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Trump VP selection process begins (2 Viewers)

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    Vance is an excuse for a senator for my state. He was, is and always will be a whack job.

    His disgusting book asserted that Appalachia’s problems are due to the people basically being lazy and/or defective somehow. Now, it suits his amorality to whine about immigrants and fentanyl impacting “his people”. The only people he has are multi-millionaires and billionaires. His owner, Thiel, doesn’t want to support Trump because of how deranged Trump is so he is happy to have his lapdog go down to defeat.
    I think it's plausible that the fascists tech billionaires that forced Trump to take Vance are counting on Trump not being able to serve his full term if elected. That would make their bought and paid for boy Vance the president.
    Years ago. The RW think tank machine was revved up by the Kochs and the idiocy of the Chicago school.
    The messiah of the Chicago school is Milton Friedman. From Trump's Project 2025:



    Here's a connection between Theil and Milton's grandson. It gives an idea of how they think and what their vision for America is.

    The major players behind seasteading are Paypal inventor Peter Thiel, super-rich ex-Sun Microsystems executive Wayne Gramlich and Milton Friedman's Google engineer grandson. They all want their colonies to adhere to a specific system: Libertarianism, answering a long-time dream of free marketers: If only there was a place residents could, at last, live purely according to the laissez-faire philosophy.

    What happens when Milton Friedman's grandson, an eccentric billionaire and some ocean real estate all intersect? You get "seasteads," permanent dwellings on the ocean. The first seastead is scheduled to hit the waters of San Francisco Bay in two years.
    That was in 2008. They never completed a single seastead, because they realized how expensive it would be to build and maintain. It was right about that time that Thiel started backing politicians. Coincidence? I think not.

    Trump and every wealthy person that supports him wants to make America into a modernized version of the feudal systems of old, and over 80% of us will be on the very-bad-suffering side of the corporate castle walls. Trump's selling out to them to secure a place on the other side of that same wall.
    Wow, they have been working on Project 2025 since 1971? They must really like it if they've been working on it for 53 years.
    They are very passionate about making it happen which is why they have been working towards it their whole life.

    Is there nothing in your life that you have worked on or worked towards for your whole life?
    Wow, they have been working on Project 2025 since 1971? They must really like it if they've been working on it for 53 years.

    “They” have actually been doing this basically since the Great Depression. Republicans hated everything about the New Deal. Everything Republicans have done since then with just a few exceptions has been aimed at the destruction of New Deal programs. Their attitudes can be gauged by this quote: “Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate…it will purge the rottenness out of the system…” - Andrew Mellon Secretary of the Treasury under Hoover at the start of the Great Depression. Which actually, started, iirc, with a couple of bank collapses in Austria. Republicans then and now, along with Classical and Neo-classical economists know nothing and understand less about political economy beyond what they learned in some university and said knowledge has no basis in reality.

    I am sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but the only lenses which are appropriate to study political economy are psychology, sociology and anthropology. Anything else either fails utterly or offers too small a window.

    As for the rest of Project 2025? The anti-LGBTQIA+ material is there to placate those religionists who despise them. Of course, there are fellow travelers who merely operate from a “ewww” standpoint or are closeted themselves and have self-hate. The same applies to the abortion issue from the standpoint of religionists. Beyond those hot button so-called social issues the real goal is a complete destruction of the New Deal programs like social security and Medicare followed by the replacement of democratic institutions and procedures with kabuki theatre and, ultimately, a police state complete with a massive upward transfer of wealth and the words that many haven’t said out loud yet although some have: “Let them die.” Them being those deemed the “other”.
    I think it's plausible that the fascists tech billionaires that forced Trump to take Vance are counting on Trump not being able to serve his full term if elected. That would make their bought and paid for boy Vance the president.
    Well, there is that as well. A lot of moving parts going on.
    The messiah of the Chicago school is Milton Friedman. From Trump's Project 2025:



    Here's a connection between Theil and Milton's grandson. It gives an idea of how they think and what their vision for America is.

    That was in 2008. They never completed a single seastead, because they realized how expensive it would be to build and maintain. It was right about that time that Thiel started backing politicians. Coincidence? I think not.

    Trump and every wealthy person that supports him wants to make America into a modernized version of the feudal systems of old, and over 80% of us will be on the very-bad-suffering side of the corporate castle walls. Trump's selling out to them to secure a place on the other side of that same wall.

