All things Racist...USA edition (13 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    The latest stats are 2019.

    Bias motivationTotal
    Known offender's race
    WhiteBlack or
    or Other
    Unknown Offender

    Again, whites are 3 times as likely to commit Anti-Asian hate crimes than blacks.

    Not sure where you keep wanting to go with this, but I don't think it is proving what you desperately want it to.
    Yes, I agree, but you do not normalize the figures. No big deal guy.
    Velocity is the first derivative of the slope. Acceleration is the 2nd derivative. You have a point, but at some point the slope flattens. I suggest you listen to the dialogues of McWhorter and Loury to uplift your spirits.
    I don't need to listen to anyone to "uplift my spirits." I know who I am and of what I am capable. I believe my own eyes and my experiences and the experiences of people I know and love. I need not listen to McWhorter or Loury as neither of them speak for me or for all black people.

    Car 1 = Whites
    Car 2 = Blacks
    Constant speed = Equality for everyone
    Car 1 takes off at 50 MPH. Car 2 takes off at 50 MPH 1 hour later.
    both cars continue traveling at a constant speed...that is to say, both are equal at this point.
    Car 2 will never catch Car 1 no matter how long they both travel. Do you understand now?

    My dad couldn't attend LSU because he is black. I attended LSU. That's progress. My dad couldn't sit at the front of the bus. I sat where ever I wanted to on the bus. That's progress. I've never been in any kind of trouble yet I've been called an n-word by a cop. Yet here I am 3 years from retirement, 2 years from my house being paid off and college funds for both my children. That's progress. And yet both of my children are black with my oldest having already experienced racism. I'm glad you wear rose colored glasses. I am a realist and see our society for what it is while maintaining hope for what it should / could be.
    I do not believe 100% of Trump voters are racists. I think they are mostly afraid of losing their cultural heritage.
    How is the cultural heritage of the folks who didn't support trump different from the 45% that did? What is the cultural heritage of the 45% that supported trump? Also, why are they afraid of losing said cultural heritage because their candidate lost an election?

    Oh and I don't believe 100% of Trump voters are racists. However, I do believe that 100% of racists are Trump voters.
    How is the cultural heritage of the folks who didn't support trump different from the 45% that did? What is the cultural heritage of the 45% that supported trump? Also, why are they afraid of losing said cultural heritage because their candidate lost an election?
    This has to do with the basic personality differences between a conservative and a very liberal person. Look up the big five main personality traits. There are two traits that are key: Openness, conscientiousness.

    Quite often openness is associated with agreeableness pen to experience people crave change (progressives), love the exotic and new, enjoy the company of different people, are not afraid to try foreign foods, and are daring.

    Conscientiousness is associated with preserving the old (tradition), keeping what worked in the past, they tend to only like what is familiar to them (they may seem to be xenophobic, afraid of the unknown). They also like order and discipline and never try to eat exotic foreign foods. They are not daring and will not get a tattoo. They are shocked by sudden change.

    This is mostly about personality. To this mix you can add the environment: Growing up in an urban environment or in the country.
    Oh and I don't believe 100% of Trump voters are racists. However, I do believe that 100% of racists are Trump voters.
    That is correct! Racism had been going down and now has been exacerbated by too much emphasis on group identity politics on the left. The latter causes white identity politics or nationalism which is horrendous.

    Let's talk about tribalism. First of all, is that an accurate term for the sorting into opposing camps that's going on today?

    Absolutely, in a very primate kind of way. The easiest symbols that we grab onto in deciding if someone is an "us" or a "them" are visceral ones. Being disgusted by someone's personal behavior—the way 'they' do stuff—is a much easier entree to hating them than disagreeing with their views on the trade deficit.

    Primates are hard-wired for us/them dichotomies. Our brains detect them in less than 100 milliseconds. Our views about things are driven by implicit (unconscious) processes. It's depressing as hell. A hormone like oxytocin makes you nicer to "us" and crappier to "them." What hormones are good at is magnifying things that are already there. That tells you that 'us and them' is a fundamental fault line in our brains.

    That's depressing, but the key thing about us is that we all belong to multiple tribes. Even if we are predisposed into dividing the world into "us" and "them," it's incredibly easy to manipulate us as to who is an "us" and who is a "them" at any given moment.

    True, but there's a lot of research suggesting our various identities are lining up more and more, with liberals and conservatives shopping at different stores, watching different movies and television shows, etc. Isn't that a dangerous trend?

    I agree. The percentage of people who have friends with different political viewpoints is decreasing. The odds of you marrying someone with a different political orientation are also down. I think that reflects the ways in which social media, etc. have made this such a polarizing atmosphere.

