4th Republican Debate 12/06/23 (1 Viewer)

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    in a van down by the river
    This is a topic for any thoughts and info pertaining to the republican debate:

    What time is the debate, and who is moderating:

    The two-hour debate will start at 8 p.m. ET on Wednesday. It’s being moderated by NewsNation’s Elizabeth Vargas; Megyn Kelly, host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM; and Eliana Johnson, editor-in-chief of The Washington Free Beacon.

    How to watch the Republican debate:

    NewsNation will livestream the debate on their website and broadcast it to television news channels, while Rumble will stream it natively

    4 candidates qualified for the debate:

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    No, Steve. Rs controlled the Presidency, the House and the Senate for 2 years not that long ago and then they controlled the Presidency and the Senate for 2 more years. They wouldn’t even address it.

    And no, a wall isn’t an answer. There are areas where there are devastating effects on wildlife and where the wall has to have gates to open in times of flooding. It would cost way, way too much. The entire system could be fixed to address the issue, there just isn’t any political will do to it.
    Just saw this in the Republican thread. Pretty much proves who wants to fix the issues:

    "Harris sucks at defending our border."

    Uhhh, Mike?

    Because I did something terrible in a past life and have to be punished for it in this one, on Wednesday night I watched the Republican presidential debate.

    It was the third in a series of televised temper tantrums by a dwindling field of eligible candidates, all pretending that there is a meaningful contest for the Republican presidential nomination and that any of them have the slightest chance of winning it.

    In the past, these events have ranged from the chaotic to the deranged, as characters like Tim Scott put a smiling, chipper, aw-shucks sheen on a lurid vision of enforced male supremacy, Ron DeSantis publicly indulges wild fantasies about sending American soldiers to conduct summary executions of Mexican drug cartel leaders on the soil of a sovereign foreign nation, and Chris Christie puts on a poor imitation of someone who believes in his own relevance.

    And like the past debates, there was plenty of rancor and personal barbs on Wednesday night, plenty of morbid daydreaming about future regimes of social control, and plenty of fact-free declarations about the supposed causes of America’s plights. There was yelling, and there were insults. Somehow, the whole thing still managed to be incredibly tedious.

    Donald Trump, the man who will be the Republican nominee unless he dies before next November, was not on stage. The candidates did their usual dance of trying not to attack Trump or alienate his base – which meant, in effect, that none of them could make much of a case for themselves. Nikki Haley, once a member of Trump’s cabinet, somewhat weakly suggested that Trump was not the right candidate “for now”. Even Chris Christie, whose candidacy is largely seen as a kamikaze mission meant to hurt Trump rather than a serious bid for office, could barely manage to point out that the frontrunner’s legal problems – he faces 91 felony charges – would probably distract him from the duties of office.

    For all of the five contenders on stage – Haley, Christie, DeSantis, Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy – their very candidacy suggests a discomfort with Trump: if they really thought he was the best guy for the job, they wouldn’t be running. But a taboo on criticizing Trump remains the one constant that unites the fractious, dysfunctional and internally chaotic Republican party, the one thing that all of them know it would end their political careers to do. They couldn’t go after Trump. So they went after each other.…….

    So there is absolutely nothing that could be done to better secure the border? I don't agree. I didn't say it would solve the problem. I said the border needs to be better secured before anyone on the right will consider changing the immigration laws.

    All I'm saying is that, that is a ridiculous and self defeating position that's really saying they don't want to address the problem because you have to change that laws surrounding immigration to be able to deal with the flow and better secure the border.
    I was actually going to try to watch some of it... but I forgot. I guess I'll wait for the highlights later
    The fourth Republican debate in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, this week pulled in the lowest ratings yet of all GOP primary debates during the 2024 presidential race.

    Over 4 million people tuned in to NewsNationand The CW to watch Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Chris Christiego head-to-head on stage on Wednesday night.

    This is down from 7 million viewers of the third debate, which was down from 9 million and 12.8 million from the second and first.

    Wednesday’s debate frequently veered out of control as most of the attacks focused on former UN Ambassador Ms Haley who has been rising in the polls.…….

    I couldn't even fathom the interest to watch even one of these debates. Such a pointless exercise given Trump will win the nomination and never participated.

    Wish that Republicans and their voters would do better. They really are trying everything the can to kareen this country off a cliff while driving with blindfolds on.
    it Trump does somehow gets the nomination, i am sure he will not want to do the debate against Biden.
    what Biden should do is have a mock debate and basically just criticize every Republican policy on stage.
    it Trump does somehow gets the nomination, i am sure he will not want to do the debate against Biden.
    what Biden should do is have a mock debate and basically just criticize every Republican policy on stage.

    I think he would debate Biden.

    I don't think Biden would do well on a debate stage for 2 hours.
    I disagree. I don’t buy the Biden is senile crap that the GOP spews.
    I would feel more comfortable if he did press conferences.

    He is less accessible than Trump was, and we all complained about Trump never doing actual press conferences.
    I would feel more comfortable if he did press conferences.

    He is less accessible than Trump was, and we all complained about Trump never doing actual press conferences.

    Trump is more senile than Biden is accused of being. All Trump does is ramble incoherently. Biden did great the last election when they debated. He'll do fine if they debate again.

    I don't think Trump will want to debate Biden though. He'd probably think he was debating Obama.
    Trump is more senile than Biden is accused of being. All Trump does is ramble incoherently. Biden did great the last election when they debated. He'll do fine if they debate again.

    I don't think Trump will want to debate Biden though. He'd probably think he was debating Obama.
    I don't think either is senile. Trump is just a liar who doesn't prepare so his constant stream-of-consciousness rants sound senile to anyone who is not a Trump sychophant.

    Biden is just old and that combined with having to focus on not stuttering makes him sound like he's struggling to get thoughts out.

    Biden would beat him on issues in a debate, but Trump would come out looking more energetic and alive.
    I couldn't even fathom the interest to watch even one of these debates. Such a pointless exercise given Trump will win the nomination and never participated.

    Wish that Republicans and their voters would do better. They really are trying everything the can to kareen this country off a cliff while driving with blindfolds on.

    I was going to watch for the entertainment :LOL:

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