck commissioned by a group opposed to taxpayer-funded animal experiments circled Capitol Hill with billboards that showed Fauci together with this photo and directed people to a website called The group, the White Coat Waste Project, is founded and run by people with links to conservative-leaning organizations, The Washington Post has reported.

    When we first saw Greene hold up the photo, we figured this would be easy to debunk — another in a string of misleading attacks against Fauci, who became the public face of the government’s response to the pandemic.

    After all, when this first became an issue in 2021 — unrelated to covid then as it is now but part of a general effort among conservatives to discredit Fauci in any way possible — a raft of fact checks noted that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said the study in question, conducted in Tunisia, had been attributed in error to the agency that Fauci ran, a division of NIH. The scientific journal that published the study issued a correction. NIH said that it did fund a study in Tunisia involving dogs and sand flies, but NIH suggested that study was a more benign one that allowed the dogs to roam. ...

    MOD EDIT: :nono: Article truncated and linked to. Posting complete articles is not allowed. Tease and link only!

    Yes, I have, in the past. Several times. I will admit I quit debunking what he says every time you post him because it takes time and he is a known liar. But because I have a minute here are some recent lies about a journalist.

    And an article discussing the way he lies about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    I'll check that our in a but I'm still waiting on your response about the NIH funding those disgusting experiments on the beagles that you said was a lie.

    It's obviously not a lie after the supposedly credible Washington Post admitted to running cover for the story and Fauci.
    Trump was president from 2017. What happened to the powerful business executive who could handle everything? Why did he disrupt the CDC team in Wuhan? Why did he openly lie about the severity of SARS-CoV2?

    Go back to Freeperville.
    Why did he retreat into fantasy like a child? "It'll be gone by April, like magic! It's a hoax!"
    Does nobody remember this? The leader of the Free World became a lost little girl, hiding under the bed.
    In a more stable person you'd call it a mental breakdown but Cheato is so self-deluded 24/7 it's hard to tell.
    I'll check that our in a but I'm still waiting on your response about the NIH funding those disgusting experiments on the beagles that you said was a lie.

    It's obviously not a lie after the supposedly credible Washington Post admitted to running cover for the story and Fauci.
    You know there are animals used in research testing, correct? All the time. There are many safeguards in place to prevent needless suffering. If you object to using animals for testing, you should be prepared to go without using any medicines, ever. So is that your position?

    I saw where a scientist who should know says that the pictures that MTG was flashing were from research done by another country. I have no reason to doubt her. I don’t know if NIH funds any research with beagles, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they did. What would be bad is if they were ignoring the safeguards in place.

    So, explain to me what animal research protocols were violated in this research you claim you know so much about.
    You know there are animals used in research testing, correct? All the time. There are many safeguards in place to prevent needless suffering. If you object to using animals for testing, you should be prepared to go without using any medicines, ever. So is that your position?

    I saw where a scientist who should know says that the pictures that MTG was flashing were from research done by another country. I have no reason to doubt her. I don’t know if NIH funds any research with beagles, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they did. What would be bad is if they were ignoring the safeguards in place.

    So, explain to me what animal research protocols were violated in this research you claim you know so much about.
    Goalpost moving on a massive scale. What happened to you lecturing me about posting those lies that bad your hero Fauci look bad?

    Why do you claim things are lies when you don't know anything about it? Calling whatever I post being a lie is pretty much your standard response to me know. It's no obvious that you say that no matter what you know or don't know.

    You saw a scientist say something about the pictures? What scientist and post a link otherwise it's a vague accusation not backed up by anything.

    Now you are shifing to asking me what research protocols were violated. That's not what we were talking about. You said it was a lie.

    You are 0-2 on your last two accusations that I was lying.
    I'll check that our in a but I'm still waiting on your response about the NIH funding those disgusting experiments on the beagles that you said was a lie.

    It's obviously not a lie after the supposedly credible Washington Post admitted to running cover for the story and Fauci.
    Beagle abuse? Again, describe the processes to research, develop and test treatments including vaccines and antibiotics for various diseases including veterinary applications.

    Or perhaps you prefer testing on ugly dogs or, worse, no testing at all and would be happy with a treatment killing a beagle because it was untested.

    Your animal concern is like your peacenik act. It is completely and utterly false.

