All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (4 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    State legislators and law enforcement are reinstating dormant laws that criminalize mask-wearing to penalize pro-Palestinian protesters who conceal their faces, raising concerns among covid-cautious Americans.

    Republican lawmakers in North Carolina are poised to overturn Gov. Roy Cooper’s (D) recent veto of legislation to criminalize masking.

    New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) said earlier this month she supports legislative efforts to ban masks on the subway, citing an incident where masked protesters on a train shouted, “Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.”

    Student protesters in Ohio, Texas and Florida have been threatened with arrest for covering their faces.
Decades-old laws against masking — often crafted in response to the hooded terror of the Ku Klux Klan — are on the books in at least 18 states and D.C., according to the International Center for Not-For-Profit Law.

    Lawmakers in some areas passed legislation to create health exemptions during the coronavirus pandemic while other authorities vowed not to enforce the statutes.

    Immunocompromised Americans and civil libertarians who have long criticized mask bans as a cudgel against protesters of police shootings, economic inequality and environmental injustice say the bans are being revived because covid is no longer treated as a public health emergency.

    Coronavirus levels in wastewater are reaching high levels across much of the Sun Belt and Florida, early indications of a summer covid wave, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Lawmakers eager to reinstate pre-pandemic mask restrictions say legislation would not target medically vulnerable people and others trying to avoid respiratory viruses. But critics say such an approach would be impractical and sets mask wearers up for further ostracization and harassment by police and fellow citizens.

    The day after the North Carolina House passed its anti-masking bill in June in response to pro-Palestinian protests at the University of North Carolina, Shari Stuart said a man confronted her for wearing a surgical mask when she walked into an auto service center in the Raleigh area to get an oil change.

    After she tried to explain that she has Stage 4 breast cancer and a weakened immune system, Stuart said the man called her a “f---ing liberal” and insisted masks were now illegal. He later coughed on her and said he hoped the cancer would kill her…….

    After she tried to explain that she has Stage 4 breast cancer and a weakened immune system, Stuart said the man called her a “f---ing liberal” and insisted masks were now illegal. He later coughed on her and said he hoped the cancer would kill her…….
    WTH is wrong with these people? They are uncivilized thugs.
    Adam Corolla? Lololololololololol. Just stop, SFL. I am laughing so hard I can’t catch my breath.
    Last month, Republican members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci for his support of mask and vaccine mandates, lockdowns and school closures.

    They alleged that Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) between 1984 and 2022, covered up U.S. government funding of research in a lab in Wuhan, China that produced the COVID-19 virus, brushing aside his assertion that such a result from this particular project was “molecularly impossible.”

    Following the subcommittee hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) declared that “Mr. Fauci belongs in a prison. He should be tried for mass murder and crimes against humanity.” So many people hate him, Greene added, “because he is an a–hole and a liar.”

    The attack by Greene is not an anomaly. In an op-ed published in July 2020, Peter Navarro, director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy in the Trump administration, maintained that Fauci “has been wrong about everything,” especially the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID. USA Today soon acknowledged that Navarro’s claims did not meet its “fact-checking standards.”

    In November 2020, Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, posted a video proposing that Fauci and FBI Director Christopher Wray should be beheaded: “I’d put the heads on pikes. As a warning to federal bureaucrats. Either get with the program or you’re gone.”

    In 2021, a Maryland man named Thomas Patrick Connally Jr., using an anonymous and encrypted account, sent emails vowing to make Fauci “pay with your children’s blood for your crimes.” And to drag Fauci into the street, break every bone in his body “with crowbars and sledgehammers” and set him on fire. In 2022, Connally was sentenced to three years in prison.

    Fauci also appeared on the “hit” list of a man, “called upon by God to combat evil demons,” and possessing an assault rifle, ammunition and body armor when he was arrested. Death threats against Fauci became so common, a team of special agents accompanied him everywhere he went.

    The demonization of Anthony Fauci strongly suggests that partisan polarization, contempt for expertise, coarseness, cruelty and a cultish propensity for conspiracy theories and violence have entered the mainstream of America.

    Judged by any reasonable criteria, Fauci was an exemplary public servant. During his 50-year- long career at NIAID, Fauci played multiple roles, often simultaneously: research scientist; physician to individual patients; administrator, providing direction and support to thousands of infectious disease specialists; advisor to policy makers in the federal government, including seven presidents, on the threats posed by various communicable diseases, including COVID-19. He was the chief explainer to the American people about preventive measures, vaccines, treatments and diagnostics.

