All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (37 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    You have no evidence. Saying you have evidence does not make it so. You are a liar. The only thing disgusting is your continued support for the piece of schlitz named Donald Trump. He presided over the deaths of thousands of Americans because he is arrogant and ignorant. Why do you hate Americans? Is your fawning love for a convicted felon and serial fraudster so great that you cast aside any semblance of morality and human decency?
    Why did Trump shut down the team in Wuhan?

    That was in the article
    This proves nothing.

    That was in the article
    Not the same as “Fauci funded”. Grants go through large agencies all the time or are you just that ignorant?

    Do you even know what leishmaniasis is? It is a virus that attacks DOGS! The testing is for finding a vaccine for DOGS.
    ***Wall of Tweets alert**

    Angela Rasmussen huh? Boy did you throw one right over the plate. She's part of the corrupt group of virolgists and scientists.


    Btw, biologist, what is leishmaniasis? I did error in that it is not a virus and not limited to dogs but it most certainly does attack dogs.

    Your arrogance and ignorance on a variety of topics is demonstrably Republican as well as Trumpism. Why do you worship anti-Americanism?
    ***Wall of Tweets alert**

    Angela Rasmussen huh? Boy did you throw one right over the plate. She's part of the corrupt group of virolgists and scientists.

    She is only corrupt in your dreams. You have zero proof of any corruption of any of these scientists. Your lies are disgusting.
    This is the reason why SFL is happy to discuss whether Covid came from the lab or the market, when it doesn’t even matter one little bit. NOBODY who thinks it came from the lab thinks it was a deliberate leak, and the general consensus is that it came from the market.

    But if we are talking about the origin, we aren’t talking about the way Trump mishandled the pandemic. How several hundred thousand people died in the US over what would have been expected, partly because of Trump’s incompetence and because he never cares about anything but himself.

    This is the reason why SFL is happy to discuss whether Covid came from the lab or the market, when it doesn’t even matter one little bit. NOBODY who thinks it came from the lab thinks it was a deliberate leak, and the general consensus is that it came from the market.

    But if we are talking about the origin, we aren’t talking about the way Trump mishandled the pandemic. How several hundred thousand people died in the US over what would have been expected, partly because of Trump’s incompetence and because he never cares about anything but himself.

    You and the article are spot on. I hadn't made that connection for myself. I always thought it was absurdly pointless to argue and harp on the origins of COVID, but now I get why Trump, MAGA and this poster keep harping on the origins. It's harped on to deflect from the fact that Trump's lying response to COVID caused thousands of avoidable deaths.

    It doesn't matter where COVID came from. What matters is how Trump responded to it once he was told about it. Trump was more concerned about how the pandemic would make him look, than he was about leading and protecting people.

    Trump went into denial mode, because of his narcissistic vanity. Trump's lies and denials caused thousands of avoidable deaths.

    We need to keep reminding ourselves that every accusation by Trump and MAGA is a confession. What have they been accusing Dr. Fauci of? They have been accusing Dr. Fauci of causing millions of avoidable deaths by lying to the American public. And there it is, Trump’s and MAGA's confession that Trump's and MAGA”s lies and denials caused thousands of avoidable deaths.

    They are falsely accusing Dr. Fauci through their lies about the origins of COVID to deflect from the fact that Trump and MAGA are the ones truly guilty of causing thousands of avoidable deaths due to their lies and denials. As long as we argue over the origins of COVID , we ignore truth which that Trump and MAGA are the ones who caused thousands of avoidable deaths with their lies and denials.

    I ask of everyone that every time @SaintForLife posts BS about the origins of COVID, avoid the bait and switch the topic tactic. Stay focused on and remind everyone of the relevant most relevant fact about COVID, the very real tragic criminal negligence of Trump and MAGA that caused thousands of avoidable deaths.. Don't get tangled up in the trap of the web of lies that is spun.

    The origin of COVID is irrelevant. It's not worth arguing over. What's relevant is how criminally negligent Trump and MAGA were in response to COVID and that their negligence is responsible for thousands of avoidable deaths.

    Every time @SaintForLife derps, (thanks for that incredibly appropriate and funny response in that other thread @superchuck500, every time @SaintForLife) derps about the origins of COVID, please only respond by pointing out how criminally negligent Trump was in response to COVID and how Trump's and MAGA's denials and lies are what caused thousands of avoidable deaths.

    Don't let him get away with deflecting from that and falsely accusing Dr. Fauci of what Trump and MAGA are actually guilty of. Keep reminding him and everyone else of the truth, that Trump's and MAGA's denials and lies about COVID is what caused thousands of avoidable deaths. We should never be tricked into forgetting that thousands of lives were avoidably lost because of Trump's and MAGA's lies and denials about COVID..

    The only truth that matters is that Trump and MAGA caused thousands of avoidable deaths with their denials and lies, and Dr. Fauci defying Trump to tell us the truth about COVID saved thousands of lives that would have been lost had he not had the courage to speak the truth.
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    You and the article are spot on. I hadn't made that connection for myself. I always thought it was absurdly pointless to argue and harp on the origins of COVID, but now I get why Trump, MAGA and this poster keep harping on the origins. It's harped on to deflect from the fact that Trump's lying response to COVID caused thousands of avoidable deaths.

