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100 Marines to Baghdad (Iran conflict discussion)(Reopened & Merged) (2 Viewers)

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    We’re gonna try to stay on point in this one -🤞 .

    After the Iranian admission of shooting down the Ukrainian 737, which was carrying 82 Iranian passengers, protests against the Supreme Leader have broken out.

    The UK ambassador to Iran has been arrested for talking photos of the protests. President Trump has tweeted support for the protesters in English and Farsi.

    I don't see how y'all can watch any of these political opinion shows. I can find a lot of better things to do that watch that. The only people that lie more than politicians are media opinion people. Their only goal is to get them ratings rather they tell the truth or not. Whatever they say will always make have the people watching it happy and half of the people watching it mad. JMHO
    We don’t watch much Fox News in my house. My impression is that Tucker promotes a brand of white supremacy that has the plausible deniability and subtlety (sort of) that Steve King hasn’t quite figured out. I don’t know much about his other politics except that he has promoted some of the other generic anti-hillary / pro-trump narratives like his fox counterparts but he’s not on the level of, say, Hannity passing info from trump to manafort in jail. I said I’d give a look at whoever Beach recommended, and now I’m curious what he covers in an hour spot. And I said I’d try to do it without preconceptions, which I will. I’ll report my honest take afterward. What’s the harm in trying to understand the psychology of those with whom we assume we share no political common ground? Trump won’t be president forever, but hopefully we’ll all still be here for a while afterward.
    Personally I’d say in terms of the ideology he promotes he may be worse than Hannity, but in terms of corruption you are probably right. His ego at least helps prevent him from being the sort of brazen direct sycophant to the president Hannity is. But, he still fills the role in the machine all the same. He, like the rest of the network, is organized around promoting the Republican Party and facilitating a base of support that suits Murdoch’s interests, and the Republican Party today is mostly just Trump, so he does his part, in his own way. In his case by using white identity politics to stoke fear in 40-90 year olds and tempering that with an exclusionary form of right-wing economic populism and nationalism that borrows some of the rhetoric of left-wing economic populism and bastageizes and filters it through the prism of his white identity/supremacy.

    I don’t often grab for it, but there was once upon a time an ideology that thrived on this sort of economic populism filtered through nationalism and cultural exclusion and supremacy in Europe, not just in this century now, but a quarter through the last one...
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    likewise, I hope the nightmare thoughts of transgendered people asking you to respect their preferred pronouns, black people using their first amendment rights, or ANTIFA de-platforming the Klan at a Proud Boys rally doesn’t ruin yours. 🤙

    Actually, I feel pretty good about the way things are going. I believe we have turned the corner on the woke/cancel culture. For the most part, people see how foolish and counter productive it was. Sure, there are some, like yourself, who will desperately cling to that bankrupt phenomenon of the 2010's. But that's not all bad - everytime you gratuitously shriek, 'RACIST," it serves as a reminder of how things can spiral out of control. Besides, we have to someone to laugh at.
    Actually, I feel pretty good about the way things are going. I believe we have turned the corner on the woke/cancel culture. For the most part, people see how foolish and counter productive it was. Sure, there are some, like yourself, who will desperately cling to that bankrupt phenomenon of the 2010's. But that's not all bad - everytime you gratuitously shriek, 'RACIST," it serves as a reminder of how things can spiral out of control. Besides, we have to someone to laugh at.
    Racists haven’t really won a culture war in modern America yet, thankfully, and you all aren’t actually winning this one either.

    If that were the case, your boy Tucker would be out of a job(or at least have to shed his current skin and find a new one again). Because without fear of uncontrollable cultural changes(I.E. minority population growth and people striving to be less racist and more respectful to minorities interpersonally, while being more cognizant of the institutional forces perpetuating it), Tucker has nothing to fill most of his hour with. Without a trans person being allowed to read to kids in a library, another bathroom law getting passed, a black person given more and more space and support to express their frustrations of a white supremacist system, a racist speaker at a young conservative rally getting outmatched by counter speech, a razor commercial targeting toxic masculinity, another film franchise that dares to embrace cultural diversity, Proud Boys getting shouted down in once racist hotbeds like Boston, you all would have nothing to feed the victimhood complex built up by the grifters like Tucker. Leaders like Trump would have no well to draw from.

