All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (10 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    Point taken and the media shouldn't portrayed it that way if true

    However...... going from, "270 professionals say You blow"


    "Only 87 of them are actually qualified to say You blow", isn't exactly a win
    I mean I get what your saying, when it comes to walking through the thought process for a Saints game I take the opinion of arm chair quarterbacks in the same light as I do Sean Payton’s.

    Given there are thousands of qualified doctors who could have signed this petition, and they had to get vets and crazy science teachers in order to bring it up to 270 ppl, I now know all I need to know about the lot of them. Like clowns that hung around Trump, when you lay down with dogs you get flees.
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    See, and you got upset I 'danced' around your question but in reality, I was just trying to figure out what you were talking about.
    I don't generally comment on things I don't know about. I know it is different on your side.
    Nope you are all about not having a real discussion about any topic.

    So again do you think that drunkard should have been mask less next to a person with pre existing conditions?

    Because you failed again to answer a single question. Is this over your head?

    One question don't dance.
    Nope you are all about not having a real discussion about any topic.

    So again do you think that drunkard should have been mask less next to a person with pre existing conditions?

    Because you failed again to answer a single question. Is this over your head?

    One question don't dance.
    Since you want to have a discussion about this, lets do. I assume they are all vaxed and boostered, correct?

    Was he asked to wear a mask? Reports are coming out that she never asked him to do so and he never said 'no' because it was not presented to him.

    Despite what happened, why does it matter? She was able to work from home and telework into meetings. Sounds like she made the right call to work from home. A lot of the country had to do that, what is different about her?

    So answer to your question.....He was perfectly fine to refuse to wear a mask and if she had a problem she did the correct thing by working from home. Why should he have to be inconvenience because she is scared to be out in public?

    Edited to Add:

    On Wednesday morning, Justices Sotomayor and Gorsuch released a joint statement confirming Fox News’ reporting, and refuting the NPR report as simply “false.”

    “Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us,” the statement said. “It is false.”

    “While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends,” the statement added.
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    Since you want to have a discussion about this, lets do. I assume they are all vaxed and boostered, correct?

    Was he asked to wear a mask? Reports are coming out that she never asked him to do so and he never said 'no' because it was not presented to him.

    Despite what happened, why does it matter? She was able to work from home and telework into meetings. Sounds like she made the right call to work from home. A lot of the country had to do that, what is different about her?

    So answer to your question.....He was perfectly fine to refuse to wear a mask and if she had a problem she did the correct thing by working from home. Why should he have to be inconvenience because she is scared to be out in public?

    Edited to Add:

    On Wednesday morning, Justices Sotomayor and Gorsuch released a joint statement confirming Fox News’ reporting, and refuting the NPR report as simply “false.”

    “Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us,” the statement said. “It is false.”

    “While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends,” the statement added.
    I'm not surprised by this correction coming from the court. The original report had seemed strained, as if an outcome in narrative had gone in search of facts to support it.

    Some authors do that and it's usually noticeable that something is out of whack.
    NPR be wild with their lies sometimes.

    “These lies are paid for by listeners like you.

    Now here’s Alec Baldwin with some commentary about a pledge drive (for NPR or the gun safety…who can tell these days).”
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    Since you want to have a discussion about this, lets do. I assume they are all vaxed and boostered, correct?

    Was he asked to wear a mask? Reports are coming out that she never asked him to do so and he never said 'no' because it was not presented to him.

    Despite what happened, why does it matter? She was able to work from home and telework into meetings. Sounds like she made the right call to work from home. A lot of the country had to do that, what is different about her?

    So answer to your question.....He was perfectly fine to refuse to wear a mask and if she had a problem she did the correct thing by working from home. Why should he have to be inconvenience because she is scared to be out in public?

    Edited to Add:

    On Wednesday morning, Justices Sotomayor and Gorsuch released a joint statement confirming Fox News’ reporting, and refuting the NPR report as simply “false.”

    “Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us,” the statement said. “It is false.”

