All things Racist...USA edition (8 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    Whites 65% of population
    Blacks 13% of population

    You're first statement was that the majority of Anti-Asian hate crimes were perpetrated by POC.

    Now you're trying to say that per capita POC are more likely to commit hate crimes against Asians.

    You will end up saying that it's not just white people who are racist.

    Do you believe that if those Asians would just make more of an effort to assimilate that these POC would not be attacking them so much?

    There is so little continuity among your posts in this thread that it is really difficult to believe that you are authentic.
    We were talking about in 1920. My point was that it’s ridiculous to assert that the US has ever had a single homogeneous culture. It never has.

    Edited to add: I looked it up: in 1920 both SC and MS were 50% or higher black population.
    Yeah, it's never been homogeneous, and I would never imply that it is. As for 1920, never looked at population stats for that time period, but I wouldn't have thought that because blacks currently make up less than 40% in both SC and MS. I wouldn't have guessed they were majority populations in 1920.
    Whites 65% of population
    Blacks 13% of population

    65 + 13 = 78. 22% of the people are not represented in your tally.

    POC <> “black”

    Besides, white is 77% of the population of the US (white Latino is included in “white”). So again, you’re wrong.

    65 + 13 = 78. 22% of the people are not represented in your tally.

    POC <> “black”

    Besides, white is 77% of the population of the US (white Latino is included in “white”). So again, you’re wrong.
    OK, I looked up the FBI statistics. The latest numbers are for 2019.


    In 2019, race was reported for 6,406 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

    • 52.5 percent were White.
    • 23.9 percent were Black or African American.
    • 6.6 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (group of multiple races).
    • 1.1 percent were American Indian or Alaska Native.
    • 0.9 percent (58 offenders) were Asian.
    • 0.3 percent (22 offenders) were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
    • 14.6 percent were unknown.
    OK, I looked up the FBI statistics. The latest numbers are for 2019.
    It is OK if you think I am wrong. Sometimes I am actually wrong. I am not the Pope.
    I wanted to make sure you understood WHY you were wrong. There was no doubt there. I wanted you to understand that even if there was a magic wand that could immediately end racism, blacks would still not be on equal footing with the people who have spent generations ensuring that to be the case. I want you to understand that racism from the past is as much a problem as it is in the present.

    My owning of property and having an education and ability to provide a middle-class existence is proof that some progress has been made. My being looked at first as a black man instead of simply looked at as a man is proof that there is still a long way to go. The fact that there is open resistance to facts by 45%+ of this country is proof that getting to that goal will be as hard to achieve and take as long as it has to make the gains that have been made.
    I wanted to make sure you understood WHY you were wrong. There was no doubt there. I wanted you to understand that even if there was a magic wand that could immediately end racism, blacks would still not be on equal footing with the people who have spent generations ensuring that to be the case. I want you to understand that racism from the past is as much a problem as it is in the present.

    My owning of property and having an education and ability to provide a middle-class existence is proof that some progress has been made. My being looked at first as a black man instead of simply looked at as a man is proof that there is still a long way to go. The fact that there is open resistance to facts by 45%+ of this country is proof that getting to that goal will be as hard to achieve and take as long as it has to make the gains that have been made.
    OK, that is a good post. And you are correct! Those that come from a great family of origin have more advantage or privilege. When I bought my first home I had to save for the downpayment. I had an anglo friend whose grandmother gave him the cash for the downpayment. There is no equality my friend, some people have more advantage than others according where they were born. This is advantage is more than just wealth. IN this nation the kids of Indian and East Asian immigrants are blessed to be born in a household that is intact and where education is the number one goal. Part of the damage inflicted on black America was the demolition of the family unit. I used to work with highly educated professional black men. Most came form a family where education was paramount.

    You keep looking at this in "keeping up with the Jones mode". You gave me a math example so I will give you another that reaffirms the math you showed me, but there is a twist.

    Imagine neighbor A with an income of a 1000 dollars a month and neighbor B with an income of 500 a month. That is an income gap of 500.
    Neighbor A gets a 10% pay raise and now makes 1100. Neighbor B gets a 15% pay raise and now makes 575 a month. Now the income gap is greater at 525 even though neighbor B got a a better pay raise.

    You are correct, catching up is extremely difficult, but today neighbor B makes 15% more than last year. B is moving forward. If B pays attention to A then he will think he is falling behind.

    I have four daughters that attended Catholic schools all their lives. They married three Irish Catholics and one Italian Catholic. I know how white people think as they are now my family. I have never met a white person that wants to keep black Americans down. However, I have met plenty that are afraid of losing their cultural values. This is not all about race. This is mostly cultural tribal warfare. By the way i don't know any rednecks. My sons on law are from the Northeast.