    How is the cultural heritage of the folks who didn't support trump different from the 45% that did? What is the cultural heritage of the 45% that supported trump? Also, why are they afraid of losing said cultural heritage because their candidate lost an election?

    Oh and I don't believe 100% of Trump voters are racists. However, I do believe that 100% of racists are Trump voters.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the last sentence, but I wouldn't say 100% of racists are Trump voters. There are more than a few voters who didn't vote for Trump who are racists. Am I missing something? I've met some outright racist Democrat/liberal voters before, so, idk.
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the last sentence, but I wouldn't say 100% of racists are Trump voters. There are more than a few voters who didn't vote for Trump who are racists. Am I missing something? I've met some outright racist Democrat/liberal voters before, so, idk.
    Liberals can be racists, but it is an unconscious unintentional act. The so-called condescending bigotry of low expectations associated with white savior complex. Being an American black in the USA is no picnic.
    This has to do with the basic personality differences between a conservative and a very liberal person. Look up the big five main personality traits. There are two traits that are key: Openness, conscientiousness.

    Quite often openness is associated with agreeableness pen to experience people crave change (progressives), love the exotic and new, enjoy the company of different people, are not afraid to try foreign foods, and are daring.

    Conscientiousness is associated with preserving the old (tradition), keeping what worked in the past, they tend to only like what is familiar to them (they may seem to be xenophobic, afraid of the unknown). They also like order and discipline and never try to eat exotic foreign foods. They are not daring and will not get a tattoo. They are shocked by sudden change.

    This is mostly about personality. To this mix you can add the environment: Growing up in an urban environment or in the country.

    That is correct! Racism had been going down and now has been exacerbated by too much emphasis on group identity politics on the left. The latter causes white identity politics or nationalism which is horrendous.

    Let's talk about tribalism. First of all, is that an accurate term for the sorting into opposing camps that's going on today?

    Absolutely, in a very primate kind of way. The easiest symbols that we grab onto in deciding if someone is an "us" or a "them" are visceral ones. Being disgusted by someone's personal behavior—the way 'they' do stuff—is a much easier entree to hating them than disagreeing with their views on the trade deficit.

    Primates are hard-wired for us/them dichotomies. Our brains detect them in less than 100 milliseconds. Our views about things are driven by implicit (unconscious) processes. It's depressing as hell. A hormone like oxytocin makes you nicer to "us" and crappier to "them." What hormones are good at is magnifying things that are already there. That tells you that 'us and them' is a fundamental fault line in our brains.

    That's depressing, but the key thing about us is that we all belong to multiple tribes. Even if we are predisposed into dividing the world into "us" and "them," it's incredibly easy to manipulate us as to who is an "us" and who is a "them" at any given moment.

    True, but there's a lot of research suggesting our various identities are lining up more and more, with liberals and conservatives shopping at different stores, watching different movies and television shows, etc. Isn't that a dangerous trend?

    I agree. The percentage of people who have friends with different political viewpoints is decreasing. The odds of you marrying someone with a different political orientation are also down. I think that reflects the ways in which social media, etc. have made this such a polarizing atmosphere.

    This is actually an awesome article. Thank you for this.
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the last sentence, but I wouldn't say 100% of racists are Trump voters. There are more than a few voters who didn't vote for Trump who are racists. Am I missing something? I've met some outright racist Democrat/liberal voters before, so, idk.
    It was a play on a phrase that was used by a right-wing republican some time ago in reference to liberals. I've lived in Louisiana pretty much all of my life. I'm well aware that there are racists that consider themselves to be liberal or independent.

    I'm quite surprised that no one here hadn't hear that saying before or recognized the play on that saying.
    Liberals can be racists, but it is an unconscious unintentional act. The so-called condescending bigotry of low expectations associated with white savior complex. Being an American black in the USA is no picnic.
    Liberals and black people can too be racists. I know some who are quick to say that all white people are racists. And when you challenge them and they have to acknowledge that they are no better than the white people who say the same about all black people, they either get mad or come back with "you know what I mean, don't play dumb"
    It was a play on a phrase that was used by a right-wing republican some time ago in reference to liberals. I've lived in Louisiana pretty much all of my life. I'm well aware that there are racists that consider themselves to be liberal or independent.

    I'm quite surprised that no one here hadn't hear that saying before or recognized the play on that saying.
    I've heard it before, but I wasn't sure if that was your intent. It's all good. :9:
    Liberals and black people can too be racists. I know some who are quick to say that all white people are racists. And when you challenge them and they have to acknowledge that they are no better than the white people who say the same about all black people, they either get mad or come back with "you know what I mean, don't play dumb"
    Racism could be eliminated but it would require a massive change in culture and sadly we are actually moving away from this.

