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Hunter Biden (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Nov 14, 2019
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    Bossier City
    Lost in all the news coverage about what's going on in the US right now is this bit of information.

    The Ukrainian government has completed an audit of thousands of case files related to Burisma. Ruslan Ryaboshapka (the prosecutor general), described by Zelenskiy as "100 percent my person" in the July phone call with president Trump said "I specifically asked prosecutors to check especially carefully those facts about Biden's alleged involvement. They answered that there was nothing of the kind."

    Not that anyone SHOULD be surprised to find out that Hunter Biden was not implicated in something that was done by the CEO of Burisma in his role as a government employee, that happened two years before Biden joined the board.

    Maybe so. But do you have any recall about the actual amount of the FISA that referenced the dossier? My memory says that it was a very small part out of several hundred pages. But it’s been a while.

    I can agree it shouldn’t have been included. But I don’t think it played a prominent role. IIRC
    TBH, I don't remember if the reports were even that specific.
    Right, I'm not denying that. What I'm saying that it's not some Clinton conspiracy. It's an oppo research as any campaign does. Some of those fisa warrants on paige didn't even involve the dossier. Again, it's raw intelligence taken by "whisper" of what folks were hearing. Much of what Trump and his campaign did raised enough suspicions.
    Bottom line on Trump; anybody still naive enough to believe he’s being unfairly persecuted has to reconcile why he’s surrounded by so many people who have been found guilty of wrongdoing, or plead guilty to wrongdoing, and been willing to implicate him in wrongdoing. At the very least, accepting he is such a terrible judge of character that he has no business being in a position of significant power ever again.
    Do you now feel Russiagate was polical after Durham revealed that Hillary created the Trump Russia collusion narrative?
    I'd say I feel like I've always viewed it as political in the sense that I knew Democrats would use whatever they could to damage Trump.

    Do I believe the entire investigation was unwarranted? I'd have to go through the Hillary aspect of it again to say whether or not I agree with that particular characterization.. I'd say Mifsud and the Russian hacking of the DNC are the two big things that I don't understand why Barr/Durham didn't delve into further if the corruption was so deep there because they're seemingly at the core of it all, I think.. but yes, Democrats were motivated to score politically from this and wherever else they could to defeat Trump in 2020.
    I’ve seen the “blue slip” argument used to imply that Weiss was picked by Democrats. No, that’s not how it works. He would have been nominated by Trump, and then the 2 senators have the option to approve or not. This is reported to the Senate committee. They don’t have to opine at all and it’s not binding. So Trump is totally responsible for appointing Weiss. Using the “blue slip” argument is laughable.

    Added, seen as soon as I opened Twitter just now, lol:

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    I'd say I feel like I've always viewed it as political in the sense that I knew Democrats would use whatever they could to damage Trump.

    Do I believe the entire investigation was unwarranted? I'd have to go through the Hillary aspect of it again to say whether or not I agree with that particular characterization.. I'd say Mifsud and the Russian hacking of the DNC are the two big things that I don't understand why Barr/Durham didn't delve into further if the corruption was so deep there because they're seemingly at the core of it all, I think.. but yes, Democrats were motivated to score politically from this and wherever else they could to defeat Trump in 2020.
    I don't think anyone would argue that the Russians would have done whatever they could to keep Clinton out of office and with good reason from a Russian perspective. Her husband's presidency was not friendly to Russia in the least with the expansion of NATO and I'm certain that played a big part in it. That and they probably were well-aware that Trump is a complete buffoon and his election would wreak havoc on our political climate.
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    TBH, I don't remember if the reports were even that specific.
    This is the best I could find without wasting any more time - it’s from a NYT explainer about the dossier that was written in 2021 and updated in April 2022.

