Civil War 2? (1 Viewer)

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    Optimus Prime

    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
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    Washington DC Metro
    Very sobering article
    If you know people still in denial about the crisis of American democracy, kindly remove their heads from the sand long enough to receive this message: A startling new finding by one of the nation’s top authorities on foreign civil wars says we are on the cusp of our own.

    Barbara F. Walter, a political science professorat the University of California at San Diego, serves on a CIA advisory panel called the Political Instability Task Force that monitors countries around the world and predicts which of them are most at risk of deteriorating into violence.

    By law, the task force can’t assess what’s happening within the United States, but Walter, a longtime friend who has spent her career studying conflicts in Syria, Lebanon, Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Rwanda, Angola, Nicaragua and elsewhere, applied the predictive techniques herself to this country.

    Her bottom line: “We are closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe.” She lays out the argument in detail in her must-read book, “How Civil Wars Start,” out in January. “No one wants to believe that their beloved democracy is in decline, or headed toward war,” she writes.

    But, “if you were an analyst in a foreign country looking at events in America — the same way you’d look at events in Ukraine or the Ivory Coast or Venezuela — you would go down a checklist, assessing each of the conditions that make civil war likely.

    And what you would find is that the United States, a democracy founded more than two centuries ago, has entered very dangerous territory.”

    Indeed, the United States has already gone through what the CIA identifies as the first two phases of insurgency — the “pre-insurgency” and “incipient conflict” phases — and only time will tell whether the final phase, “open insurgency,” began with the sacking of the Capitol by Donald Trump supporters on Jan. 6.

    Things deteriorated so dramatically under Trump, in fact, that the United States no longer technically qualifies as a democracy. Citing the Center for Systemic Peace’s “Polity” data set — the one the CIA task force has found to be most helpful in predicting instability and violence — Walter writes that the United States is now an “anocracy,” somewhere between a democracy and an autocratic state.

    U.S. democracy had received the Polity index’s top score of 10, or close to it, for much of its history. But in the five years of the Trump era, it tumbled precipitously into the anocracy zone; by the end of his presidency, the U.S. score had fallen to a 5, making the country a partial democracy for the first time since 1800.

    “We are no longer the world’s oldest continuous democracy,” Walter writes. “That honor is now held by Switzerland, followed by New Zealand, and then Canada. We are no longer a peer to nations like Canada, Costa Rica, and Japan, which are all rated a +10 on the Polity index.”…….

    Others have reached similar findings. The Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance put the United States on a list of “backsliding democracies” in a report last month.

    “The United States, the bastion of global democracy, fell victim to authoritarian tendencies itself," the report said.

    And a new survey by the academic consortium Bright Line Watch found that 17 percent of those who identify strongly as Republicans support the use of violence to restore Trump to power, and 39 percent favor doing everything possible to prevent Democrats from governing effectively……

    That, right there, is what many on the left fail to understand!!! They are in the same mindset as those that are threatening our democracy and that is the "all or nothing" mentality! The right have already escalated public discourse to its breaking point, if you try to fight fire with fire it will all burn down.

    The Biden administration exist because the majority of Democrats recognized what Meacham is describing there and they were more concerned with saving our democracy over getting their way. Today, that majority has split because the far left of the party are no longer content with just righting the ship, they want it all too!
    Both sides!
    That, right there, is what many on the left fail to understand!!! They are in the same mindset as those that are threatening our democracy and that is the "all or nothing" mentality! The right have already escalated public discourse to its breaking point, if you try to fight fire with fire it will all burn down.

    The Biden administration exist because the majority of Democrats recognized what Meacham is describing there and they were more concerned with saving our democracy over getting their way. Today, that majority has split because the far left of the party are no longer content with just righting the ship, they want it all too!

    I honestly don't see that. I don't see the far left (progressives) making waves any which way. And it doesn't seem like the Democratic party is being split, unless you're talking about candidates like Tim Ryan swearing off anything that might "seem" progressive, even the current president.

    What I do see is Independents not voting for Democrats because they're conditioned to vote for Republicans (or switch sides), or because they actually believe Republicans will either improve the economic situation 🙄 or "not make things worse" for the economy. Or they're just burned our and not interested in being engaged. That's the group that doesn't recognize the dangers posed to democracy by Republicans.
    Or they see how Democrats actually attempt to run a country and want to try a based reality approach.