    But that’s always been the game hasn’t it? Gullible, emotionally, and intellectually weak people getting taken for a ride by a grifter that can package and use or sell back their base fears and emotions.
    Racists haven’t really won a culture war in modern America yet, thankfully, and you all aren’t actually winning this one either.

    If that were the case, your boy Tucker would be out of a job(or at least have to shed his current skin and find a new one again). Because without fear of uncontrollable cultural changes(I.E. minority population growth and people striving to be less racist and more respectful to minorities interpersonally, while being more cognizant of the institutional forces perpetuating it), Tucker has nothing to fill most of his hour with. Without a trans person being allowed to read to kids in a library, another bathroom law getting passed, a black person given more and more space and support to express their frustrations of a white supremacist system, a racist speaker at a young conservative rally getting outmatched by counter speech, a razor commercial targeting toxic masculinity, another film franchise that dares to embrace cultural diversity, Proud Boys getting shouted down in once racist hotbeds like Boston, you all would have nothing to feed the victimhood complex built up by the grifters like Tucker. Leaders like Trump would have no well to draw from.

    But that’s always been the game hasn’t it? Gullible, emotionally, and intellectually weak people getting taken for a ride by a grifter that can package and use or sell back their base fears and emotions.

    It's only mid morning and you have already managed to call someone a racist.

    Great start to the day for you!
    It's only mid morning and you have already managed to call someone a racist.

    Seems that it is acceptable to call people racist around here doesn't? They call call us Racist without reprocussions, but if we called them the "N" word we'd get an infraction.

    Double standard around here just like the PDB was.
    It's only mid morning and you have already managed to call someone a racist.

    Great start to the day for you!
    Guilty conscience much?

    I have my suspicions, but that opening statement addressed racists writ large as not having won anything recently, and then shifting to this “side” you claim allegiance with and is supposedly winning this recent culture war. Which by simply paying attention to you and your apparent intellectual leader, doesn’t seem to jive.

    Though I admit, I see very little difference and almost a straight historical line between the segregationists of twenty to fifty years ago and Tucker/Trumpists/white identity culture warriors of today in the space you occupy.

    And if you want to attempt at drawing that distinction I would love to hear the case.
    Seems that it is acceptable to call people racist around here doesn't? They call call us Racist without reprocussions, but if we called them the "N" we'd get and infraction.

    Double standard around here just like the PDB was.
    Very interesting analogy and equivocation you reached for there. Morally equivocating a historically violent and oppressing term to dehumanize a race of people with the term used to describe those perpetuating that. Then expressing annoyance that the latter can be used but not the former.
    Guilty conscience much?

    I have my suspicions, but that opening statement addressed racists writ large as not having won anything recently, and then shifting to this “side” you claim allegiance with and is supposedly winning this recent culture war. Which by simply paying attention to you and your apparent intellectual leader, doesn’t seem to jive.

    Though I admit, I see very little difference and almost a straight historical line between the segregationists of twenty to fifty years ago and Tucker/Trumpists/white identity culture warriors of today in the space you occupy.

    And if you want to attempt at drawing that distinction I would love to hear the case.

    Go ahead, try to justify your insults.
    Go ahead, try to justify your insults.
    Not interested in justifying anything. I made my point clear.

    You aren’t a victim Joe. FYI.

    But your insertion into this and the manner you did certainly makes it seem like your core issue is more about no longer having the space in society to express certain racist language. After all, lots of words that are now frowned upon normatively today, but you seem to often circle back to that one.

