General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump (7 Viewers)

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    It's Not my Fault
    Dec 2, 2021
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    Today it begins, Kamala has reached the point that she's the Democratic Party nominee:

    There's video from today. this link has video from her first public appearance since Biden endorsed her:

    She spent yesterday on the telephone for most of the day. I read that yesterday that she called the party leaders in all 50 states. That would take me three days.

    She's renamed her YouTube channel, that's the where to go for video:

    This is her video on her channel from two hours ago:

    To play it, start it, and then move it up to 5:47. This was one of those live videos which don't start at zero.

    I've named this thread General Election 2024 Harris vs Trump

    Trump needs an introduction post as well, a MAGA suporter ought to write it: @Farb, @SaintForLife , @Others, calling for someone to please introduce your GOP candidate for this 2024 general election thread.
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    No, it's about her being a "fake black", and it's about targetting the 18-34 black male population. Don't try to tell me otherwise. They don't care what she claims about being Indian. That's not big enough voting bloc.

    She went to a HBCU. This attack is funny, and very transparent.

    You know it's bad when "black jobs" is getting memed by Simone Biles.

    Incase anyone missed it. Here is the tweet.

    It's not about that. It's about her identifying as a particular race when it would benefit her politically just like Warren.

    He also brought it up to lead into highlighting how the most liberal Senator(even further left than Bernie) has now claimed to be against all of the radical left wing positions she supported when she initially ran for President.

    She identifies herself as a particular race for political expediency and she's changed all her positions for political expediency.
    It's not about that. It's about her identifying as a particular race when it would benefit her politically just like Warren.

    He also brought it up to lead into highlighting how the most liberal Senator(even further left than Bernie) has now claimed to be against all of the radical left wing positions she supported when she initially ran for President.

    She identifies herself as a particular race for political expediency and she's changed all her positions for political expediency.

    SFL, when was she running from being black?

    Was it before or after she went to Howard?

    You want to use Warren an example, but it's not the same. Imagine you making the same attack, but Warren is half Cherokee, and went to a tribal college.

    It's so dumb.
    Bird I can see this, but I don't feel it's an issue one ought to push for right now. Right now it's a losing big issue. Don't stick your finger into an AC 120 volt wall plug.

    Maybe there will be a time for it someday, but it hasn't happened during my lifetime, and I don't expect it to happen before I die.
    Oh, I agree it won’t happen. I am tired of the priest caste in general but the evangelicals in particular thinking that they are entitled to special protection when they are not.
    SFL, when was she running from being black?

    Was it before or after she went to Howard?

    You want to use Warren an example, but it's not the same. Imagine you making the same attack, but Warren is half Cherokee, and went to a tribal college.

    It's so dumb.
    I see your normal pattern emerging when you can't refute something. The insults should come next.

    I never claimed she was running from being black. Why did she and the media say she was the first Indian Senator and not a Black and Indian Senator?Was she running from anything then?

    Warren isn't half Cherokee.

    The RNC also jumped on a correction from The Boston Globe. The paper originally reported that the probability of Warren's Native American ancestry ranges from 1/32 to 1/512, but now reports the low end of that range is actually 1/1,024.

    I see your normal pattern emerging when you can't refute something. The insults should come next.

    I never claimed she was running from being black. Why did she and the media say she was the first Indian Senator and not a Black and Indian Senator?Was she running from anything then?

    Warren isn't half Cherokee.

    The RNC also jumped on a correction from The Boston Globe. The paper originally reported that the probability of Warren's Native American ancestry ranges from 1/32 to 1/512, but now reports the low end of that range is actually 1/1,024.

    You brought up Warren as a example. I pointed out the difference. Did you not understand? Based on the reply, I don't think comprehended a single word.
    I see your normal pattern emerging when you can't refute something. The insults should come next.

    I never claimed she was running from being black. Why did she and the media say she was the first Indian Senator and not a Black and Indian Senator?Was she running from anything then?

    Warren isn't half Cherokee.

    The RNC also jumped on a correction from The Boston Globe. The paper originally reported that the probability of Warren's Native American ancestry ranges from 1/32 to 1/512, but now reports the low end of that range is actually 1/1,024.