    Go to Freeperville.
    Goalpost moving on a massive scale. What happened to you lecturing me about posting those lies that bad your hero Fauci look bad?

    Why do you claim things are lies when you don't know anything about it? Calling whatever I post being a lie is pretty much your standard response to me know. It's no obvious that you say that no matter what you know or don't know.

    You saw a scientist say something about the pictures? What scientist and post a link otherwise it's a vague accusation not backed up by anything.

    Now you are shifing to asking me what research protocols were violated. That's not what we were talking about. You said it was a lie.

    You are 0-2 on your last two accusations that I was lying.
    Speaking of goal post moving - you’re the one making the claims about beagle research and I think you know nothing about it. You said it was disgusting. So prove it. Tell us how the research guidelines weren’t followed and what the research was trying to accomplish. Also show us the paper that was written and the disclosure of funding. Otherwise I will assume you are just taking Twitter’s word for it.
    It's obviously not a lie after the supposedly credible Washington Post admitted to running cover for the story and Fauci.
    OMG, I just got around to reading what you posted. How many times will we all fall for this shirt? It doesn’t say you said, AT ALL. The WaPo article is seriously misrepresented in the lead in of that WCW tweet. There was no disinformation, unless you think the mistake in claiming funding was a conspiracy, which isn’t indicated at all in the article. The article says there’s no reason to doubt the word of the scientist who made the correction. There was no “abuse” of dogs, unless you’re going to claim that using dogs to study a disease that affects dogs is abuse, even when all protocols are followed. There isn’t any evidence that protocols were not followed. What there was was some PR type bungling, and I can understand it when you have groups like WCW, who are hostile and willing to blow things out of proportion, making up a controversy out of thin air.

    The pictures that MTG flashed were NOT the experiment involving dogs that the NIH funded, just like the scientist I saw posted. They were a study by a different country. I will use your tactic: will you admit you were wrong about those pictures?

    There was an error where authors of the study in question claimed they received funds from NIH, and when the controversy broke, they realized the error and corrected it. So a different study than those pictures. Your claim was false. Also the dogs were used to test a vaccine for a disease that they carry which infects them as well as people. Dogs were vaccinated and then exposed to the disease. How would you propose testing a vaccine if you cannot use the species infected by the disease? There’s no evidence that protocols for use of animals were not followed.

    Salient quote:

    “What’s less complicated is that it’s silly to personally blame Fauci for the design of research studies — about 5,500 were approved by NIAID just in 2023 — endorsed many levels below the director. “The experiments that NIH funded go through strict regulatory processes of the treatment of animals, the humane treatment of animals,” Fauci said in response to another lawmaker who raised the issue in the hearing this week. “I signed off on them because they were approved by a peer review.””

    The article also noted this important fact:

    “The group, the White Coat Waste Project, is founded and run by people with links to conservative-leaning organizations, The Washington Post has reported.”

    I have participated in animal research projects back when I was in college. I’ve seen the extensive protocols and how strict they were, even back then. I’m sure they’re just as strict today if not more so.
    Oh, and something else just occurred to me: scientists will get in trouble if they do not fully disclose any and all funding. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember. But you will generally NOT get in trouble for saying you got funding if you didn’t.

    So when papers get published, scientists tend to just list everybody they think they may have received any funding from, so they cannot be accused of failure to disclose. Which is a possible reason to list a source that wasn’t actually involved.

    When these projects involve dozens of grants and take years to complete, it’s easy to err of the side of caution so you don’t get accused of trying to conceal where you got your funds.
    The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say the gambit was indefensible and put innocent lives at risk.
    This is horrible. Glad they stopped it when they did.

    “The military program started under former President Donald Trump and continued months into Joe Biden’s presidency, Reuters found – even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation. The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals, and the Pentagon initiated an internal review, Reuters found.”
    Speaking of goal post moving - you’re the one making the claims about beagle research and I think you know nothing about it. You said it was disgusting. So prove it. Tell us how the research guidelines weren’t followed and what the research was trying to accomplish. Also show us the paper that was written and the disclosure of funding. Otherwise I will assume you are just taking Twitter’s word for it.
    From your beloved Washington Post aka Democrat Press Release.

