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Why do LGBTQ want to worship the Abrahamic god? (1 Viewer)

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    Uh yu ka t'ann
    May 17, 2019
    Reaction score
    I ran across a TEDx video by a writer named Blair Imani who claims to be an historian, and professes to be Muslim and queer. Then I looked it up, and found some other videos of talks of Muslims who identify as queer. As per lgbtqnation, the most accurate definition of queer is “a person whose sexual orientation or gender identity falls outside the heterosexual mainstream or the gender binary” , and acknowledge that "as such, all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people fit this queer definition because their sexual orientation and/or gender identity falls outside of different-sex attraction and the traditional male-female binary."

    Or, in Islamic words, haram, punishable by death. Which is the same punishment in the Old Testament. Which the New Testament doesn't correct, and still calls homosexuality and abomination (no matter how much apologists want to cry "mistranslated!") punishable in the eternal pit of fire.

    So why worship a god who decrees you to be an abomination, and who will punish you for the way he allegedly created you?
    the word inerrant, meaning you can disagree to agree

    Your Original question was?

    Why is it called the haram?
    haram. Faiyad: Haram means "sacred precinct" and denotes a protected zone or a holy place of worship. It comes from the same Arabic root of the word “forbidden”, showing that al-haram is a place where certain actions and behaviors are not allowed.

    Haram means you can say? “forbidden” fruits
    The religious term haram, based on the Quran, is applied to Actions, such as cursing, fornication, murder, and disrespecting your parent
    An Arabic term meaning forbidden or unlawful. In the case of Islamic finance, Muslims cannot invest in, acquire, or otherwise engage in transactions that involve forbidden products and activities such as pork-related products, alcohol, gambling, and pornography. The opposite of haram is halal.
    What is punishable Zina?
    26 Thus, the punishment for Zina according to the Qur'an (chapter 24) is 100 hundred lashes for the unmarried male and female who commit fornication, together with the punishment prescribed by the Sunnah for the married male and female, i.e., stoning to death.
    Sharia Law

    Blair Iman

    Your question is?

    He as in God?

    allegedly created a person?

    worship a god who decrees you to be an abomination?

    worship a god who decrees
    a person to be an abomination!

    The main word is "mistranslated!
    " an incorrect translation

    Synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for mistranslated
    misinterpret, distort, falsify, mistake, misunderstand, misquote, amended, and transliterate.

    What was mistranslated in the Bible?
    The most famous example of how a theological agenda can distort a translation is the verse in Isaiah (7:14), “And behold a virgin shall conceive and give birth to a son …” This mistranslation provides a clear prediction of the virgin birth in the Hebrew Bible and is thus a powerful truth for Christians that Jesus'

    Just Getting Started


    So again you failed to answer the question. Inerrant by definition: in capable of being wrong.

    Wrong in what manner? Well, let us start with the definition of “day”. Days are determined through time and cultural change to start at midnight. Ancient Hebrew days run from sundown to sundown. But more on this later.

    Let us move onto Genesis and the flood story. We are told that Noah was told by God to take a pair of all animals, one male and one female, onto the Ark. Yet moving along in the story he is told to take 7 pairs of clean animals. Nowhere in Genesis are the dietary laws mentioned. Did God leave out the dietary laws? Did whoever wrote Genesis forget to put in the dietary laws? They would have been critical to determining which 7 pairs of animals of animals to take.

    We move onto Exodus. The story goes that Israel was taken captive. Yet looking at the timeline the land of Israel and Judah were under Egyptian rule during that time. Did the Israelites leave Egypt or did Egypt leave the Israelites?

    You brought up the mistranslation of the word for “virgin” in Isaiah. This results in the authors/collaters of Luke and Matthew creating/gathering a story out of whole cloth. A young girl giving birth is not something miraculous. Of course, other cultures featured miraculous birth stories.

    There is discussion as to how ancient Jews viewed afterlife including that there was not an afterlife. Some rabbis will say an afterlife was definitively part of Judaic theology. Others disagree.

    So we move along to the synoptic gospels. Mark is said to be the oldest. Iirc, we have Yeshua asking why is he being called “good” when only god is good. We also have him quoted crying in agony: Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani? My God, My God, why have you abandoned me? We also note that the epilogue was added after the fact. The Gospel ends with an empty tomb, period.

    There is also the problem with the alleged genealogy of Matthew and Luke. They do not agree In the number of generations. A minor thing perhaps but then again if the goal of the authors was to directly connect Yeshua to God by including some evidence beyond the claims of virgin birth then the problem becomes more interesting.