    If people are judged 100% as individuals and not as members of a group racism ends. Racism is based on membership to a group and the negative stereotype of the group. If group tendencies are taken out of the picture then each person is unique and judged on his or her character. This is not advocating color blindness, this is mostly considering every person a unique individual.
    Racism could be eliminated but it would require a massive change in culture and sadly we are actually moving away from this.

    If people are judged 100% as individuals and not as members of a group racism ends. Racism is based on membership to a group and the negative stereotype of the group. If group tendencies are taken out of the picture then each person is unique and judged on his or her character. This is not advocating color blindness, this is mostly considering every person a unique individual.
    Then you will not be able to have membership in a victim group. Being in a victim group assures who you vote for. The politicians love identify politics, it creates power. Sadly, a lot of people are dumb enough to fall for it and there by make racism more common and with no apology
    It is a colonial inheritance. The colonized kept some of the old traditions and this is not surprising.
    The work to live mindset rather than the live to work of other nations.
    A touch of the Ugly American when abroad.
    Baseball, apple pie, hot dogs.
    Not as warm as us from Latin America.
    Small town community
    Work ethic

    I would say it is based on Western values and is very much like Canadian or Australian culture. This is not surprising as 90% of the population in 1920 was of European origin. Today that number has gone down to 60% and we see a marked African and Hispanic influence in music, art, language, sports, celebrities, media, etc. However, this segment of the cultural is under the umbrella of the greater Western culture. Sadly, no one pays much attention to the Native Americans because they are a tiny number and live apart. Asian Americans are nowhere to be seen culturally as they americanize and intermarry. They climb the economic ladder with ease, but they are not that interested in the spread of Asian culture. Perhaps because there are so many different ones.

    I sort of see work to live and work ethic as somewhat contrarian. In any event, there are other culture (Japanese come to mind) that have greater work ethics than what is seen in the United States. The other stuff seems more cliched (albeit true). Does baseball, apple pie, and hot dogs say anything culturally?

    I also disagree that small town community (and farming?) apply to the majority of Americans these days. Probably around 30-35% or so? I don't have the urban/rural numbers handy but without evidence I'd only concede to 50% at most.

    This is why I say you can't really define America 'culturally.' There are predominantly two Americas now given the culture wars. Within that, though, you'd fine many subsets. To that extent I disagree that America has any uniform culture given its demographics compared to other nations -- even Western nations.
    Then you will not be able to have membership in a victim group. Being in a victim group assures who you vote for. The politicians love identify politics, it creates power. Sadly, a lot of people are dumb enough to fall for it and there by make racism more common and with no apology
    The other side of the coin are those who play the religious victim card. And the GOP panders to that as well as the Democrats do to the race card.
    I sort of see work to live and work ethic as somewhat contrarian. In any event, there are other culture (Japanese come to mind) that have greater work ethics than what is seen in the United States. The other stuff seems more cliched (albeit true). Does baseball, apple pie, and hot dogs say anything culturally?

    I also disagree that small town community (and farming?) apply to the majority of Americans these days. Probably around 30-35% or so? I don't have the urban/rural numbers handy but without evidence I'd only concede to 50% at most.

    This is why I say you can't really define America 'culturally.' There are predominantly two Americas now given the culture wars. Within that, though, you'd fine many subsets. To that extent I disagree that America has any uniform culture given its demographics compared to other nations -- even Western nations.
    Cultures developed in geographic isolation. Now that geographic isolation does not exist cultures will disappear. The Japanese are aware of this and to a lesser extent the French. In France they avoid group identity politics. The French want al people to be French and nothing else. The Japanese do it differently by avoiding immigration.
    Then you will not be able to have membership in a victim group. Being in a victim group assures who you vote for. The politicians love identify politics, it creates power. Sadly, a lot of people are dumb enough to fall for it and there by make racism more common and with no apology
    I agree! The ticket for more Democrats in office is more disenfranchised people.
    The other side of the coin are those who play the religious victim card. And the GOP panders to that as well as the Democrats do to the race card.
    The religious play victimhood to a much lesser extent than other groups, but they do it, no question. Victimhood groups usually end in civil war.
    The religious play victimhood to a much lesser extent than other groups, but they do it, no question. Victimhood groups usually end in civil war.
    We can agree to disagree on the 'much lesser extent' part. It's the primary driving force of the conservative right in this country over the last couple of decades. If not religion explicitly then morals/cultural identity that stems from religion. Or, at least, political leanings that are justified/pawned off as religious convictions.

    These are the evangelicals, the 'own the libs' crowd, etc. It's the programming blueprint for Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, etc. They are the other half of this country's culture war.

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