Biden Tracker (3 Viewers)

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    The liberal media is turning on the Bidens. They are committing the unpardonable sin: stonewalling information from the liberal media. They persist in asking questions that KJP insists have already been answered, which is Demspeak for "We're not touching that with a ten foot pole."

    See the woman at 3:00 who asks KJP to remind them what the WH Counsel said so that they had it from her also? That's the same woman who - at a news conference with Trump - angrily tore off her mask to show that she was Asian, supposedly proving that Trump was racist for recommending that she "ask China" about COVID.

    KJP's usual trick of calling on a more friendly reporter when an unfriendly one presses her for an answer is failing her because they all have questions that she is not allowed to answer. So she gets angry, as you can see starting at 3:20.

    This is entitlement vs. entitlement, and it won't end well for the Bidens. The media has long been the Dems ace in the hole, but they are about to burn that hole card if they show hostility to the media.

    Biden may need to hire another press secretary, and this time pick based on merit instead of a "historical" choice.
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    The liberal media is turning on the Bidens. They are committing the unpardonable since: stonewalling information from the liberal media. They persist in asking questions that KJP insists have already been answered, which is Demspeak for "We're not touching that with a ten foot pole."

    See the woman at 3:00 who asks KJP to remind them what the WH Counsel said so that they had it from her also? That's the same woman who - at a news conference with Trump - angrily tore off her mask to show that she was Asian, supposedly proving that Trump was racist for recommending that she "ask China" about COVID.

    KJP's usual trick of calling on a more friendly reporter when an unfriendly one presses her for an answer is failing her because they all have questions that she is not allowed to answer. So she gets angry, as you can see starting at 3:20.

    This is entitlement vs. entitlement, and it won't end well for the Bidens. The media has long been the Dems ace in the hole, but they are about to burn that hole card if they show hostility to the media.

    Biden may need to hire another press secretary, and this time pick based on merit instead of a "historical" choice.

    Unpardonable sin...rather than "since"?🤔
    What you posted doesn’t show any report that Hunter was at the WH on Friday. I tried to follow all the links and nothing shows that. Besides, what if he was? The family left on Friday, so I don’t see the big scandal there nor any inconsistency.

    And in the video that I posted previously KJP lied and said the Bidens weren't there Friday.
    What is driving Biden’s disapproval ratings? This poll says it is primarily the economy,

    What is “the economy”? If unemployment is a key measure, then it is near historically good levels. Inflation is a measure, and it is still a little high, but not terrible. The current rate is given as 4%, but that’s a 12 month average. Fuel costs are way down, and I have noticed stabilization of all prices.

    People complain about the interest rates, but they are also still very low, despite the raises to curb inflation. Inflation and ecomimic growth is dependent on the global economy. We can resist the global forces, but we are not immune. When compared to our G7 partners, which is the most relevant comparison, our economy is doing very well.

    Biden’s popularity is limited by the ridiculous polarization, since nearly 100% of Republicans disapprove, but true independents should see the good that Biden is doing. I don’t think his age should lead people to disapprove of the job he’s doing, But I suspect that is driving a lot of the disapproval. What do y’all think?
    What is driving Biden’s disapproval ratings? This poll says it is primarily the economy,

    What is “the economy”? If unemployment is a key measure, then it is near historically good levels. Inflation is a measure, and it is still a little high, but not terrible. The current rate is given as 4%, but that’s a 12 month average. Fuel costs are way down, and I have noticed stabilization of all prices.

    People complain about the interest rates, but they are also still very low, despite the raises to curb inflation. Inflation and ecomimic growth is dependent on the global economy. We can resist the global forces, but we are not immune. When compared to our G7 partners, which is the most relevant comparison, our economy is doing very well.

    Biden’s popularity is limited by the ridiculous polarization, since nearly 100% of Republicans disapprove, but true independents should see the good that Biden is doing. I don’t think his age should lead people to disapprove of the job he’s doing, But I suspect that is driving a lot of the disapproval. What do y’all think?
    You make some decent points. The hyper inflation we saw this time last year has reduced to a low single digit number. That lower rate is still much higher than inflation in the previous administration. Ditto for gasoline prices. The Biden administration has succeeded in making them lower than his previous extremely high prices, but has not gotten them down to Trump-era levels. With the election coming up, he seems to have dropped his and his administration's stated goal of making gas prices so high that people will be forced to buy electric.

    However . . . the prices that rose so dramatically last year, have not come down and continue to climb at the new lower rate. Nobody got big raises due to inflation, except for federal workers (8.7%!), so the rest of us are still dealing with the higher prices. For people buying food, it is showing up as shrinkflation, in which for example, the Burger King regular hamburger is now approaching the size of a slider. Grocery packers have redesigned packaging so that less product looks similar to the previous package.

