Does Trump ever do any jail time? (1 Viewer)

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    Optimus Prime

    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
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    Washington DC Metro
    Everything I've seen and heard says that the split second Donald Trump is no longer president there will be flood of charges waiting for him

    And if he resigns and Pence pardons him there are a ton of state charges as an understudy waiting in the wings if the fed charges can't perform

    What do you think the likelihood of there being a jail sentence?

    In every movie and TV show I've ever seen, in every political thriller I've ever read about a criminal and corrupt president there is ALWAYS some version of;

    "We can't do that to the country",

    "A trial would tear the country apart",

    "For the nation to heal we need to move on" etc.

    Would life imitate art?

    Even with the charges, even with the proof the charges are true will the powers that be decide, "we can't do that to the country"?
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    Trump MUST go to jail for the crimes he's committed. Much more info will come out if Biden is elected president and I don't think, as I've indicated before, that Biden or democratic supporters will let this one slide the way that Ford pardoned Nixon. For the good of the country, this will be one instance that demands that the system shows that NO ONE is above the law. Otherwise, it completely opens the door to even more corruption than it already has.

    Trump may try to pardon himself or resign and have Pence pardon him. However, the state of New York will not forget. The Trump family has been cheating New York for generations and I think the state will be looking for some payback. And I don't think it will be limited to just trump.
    I think that there is a realistic chance that Biden issues a pardon for any crimes committed while he was president.

    Now, as for crimes committed by his businesses and campaign, I think those are fair game.
    BobE, is that a serious question? How can anyone get to this point and not realize that Trump has been a criminal his whole life? Sure, it’s white collar crime, and he’s been skating so far, but most of that has been because he has not been a big enough fish, IMO, he’s not all that wealthy and he’s been a bit of a ridiculous figure. He’s kinda outed himself by becoming president, put himself under a microscope, so to speak.

    Bank fraud, tax fraud, insurance fraud
    Money laundering for the Russian mob
    maybe some sort of racketeering charge, idk. 🤷‍♀️
    He is a one term president. I think it’s only reasonable and he has already said it.
    He will stand trial. New York will make sure if that. I just don't think he will do time. When the sentence comes down it will be probation.

    No way in hell does Biden pardon that man that went after his family. No way.
    If there are laws broken, nail him, but I have a feeling there are no crimes, at least nothing anymore severe than any other crappy politicians.

    Do we have actual proof, or that too only a matter of time l like the 2 big investigations? No need to answer. Everyone knows the answer.
    At the risk of posting links, just read these.

    Also, see Michael Cohen’s sworn testimony about bank and insurance fraud. I think he has been doing this from the beginning of his career. And no, this isnt the same as ”any other crappy politician”, IMO.
    If there are laws broken, nail him, but I have a feeling there are no crimes, at least nothing anymore severe than any other crappy politicians.

    Do we have actual proof, or that too only a matter of time l like the 2 big investigations? No need to answer. Everyone knows the answer.
    His counsel was incarcerated now on house arrest for stuff he was told to do.

    If he is guilty then trump also is guilty.

    Now is he ever gonna do time I don't think so but he is just as guilty as Michael.

    The other thing is his taxes are gonna eventually make it to new York state. He lost that fight today.

    I am more than sure they can find all kinds of stuff to charge him with in his taxes or he would have not fought all the way to the supreme Court to hide them.

    But no I don't think he will ever do time but I think he will be found guilty on plenty to in 2021.
    If there are laws broken, nail him, but I have a feeling there are no crimes, at least nothing anymore severe than any other crappy politicians.

    Do we have actual proof, or that too only a matter of time l like the 2 big investigations? No need to answer. Everyone knows the answer.
    Trump has already been named an unindicted co-conspirator in Cohen's case so there has been crimes. John Edwards faced 30 years for a similar incident involving his mistress. If Cy Vance finds that trump lied on his taxes as well as loan documentation as Cohen says he has, that's real fraud and real jail on a state level.
    At the risk of posting links, just read these.

    Also, see Michael Cohen’s sworn testimony about bank and insurance fraud. I think he has been doing this from the beginning of his career. And no, this isnt the same as ”any other crappy politician”, IMO.

    New York is going to hang him.

    He's been bullying, lying, cheating and stealing for decades, but until he ran for office and used the platform of his candidacy as a cudgel to hammer his former home, they tolerated his sorry, faux-gold, nouveaux riche antics. He was another loudmouthed New Yorker that filled in the stage. The real old money have always detested him. The big new money despises him and now that he's laid waste to any loyalty or local compassion via his covid response, he's going to die by the sword in Manhattan while they laugh at the liar from Queens.
    I think that there is a realistic chance that Biden issues a pardon for any crimes committed while he was president.

    Now, as for crimes committed by his businesses and campaign, I think those are fair game.
    i can see the short term sense in letting SDNY bury trump with deutsches bank, et al
    especially since ALL political capital will be spent fixing everything trump broke
    we are still dealing with the fallout of not purging Nixonians from government
    trump dying in prison doesn't keep Steve Miller or Bannon or manafort or even hannity et al from resurfacing in 20 years with repackaged putrescence

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