    Other than that, I agree with article, despite being from NPR. This country does not share even basic moral values so I don't see how we can continue sharing this country. It will be a win for everyone.
    I mean it will be a win for the states who actually make money.
    Pretty much. All of these red states will wear down Texas to the point it declares itself a sovereign country just like in the old days. Florida would probably follow suit. So then you have a conglomeration of the Deep South and Great Plains which would be bankrupt within a couple of years.
    Or they see how Democrats actually attempt to run a country and want to try a based reality approach.

    Other than that, I agree with article, despite being from NPR. This country does not share even basic moral values so I don't see how we can continue sharing this country. It will be a win for everyone.


    The last time Republicans controlled all Congress, and the presidency they passed a tax cut for rich people. I don't know what Republicans moral values are anymore. Their last president was the antithesis of all their stated values. It appears the party has devolved into pure reactionary politics.

    The last time Republicans controlled all Congress, and the presidency they passed a tax cut for rich people. I don't know what Republicans moral values are anymore. Their last president was the antithesis of all their stated values. It appears the party has devolved into pure reactionary politics.

    Republican moral values:

    "If he hadn't run he wouldn't have been shot."

    Reality based? 😂

    From the same party that hasn't met a conspiracy theory it doesn't champion and creates monsters out of everybody that isn't them? From the same party that elected Trump, alternate reality lover? That's rich.
    LOL. What conspiracy theory? The mutilation of healthy children to treat a mental disorder, or the CRT being taught in schools, or gender theory being taught in schools, or the party that insists if you don't allow men dressed as women to dance for you children you are a bigot? Or was it the party that supports removing kids from parents and letting them live with 'supportive' adults (is there a better word to use than 'groomers' here?) in the LGTBQ. Or the party that wants to make it crime from parents to be opposed to preforming life altering procedures or values on a confused child? Although it is also important to note most LGTB folks don't support any of this nonsense but their party for sure does. Could this be why votes are shifting? But yeah, go on about alt-right conspiracy theories.
    "As the battle over parental rights and protections for LGBT students heats up in Virginia, one state delegate said she will introduce a bill in the legislature's next session that would make it a crime for a parent or guardian not to affirm their child's sexual orientation or gender identity."
    A Virginia pro-trans group with Democratic ties says it will help gender-confused students leave their families and “rehome” them with new “queer friendly” guardians instead, according to internal materials obtained by The Daily Wire.
    The Pride Liberation Project, which also says it can give money to students who run away and hide from their parents, garnered glowing headlines September 27 when it organized 12,000 high schoolers to walk out of class to protest a draft policy saying that schools should not hide a student’s gender transition from his parents. Though billed as being an organic group of high schoolers, taking the lead in the materials was Aaryan Rawal, a college student who worked for a Virginia Democrat state lawmaker.
    But materials from the group’s internal message board show that its plans go much further than a walkout. A “#resources-for-outed-students” channel, created by Rawal, said the group would help children run away from their parents and arrange for them to be placed with new “Queer friendly” guardians.

    “We’re creating this channel as a way for everyone to understand the mutual aid and support resources the PLP has available for outed and in-crisis students! For full transparency, this channel is catered to outed students who are facing familial rejection or need to leave their home for another reason,” he wrote.

    “In the event of you needing to leave your home, we can provide you with emergency housing from a supportive, Queer friendly adult,” he continued, cautioning: “Please note that this adult will likely be white.”

    “We may not be able to provide you that housing the same night, but we anticipate that we can secure someone to take you in within 1-2 days, and we will work with other supportive adult organizations in the region to find you someone who can provide you a kind and affirming home,” he added.

    The last time Republicans controlled all Congress, and the presidency they passed a tax cut for rich people. I don't know what Republicans moral values are anymore. Their last president was the antithesis of all their stated values. It appears the party has devolved into pure reactionary politics.
    Cool, what are you guys doing with that control right now?
    We are in a recession and you guys are worried about if guys in woman face will be able to dance for school children.
    While the Rs policies might not be great in all forms, it sure beats what you guys have and are doing.

    But I tend to agree with you. The Rep, when they get both houses and the Pres next, won't do anything they are saying they will do. They will pass some tax cuts, probably fix the economy a little, just enough to keep us fleeced but not enough for them to lose power over us. Politicians are the problem, yes, on both sides but at least one side has not lost it grip on reality for the sake of the feeling of false virtue.
    Cool, what are you guys doing with that control right now?

    This is a cheap right-wing talking point. In partisan times having nominal 'control' is meaningless when the filibuster exists. I'm not saying the filibuster is a bad thing but now it's been weaponized to block nearly any form of legislation that leans slightly to the left.