    Irrelevant. Would you like ketchup or mustard on your nothingburger?
    This is the way, SFL. Keep up all these lines of attack on Harris. You’re doing a great job of making sure she will be elected.
    all of a sudden you care who a candidate is slept with? how funny is that.. imagine if she slept with a porn star while she was married, i bet you would be beside yourself if that happened .. lol
    Trump explained - by JV Last in The Bulwark. This is from a series of tweets, copied and pasted for readability.

    I think what Jonathan V. Last had to say in the Bulwark a couple of days ago, about understanding Trump's behavior in the franework of professional wrestling, is spot on.

    So prepare for a dive into this arcane yet illuminating topic. Note that I'm quoting JVL. Don't give me credit for his insights.


    "We are seeing signs of panic from Donald Trump, because he recognizes something in Kamala Harris that he hasn't seen in any other opponent: The beginnings of a cultural movement that vibrates at a level beyond politics.

    "He sees that Kamala Harris is drawing heat.

    "To understand Trump, you must understand professional wrestling. Trump has long ties to the WWE. His forays into wrestling formed his understanding of how populism & demagoguery function.

    "The WWE was the creation of one man: Vince McMahon. McMahon was the PT Barnum of wrestling. Until recently, he alone decided who won & who lost, which characters were pushed & which faded into obscurity.

    "McMahon could be vindictive & capricious, but he was guided by the audience. If a wrestler resonated w/ the crowd, McMahon would give them more work & elevate their standing. If a wrestler McMahon favored didn’t get a reaction, he'd eventually sideline the wrestler or remake the character.

    'It's important to understand that the reaction McMahon looked for was *value-neutral.* It doesn't matter if the crowd loves a wrestler or hates him. In wrestling parlance this reaction is referred to as 'heat.'

    "There are two kinds of heat:
    ♦️ Heel heat, which is hatred & loathing directed at villainous characters ('heels')
    🔹 Face heat, which is love & adulation for heroic characters ('faces,' short for 'babyfaces.').

    "A wrestler’s most important job is to draw heat from the audience. It doesn't matter if the audience is booing or cheering. What matters is that they are loud & active, that they care."


    "Heat has been Trump’s political lodestar.

    "It explains why he pursued the Obama-birther story so doggedly. It explains why he stopped talking about Operation Warp Speed. He’s even talked about heat explicitly, making fun of GOP audiences who yawn when he mentions tax cuts, but go crazy when he does trans issues.

    'In his lizard brain, Trump sees drawing heat as the pathway to dominating the culture &thus winning elections.

    "In this way, he is a savant. He's drawn heel heat more successfully than any figure in the history of American politics & used that power to take complete ownership of a political party.

    "So from Trump’s perspective, you can understand why he was so vexed by Biden in 2020. Biden drew no heat, one way or the other. Biden was just kind of there, taking moderate positions & running a boring, effective campaign.

    "In Trump’s mind, his loss to Biden was the political equivalent of Hulk Hogan dropping the championship belt to some forgettable, mid-card talent. That’s not supposed to happen."


    Now reflect on the past couple weeks: Kamala Harris "suddenly, unexpectedly, drew tremendous amounts of heat. So much heat, she's ceased to be an ordinary politician & has become a larger cultural figure.

    "That is the one kind of opponent Trump fears.

    "He is a shrewd enough demagogue to understand that once the culture moves in that way, it will not be denied."

    (continued in next post)
    (rest of tweets started above)

    Fast-forward now to Trump's weird-arse interview w/ the Black journalists. JVL doesn't think that train wreck was an accident. He says, "I believe it was a planned set-piece. It was what they refer to in wrestling as 'cheap heat.' And it was smart."

    Remember: "Trump’s view of politics is that nothing can be accomplished w/o dominating cultural attention. It doesn't matter if people love you or hate you—you want them fixated on you. From there, you can figure out the angles. (And let the Electoral College do its work.)

    "Yes, Trump set himself on fire when he met w/ the Black journalists. But this self-immolation wasn’t crazy. It was exactly what he wanted.

    "For the 11-day span from Joe Biden stepping aside to yesterday, Donald Trump had been invisible. Kamala Harris dominated the country’s attention & sparked the emergence of a genuine cultural movement.

    "Trump needed to get back on the screen in order to compete w/ her in the attention economy.

    "In the pre-Trump era, a GOP candidate might have courted attention by giving a big speech about foreign policy, or coming out w/ a new campaign theme.

    "Instead, Trump went in front of a Black audience and said, 'I’ve known her a long time . . . and she was always of Indian heritage. And she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black. Until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black.'"