    Between 1983 and 2003, Fauci was one of the most cited research scientists in the world. Fauci’s discovery of how to re-dose cancer drugs transformed a 98 percent mortality rate for individuals with the autoimmune inflammatory disease vasculitis into a 93 percent remission rate. NIAID research spearheaded by Fauci resulted in the development of drugs that enabled HIV-positive patients to live long and productive lives, while ensuring that they could not infect their sexual partners...............

    Last month, Republican members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci for his support of mask and vaccine mandates, lockdowns and school closures.

    They alleged that Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) between 1984 and 2022, covered up U.S. government funding of research in a lab in Wuhan, China that produced the COVID-19 virus, brushing aside his assertion that such a result from this particular project was “molecularly impossible.”

    Following the subcommittee hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) declared that “Mr. Fauci belongs in a prison. He should be tried for mass murder and crimes against humanity.” So many people hate him, Greene added, “because he is an a–hole and a liar.”

    The attack by Greene is not an anomaly. In an op-ed published in July 2020, Peter Navarro, director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy in the Trump administration, maintained that Fauci “has been wrong about everything,” especially the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID. USA Today soon acknowledged that Navarro’s claims did not meet its “fact-checking standards.”

    In November 2020, Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, posted a video proposing that Fauci and FBI Director Christopher Wray should be beheaded: “I’d put the heads on pikes. As a warning to federal bureaucrats. Either get with the program or you’re gone.”

    In 2021, a Maryland man named Thomas Patrick Connally Jr., using an anonymous and encrypted account, sent emails vowing to make Fauci “pay with your children’s blood for your crimes.” And to drag Fauci into the street, break every bone in his body “with crowbars and sledgehammers” and set him on fire. In 2022, Connally was sentenced to three years in prison.

    Fauci also appeared on the “hit” list of a man, “called upon by God to combat evil demons,” and possessing an assault rifle, ammunition and body armor when he was arrested. Death threats against Fauci became so common, a team of special agents accompanied him everywhere he went.

    The demonization of Anthony Fauci strongly suggests that partisan polarization, contempt for expertise, coarseness, cruelty and a cultish propensity for conspiracy theories and violence have entered the mainstream of America.

    Judged by any reasonable criteria, Fauci was an exemplary public servant. During his 50-year- long career at NIAID, Fauci played multiple roles, often simultaneously: research scientist; physician to individual patients; administrator, providing direction and support to thousands of infectious disease specialists; advisor to policy makers in the federal government, including seven presidents, on the threats posed by various communicable diseases, including COVID-19. He was the chief explainer to the American people about preventive measures, vaccines, treatments and diagnostics.

    Between 1983 and 2003, Fauci was one of the most cited research scientists in the world. Fauci’s discovery of how to re-dose cancer drugs transformed a 98 percent mortality rate for individuals with the autoimmune inflammatory disease vasculitis into a 93 percent remission rate. NIAID research spearheaded by Fauci resulted in the development of drugs that enabled HIV-positive patients to live long and productive lives, while ensuring that they could not infect their sexual partners...............

    These are the kind of facts that get ignored or typically not mentioned at all.....all those MAGA R's have done nothing but cause death, destruction, and division....they are the ones that deserve the "piking".....Bannon and the rest of them are vile garbage....

    Dr. Fauci overturned Obama's moratorium on gain of function research of concern. This decision was not a scientific one nor was it based on a comprehensive evaluation of the entirety of public health and geopolitical risks externalized by this research, but rather it was pushed strongly by academic lobbyists like the group "Scientists For Science" who saw this research as a way to secure funding & fame. Dr. Fauci thus normalized the global practice of enhancing potential pandemic pathogens for nothing more than the fame of academics and creating the same threats that he was supposed to defend us against, internalizing benefits for academics while externalizing risks to every human alive.

    As SARS-CoV-2 emerged, Dr. Fauci received emails that this virus appears to look like a laboratory construct from the same gain of function research of concern whose moratorium Dr. Fauci, an unelected bureaucrat entrenched in power, overturned. Dr. Fauci did not immediately share this information with the FBI or the director of the CDC, but, instead, he and Francis Collins organized a call with Scientists For Science co-founders Ron Fouchier and Christian Drosten alongside other gain of function advocates like Jeremy Farrar. On this call, the people present reportedly berated the scientists who found evidence of a lab origin in January 2020, leading those scientists to later write an article calling a lab origin "implausible" without acknowledging the role of these lobbyists and funders of gain of function research in Wuhan in the conception, development, and publication of their work.