    Did the F.B.I. take any investigative step based on the dossier?​

    Yes. The F.B.I. took the dossier seriously based on Mr. Steele’s reputation, and used some of it — without independent verification — for a narrow purpose that led to a dead end and became a political debacle. It included several claims from Mr. Steele’s memos in applications to wiretap Carter A. Page, a former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser with ties to Russia. In 2019, the Justice Department’s inspector general sharply criticized the F.B.I. for numerous flaws in those wiretap applications.
    While the dossier-tainted wiretap of Mr. Page has received significant attention, it was a small part of the overall investigation, which issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search-and-seizure warrants, obtained more than 230 orders for communications records, made 13 requests to foreign governments under mutual legal assistance treaties, and interviewed about 500 witnesses. Mr. Page was not charged with a crime, and only a handful of the 448 pages in the Mueller report focus on him.

    Did investigators rely on the dossier for their findings?​

    No. The Mueller report does not present claims from the dossier as evidence, and many of the issues focused on by investigators did not come up in the dossier.
    Paul Manafort was evading taxes by hiding money he made overseas in foreign accounts. It was uncovered during the Mueller investigation, but was unrelated to Trump or any sort of conspiracy with Russia other than his own shady dealings.

    Funny enough, Hunter Biden was acting as a political consultant and lobbyist for a Ukrainian energy company.
    Polling data on Hillary supplied to Russia.
    Our, little too friendly, relationship with Russia started with Obama and when republicans tried to raise the fear flag they were ridiculed for it. I'm not saying that he had anything to do with the Russians, but he certainly opened the door wide for anyone who did.
    George W. Bush “looked into Putin’s soul”. So, no it started with Republicans.
    I don't think anyone would argue that the Russians would have done whatever they could to keep Clinton out of office and with good reason from a Russian perspective. Her husband's presidency was not friendly to Russia in the least with the expansion of NATO and I'm certain that played a big part in it. That and they probably were well-aware that Trump is a complete buffoon and his election would wreak havoc on our political climate.
    Putin's hatred for Hillary has nothing to do with her husband. Rather he didn't respect Bill much. She made some speech about democracy concerning some protest in Russia as did many US officials. Of course Putin's paranoia got him to think the US were conspiring to overthrow him. And in particular, he saw Clinton as the central figure in that. So when Trump made that "Russia if you're listening"....Yeah so in his mind, if the US can meddle in his country, he will do the same. And btw, it may be unreliable, but prigozhin recently boasted that his troll farm was central in the 2016 election interference.

    You can get much of this from Putin's way on frontline. There are many interviews you can read of andrei kozyrev, yeltsin's foreign minister somewhere. He can account for that transition period into the Russia federation. He's currently living in the US.

    I'm pretty sure this is where he got that number from.
    That’s it. Another report totaled it at 272.


    DANA BASH: Okay, Priscilla, thank you so much.

    She says it could fuel the Republicans, but the other way to look at it is that it could keep Republicans at bay, because now that you do have a special counsel, which a lot of Republicans were were calling for A and B, I can’t remember if it was a Paula or one of our other reporters make. Maybe you guys are making this point. That while the special counsel is doing his work he can’t, he’s unlikely to talk to to Congress, and it’s unlikely for them to get the information that they’re working toward.

    LAURA BARRÓN-LÓPEZ: And that’s what’s so interesting, is that prior to this announcement, the Justice Department was saying that Weiss was prepared to testify to Congress as early as September, as soon as they came back from their August recess, that the Justice Department said that they wanted to do that specifically because of the assertions that Republican lawmakers were making about his authority to conduct his wide investigation into Hunter Biden and that he wanted to directly address that as soon as he could, assuming that they had a deal that would have gone forward with Hunter Biden’s lawyers that fell apart. But we were still expecting him to potentially testify to Congress when they came back. Now, as you said, Dana, that’s probably not going to happen for quite some time as he has these new authorities.

    Bottom line on Trump; anybody still naive enough to believe he’s being unfairly persecuted has to reconcile why he’s surrounded by so many people who have been found guilty of wrongdoing, or plead guilty to wrongdoing, and been willing to implicate him in wrongdoing. At the very least, accepting he is such a terrible judge of character that he has no business being in a position of significant power ever again.
    I replied with two specific replies to your posts and your vague response doesn't address any of my points.

    Were you aware about the referral that the Intelligence Official sent to Comey and Strzok about Clinton planning to link Trump to the Russia election interference?

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