    “While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends,” the statement added.
    From the Washington post

    In the new year, since the emergence of the highly contagious omicron variant, Sotomayor has participated in oral arguments via speaker from her chambers. The rest of the justices at least enter the courtroom with masks on, with the exception of Gorsuch, who sits between Sotomayor and Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
    Totenberg reported: “Sotomayor did not feel safe in close proximity to people who were unmasked. Chief Justice John Roberts, understanding that, in some form or other asked the other justices to mask up. They all did except Gorsuch, who, as it happens, sits next to Sotomayor on the bench. His continued refusal since then has also meant that Sotomayor has not attended the justices’ weekly conference in person, joining instead by telephone.”
    On the bench Wednesday, all of the justices except Gorsuch again were masked, although a few took their face coverings off for brief periods. Sotomayor again participated remotely

    Yes I do get your article that Ben Shapiro says oops I mean the daily wire they didn't talk to each other. Does that say anything else really? So what does that mean? Not a damn thing. That means Roberts is being ignored and rapey drunk is making a power play no matter how childish it seems. In the work place you always go directly to a higher up to fix a problem. In a good work place the higher ups are pro active obviously the rest of the court got the memo when the new one was here we should mask up to protect others. The drunkard ignored that plain and simple.

    Here is the problem in a nutshell. We call it ppe it is not. If I show up to work at any job and refuse to wear job required ppe i get fired because I am risking that company will have a huge accident and insurance pay out. With the pandemic we are risking others lives so it is not really personal protection. Every time I put on a mask it is to protect my mother and others. Yes and everyone that could get covid matters to me I don't want anyone to lose a loved one no matter who they vote for.

    Thanks for the perfectly fine to not wear a mask next to a person that has had diabetes since childhood that tells me you have no empty for others. I often refer to people like that as sun people because the world revolves around you.
    I mean I get what your saying, when it comes to walking through the thought process for a Saints game I take the opinion of arm chair quarterbacks in the same light as I do Sean Payton’s.

    Given there are thousands of qualified doctors who could have signed this petition, and they had to get vets and crazy science teachers in order to bring it up to 270 ppl, I now know all I need to know about the lot of them. Like clowns that hung around Trump, when you lay down with dogs you get flees.
    Getting vets to sign off on a letter about how a horse dewormer ain't a COVID treatment makes sense. It's not anyone but Rogan's fault that he has to be admonished by doctors who treat forking animals because he has gone around touting drugs for animals instead of a vaccine made for human beings. Screw him and anyone who takes advice from him.
    Given there are thousands of qualified doctors who could have signed this petition, and they had to get vets and crazy science teachers in order to bring it up to 270 ppl, I now know all I need to know about the lot of them. Like clowns that hung around Trump, when you lay down with dogs you get flees.

    If all 270 were qualified doctors would have changed anything in your mind?

    Or , would it not because there were 1000s of doctors who could have signed it but they didn't even get 300?
    Getting vets to sign off on a letter about how a horse dewormer ain't a COVID treatment makes sense. It's not anyone but Rogan's fault that he has to be admonished by doctors who treat forking animals because he has gone around touting drugs for animals instead of a vaccine made for human beings. Screw him and anyone who takes advice from him.
    Here’s the thing though, prior to Rogan talking about it, Ivermectin was probably prescribed to more humans than animals. It is an award worthy drug. It treats lice, rosacea, and acne. Dermatologists prescribe it all the time. Aside for its use as an anti-parasite. Look it up.

    I’m not telling people to go out and take it, I’m not recommending people do anything without consulting their doctor first, but veterinarians and science teachers aren’t the people I would go to in order to seek out this type of advice either.
    If all 270 were qualified doctors would have changed anything in your mind?

    Or , would it not because there were 1000s of doctors who could have signed it but they didn't even get 300?
    At least we agree that not all 270 are qualified doctors, or qualified to render a meaningful opinion on the topic. It’s like taking my opinion of the Saints game plan with the same weight as the opinion of Sean Payton’s. They aren’t equal, his is qualified, mine isn’t.

    I think what we are seeing is you can’t just blindly trust the science, because who are the scientists actually performing these tests? Veterinarians, Joe Rogan, a meth head, Robert Malone (or any other qualified medical professional)? Also, wtf does “trust the science” mean? The reason science continues is because people hypothesize, and test those hypothesis’. By trusting science we never would have advanced this far as a species.

    I know I might seem like a smart man, why with my butchering of the English language, my lack of understanding Shakespeare, my love for the Saints and Pelicans, and my passion for New Orleans food, but in the end I’m not dumb enough just to roll with what science is saying when the topic has become a political hot button. There is too much happening behind the curtains for me to just blindly go with the flow on this.

