Immigration is completely out of control (1 Viewer)

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    Uh yu ka t'ann
    May 17, 2019
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    A couple of days ago, one of the main US-MX border points of entry was blocked by 1000's of migrants demanding entry into the country, which caused chaos for those who lawfully cross the border on business, for work, or for delivery of goods, both ways.

    Lawful border crossings are getting progressively worse across the border, and drug cartels are finding it easier to move product, as the CBP has to transfer personnel and efforts to the processing of migrants.

    It's not different on MX's South border. Yesterday, ~5000 migrants stormed into Chiapas all the way to the INM building (INM is immigration) running over fences, barricades, and elements of the National Guard. They are now taking over an ecological park in Tapachula, Chiapas, which it's going to be severely affected, as it's been the case with just about everywhere migrants squat.

    Unfortunately, Juan Trump (that's Donald Trump's pet name for the President of México) was bamboozled by his "friend" Donald into making MX a "lobby" for migrants trying to reach the U.S.

    Many people would argue that migrants are "good for the economy", but that is not always the case. Billions of dollars leave the U.S. economy every year, because migrants send money from the U.S. to other countries to support families there. The biggest destinations are India and MX, to the tune of 100 billion dollars in 2023 alone, according to the Bank of México (kind of like the MX version of the Fed). These billions of dollars do not circulate in the U.S. economy.

    Speaking of inflation, the past year, the U.S. dollar has lost ~20% of its value against the MX peso. One of the main reasons for it, is the amount of money being sent to MX from the U.S. And MX is the U.S. 2nd largest trading partner.

    Gregg Abbott is a lot of things, but I don't blame him for his attempts at curbing the hordes of people demanding entry into the U.S., even the busing of migrants to other States, making some put their money where their mouth is, like the Mayor of NYC, who was so welcoming of migrants, until he he got a taste, then went crying to the federal government for more money, while the shelters were at full capacity; shelters which BTW serve the NYC poor as well.

    And please, no one mention a wall. There is a wall. A wall can be climbed; a wall can be dug under.; holes can be punched through walls.
    So we should only believe the women that had jury's confirm their claims?
    Well, it certainly lends a certain credence doesn’t it? Nine citizens listened to the evidence, which was presented in a court of law and had to meet standards, and decided she was telling the truth.

    I didn’t dismiss Reade out of hand, but there wasn’t any contemporary corroborating evidence. Carroll had that. Carroll also had physical evidence that Trump successfully fought against them using.

    Reade’s story also had some very big inconsistencies, according to people who worked with her and other people who knew the area and the customs of that time. It simply couldn’t have happened the way she said it did in the place she said it did.

    But you keep defending Trump over this. You do you. I couldn’t do it.
    That Senate Border deal is a joke. They would let 5,000 people in every day before they would do anything.
    How many people are seeking asylum per day right now? You do realize that we allow people to seek asylum, right? These aren’t illegal migrants.

    Right now, Biden cannot close the border for any reason, but this bill gives him the authority to pause migration until the system isn’t overwhelmed again.

    It has a lot of good ideas that would help. Opposing it means you don’t want to help at all.
    I'm not supporting Biden.
    I guess you missed How trump had at least 6 underage sex traffickers in various positions whole like office. Yes they all were caught. He also supported others. he also has two rape allegations he paid off one underage. let's not forget him bragging about walking in the miss teen dressing room. How is it possible for one person to be around that may pedos?
    In one post you acknowledge that there is a serious gang problem in Central America, while in other posts saying there is nothing in Central America for people to flee from or seek asylum from. Rampant gang terrorism is a valid reason to flee from and seek asylum from.

    See? No. Gang problems are everywhere. Even the U.S. has serious gang problems... but there isn't "rampant gang terrorism", targeting poor people.
    First off, you literally erase everything I said in my post by quoting me like this in your response to me. How Trumpian of you.
    Child, please.
    Do you have direct experience with tens of thousands of the more than 2.2 million people traveling through Mexico to the US? If you don't, then you don't have sufficient experience to be so cocksure about the things you are so cocksure about regarding the more than 2.2 million people traveling through Mexico to the US.

    And you do, right?

    Everyone thinks their news sources of choice are giving them a comprehensive and unbiased view, so there's that.
    My news sources are not like the news sources you are accustomed to... there's no Fox equivalent or MSNBC equivalent in MX. I only know one national news source that one can say it is biased, but they mostly kiss presidential butt. That's not to say that there aren't opinion shows that show some sort of bias, but in general, news media give you news without opinion.