    My wife and I budget our money generously to enjoy life, but carefully, so that we can put as much as possible into retirement savings. We have a monthly bills, a monthly grocery budget and a weekly expenses budget and the rest gets saved. Last year, we had to add forty dollars to both, in order to be reduced to never eating at an upscale joint, and buying fewer groceries. My raise for next year as a teacher is 1.5%.

    Our saving grace is no longer having to carry our youngest child on insurance starting this school year.

    Unemployment is the weird one. Post-COVID, many people appear to have lost interest in having job type jobs at all, having found other ways to support themselves, like moving back home and doing gig work. With so many having dropped out of the workforce, unemployment is low. On the other hand, business seems to go on unslowed by the lack of workers, so apparently the people who did not return to work were truly non-essential.

    Anyway, point being that while the numbers don't look so bad, real people - at least we who work to support ourselves - are in varying degrees of what we call "a bind" under Biden. That will be remembered in November 2024.
    You make some decent points. The hyper inflation we saw this time last year has reduced to a low single digit number. That lower rate is still much higher than inflation in the previous administration. Ditto for gasoline prices. The Biden administration has succeeded in making them lower than his previous extremely high prices, but has not gotten them down to Trump-era levels. With the election coming up, he seems to have dropped his and his administration's stated goal of making gas prices so high that people will be forced to buy electric.

    However . . . the prices that rose so dramatically last year, have not come down and continue to climb at the new lower rate. Nobody got big raises due to inflation, except for federal workers (8.7%!), so the rest of us are still dealing with the higher prices. For people buying food, it is showing up as shrinkflation, in which for example, the Burger King regular hamburger is now approaching the size of a slider. Grocery packers have redesigned packaging so that less product looks similar to the previous package.

    My wife and I budget our money generously to enjoy life, but carefully, so that we can put as much as possible into retirement savings. We have a monthly bills, a monthly grocery budget and a weekly expenses budget and the rest gets saved. Last year, we had to add forty dollars to both, in order to be reduced to never eating at an upscale joint, and buying fewer groceries. My raise for next year as a teacher is 1.5%.

    Our saving grace is no longer having to carry our youngest child on insurance starting this school year.

    Unemployment is the weird one. Post-COVID, many people appear to have lost interest in having job type jobs at all, having found other ways to support themselves, like moving back home and doing gig work. With so many having dropped out of the workforce, unemployment is low. On the other hand, business seems to go on unslowed by the lack of workers, so apparently the people who did not return to work were truly non-essential.

    Anyway, point being that while the numbers don't look so bad, real people - at least we who work to support ourselves - are in varying degrees of what we call "a bind" under Biden. That will be remembered in November 2024.
    But the economy is global, so comparisons have to be relative. The Trump era ended disastrously largely due to mishandling COVID, even though it affected all economies. So Biden inherited a disaster, and it wasn’t all Trump’s fault, but he hurt it with his handling. Just like Obama inherited Bush’s disasterrous economy, both Democratic presidents made great strides to repair the damage, particularly compared to our Western allies.

    Wages have grown everywhere, not just Federal employees. The following link essentially shows it keeping up with inflation:

    I don’t think the economy should be hurting Biden’s approval rating. I think people don’t appreciate the impact of the global economy, and how well Biden’s administration has overcome that burden. That should be one of the most laudable accomplishments of Biden’s administration. Also, the polls don’t seem to consider the normalcy and potential to save democracy that his presidency has brought. I think most people had that in their mind when they voted for Biden, and now are taking it for granted.
    But the economy is global, so comparisons have to be relative. The Trump era ended disastrously largely due to mishandling the COVID. Biden inherited a disaster, just like Obama did. Both have made great strides to repair the damage, particularly compared to our Western allies. Also, wages have grown everywhere, not just Federal employees. The following link essentially shows it keeping up with inflation:

    I don’t think the economy should be hurting Biden’s approval rating. I think people don’t appreciate the impact of the global economy, and how well Biden’s administration has overcome that burden. That should be one of the most laudable accomplishments of Biden’s administration. Also, the pills don’t seem to consider the normalcy and potential to save democracy that his presidency has brought. I think most people had that in their mind when they vote for Biden, and now are taking it for granted.
    We hear this during the first term and often into the second term of any Democratic president. I'll paraphrase as I understand what you are saying:

    "Sure, the economy was better under Trump, than it is under Biden, by concrete measures such as inflation and gas prices. But Biden inherited an economy that appeared to be in fine shape, but was on the verge of collapse due to Trump. So, the decline we have seen is not a result of Biden's action during his administration, but of Trump's mishandling that did not become apparent until Biden took over.