    I find it odd how Malone is viewed as a pariah these days (given his history working with diseases). One min you are viewed as a hero for your work with DNA and RNA, the next you aren’t inline with your views on Covid so you need to be shut up.
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    Here’s the thing though, prior to Rogan talking about it, Ivermectin was probably prescribed to more humans than animals. It is an award worthy drug. It treats lice, rosacea, and acne. Dermatologists prescribe it all the time. Aside for its use as an anti-parasite. Look it up.

    I’m not telling people to go out and take it, I’m not recommending people do anything without consulting their doctor first, but veterinarians and science teachers aren’t the people I would go to in order to seek out this type of advice either.
    I've already looked it up. It's not the same shirt that comes in a paste for horses. There are plenty of drugs that are used on animals too. Pentobarbatol (and all of the -barbatol drugs) are used to euthanize animals and treat humans with psych issues. Doctors aren't writing prescriptions for an anti-parasitic to treat a virus, so people went out and got their hands on the paste for horses, not the pill for humans.

    Jesus, from your own link:

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation has been widely spread claiming that ivermectin is beneficial for treating and preventing COVID-19.[20][21] Such claims are not backed by credible scientific evidence.[22][23] Research into its use is ongoing,[24] and multiple major health organizations, including the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the European Medicines Agency, and the World Health Organization have stated that ivermectin is not authorized or approved to treat COVID-19.[25][26][22][27]

    Vets and science teachers signed onto a letter to get people to stop eating horse paste instead of immunizing themselves from COVID. People like Aaron Rodgers considered themselves vaccinated and went around infecting the fork out of everyone they came into contact with because of assclowns like Rogan and the morons who think he's some kind of genius libertarian who's only known to a lot of these people because he hosted a show where people ate disgusting shirt. We've come full circle where he's now telling people to eat disgusting shirt again and getting more fame for it. Yay, 'Murica!
    I've already looked it up. It's not the same shirt that comes in a paste for horses. There are plenty of drugs that are used on animals too. Pentobarbatol (and all of the -barbatol drugs) are used to euthanize animals and treat humans with psych issues. Doctors aren't writing prescriptions for an anti-parasitic to treat a virus, so people went out and got their hands on the paste for horses, not the pill for humans.

    Jesus, from your own link:

    Vets and science teachers signed onto a letter to get people to stop eating horse paste instead of immunizing themselves from COVID. People like Aaron Rodgers considered themselves vaccinated and went around infecting the fork out of everyone they came into contact with because of assclowns like Rogan and the morons who think he's some kind of genius libertarian who's only known to a lot of these people because he hosted a show where people ate disgusting shirt. We've come full circle where he's now telling people to eat disgusting shirt again and getting more fame for it. Yay, 'Murica!
    As I said, I wouldn’t prescribe anything to anyone, and would tell folks to seek out the recommendation of their doctor, not some podcast host, science teacher, or veterinarian.

    I am not making a distinction between a pill and a cream. I wouldn’t be surprised if people are the cream as they would a pill. I am just saying that the drug didn’t have a stigma attached to it until Joe Rogan spoke about it, and now even mentioning the word will have people thinking you are crazy.

    Due to the political nature of this virus (how sad is it to say that) there is a lot to be dubious about. I believe Covid is a problem, just how much of a problem though I am not sure of. I just hope at some point in the near future we can get somewhat back to normal.
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    I believe Covid is a problem, just how much of a problem though I am not sure of. I just hope at some point in the near future we can get somewhat back to normal.

    I posted this in a thread on the main boards and I know it's not the most sophisticated way to go about calculating things but I'd say between 788,500 to 993,747 "extra" deaths over the last two years would have me lean toward it's still a major problem.

    These are the mortality rates the last 7 years:


    Here is 2020: 3,3893,729 deaths. An increase of 528,891 deaths or 18.53% increase. So even if you take the largest increase before 2020 3.28% and 2020 should have only increased by 93,710 deaths. That's 435,181 "extra" deaths. So unless you are saying hospitals are just making up dead people something caused all of those extra deaths no mater what you want to attribute them too.

    There are no official numbers for 2021 yet but I read an article that said it's expected to be 15,000 higher than last year. So around 3,398,729 deaths. If you want to do the same math and say it should have increased 3.28% again over the "expected number of 2020" then that's still another 353,395 extra deaths in 2021. So a two year total of 788,576 people deaths than what we were trending the prior 7 years.