    As COVID-19 spread around the world, scientists had different views on the efficacy of our interventions and there were legitimate differences in forecasts of pandemic burden. Dr. Fauci used his unelected position as head of NIAID not only to promote the article he prompted calling a lab origin "implausible", but also to pick & choose which science from this diverse assemblage he presented from his official position. By tilting the scales of science, Dr. Fauci unleveled the scientific playing field and marginalized scientists left and right, from Republicans whose preferred public health policies involved less government intervention to Democrats and Progressives whose preferred public health process involves diverse, representative stakeholder engagement and participation from our country's diverse people.

    When esteemed scientists @DrJBhattacharya @MartinKulldorff and @SunetraGupta wrote the Great Barrington Declaration advocating alternative public health policies focused on mitigating the risks of the virus - as opposed to containing the virus until vaccines arrived - Dr. Fauci and Francis Collins organized a "devastating take-down" of what they viewed as "fringe epidemiologists", using their unelected positions to marginalize scientists and suppress diverse views attempting to engage in our scientific and public health policy processes.

    I could go on to discuss Dr. Fauci's lies under oath, the extraordinary contempt for federal records laws of everyone in his orbit, his own efforts to sow doubt and spread biased perspectives about the origins of COVID by continuing to pick and choose which science he blesses, despite him having no formal training in evolutionary biology or virology.

    The point is, the media is not presenting these honest views of Dr. Fauci and the legitimate reasons for non-partisan dissatisfaction with Dr. Fauci's actions before, during, and after the pandemic. Dr. Fauci became a media icon during the pandemic, and those of us aware of Dr. Fauci's many egregious mistakes, character flaws, and abuses of his unelected power are left with the impression that the media has chosen to be Dr. Fauci's PR agent instead of being an independent press capable of speaking truth to power or asking difficult questions.

    Dissatisfaction of Dr. Fauci is non-partisan, and so too will be distrust of the media unless they learn how to cover these nuances of Dr. Fauci's abuses of power. I say this as a Democrat and as a scientist - Dr. Fauci had too much power over science, he endangered lives by normalizing dangerous research like that which likely caused the pandemic, he tilted the scales of science away from inconvenient truths and towards his convenient lies, he lied under oath, and more.

    Dr. Fauci deserves criticism. The persistence of the criticism, and the reason some view it as "demonization", stems from the fact that the grievances of millions of people are not being well-represented in the press.

    You only find this on X, boosting the information value of this platform, and undermining trust in legacy media.

    Dr. Fauci overturned Obama's moratorium on gain of function research of concern. This decision was not a scientific one nor was it based on a comprehensive evaluation of the entirety of public health and geopolitical risks externalized by this research, but rather it was pushed strongly by academic lobbyists like the group "Scientists For Science" who saw this research as a way to secure funding & fame. Dr. Fauci thus normalized the global practice of enhancing potential pandemic pathogens for nothing more than the fame of academics and creating the same threats that he was supposed to defend us against, internalizing benefits for academics while externalizing risks to every human alive.

    As SARS-CoV-2 emerged, Dr. Fauci received emails that this virus appears to look like a laboratory construct from the same gain of function research of concern whose moratorium Dr. Fauci, an unelected bureaucrat entrenched in power, overturned. Dr. Fauci did not immediately share this information with the FBI or the director of the CDC, but, instead, he and Francis Collins organized a call with Scientists For Science co-founders Ron Fouchier and Christian Drosten alongside other gain of function advocates like Jeremy Farrar. On this call, the people present reportedly berated the scientists who found evidence of a lab origin in January 2020, leading those scientists to later write an article calling a lab origin "implausible" without acknowledging the role of these lobbyists and funders of gain of function research in Wuhan in the conception, development, and publication of their work.

    As COVID-19 spread around the world, scientists had different views on the efficacy of our interventions and there were legitimate differences in forecasts of pandemic burden. Dr. Fauci used his unelected position as head of NIAID not only to promote the article he prompted calling a lab origin "implausible", but also to pick & choose which science from this diverse assemblage he presented from his official position. By tilting the scales of science, Dr. Fauci unleveled the scientific playing field and marginalized scientists left and right, from Republicans whose preferred public health policies involved less government intervention to Democrats and Progressives whose preferred public health process involves diverse, representative stakeholder engagement and participation from our country's diverse people.