    "For example, the high gas prices have nothing to do with discouraging the fossil fuel industry, shutting down pipelines, or with the Biden Administration's stated aim of making gas prices high so that people switch to EVs."

    You were doing well, but you switched from a real discussion to partisan spin. I enjoyed the discussion while it lasted as such.
    We hear this during the first term and often into the second term of any Democratic president. I'll paraphrase as I understand what you are saying:

    "Sure, the economy was better under Trump, than it is under Biden, by concrete measures such as inflation and gas prices. But Biden inherited an economy that appeared to be in fine shape, but was on the verge of collapse due to Trump. So, the decline we have seen is not a result of Biden's action during his administration, but of Trump's mishandling that did not become apparent until Biden took over.

    "For example, the high gas prices have nothing to do with discouraging the fossil fuel industry or with the Biden Administration's stated aim of making gas prices high so that people switch to EVs."

    You were doing well, but you switched from a real discussion to partisan spin. I enjoyed the discussion while it lasted as such.
    RW failure…again.
    We hear this during the first term and often into the second term of any Democratic president. I'll paraphrase as I understand what you are saying:

    "Sure, the economy was better under Trump, than it is under Biden, by concrete measures such as inflation and gas prices. But Biden inherited an economy that appeared to be in fine shape, but was on the verge of collapse due to Trump. So, the decline we have seen is not a result of Biden's action during his administration, but of Trump's mishandling that did not become apparent until Biden took over.

    "For example, the high gas prices have nothing to do with discouraging the fossil fuel industry, shutting down pipelines, or with the Biden Administration's stated aim of making gas prices high so that people switch to EVs."

    You were doing well, but you switched from a real discussion to partisan spin. I enjoyed the discussion while it lasted as such.
    Your spin is Trump-like. The economy under Trump was horrible in the last year. COVID was largely to blame, but it was a disaster. By no measure was it better than Biden’s. The fossil fuel excuse is nonsense. Biden does want to encourage renewables, but he isn’t sabotaging domestic fossil fuels.

    The reality is the economy is great compared to our Western allies, and Biden should get lots of credit for his policies that helped get us there. It is irrational that that is the largest single reason for his disapproval, when it should be one of the largest single basis to approve of his administration.
    Your spin is Trump-like. The economy under Trump was horrible in the last year. COVID was largely to blame, but it was a disaster. By no measure was it better than Biden’s. The fossil fuel excuse is nonsense. Biden does want to encourage renewables, but he isn’t sabotaging domestic fossil fuels.
    Maybe you're right.

    Can you give me the numbers that show that the economy under Trump was worse than under Biden?
    The reality is the economy is great compared to our Western allies, and Biden should get lots of credit for his policies that helped get us there. It is irrational that that is the largest single reason for his disapproval, when it should be one of the largest single basis to approve of his administration.
    So, there is some disconnect between the claims by the Democrats and voters' lived experiences.

    So your party really needs to figure out a better way to message.
    You make some decent points. The hyper inflation we saw this time last year has reduced to a low single digit number. That lower rate is still much higher than inflation in the previous administration. Ditto for gasoline prices. The Biden administration has succeeded in making them lower than his previous extremely high prices, but has not gotten them down to Trump-era levels. With the election coming up, he seems to have dropped his and his administration's stated goal of making gas prices so high that people will be forced to buy electric.

    However . . . the prices that rose so dramatically last year, have not come down and continue to climb at the new lower rate. Nobody got big raises due to inflation, except for federal workers (8.7%!), so the rest of us are still dealing with the higher prices. For people buying food, it is showing up as shrinkflation, in which for example, the Burger King regular hamburger is now approaching the size of a slider. Grocery packers have redesigned packaging so that less product looks similar to the previous package.

    My wife and I budget our money generously to enjoy life, but carefully, so that we can put as much as possible into retirement savings. We have a monthly bills, a monthly grocery budget and a weekly expenses budget and the rest gets saved. Last year, we had to add forty dollars to both, in order to be reduced to never eating at an upscale joint, and buying fewer groceries. My raise for next year as a teacher is 1.5%.

    Our saving grace is no longer having to carry our youngest child on insurance starting this school year.

    Unemployment is the weird one. Post-COVID, many people appear to have lost interest in having job type jobs at all, having found other ways to support themselves, like moving back home and doing gig work. With so many having dropped out of the workforce, unemployment is low. On the other hand, business seems to go on unslowed by the lack of workers, so apparently the people who did not return to work were truly non-essential.

