2024 GOP Presidential Race (5 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    She's as genuine and likable as a cube of pure aspartame.

    POTUS is a pure popularity contest, sadly.
    Your description of her is a fair one, 2884's is exactly what the GOP fought for decades to imprint onto her. She was an accomplished academic and statesman, what she lack was charisma and that prevented her from overcoming the attacks on her character by the the Republican extremist.
    Your description of her is a fair one, 2884's is exactly what the GOP fought for decades to imprint onto her. She was an accomplished academic and statesman, what she lack was charisma and that prevented her from overcoming the attacks on her character by the the Republican extremist.
    You don’t know shirt about me and I don’t appreciate having snide remarks being made about what you supposedly think I believe by you or anyone else. I also don’t appreciate being labeled some idiotic, irrational mark like I’m incapable of critical thinking and a pawn.
    You don’t know shirt about me and I don’t appreciate having snide remarks being made about what you supposedly think I believe by you or anyone else. I also don’t appreciate being labeled some idiotic, irrational mark like I’m incapable of critical thinking and a pawn.
    I know enough and now I know more. I couldn't care less about what you think of me and don't care enough about you to have label you as anything. If you felt I have label you as a...
    idiotic, irrational mark like I’m incapable of critical thinking and a pawn
    ...perhaps you are getting that through some self reflection.

    I asked a simple question:
    What are her Flaws? She's too driven, stiff and guarded? I sure hope you don't mean the fabricated ones the GOP has been propagating for over 30 years. Her character has been under attack since she became a clear threat to the GOP.
    You responded with the GOP HRC narrative, exactly what I hope you wouldn't:
    Benghazi, for one. Her supposed, authoritarian demeanor, attitude, and personality has rubbed some people the wrong people.

    Then there’s the little soap opera involving her husband cheating on her, brazenly with a mid-20’s WH intern and deciding to stay with that lecherous husband of hers, who made a fool out of her in front of the entire world, back in the late 90’s. She lost some respect from the electorate, IMHO, for not dumping Bill’s arse. A lot of women would have. Whether she deserved that loss of respect or whether it’s fair(IMHO, it isn’t) but a lot of people held it against her and never forgot.
    You don’t know shirt about me and I don’t appreciate having snide remarks being made about what you supposedly think I believe by you or anyone else. I also don’t appreciate being labeled some idiotic, irrational mark like I’m incapable of critical thinking and a pawn.
    You don’t have a problem when it’s you assuming what others believe, though. Maybe allow others the latitude you give yourself?
    In regards to your first paragraph, for some pro-lifers, it’s cases of abortion where the reasons aren’t medical, or due to rape, incest, etc, it’s “I don’t want this baby because it’ll cost me that job, or it’ll ruin my once care-free, uncomplicated life, or my life will be more difficult” for the longest time, that’s rubbed some pro-lifers as unabashed selfishness, the “Me, Me, Me, it’s all about me” culture, and it’s still falls under the whole paradigm of medical decisions between a doctor and patient.

    That’s where the rub comes, for some people. I’m just explaining the phenomenon as I’ve studied it. Not that I agree or believe these sentiments myself.
    Yes, but I have no idea why you think you need to tell me this. 🤷‍♀️
    Most great politicians have the skin of an elephant and the memory of a flea. After all, today’s adversary might be tomorrow’s ally.

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has it the wrong way around. That means his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, which he is expected to announce this week, will be interesting. And, unless he evolves, it could be brief.

    Polls still show DeSantis as having the best chance to defeat Donald Trump in the GOP race. But they also show his prospects rapidly heading in the wrong direction.

    RealClearPolitics found in its average of polls that in late February, DeSantis trailed Trump by just 13 percentage points. On Monday, however, Trump led DeSantis by 37 points, with much of the gap having grown in recent weeks.

    This trend line is hardly encouraging for DeSantis’s theory of the case. His bet is that Republican voters want a nominee who has a proven track record of enacting conservative policies and who models Trump’s pugnacity but is not burdened with the former president’s mountain of baggage.

    Using GOP control of the Florida legislature as though it were a campaign billboard, DeSantis has loosened the state’s gun laws; lowered the threshold for imposing the death penalty; expanded school vouchers; and imposed “anti-woke” restrictions on teachers and administrators at every level of public education, including in the state’s universities.

    He has made it illegal for doctors to provide gender-transition care for minors. To top it off, he signed a bill establishing a six-week abortion ban, which — if allowed to take effect by the Florida Supreme Court — would be one of the most draconian in the nation.

    Ta-da! Yet his poll numbers keep going down, not up.

    DeSantis is not helping himself with his obsessive crusade against the Walt Disney Co., which offended him last year by criticizing his “don’t say gay” law banning discussion of gender and sexuality in public schools.