    True. Plus, imo, such a system would fall prey to charlatanism. The end game would be a horrific bloodbath.
    This thread may be revived this week:

    "The choice may be one of the best things he ever did for Democrats. Now the president [Trump] has about 10 days before the Ohio ballot is locked in and he has a choice. Does he keep Vance on the ticket, where he already has a lot of baggage and probably is going to have more baggage...or does he pick someone new?"
    And Vance’s appearance with Gowdy to try to walk back his childless cat lady remark was a disaster. He said he didn’t have anything against cats, thus proving he is either too stupid to realize he didn’t insult cats, or he is doubling down on the misogyny of his original statement. Neither choice is very smart. Oh and he then lied about Harris.

    Vice presidential hopeful Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) acknowledged the white supremacist attacks against his wife, Usha Vance, who is a child of Indian immigrants.

    “Look, I love my wife so much. I love her because she’s who she is,” he told host Megyn Kelly on her show Friday. “Obviously, she’s not a white person, and we’ve been accused, attacked by some white supremacists over that. But I just, I love Usha.”

    Usha Vance has faced a slew of far-right attacks targeting her Indian heritage following her husband’s nomination to the Republican ticket.

    “Who is this guy, really? Do we really expect that the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is going to support white identity?” prominent white supremacist Nick Fuentes said of Vance after former President Trump announced his running mate.

    Fuentes was invited to Mar-a-Lago by Trump in November 2022, stirring a firestorm of criticism.

    Vance has not publicly condemned the attacks, and in his comments Friday he was more critical of liberal commentators who have blasted his past comments about traditional family and gender roles, calling the criticism “disgusting.”

    “She’s such a good mom,” Vance added of his wife. “She’s such a brilliant lawyer, and I’m so proud of her. But yes, her experience has given me some perspective on the way in which it’s really hard for working families in this country.”

    Stop AAPI Hate, a coalition working to fight injustice against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, said it observed a flood of racist comments after Usha Vance stepped into the spotlight at the Republican National Convention.

    “We are seeing a dangerous pattern of political leaders, conservative commentators, and far-right extremists blatantly targeting South Asians,” the group told Politico.

    Vice President Harris, who is half Indian, has also faced racially charged questions about her electability as she has emerged as the likely Democratic candidate against Trump.

    “As bigoted attacks against Usha Vance and Vice President Harris grow — including efforts to pit them against each other — it’s clear that the political leaders and others fueling this hate are completely disregarding the safety and wellbeing of Asian American and immigrant communities,” Stop AAPI Hate said..............

    Are you seriously suggesting that Republicans aren't about to do the exact same thing for whoever Harris picks?
    Of course they will, but my point is Trump isn't replacing Vance and any suggestions that he will are just partisan games from Democrats.
    The talking points have definitely went out for Democrats and the media to say Vance is weird. It's an ironic position from the Harris campaign.

    If anything that will make it easier to highlight the weirdness from the Biden Harris administration and the left.

    That ain't happening. The Democrats were going to say the VP pick was horrible no matter who Trump picked.

    I can't believe I agree with Coulter, but she's right about this.

    No, he doesn’t. His book kicked them including his mother to the curb. He started some sort of charity/organization to help with the opioid crisis and when it closed there was nothing to show for it. He trumpeted doing something for the people of East Palestine in conjunction with Fetterman and that disappeared as well.

    He was, is and always will be a hack. Heck, his lord and master, Peter Thiel, wants nothing to do with Trump.
    The talking points have definitely went out for Democrats and the media to say Vance is weird. It's an ironic position from the Harris campaign.

    If anything that will make it easier to highlight the weirdness from the Biden Harris administration and the left.

    Weird? As opposed to your disgusting attitudes about people who do nothing to you.

    And, yeah, he is weird.he has literally no moral center. He is an empty suit. And he has no shame. He stated, accurately, what Trump was and is. Then, when he wanted to be senator he walked on his knees to Trump to kiss his…ring. That included Trump mispronouncing his name and Vance just laughing it off.

    In point of opinion, he is worse than an empty suit. He is completely incompetent.

    Hey, just a question? How would you like your travel activities to be surveilled by the government?

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