    The Bottom Line

    The emails show that NIH was not fully transparent as it tried to handle a public-relations nightmare. Perhaps there was little reason to doubt Satoskar, but officials embraced his explanation without confirming as they rushed out a statement. They made no acknowledgment that they had removed the study from the NIH grant database or that the editor of the journal that quickly issued the correction had a potential conflict of interest. Moreover, the NIH study in Tunisia that the agency said it funded was cast in a positive light that is undermined by the grant application that has since been made public.

    OMG, I just got around to reading what you posted. How many times will we all fall for this shirt? It doesn’t say you said, AT ALL. The WaPo article is seriously misrepresented in the lead in of that WCW tweet. There was no disinformation, unless you think the mistake in claiming funding was a conspiracy, which isn’t indicated at all in the article. The article says there’s no reason to doubt the word of the scientist who made the correction. There was no “abuse” of dogs, unless you’re going to claim that using dogs to study a disease that affects dogs is abuse, even when all protocols are followed. There isn’t any evidence that protocols were not followed. What there was was some PR type bungling, and I can understand it when you have groups like WCW, who are hostile and willing to blow things out of proportion, making up a controversy out of thin air.

    The pictures that MTG flashed were NOT the experiment involving dogs that the NIH funded, just like the scientist I saw posted. They were a study by a different country. I will use your tactic: will you admit you were wrong about those pictures?

    There was an error where authors of the study in question claimed they received funds from NIH, and when the controversy broke, they realized the error and corrected it. So a different study than those pictures. Your claim was false. Also the dogs were used to test a vaccine for a disease that they carry which infects them as well as people. Dogs were vaccinated and then exposed to the disease. How would you propose testing a vaccine if you cannot use the species infected by the disease? There’s no evidence that protocols for use of animals were not followed.

    Salient quote:

    “What’s less complicated is that it’s silly to personally blame Fauci for the design of research studies — about 5,500 were approved by NIAID just in 2023 — endorsed many levels below the director. “The experiments that NIH funded go through strict regulatory processes of the treatment of animals, the humane treatment of animals,” Fauci said in response to another lawmaker who raised the issue in the hearing this week. “I signed off on them because they were approved by a peer review.””

    The article also noted this important fact:

    “The group, the White Coat Waste Project, is founded and run by people with links to conservative-leaning organizations, The Washington Post has reported.”

    I have participated in animal research projects back when I was in college. I’ve seen the extensive protocols and how strict they were, even back then. I’m sure they’re just as strict today if not more so.
    Here's a link to the entire article. That's funny that you reference conservative groups in regards to the White Coat Waste Project according to the Washington Post which is the most partisan Democrat newspaper.

    Before Anthony Fauci retired from his lengthy run as the US government’s top infectious disease doctor, major pharmaceutical companies tried to lure him away from his post by offering him seven-figure jobs – but he turned them down because he “cared about … the health of the country” too much, he says in a new interview.

    Fauci’s comments on his loyalty to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Niad) – which he directed for 38 years before retiring in December 2022 – come only a couple of weeks after he testified to Congress about receiving “credible death threats” from far-right extremists over his efforts to slow the spread of Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic.

    Speaking to medical correspondent Dr Jonathan LaPook for the upcoming CBS News Sunday Morning episode, Fauci confirmed that pharmaceutical corporations offered him big money or chunks of private equity if he would leave Niad and work for them instead.

    “At the time that I was getting offered [that], I was making $125,000 to $200,000 – then I would get offered a job that would get me $5m, $6m, $7m a year,” Fauci said in an interview excerpt published on Friday by CBS.

    LaPook asked Fauci: “So why didn’t you take it?”

    “Because I really felt what I was doing was having an impact on what I cared about, which was the health of the country and, indirectly, the health of the world,” Fauci replied. “Because the United States is such a leader in science, medicine and public health that what we do indirectly spills over on to the rest of the world. And to me, that is priceless.”…….

    Here's a link to the entire article. That's funny that you reference conservative groups in regards to the White Coat Waste Project according to the Washington Post which is the most partisan Democrat newspaper.

    Why do you continue to post the same things over and over? And WaPo is not a Democratic newspaper (media company). Murdoch protégés just took over, they recently took a very pro-Trump slant to a story, and you just make shirt up.

    Your sources don’t get any less biased or more truthful because you post them again.

    Your sources are pure BS.

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