    Anyway, point being that while the numbers don't look so bad, real people - at least we who work to support ourselves - are in varying degrees of what we call "a bind" under Biden. That will be remembered in November 2024.
    I very much applaud the wording of the first two paragraphs. I certainly have noticed what you mentioned about clever size reduction of product packaging that tries to conceal that you are getting less for the same price. Orange juice is especially good at that trick....additionally I agree that wages have not kept up with inflation. When you talk about non Trump related topics I agree with you most of the time. Sorry to see you go.
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    Maybe you're right.

    Can you give me the numbers that show that the economy under Trump was worse than under Biden?
    Here are the numbers for his whole presidency. They are much less rosy than he touts.

    I’ll give Trump some credit that the economy started rebounding in his last couple of months after a disastrous few months.

    The economy Biden inherited had almost 8% unemployment. It was starting to recover, but it was bad.
    So, there is some disconnect between the claims by the Democrats and voters' lived experiences.

    So your party really needs to figure out a better way to message.
    It is true that Democrats are bad at messaging. People say they feel bad and most don’t understand context and globalization. Most only remember the recent price hikes. Things are pretty good, but too many can’t see it.
    Here are the numbers for his whole presidency. They are much less rosy than he touts.

    I’ll give Trump some credit that the economy started rebounding in his last couple of months after a disastrous few months.
    Manfully conceded!

    The economy Biden inherited had almost 8% unemployment. It was starting to recover, but it was bad.

    It is true that Democrats are bad at messaging. People say they feel bad and most don’t understand context and globalization. Most only remember the recent price hikes. Things are pretty good, but too many can’t see it.
    Unfortunately, the messaging that things are pretty good, but too many cannot see it, sounds very much like "who are going to believe, your lying eyes, or us?"

    Telling them that they are too ignorant to understand context and globalization will ring hollow when the price of bread is up 18% in one year's time - Biden being president that whole year, at that. Sure, high wheat prices are likely benefiting farmers in China, but is that what the American people really expect their president to accomplish? Maybe there is some benefit to be had in the long run, and the Dems could explain it to the American people.

    But, I think they would respond, "everyone except the average American is making out now, but we have to wait to see this vaguely promised benefit?"

    Good discussion, though! I wish you had started posting like this sooner.

    And in the video that I posted previously KJP lied and said the Bidens weren't there Friday.
    I saw it reported that they left on Friday. What possible difference does it make if she erred on the day? I swear you can make a mountain out of the tiniest molehill with any Democrat, but completely ignore egregious stuff from Republicans.

    These drugs weren’t discovered for 2 days after they were gone - on Sunday. It wasn’t there on Friday or Saturday. There were public tours all weekend and the entrance where it was found is used by lots of people.

    So the NBC report I saw says that the Secret Service may finish their investigation as soon as Monday, so we should wait and see, right?
    Where is the DEA?

    It seems very odd that the agency that is literally charged with protecting the Bidens would be conducting an investigation into drugs found in their home.
    I very much applaud the wording of the first two paragraphs. I certainly have noticed what you mentioned about clever size reduction of product packaging that tries to conceal that you are getting less for the same price. Orange juice is especially good at that trick....additionally I agree that wages have not kept up with inflation. When you talk about non Trump related topics I agree with you most of the time. Sorry to see you go.
    Steve, his post is clever in that he talks correctly about a couple of things, but he wraps every correct thing in a sandwich of lies.

    1. The Biden Administration isn’t responsible for gas prices in any significant way. No president ever is. So when someone either gives credit (as he does for Trump) or assigns blame (as he does for Biden) they are not being honest with you. His aside about Biden wanting higher gas prices as a stated goal is most certainly false as well.

    2. His claim that nobody except federal workers got a raise is false as well. And he mis-states the federal raise again, as Dave has already corrected him in another thread on that. Lots of people have seen their wages increase after Covid, some markedly. Here’s a good unbiased article laying it out. Some people have done better than infraction, but for most they have not. But on average wages have grown 11% or so, blunting the effects of inflation.

    3. The low unemployment rate is definitely not due to people not choosing to work. Here is a good source for facts about economics under Biden. The good with the bad.

    So, this is why I will not miss this poster. He just wings it and says what he feels is true, with little regard for actual truth.
    Where is the DEA?

    It seems very odd that the agency that is literally charged with protecting the Bidens would be conducting an investigation into drugs found in their home.
    I read that the amount found would be a misdemeanor in DC. So maybe they have more important things to do? 🙄

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