    Robert Sapolski has said that the best way to unite to tribes with different culture is to create a new tribe with a unifying culture. This is done on a daily basis by people that play sports.
    Last edited:
    You are correct, catching up is extremely difficult, but today neighbor B makes 15% more than last year. B is moving forward. If B pays attention to A then he will think he is falling behind.
    You are really having a difficult time understanding that the only way for blacks in this country to "catch up" to white people is to go back to when the first slave was brought here and have the pilgrims welcome them as equals instead of enslaving them. There will never be a "catch up". Catching up is not difficult. It is impossible.

    President Obama, probably the most famous black man alive would still be treated differently until someone recognized who he is. Hell, to 45% in this country, he is nothing but a n-word. Just accept the fact that you don't understand this concept.
    You keep looking at this in "keeping up with the Jones mode". You gave me a math example so I will give you another that reaffirms the math you showed me, but there is a twist.
    You keep failing to understand the simple concept that because of the history of our country, there will never be a catch up for blacks people in America. It's really frustrating trying to explain this to you. Either you are purposely being obtuse or you are simply not equipped to understand the concept. IMO, you are purposely being obtuse.

    Imagine neighbor A with an income of a 1000 dollars a month and neighbor B with an income of 500 a month. That is an income gap of 500. Neighbor A gets a 10% pay raise and now makes 1100. Neighbor B gets a 15% pay raise and now makes 575 a month. Now the income gap is greater at 525 even though neighbor B got a a better pay raise.

    You are correct, catching up is extremely difficult, but today neighbor B makes 15% more than last year. B is moving forward. If B pays attention to A then he will think he is falling behind.
    Paul, the only twist to your example is that it has nothing to do with the example that I gave you and that it illustrates that you are still having a problem grasping the concepts of speed, velocity, acceleration and distance and the impact of slavery in the present.
    I know how white people think as they are now my family.
    So.....all white people think alike. Got it.
    Please post the FBI 2020 stats. I did not see them in the website.
    The latest stats are 2019.

    Bias motivationTotal
    Known offender's race
    WhiteBlack or
    or Other
    Unknown Offender

    Again, whites are 3 times as likely to commit Anti-Asian hate crimes than blacks.

    Not sure where you keep wanting to go with this, but I don't think it is proving what you desperately want it to.
    @Paul Let me share something with you because I don't think you to be a bad person. My son plays baseball and he's pretty good at it. My son ended up being the only black player on the 13-14 year old all-star baseball team. He made the all-star team as the catcher but he was also the top pitcher on his team. The white kid who was his reliever also made the all-star team as a 3rd baseman. There were 4 pitchers on the team not including my son. Even though he was a better pitcher than 3 of the 4, I explained to him that the team needed him as catcher because no one else was as good as he was behind the plate.

    He watched as game after game, the kid who was his reliever got multiple opportunities on the mound while he didn't get any. I had to ask the coach if this was by design. The coach finally gave him an opportunity to pitch 1 inning. He struck out 3 in a row getting his 3rd strike on a curve ball for each batter (2 swinging strikes and 1 called strike).

    In the semi-final game he did not start at catcher (due to the heat. The backup catcher started) but he played as the DH. The team got into a situation where they could not use their top pitcher and had burned all the other pitchers. The coach made the decision to rather than let my son pitch, he chose to FORCE an outfielder who had never pitched in the 7 years he had been playing baseball to pitch to contact to try to win the game. The game was on the line....a chance for the team to advance to the championship game....and the coach ignored my son's pleas to pitch. The team managed to win the game.

    After the game, my son asked me why the coach wouldn't let him pitch. I answered his question with a question. "Son, why do you think the coach risked losing the semifinal game rather than allowing you to pitch." He thought for a minute and finally answered..."I was better than all of the other pitchers except for our ace. I feel like I had the best curve ball and I know I throw harder than all of the other pitchers. Is it because I'm black?" I didn't want to just say yes so I answered his question with another question. "You ever hear of Occam's Razor? It's a concept that states that if you have a problem and you eliminate all the most obvious and complex answers, the simplest answer is most likely the answer." His thought for a minute and then without hesitation, he said "it's because I'm black."

    He told me he couldn't wait for the next game so he could wait until bases were loaded and then let a wild pitch go without trying to stop it. I discouraged him from doing that because everyone would know he was doing it on purpose. He then decided he didn't want to play for that coach anymore and I allowed him to quit...the first time I ever allowed him to not finish something he started. He cried on the way home. I sat there in that car as angry as I had ever been in my life.

    When we got home, he went into our game room and played Xbox. I, on the other hand, went into my bedroom closet, sat down and cried like I had never cried before.....because I could not protect my child from racism. It's the most helpless I've ever felt as a man. I hope you have never had to experience anything like that.