    When esteemed scientists @DrJBhattacharya @MartinKulldorff and @SunetraGupta wrote the Great Barrington Declaration advocating alternative public health policies focused on mitigating the risks of the virus - as opposed to containing the virus until vaccines arrived - Dr. Fauci and Francis Collins organized a "devastating take-down" of what they viewed as "fringe epidemiologists", using their unelected positions to marginalize scientists and suppress diverse views attempting to engage in our scientific and public health policy processes.

    I could go on to discuss Dr. Fauci's lies under oath, the extraordinary contempt for federal records laws of everyone in his orbit, his own efforts to sow doubt and spread biased perspectives about the origins of COVID by continuing to pick and choose which science he blesses, despite him having no formal training in evolutionary biology or virology.

    The point is, the media is not presenting these honest views of Dr. Fauci and the legitimate reasons for non-partisan dissatisfaction with Dr. Fauci's actions before, during, and after the pandemic. Dr. Fauci became a media icon during the pandemic, and those of us aware of Dr. Fauci's many egregious mistakes, character flaws, and abuses of his unelected power are left with the impression that the media has chosen to be Dr. Fauci's PR agent instead of being an independent press capable of speaking truth to power or asking difficult questions.

    Dissatisfaction of Dr. Fauci is non-partisan, and so too will be distrust of the media unless they learn how to cover these nuances of Dr. Fauci's abuses of power. I say this as a Democrat and as a scientist - Dr. Fauci had too much power over science, he endangered lives by normalizing dangerous research like that which likely caused the pandemic, he tilted the scales of science away from inconvenient truths and towards his convenient lies, he lied under oath, and more.

    Dr. Fauci deserves criticism. The persistence of the criticism, and the reason some view it as "demonization", stems from the fact that the grievances of millions of people are not being well-represented in the press.

    You only find this on X, boosting the information value of this platform, and undermining trust in legacy media.

    How was Dr. Fauci able to overturn and executive order/moratorium from president Obama?
    How was Dr. Fauci able to overturn and executive order/moratorium from president Obama?

    "Projects that have been paused under the existing moratorium will now be reviewed utilizing a process consistent with the recommended policy guidance. Any projects that are determined suitable to proceed will do so with appropriate risk mitigation measures in place."

    More on the gain of function moratorium

    Rest of his post:

    "Fauci and Collins were committed to entirely avoiding the independent review the P3CO research called for."

    "'Although [the P3CO framework] looked effective on paper, in practice, it never even came into existence,' Ebright told Blaze News."

    Ebright: "'It didn’t come into existence because Collins and Fauci deliberately nullified the P3CO not identifying projects and forwarding them to the HHS secretary to review.'"

    "In the entire three-year period between the institution of the P3CO framework and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, only three projects[ed], two of which were…grandfathered in based on previous approvals."

    "In other words, during a period when it can be safely assumed that dozens of projects were funded that increased the transmissibility or pathogenicity of viruses covered by the P3CO framework, a grand total of one of these projects was ever submitted for review to the committee"
    Everything Trump did wrong, the cult is blaming on Fauci. It’s certifiably insane of anyone to believe this crap.

    Cheato the Traitorous Dog will be remembered as by far the worst, most craven and mendacious twitwaffle to ever defile the White House. Not only for the hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths he's responsible for, but millions...repeat, millions of cases of Long Covid.
    Vaccines are great but the best Covid outcome is to not get it in the first place.

    Cheato the Traitorous Dog will be remembered as by far the worst, most craven and mendacious twitwaffle to ever defile the White House. Not only for the hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths he's responsible for, but millions...repeat, millions of cases of Long Covid.
    Vaccines are great but the best Covid outcome is to not get it in the first place.
    we had one idiot on the old EE thread who purposely got himself infected. I personally lost 5 friends who believed Trump.
    Here is an account that Elon is boosting. He has 48k followers and puts forth all kinds of horrible medical disinformation all the time. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out this isn’t a real person - meaning it’s someone pretending to be someone they are not for the clout and money that Elon is paying large accounts. In the meantime they are pushing dangerous nonsense that will no doubt get people who listen to it killed by refusing to take the vaccine.


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