    Trying to punish a company for statements that had no practical impact — except, perhaps, on DeSantis’s brittle ego — seems wildly at odds with traditional conservative values……..

    The Disney thing would just be a loopy sideshow if it didn’t highlight traits that could hold DeSantis back as a presidential candidate — and that would be dangerous for the nation and the world if, heaven forbid, he ever became president: paper-thin skin, a propensity to hold grudges and a tendency to go way too far…….

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    You don’t know shirt about me and I don’t appreciate having snide remarks being made about what you supposedly think I believe by you or anyone else. I also don’t appreciate being labeled some idiotic, irrational mark like I’m incapable of critical thinking and a pawn.


    You're all out of sorts for someone who has done the exact same shirt in this thread.
    Trump states that Ron DeSantis is unelectable.
    I think he should look at reality and realize that with his Jan 6 baggage, Stormy Daniels baggage and so much more....HE....Donald Trump is unelectable.
    For half a year I've heard DeSantis will officially enter the race "by May"
    May is slipping away.
    Possibly he'll announce tomorrow or surely before the weekend?
    I forgot to mention Trump's legal battles with E Jean Carroll
    Trumps limitations are limitless!
    I forgot to mention Trump's legal battles with E Jean Carroll
    Trumps limitations are limitless!
    None of that stuff will move the needle for any of his supporters. But if it moves the needle on just a few percent of the people on the fence that voted for him the first time, that makes a big difference.
    So if Trump is "unelectable" and I really believe DeSantis is unelectable, I think he will crumble in a debate and I have to believe (or hope) that folks see him for what he is (a white christian nationalist/supremacist) and reject him.....

    Then who is left? My hope/vision of Trump destroying the R party may come to fruition after all!!!!!
    CNN) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will announce his 2024 presidential campaign Wednesday night in a conversation with Twitter owner Elon Musk, a spokesperson for his political team tells CNN……

    CNN) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will announce his 2024 presidential campaign Wednesday night in a conversation with Twitter owner Elon Musk, a spokesperson for his political team tells CNN……

    Boy he really knows how to win over the moderates, women, and independents, lol.
    So if Trump is "unelectable" and I really believe DeSantis is unelectable, I think he will crumble in a debate and I have to believe (or hope) that folks see him for what he is (a white christian nationalist/supremacist) and reject him.....

    Then who is left? My hope/vision of Trump destroying the R party may come to fruition after all!!!!!
    For sure Donald Trump has the strong potential to destroy the Republican Party.
    It's always been my (naive?) hope that the criminal justice system will put him out of the political race or the voters will do so.
    Until we are partway into the actual primary season there IS always that hope....even though someone says I am naive....it IS possible. Hope springs eternal :)
    According to this article, Laura Ingram had a guest on her show and they were discussion Donald Trump's low poll numbers.
    Trump would lose to B
    Yet Biden would lose to a "Generic Republican"
    Read the article and it will make more sense.
    Naturally Trump has now turned on Laura Ingram and has told his followers to switch to Newsmax.
    Everyone who doubted me and thought I'd hold my nose and vote for Trump should be convinced by now.
    Not expecting anyone to apologize though.
    You don’t have a problem when it’s you assuming what others believe, though. Maybe allow others the latitude you give yourself?
    I don’t like other posters making snide remarks about me to anyone else, inferring “this is what he supposedly believe when in reality, they don’t know.” And it’s done deliberately, with some sort of malice involved. When I made the same mistakes like when you called me out on it, I apologized or further explained myself because I wasn’t sure what your positions were. I didn’t do it intentionally because I want to behave like a partisan jerk getting in some free cheap shots.
    According to this article, Laura Ingram had a guest on her show and they were discussion Donald Trump's low poll numbers.
    Trump would lose to B
    Yet Biden would lose to a "Generic Republican"
    Read the article and it will make more sense.
    Naturally Trump has now turned on Laura Ingram and has told his followers to switch to Newsmax.
    Everyone who doubted me and thought I'd hold my nose and vote for Trump should be convinced by now.
    Not expecting anyone to apologize though.
    I don't think anyone is saying you'd hold your nose and vote for Trump. What some have said is that your plan to vote third party might as well be a vote for Trump because, it's simple, in that scenario only one parson can beat Trump, and you'd not be voting for that 1 person. I'm not a Democrat, but I'll vote for Biden without thinking twice if Trump is the nominee. Same for DeSantis. If a moderate Republican gets the nomination, I'll probably switch in that scenario.

    You're all out of sorts for someone who has done the exact same shirt in this thread.
    I didn’t do it deliberately because I’m some partisan jerk. I wasn’t completely sure what a few posters were trying to get across in past threads on other issues over the past few days and I was basing my responses on what I believed they were saying, at the time. I clarified that it up with MT15 in the abortion thread yesterday.
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