    Just looked further back and the average death% increase each year over the last 20 years prior to 2020 was .92% so if you use those numbers to get a death rate for 2020 and 2021 it's an extra 993,747 deaths over the last two years. The official death count for covid deaths in the US right now is 857,644. So if anything we are probably undercounting Covid deaths.
    I posted this in a thread on the main boards and I know it's not the most sophisticated way to go about calculating things but I'd say between 788,500 to 993,747 "extra" deaths over the last two years would have me lean toward it's still a major problem.

    These are the mortality rates the last 7 years:


    Here is 2020: 3,3893,729 deaths. An increase of 528,891 deaths or 18.53% increase. So even if you take the largest increase before 2020 3.28% and 2020 should have only increased by 93,710 deaths. That's 435,181 "extra" deaths. So unless you are saying hospitals are just making up dead people something caused all of those extra deaths no mater what you want to attribute them too.

    There are no official numbers for 2021 yet but I read an article that said it's expected to be 15,000 higher than last year. So around 3,398,729 deaths. If you want to do the same math and say it should have increased 3.28% again over the "expected number of 2020" then that's still another 353,395 extra deaths in 2021. So a two year total of 788,576 people deaths than what we were trending the prior 7 years.

    Just looked further back and the average death% increase each year over the last 20 years prior to 2020 was .92% so if you use those numbers to get a death rate for 2020 and 2021 it's an extra 993,747 deaths over the last two years. The official death count for covid deaths in the US right now is 857,644. So if anything we are probably undercounting Covid deaths.

    Just so I understand what I am looking at, this is a chart of deaths over the past few years (not deaths tied directly to illness)?

    What segment of those numbers take into account individuals with underlying health issues (cancer, diabetes, etc)? Also, (just so I am reading this correctly), can we see age of mortality?

    I just want to get a stronger idea of what I am looking.

    Just so I understand what I am looking at, this is a chart of deaths over the past few years (not deaths tied directly to illness)?

    What segment of those numbers take into account individuals with underlying health issues (cancer, diabetes, etc)? Also, (just so I am reading this correctly), can we see age of mortality?

    I just want to get a stronger idea of what I am looking.

    These are total deaths in the United States for 2013 to now.
    From the Washington post

    In the new year, since the emergence of the highly contagious omicron variant, Sotomayor has participated in oral arguments via speaker from her chambers. The rest of the justices at least enter the courtroom with masks on, with the exception of Gorsuch, who sits between Sotomayor and Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
    Totenberg reported: “Sotomayor did not feel safe in close proximity to people who were unmasked. Chief Justice John Roberts, understanding that, in some form or other asked the other justices to mask up. They all did except Gorsuch, who, as it happens, sits next to Sotomayor on the bench. His continued refusal since then has also meant that Sotomayor has not attended the justices’ weekly conference in person, joining instead by telephone.”
    On the bench Wednesday, all of the justices except Gorsuch again were masked, although a few took their face coverings off for brief periods. Sotomayor again participated remotely

    Yes I do get your article that Ben Shapiro says oops I mean the daily wire they didn't talk to each other. Does that say anything else really? So what does that mean? Not a damn thing. That means Roberts is being ignored and rapey drunk is making a power play no matter how childish it seems. In the work place you always go directly to a higher up to fix a problem. In a good work place the higher ups are pro active obviously the rest of the court got the memo when the new one was here we should mask up to protect others. The drunkard ignored that plain and simple.

    Here is the problem in a nutshell. We call it ppe it is not. If I show up to work at any job and refuse to wear job required ppe i get fired because I am risking that company will have a huge accident and insurance pay out. With the pandemic we are risking others lives so it is not really personal protection. Every time I put on a mask it is to protect my mother and others. Yes and everyone that could get covid matters to me I don't want anyone to lose a loved one no matter who they vote for.

    Thanks for the perfectly fine to not wear a mask next to a person that has had diabetes since childhood that tells me you have no empty for others. I often refer to people like that as sun people because the world revolves around you.
    Maybe read the statement that both of the justices put out?

    The study said protection against reinfection and hospitalization grew significantly among unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals who had previously contracted Covid-19 from the time period before the Delta variant emerged to after it became the dominant strain in the U.S. Prior infection provided better protection than vaccination alone during Delta. The case rates among the unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals with a previous diagnosis and without a previous diagnosis were relatively similar in the California population during the same time period.

    I think we discussed this on here before. Just out of curiosity, is the CDC incorrect on this one too, like I was? Are they also falling for misinformation?
    I was told natural immunity was not really a thing and no matter what, the only option was the government jab and if I get the virus, I should just stay home and die instead of taking up space from the morally superior vaxed.

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