    What's the total number of kids you have seen crying across all of the reports you have seen?
    I've seen crying kids, sick kids, abandoned kids, dead kids, signs looking for kids who disappeared...

    Whats the total number of kids that you have heard reports of them disappearing, dying or being sex trafficked?
    Can't tell you an exact number. And I can only speak for what's reported in MX.

    What's the percentage of 1000's divided by more than 2.2 million?
    No one told me there was going to be mathz.

    You've made it clear, for quite some time now, that you are angry about the more than 2.2 million people traveling through Mexico to get to the US. I understand your anger, but I think it's misplaced.

    You seem most angry at the people traveling through Mexico and US immigration policy.

    I think being angry at the people traveling through Mexico and the multitude of parents you allege are callously sending their children through Mexico alone is misplaced. You detail how treacherous and perilous the journey is, yet you never seem to stop and think it through. Why would millions of people expose themselves or their children to so much possible pain and suffering? Is it something you do just on a whim or for kicks? Is it something someone would do in pursuit of greed? For nearly every human being on the planet, the only reason you take that kind of risk is because your current situation is even worse and more desperate.
    There are many reasons why people make the trek and why parents will send their children alone... what people are trying to escape is poverty, and the only skills they have pay a lot more in the U.S. There are also parents who see the caravans as a way to get rid of their kids, teenagers/men/women who got in trouble with the law or gangs... some who have bought into the "American dream" propaganda... they are definitely not escaping Syria or Gaza.

    Middle class people, outside of the financial aspect, live in the same conditions., they are not tagging along the caravans by the 1000's... although, some are known to travel via plane to the MX-U.S. border, then join the groups trying to get across.

    And they don't go South....places like Costa Rica, Panama.. even Belize (which would be North)... nope, they want to make it all the way to the U.S.... like there's no violence and gangs in the barrios and the projects in the U.S., or police abuse... or system racism (which isn't as serious in a place that's overwhelmingly mestizo)... like healthcare is nationalized in the U.S...

    This one became popular some time ago, Lady Frijoles. She has not been the only one, but for whatever reason her video became viral. She complained that the food she was given was "food for pigs". The food she was given? Staples of the MX diet, beans and tortillas. Not only offensive to Mexicans, but if you think tortillas and beans are food for pigs, you are not poor.

    Karma is a birch, because she made it to the U.S. and then promptly got arrested for assault and battery in Texas, sentenced to 4 years in prison, then back to C.A. she goes.

    Nearly all of those more than 2.2 million people are trying to escape a terrible and desperate situation. Your denials of that fact are unsubstantiated allegations, irrational, disrespectful and cold-hearted, to be frank.
    Is that a fact? I have posted links to reports with videos and pictures... or do you think I made those up, or that the MX media is lying? Would you like me to post more of them?

    I think being angry at US immigration policy is misplaced. Mexico is responsible for who travels through their country. No one else is. What you describe above is more a failing on Mexico's part than it is on the US's part, unless there's a treaty I don't know about that makes Mexico subservient to the US in regards to Mexico's immigration policies.
    I am a citizen of both countries. I may spend most of the year in MX now, but I still have interests in the U.S.

    Why does Mexico allow all of those people to travel through their country and do all the harm to Mexico that you say they are doing?
    Because Juan Trump (that's what Donald Trump calls the MX president, and indeed he's been the leftist version of Trump) lacks balls to stop it, and he got bamboozled into the whole 3rd safe country thing.

    I'm not the one who blah blah blah's someone's entire post, ignores inconvenient facts and is on a high horsie. So we end up were we started at; physician, heal thyself
    Uh huh.
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    The gang problems that have today are absolutely the result of that.

    MS-13 formed in the US. We sent those people to three different countries. instantly you had a transnational gang that had strong connections in the US.

    That isn't something that has existed before.

    I don't care what you think. I've worked in this field for over 20 years had have interviewed over 15,000 immigrants from almost every country on the planet.

    You are someone who is so confident that you know what is going on, but you have a very narrow experience that is also tainted by prejudice.

    Condescend all you want, i do not care.
    Yeah, MS-13, the first gang ever in El Salvador. There were no gangs prior anywhere in Central America.

    I am sure you have interviewed a lot of people. And I am sure they told you similar stories. Probably the same type of stories heard from the Marielitas.. and look what happened to Florida.