    But if we are being blunt, if you find it acceptable to run around calling people shills, partisans, and suffering TDS, it really strains the credibility that identifying someone as a racist is any different...But I suspect that is sort of the goal, it’s not some sense of equality lost, but wanting to realign the boundaries of culture to fit this right-wing view. Where accusations of racism are beyond the pale but accusations of TDS and using racist language is not.
    Not interested in justifying anything. I made my point clear.

    You aren’t a victim Joe. FYI.

    But your insertion into this and the manner you did certainly makes it seem like your core issue is more about no longer having the space in society to express certain racist language. After all, lots of words that are now frowned upon normatively today, but you seem to often circle back to that one.

    But if we are being blunt, if you find it acceptable to run around calling people shills, partisans, and suffering TDS, it really strains the credibility that identifying someone as a racist is any different...But I suspect that is sort of the goal, it’s not some sense of equality lost, but wanting to realign the boundaries of culture to fit this right-wing view. Where accusations of racism are beyond the pale but accusations of TDS and using racist language is not.

    The different is calling someone with TDS has been called a no no by the Mods... yet they have not said a word about you calling paeple a racist...so you get away with the double standard. You insults seem to be acceptable.
    The different is calling someone with TDS has been called a no no by the Mods... yet they have not said a word about you calling paeple a racist...so you get away with the double standard. You insults seem to be acceptable.
    Aren’t you like 55?

    I think you are well past the age where you should be using “I’m gonna guilt mommy into grounding you” tactics.

    I made my point in that post pretty clear. If he wants to self-claim the group that is reasonably identifiable as being the evolution of segregationists and old school race warriors, that’s his choice, though I can’t know for certain his heart, so I reserve the racist label for the historical component of my statement, not for him. You’re reaching from there on.

    Though I’m not exactly shocked that once again the same several posters are dragging a thread into the same boring dominance hierarchy cultural battle against the libs. Trying to subtlety budge and work the refs more than actually engaging on topic and on conversation to the person being spoken with.
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    Jesus, this thread has gone off the rails.
    That is usually the case when people start slinging insults at posters that they disagree with. Who would have seen that coming...........................................

    Not calling you out Jim at all, just quoted your last post by mistake.
    Racists haven’t really won a culture war in modern America yet, thankfully, and you all aren’t actually winning this one either.

    If that were the case, your boy Tucker would be out of a job(or at least have to shed his current skin and find a new one again). Because without fear of uncontrollable cultural changes(I.E. minority population growth and people striving to be less racist and more respectful to minorities interpersonally, while being more cognizant of the institutional forces perpetuating it), Tucker has nothing to fill most of his hour with. Without a trans person being allowed to read to kids in a library, another bathroom law getting passed, a black person given more and more space and support to express their frustrations of a white supremacist system, a racist speaker at a young conservative rally getting outmatched by counter speech, a razor commercial targeting toxic masculinity, another film franchise that dares to embrace cultural diversity, Proud Boys getting shouted down in once racist hotbeds like Boston, you all would have nothing to feed the victimhood complex built up by the grifters like Tucker. Leaders like Trump would have no well to draw from.

    But that’s always been the game hasn’t it? Gullible, emotionally, and intellectually weak people getting taken for a ride by a grifter that can package and use or sell back their base fears and emotions.

    All of this content could be more effectively packaged without calling other members racist.
    Jesus, this thread has gone off the rails.

    Yep. We all need to do a better job at staying on point with these content specific threads.

    Breaking down to the base of insults back and forth just doesn’t get us anywhere - no matter how convinced you are that you’re right.
    Seems that it is acceptable to call people racist around here doesn't? They call call us Racist without reprocussions, but if we called them the "N" word we'd get an infraction.

    Double standard around here just like the PDB was.

    I prefer to look at it as growing pains. This board is not meant for anything remotely resembling a situation where one can expect to be called a racist every time you log in.

    Most of us can and will do better. It just takes a little more effort, and perhaps a judicious use of the ignore feature. If you really think about it, there are only a couple of people who you know you need to put in that category. I think everyone else can get along if we try harder.

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