    In wrestling terms, JVL explains, that move is what's called "cheap heat."

    "What is cheap heat? It’s when a wrestling *heel* says or does something in an obvious attempt to antagonize the audience & make them hate him.

    "Like you stand in the middle of the ring in Cleveland & talk about how the Browns suck. Or you call the city a dump.

    "Wikipedia notes that a traditional form of cheap heat is racial & ethnic slurs designed to offend the collective sensibility of wrestling fans.

    "Why is this kind of heat 'cheap'? Because other wrestlers recognize that it doesn’t take any skill or inspiration to draw. Literally anyone can do it.

    "Saying Harris isn’t really black is a gazillion times more effective at getting attention than rolling out some policy paper.

    "So yes, Trump may be relying on cheap heat, but he remains an innovator in American politics."


    "In addition to recapturing the spotlight, Trump created a tactical dilemma for Harris: How is she supposed to respond to such insanity?

    "The Harris campaign does not want to get sucked into a cycle of litigation about her blackness.

    "Trump wants a back-&-forth of claim/counter-claim, where every day he or one of his surrogates makes some batshit allegation 'proving' that Harris isn’t black, & then the Harris campaign has to rebut it.

    "That way lies death. It would blunt the Harris campaign’s forward momentum & drag her down into Trump’s mudpit. It would also force Harris into a discussion about racial identity, which can only hurt her prospects. The excitement about her historic candidacy builds when it’s the *subtext,* not the text.

    "How should Harris respond to this mess? By waving it away as more of the past. 'We’ve seen this movie before. We’re not going back.'

    "Don’t be defensive. Be dismissive.

    "Don’t be outraged. Be energized.

    "In order for Kamala Harris to win the kind of popular margin she needs, she has to lean all the way into The Future.

    "Everything about Trump—from Project 2025, to his VP, to Dobbs, to this incident—should be hung on the framework of The Past.

    "She’s building a new coalition for voters who are marching into the future, turning the page on 30 years of Boomer presidents."


    You may disagree. I'm eager to hear your thoughts. But I'm enthused about drawing the heat back to Harris—face heat, 'cause she's the hero character, not the villain.

    Donald Trump is a has-been. His cheap little toy rocket has sizzled & burned out. Donald Trump is The Past. And we're #NotGoingBack.

    Kamala Harris is the Future.
    The delegates represent the votes of the citizens of their particular states. If those voters never voted for Harris as the nominee, the delegates are just "voting" for whoever Obama and the democrats tell them to. Harris was chosen by the elites of the party and not the actual voters.
    Just completely false. The delegates were released from their only obligation, which was to vote for Biden. They could have voted for anybody they wanted to, but they pledged their support to Harris. Freely, of their own will. And they are “actual voters”.

    It’s our very own system of government. It’s called representative democracy. You look like you don’t know what you are talking about by beating this dead horse.
    It's not about that. It's about her identifying as a particular race when it would benefit her politically just like Warren.

    He also brought it up to lead into highlighting how the most liberal Senator(even further left than Bernie) has now claimed to be against all of the radical left wing positions she supported when she initially ran for President.

    She identifies herself as a particular race for political expediency and she's changed all her positions for political expediency.
    You don’t care when Trump changes positions for political expediency, though. Kinda weird that you care about this enough to misrepresent it like this, isn’t it?
    Harris’ campaign has responded to Trump’s desperate ploy to change the venue, format and well, everything about the debate he already agreed to do. He is scared stiff.

    I love that she says she will be there at the agreed upon date and time. Let it be a town hall for Harris if Donny is too scared to show up.
    I see your normal pattern emerging when you can't refute something. The insults should come next.

    I never claimed she was running from being black. Why did she and the media say she was the first Indian Senator and not a Black and Indian Senator?Was she running from anything then?

    Warren isn't half Cherokee.

    The RNC also jumped on a correction from The Boston Globe. The paper originally reported that the probability of Warren's Native American ancestry ranges from 1/32 to 1/512, but now reports the low end of that range is actually 1/1,024.

    welcome to grasping at straws again. The truth says Biden would have won albeit it slightly. Trump has met a runaway freight train now. It's awesome. A little about myself. I agree with moderate Republicans on a lot of issues. Rinos you call them. Trump isn't one of those. The Republican party isn't dead. All they need to do is ignore the far right like the democrats are doing to the far left. It's not that hard to understand

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