    I moved to Winston Salem in 2004. Great place to raise a family at the time. When I left it in 2021, it was a very different place... we have a friend who is with the WSPD, and she would tell us about the rise of gang violence, the shootings, home invasions (especially in my neighborhood, an affluent neighborhood). Must be all of those affluent whites who lived there for generations who went purge.
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    Yeah, MS-13, the first gang ever in El Salvador. There were no gangs prior anywhere in Central America.

    I am sure you have interviewed a lot of people. And I am sure they told you similar stories. Probably the same type of stories heard from the Marielitas.. and look what happened to Florida.

    I moved to Winston Salem in 2004. Great place to raise a family at the time. When I left it in 2021, it was a very different place... we have a friend who is with the WSPD, and she would tell us about the rise of gang violence, the shootings, home invasions (especially in my neighborhood, an affluent neighborhood). Must be all of those affluent whites who lived there for generations who went purge.

    Sure buddy.

    You know everything.
    Do you accept Tara Reade's accusation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her?

    I'm not a Joe Biden supporter.

    I won't be voting for him because he supports ethnic cleansing.

    So, can you answer the question about someone who you support?
    That bill is a joke. It would let in 5,000 migrants daily before they stopped them from coming in.
    You're wrong. It is not a joke. The joke would be to completely shut down asylum. The problem is that the claims can't be adjudicated fast enough, so the system is overwhelmed. The bill allows asylum to continue, because asylum in and of itself is not the problem. The problem is that asylum is being overused, so it is overwhelming the system. The point of the 5000 limit is to set a number of claims that judges may be able to handle, but to create a point at which brakes can be put on. The bill also proposed process adjustments to reduce the timeline to 6 months for many of the claims, and I don't know how many can be adjudicated with the process adjustments, but if they think they can handle up to 5000, then I believe that is worth trying. Remember, once it reaches 5000, the border will be shut down for some period of time to allow the judges to catch up, so for some period no one would cross. I'm sure that if they realize that 5000 is too much, they can keep the border closed long enough to catch up. Some are disingenuously claiming that we allow in 5000x365, because some days the number will be 0 people, and this may go on for a long time, so that is nonsense.

    The fact is immigration is being weaponized by the right. Immigrants have saved the U.S. and resulted in vast prosperity. We need immigration, but we just need to get it under control. The vast majority of the asylum claims are denied and deported, except for the few that will legitimately persecuted, and probably die if they are returned, so just because they've presented, it doesn't mean they are staying in the U.S. permanently.
    You would think all these Trump supporters would stop at some point and ask themselves why they are making excuses for a rapist, a fraud, a petty tyrant, a person who acts like a spoiled toddler, an accused criminal. It would give me pause that’s for sure.
    I think there are 2 major Trump supporters. There are the economic based supporters and the racist based supporters.

    The economy-based supporters frequently say that they think we were better off under Trump. They don't realize he was handed an economy by Obama that was surging, while he handed Biden a train wreck, just like Bush handed Obama a train wreck. All he had to do was not screw it up. It is a common theme. They also don't realize that a lot of those de-regulations are dangerous and damaging, but they produce short term stimuli. They are short-sighted and don't understand the lags in how legislation affects the economy. Unfortunately, they are too stupid to see how Trump's approach will ultimately make us much worse off.

    The racist-based voters don't understand the benefits of working with allies, which leads to prosperity, rather than cozying up to authoritarians. They don't understand the many benefits that immigrants have brought to them. They're too stupid to appreciate that he could destroy our democracy, and then they won't have any choices, but they think he'll do what they always wanted to do, like reverse socially engineer our society to assure that poor heterosexual white people rule, and all others will be suppressed.
    Apparently reading comprehension isn't taught in Portland. The jury rejected her rape claim.

    You do support Biden who was accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade.
    No jury has convicted Biden of sexual assault. The jury did convict Trump of sexual assault. You haven't answered the question about whether you support someone who has sexually assaulted a woman? Not to mention, Trump has been accused of sexually assault by at least 18 women, but most haven't taken him to court.

    No jury has convicted Biden of sexual assault. The jury did convict Trump of sexual assault. You haven't answered the question about whether you support someone who has sexually assaulted a woman? Not to mention, Trump has been accused of sexually assault by at least 18 women, but most haven't taken him to court.

    Biden was accused of sexual assault. Are trials required for a woman to credibly accuse someone of sexual assault? Aren't you supporting Biden?

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