    I'd like you to think about that story the next time you mention anything about "looking at it from keeping up with the Jones mode."
    @Paul Let me share something with you because I don't think you to be a bad person. My son plays baseball and he's pretty good at it. My son ended up being the only black player on the 13-14 year old all-star baseball team. He made the all-star team as the catcher but he was also the top pitcher on his team. The white kid who was his reliever also made the all-star team as a 3rd baseman. There were 4 pitchers on the team not including my son. Even though he was a better pitcher than 3 of the 4, I explained to him that the team needed him as catcher because no one else was as good as he was behind the plate.

    He watched as game after game, the kid who was his reliever got multiple opportunities on the mound while he didn't get any. I had to ask the coach if this was by design. The coach finally gave him an opportunity to pitch 1 inning. He struck out 3 in a row getting his 3rd strike on a curve ball for each batter (2 swinging strikes and 1 called strike).

    In the semi-final game he did not start at catcher (due to the heat. The backup catcher started) but he played as the DH. The team got into a situation where they could not use their top pitcher and had burned all the other pitchers. The coach made the decision to rather than let my son pitch, he chose to FORCE an outfielder who had never pitched in the 7 years he had been playing baseball to pitch to contact to try to win the game. The game was on the line....a chance for the team to advance to the championship game....and the coach ignored my son's pleas to pitch. The team managed to win the game.

    After the game, my son asked me why the coach wouldn't let him pitch. I answered his question with a question. "Son, why do you think the coach risked losing the semifinal game rather than allowing you to pitch." He thought for a minute and finally answered..."I was better than all of the other pitchers except for our ace. I feel like I had the best curve ball and I know I throw harder than all of the other pitchers. Is it because I'm black?" I didn't want to just say yes so I answered his question with another question. "You ever hear of Occam's Razor? It's a concept that states that if you have a problem and you eliminate all the most obvious and complex answers, the simplest answer is most likely the answer." His thought for a minute and then without hesitation, he said "it's because I'm black."

    He told me he couldn't wait for the next game so he could wait until bases were loaded and then let a wild pitch go without trying to stop it. I discouraged him from doing that because everyone would know he was doing it on purpose. He then decided he didn't want to play for that coach anymore and I allowed him to quit...the first time I ever allowed him to not finish something he started. He cried on the way home. I sat there in that car as angry as I had ever been in my life.

    When we got home, he went into our game room and played Xbox. I, on the other hand, went into my bedroom closet, sat down and cried like I had never cried before.....because I could not protect my child from racism. It's the most helpless I've ever felt as a man. I hope you have never had to experience anything like that.

    I'd like you to think about that story the next time you mention anything about "looking at it from keeping up with the Jones mode."
    Yes, racism is real. One of my daughters was extremely shy and wouldn't talk in class. The teacher was convinced she did not know English as was rather rough with her. i once had a dental hygienist treat me with poor manners because of my Spanish surname. Racism is real, however, I do not let it get to me. You have to instantly assume you are better than they are because there is nothing lower than bigotry. At this point you should feel pity for them.
    You are really having a difficult time understanding that the only way for blacks in this country to "catch up" to white people is to go back to when the first slave was brought here and have the pilgrims welcome them as equals instead of enslaving them. There will never be a "catch up". Catching up is not difficult. It is impossible.
    I understand. But, my issue is that some think there is no way out and that nihilism is not healthy.
    President Obama, probably the most famous black man alive would still be treated differently until someone recognized who he is. Hell, to 45% in this country, he is nothing but a n-word. Just accept the fact that you don't understand this concept.
    I do not believe 100% of Trump voters are racists. I think they are mostly afraid of losing their cultural heritage.
    You keep failing to understand the simple concept that because of the history of our country, there will never be a catch up for blacks people in America. It's really frustrating trying to explain this to you. Either you are purposely being obtuse or you are simply not equipped to understand the concept. IMO, you are purposely being obtuse.
    Nope, I am much more optimistic than you are. I also think that many think the problem is due to a single variable ie racism. The inability to catch up is a complex multifactorial problem. I also know what is like to be different in anglo culture. At the onset i was totally out of my element, but I did not give up. I was denied opportunities and I had the feeling that there was a strong in group preference. AT the same time I also encounter anglos that were fair and decent people that gave all comers a chance. The best way to deal with this barrier is to join them.

    When my daughters were in Catholic schools there were few Hispanic kids. That didn't matter because they had a drive to associate with all kids. They were also in an environment where they share many cultural values with all other kids. Listen to Robert Sapolski.
    Paul, the only twist to your example is that it has nothing to do with the example that I gave you and that it illustrates that you are still having a problem grasping the concepts of speed, velocity, acceleration and distance and the impact of slavery in the present.

    So.....all white people think alike. Got it.
    Velocity is the first derivative of the slope. Acceleration is the 2nd derivative. You have a point, but at some point the slope flattens. I suggest you listen to the dialogues of McWhorter and Loury to uplift your spirits.

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