    Politicians are the problem, yes, on both sides but at least one side has not lost it grip on reality for the sake of the feeling of false virtue.

    Left-leaning virtue is "false" because it doesn't have the stamp of approval of the fictional being you happen to believe in? Getting back to reality and the secular/practical issues of running a country, the GOP is packed with election deniers and conspiracy theorists. That's losing grip on reality.

    If you need an example of the craziness...

    But please tell me again how the GOP hasn't lost its grip on reality.
    Last edited:
    ......................................... guys in woman face will be able to dance for school children..........................................

    Always wanting to know what's going on I did a google search of "guys in woman face will be able to dance for school children". This is what came up:

    Thanks Farb for keeping me up to date.

    LOL. What conspiracy theory? The mutilation of healthy children to treat a mental disorder, or the CRT being taught in schools, or gender theory being taught in schools, or the party that insists if you don't allow men dressed as women to dance for you children you are a bigot? Or was it the party that supports removing kids from parents and letting them live with 'supportive' adults (is there a better word to use than 'groomers' here?) in the LGTBQ. Or the party that wants to make it crime from parents to be opposed to preforming life altering procedures or values on a confused child? Although it is also important to note most LGTB folks don't support any of this nonsense but their party for sure does. Could this be why votes are shifting? But yeah, go on about alt-right conspiracy theories.
    "As the battle over parental rights and protections for LGBT students heats up in Virginia, one state delegate said she will introduce a bill in the legislature's next session that would make it a crime for a parent or guardian not to affirm their child's sexual orientation or gender identity."
    A Virginia pro-trans group with Democratic ties says it will help gender-confused students leave their families and “rehome” them with new “queer friendly” guardians instead, according to internal materials obtained by The Daily Wire.
    The Pride Liberation Project, which also says it can give money to students who run away and hide from their parents, garnered glowing headlines September 27 when it organized 12,000 high schoolers to walk out of class to protest a draft policy saying that schools should not hide a student’s gender transition from his parents. Though billed as being an organic group of high schoolers, taking the lead in the materials was Aaryan Rawal, a college student who worked for a Virginia Democrat state lawmaker.
    But materials from the group’s internal message board show that its plans go much further than a walkout. A “#resources-for-outed-students” channel, created by Rawal, said the group would help children run away from their parents and arrange for them to be placed with new “Queer friendly” guardians.

    “We’re creating this channel as a way for everyone to understand the mutual aid and support resources the PLP has available for outed and in-crisis students! For full transparency, this channel is catered to outed students who are facing familial rejection or need to leave their home for another reason,” he wrote.

    “In the event of you needing to leave your home, we can provide you with emergency housing from a supportive, Queer friendly adult,” he continued, cautioning: “Please note that this adult will likely be white.”

    “We may not be able to provide you that housing the same night, but we anticipate that we can secure someone to take you in within 1-2 days, and we will work with other supportive adult organizations in the region to find you someone who can provide you a kind and affirming home,” he added.

    Yes, All of that.
    This is a cheap right-wing talking point. In partisan times having nominal 'control' is meaningless when the filibuster exists. I'm not saying the filibuster is a bad thing but now it's been weaponized to block nearly any form of legislation that leans slightly to the left.

    Left-leaning virtue is "false" because it doesn't have the stamp of approval of the fictional being you happen to believe in? Getting back to reality and the secular/practical issues of running a country, the GOP is packed with election deniers and conspiracy theorists. That's losing grip on reality.

    If you need an example of the craziness...

    But please tell me again how the GOP hasn't lost its grip on reality.

    All of that long post and it seems all you want is from me to defend team Trump? No thanks. Not a Trump fan. Most conservatives are not either. That is the alternate reality the left has concocted. This is saying that all Ds are 'the squad' fan boys.

    To be honest, one side thinks men can become women and one doesn't. That kind of sums up everything for me.
    Always wanting to know what's going on I did a google search of "guys in woman face will be able to dance for school children". This is what came up:

    Thanks Farb for keeping me up to date.


    Give it time, 'woman face' will soon be censored like the more appropriate term 'groomers'.
    No thanks. Not a Trump fan. Most conservatives are not either. That is the alternate reality the left has concocted. This is saying that all Ds are 'the squad' fan boys.
    Fair enough...
    To be honest, one side thinks men can become women and one doesn't. That kind of sums up everything for me.
    !detsop tsuj ouy tahw fo etisoppo yletelpmoC

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