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Optimus Prime's post about Civil War 2 really feels a little too plausible for me to want to think about it. But knowing your destination is important in informing you in if you feel a journey is worth it or not. So, in that vein, I'm asking what do people feel like a Republican USA (RUSA) and Democratic USA (DUSA) would look like if they formed? Is that the wrong form of the question and should it be Conservative USA and Progressive USA? I don't want to get caught up on who gets what geographically. I'm asking about what kind of government would there be? Any guaranteed rights? What role does religion play? Who is and isn't welcome? What kind of economy? How are people educated? How likely is that government to succeed?
And if I think too hard about this, I feel like the above option is much better than what is likely to happen. I fear an attempt to have a population minority government rule the majority. And pretty soon the people who "hate" government overreach are using that exact thing to push their agenda/beliefs on others.
I don't necessarily have an answer to offer on my own question. I feel like the initial thoughts I put down are a bit stereotypical. But then again, I feel like at least for RUSA, stereotypes work because they don't necessarily generate the types of folks that challenge the norms. DUSA on the other hand seems like it could start out Utopian in intent but would have to track back to pragmatism and realism at some point.
And if I think too hard about this, I feel like the above option is much better than what is likely to happen. I fear an attempt to have a population minority government rule the majority. And pretty soon the people who "hate" government overreach are using that exact thing to push their agenda/beliefs on others.
I don't necessarily have an answer to offer on my own question. I feel like the initial thoughts I put down are a bit stereotypical. But then again, I feel like at least for RUSA, stereotypes work because they don't necessarily generate the types of folks that challenge the norms. DUSA on the other hand seems like it could start out Utopian in intent but would have to track back to pragmatism and realism at some point.