    It doesn't matter where COVID came from. What matters is how Trump responded to it once he was told about it. Trump was more concerned about how the pandemic would make him look, than he was about leading and protecting people.

    Trump went into denial mode, because of his narcissistic vanity. Trump's lies and denials caused thousands of avoidable deaths.

    We need to keep reminding ourselves that every accusation by Trump and MAGA is a confession. What have they been accusing Dr. Fauci of? They have been accusing Dr. Fauci of causing millions of avoidable deaths by lying to the American public. And there it is, Trump’s and MAGA's confession that Trump's and MAGA”s lies and denials caused thousands of avoidable deaths.

    They are falsely accusing Dr. Fauci through their lies about the origins of COVID to deflect from the fact that Trump and MAGA are the ones truly guilty of causing thousands of avoidable deaths due to their lies and denials. As long as we argue over the origins of COVID , we ignore truth which that Trump and MAGA are the ones who caused thousands of avoidable deaths with their lies and denials.

    I ask of everyone that every time @SaintForLife posts BS about the origins of COVID, avoid the bait and switch the topic tactic. Stay focused on and remind everyone of the relevant most relevant fact about COVID, the very real tragic criminal negligence of Trump and MAGA that caused thousands of avoidable deaths.. Don't get tangled up in the trap of the web of lies that is spun.

    The origin of COVID is irrelevant. It's not worth arguing over. What's relevant is how criminally negligent Trump and MAGA were in response to COVID and that their negligence is responsible for thousands of avoidable deaths.

    Every time @SaintForLife derps, (thanks for that incredibly appropriate and funny response in that other thread @superchuck500, every time @SaintForLife) derps about the origins of COVID, please only respond by pointing out how criminally negligent Trump was in response to COVID and how Trump's and MAGA's denials and lies are what caused thousands of avoidable deaths.

    Don't let him get away with deflecting from that and falsely accusing Dr. Fauci of what Trump and MAGA are actually guilty of. Keep reminding him and everyone else of the truth, that Trump's and MAGA's denials and lies about COVID is what caused thousands of avoidable deaths. We should never be tricked into forgetting that thousands of lives were avoidably lost because of Trump's and MAGA's lies and denials about COVID..

    The only truth that matters is that Trump and MAGA caused thousands of avoidable deaths with their denials and lies, and Dr. Fauci defying Trump to tell us the truth about COVID saved thousands of lives that would have been lost had he not had the courage to speak the truth.

    I can give you leftist, possibly lab leak view. I think there simply needs to be an investigation done by someone like the FBI. The emails about how to avoid FOIA request are alarming, and troubling. China by this point has deleted every hard drive, and silenced most of the scientist that could prove this one way, or the other.

    I think Republicans focus on Fauci so much because you need a fall guy for it. The obvious fall guy is Trump. Obama had a moratorium in place on gain of function and that was lifted under Trump. We then get a global pandemic 2 years later. It's very easy to see who is ultimately to blame if lab leak is true.

    It's bad enough Trump is pro-vaccine. Imagine if the MAGA faithful figure out he is also ultimately responsible for the lab leak? That's why they focus super hard on Fauci. They are praying people like SFL never have a lightbulb moment.

    A universe that has an Obama 3rd term probably never had a covid outbreak.
    Yes, he worked hard in public service to help the country avoid / mitigate epidemics and pandemics until he was in his 80’s just to unleash Covid on all of us and force us all to wear masks and take a vaccination. SFL, how do you not see how stupid this is? Everyone that’s not a cult member can see it for what it is.
    Musk is adding to the defamation. I cannot express how evil this effort to smear Fauci and other scientists is. It’s like people want to force us into a new dark ages. We allow this to go unchecked at our own peril. Trump and his acolytes are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people who didn’t need to die from this pandemic.

    Emphasis mine:
    “Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no association between county-level excess death rates, which hovered around 0, and the county-level vaccination rates (Figure 4A). During the pandemic, there was generally a negative association between county-level excess death rates and the share of the county population administered at least 1 dose of the vaccine as of May 1, 2021 (Figure 4B and C). In the period before open vaccine eligibility for adults (April 2020 to March 2021), the association between excess death rates and county-level vaccination rates was nearly identical for Republican and Democratic voters (Figure 4B). In the period after open vaccine eligibility (April to December 2021), there was a clear difference between Republican and Democratic voters, with higher excess death rates for Republicans in counties with lower overall vaccination rates (Figure 4C). Sensitivity analyses supported our main conclusions (eFigure 4 and eFigure 5 in Supplement 1).”

    “Our study found evidence of higher excess mortality for Republican voters compared with Democratic voters in Florida and Ohio after, but not before, COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults in the US. These differences in excess death rates were larger in counties with lower vaccination rates. If differences in COVID-19 vaccination by political party affiliation persist, particularly in the absence of other pandemic mitigation strategies, the higher excess death rate observed among Republican voters may continue through subsequent stages of the pandemic.”

    Fauci was trying to save as many lives as he could. He was adjusting on the fly to a NOVEL VIRUS, for cripe’s sake. Trump, on the other hand, was a weak leader. He hoarded protective supplies, keeping them from blue states and blue cities, because he cannot help himself from being a sociopath. He ridiculed scientists, said he knew more than they did. He downplayed simple measures, and even though his green light for the vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer saved millions, he downplayed the importance of getting vaccinated, which caused a huge number of preventable deaths.

    Anybody defaming Fauci and the other scientists is pure evil, or is aiding pure evil. It’s really that simple.
    You are posting lies. The beagle experiment was NOT funded by NIH. You are the absolute worst kind of person - you believe every single lie you read and apparently have zero ability to use common sense and think critically about what you are reading. People are feeding you garbage and you are taking it and spreading it around. It’s the most shameful thing I’ve ever seen you do and that is saying a whole hell of a lot. You couldn’t be more wrong than you are about everything about Covid, and you supposedly work in the medical field. God protect me from having to have someone as ill informed as you work with me on any health issue. It’s actually scandalous that an actual health care worker would think this way.

    Unpacking the story of Fauci and painful experiments involving dogs

    Documents obtained by an animal rights group show that NIH was not fully transparent when the controversy erupted in 2021.

    by @GlennKesslerWP
    June 7, 2024

    “As director of NIH, you did sign off on these so-called scientific experiments. And as a dog lover, I want to tell you this is disgusting and evil. What you signed off on and these experiments that happened to beagles paid for by the American taxpayer. And I want you to know Americans don’t pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this.”

    — @RepMTG (R-Ga.), questioning Anthony S. Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), during a House hearing on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, June 3

    “What does dogs have to do with anything that we’re talking about today?”
    — Fauci, in response.

    During the coronavirus hearing this week, Greene attacked Fauci as she held up a photo of two sedated puppies, their heads placed in mesh cages, as they lie on a table while being swarmed by sand flies. Outside the hearing, an ad truck commissioned by a group opposed to taxpayer-funded animal experiments circled Capitol Hill with billboards that showed Fauci together with this photo and directed people to a website called The group, the White Coat Waste Project, is founded and run by people with links to conservative-leaning organizations, The Washington Post has reported.

    When we first saw Greene hold up the photo, we figured this would be easy to debunk — another in a string of misleading attacks against Fauci, who became the public face of the government’s response to the pandemic.

    After all, when this first became an issue in 2021 — unrelated to covid then as it is now but part of a general effort among conservatives to discredit Fauci in any way possible — a raft of fact checks noted that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said the study in question, conducted in Tunisia, had been attributed in error to the agency that Fauci ran, a division of NIH. The scientific journal that published the study issued a correction. NIH said that it did fund a study in Tunisia involving dogs and sand flies, but NIH suggested that study was a more benign one that allowed the dogs to roam. ...

    MOD EDIT: :nono: Article truncated and linked to. Posting complete articles is not allowed. Tease and link only!
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    @lwoodhouse says Washington Post reporters were extremely eager to do the government’s bidding – even when that meant helping Dr. Fauci and his team cover up the truth about cruel experiments on beagles:

    Rand Paul hates Dr Fauci

    For good reason.

    Dr. Fauci sided with lobbyists to overturn Obama’a moratorium on gain of function research of concern in 2016-2017. Fauci said if a lab accident caused a pandemic, it would be worth the risk.

    When COVID emerged and scientists immediately saw evidence of a lab origin, Fauci huddled with fellow lobbyists for gain of function research of concern - Collins, Farrar, Fouchier, Drosten, et al. - and they prompted authors to write articles calling a lab origin “implausible”, Farrar went so far as to call it a “conspiracy theory”, and these officials promoted that misinformation from their official posts, Fauci on international news, all without acknowledging their role in its genesis or their conflicts of interest on the topic.

    That was Feb 2020.

    From that original conflict of interest, Fauci became “America’s Doctor” with a dark secret, and despite not having any public health training (he’s an immunologist) he sidelined the head of the CDC and became the face of “Science” and American PH policy. Instead of fostering participation from diverse stakeholders, liberals and conservatives alike, Fauci sidelined diverse views, including diverse views of scientists who forecasted an earlier March/April 2020 surge, the “anomalous” summer peak in Sweden that provided early evidence in support of lighter-touch mitigation policies, and the low mortality from South Dakota’s unmitigated outbreak that peaked in mid Nov 2020 before vaccines arrived that provided evidence of robust natural immunity, waning immunity, and the benefits of focused protection policies. Despite evidence of substantial natural immunity and early evidence of waning immunity, Fauci and people in his orbit pushed the USG to classify certain scientific findings as “disinformation”, including a lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 and evidence that immunity may wane. Fauci and Collin’s organized a “devastating takedown” of scientists pointing out the benefits of focused-protection policies, excluding their diverse voices from the American public health policy process.

    Mod Edit: Article trucated, & link not added because I can't find the article. Again. Do not post entire articles! Tease and link!
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