    We also note that the laws, ALL of the 613 (iirc) laws, were intended to produce or promote holy living by the Hebrews. There is nothing that I can tell about “fulfillment“ of the law. Yet in the Gospel we read that Yeshua claimed to be fulfilling the law. God wrote the law. What was there to fulfill? We also see in writings attributed to Paul that we are freed from the law. Yet in James we are told that being guilty of violation of one law means violating the entire law.

    Regarding the crucifixation there are several problems. The first is the so-called blood libel. The “entire” nation said “his blood be on our heads and on our childrens‘ heads”? The entire nation would not have been there as they would have been uncontrollable by the Romans. We also know from history that Pilate was a cruel governor. The charge against Yeshua was that he was engaged in seditious behavior against Rome. Pilate is portrayed as a wishy-washy man afraid to condemn Yeshua. He was not so. Other problems include the alleged trial by the Sanhedrin with Caiaphas and Annas. Passover was a critical holy day. The duties of the high priest especial on the Day of Preparation and the Sabbath would have precluded such things.

    Then we have the death. Yeshua goes from crying in agony in Mark to having an almost pleasant appearing conversation with John in John’s account.

    While it is certainly understandable that the Jews would create theomythology for their own use, it becomes more intriguing that Christianity had no scripture beyond that which they combed through to claim prophesy regarding Yeshua. The choice of what became scripture was handled at the Council of Nicaea which was organized by Constantine. So for almost 300 years various word of mouth stories were passed around, written down, altered, created out of theological necessity to build a religion that had to be different from Judaism. At the same time it had to claim that it was the furtherance, for lack of a better term, of Judaism. In essence, it had to ”correct” Judaism. The same must be said of Islam which claims Judaism and Christianity both got it wrong.

    As for your comments regarding Islam, haram and halal, they are not germane.

    So, if we have a multitude of contradiction, errors, confusion and claimed history then what do we have? Well, we have small but critical things. I point to James and his “show me your faith without works and I will show you the faith behind my works.” This is passed over by theology depending upon what sect/denomination as being fruits of the spirit when Yeshua specifically said that you must do the things he spoke of including feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty etc. The two so-called Great Commandments, depending upon the translation which leads to automatic theological tinkering are, as the KJV notes, connected as follows: “…the Second is like it (like the first)”. This means that the dermonstration of loving god with all you heart, soul, mind and strength is “like“ loving your neighbor as yourself. The first and the second are like each other. That part, loving your neighbor as yourself, by the way, was not new. The Golden Rule appears in negative form in the OT.

    Finally regarding days. The Passover started on what we call Friday at sundown. Yet we “celebrate” Good Friday as occurring during the day prior to Passover, the Day of Preparation. Furthermore, Yeshua said he wanted to eat the Passover meal with his disciples. He would have eaten it not only in the prescribed manner but also during the prescribed time. This makes Resurrection occurring not on what we call Sunday because in no manner is that three days later. If the death occurred on the day of preparation (actually Friday in our time) at 3:00pm then sundown to sundown would be one day (now Saturday afternoon) and then sundown again (Sunday evening) meaning the Resurrection occurred sometime on what we call Monday. If it actually occurred during Passover then the resurrection would have occurred on what we call Tuesday. Now, is this an actual problem? That depends. Dogma states that it occurred on Sunday. So must dogma be ignored? Well, every Christian denomination that I have either been in or heard about claims Sunday. This, imo, is the theological attempt to try and mesh the alleged statement that “the temple would be ‘rebuilt in 3 days’”. Unfortunately, the math doesn’t work. Furthermore, the Church wished to ”claim” the Passover story for itself so they had to make the Passover story “work” even though it really doesn’t and it also allowed the Church to decide when the sabbath was even though that was spelled out in Genesis.

    So. Here again are the questions. Which things are true and which are not? some theologians use the dodge of “inspired by God”. What does that mean? When things are in opposition or contradiction what is “inspired” and what is not? Finally, is the Bible inerrant, without error? We see it is no. Do we sift through and pick and choose what we deem truth and what we deem false or is there something else at work? And, if so, what is it and where does it fit?

    So again you failed to answer the question. Inerrant by definition: in capable of being wrong.

    Wrong in what manner? Well, let us start with the definition of “day”. Days are determined through time and cultural change to start at midnight. Ancient Hebrew days run from sundown to sundown. But more on this later.

    Let us move onto Genesis and the flood story. We are told that Noah was told by God to take a pair of all animals, one male and one female, onto the Ark. Yet moving along in the story he is told to take 7 pairs of clean animals. Nowhere in Genesis are the dietary laws mentioned. Did God leave out the dietary laws? Did whoever wrote Genesis forget to put in the dietary laws? They would have been critical to determining which 7 pairs of animals of animals to take.

    We move onto Exodus. The story goes that Israel was taken captive. Yet looking at the timeline the land of Israel and Judah were under Egyptian rule during that time. Did the Israelites leave Egypt or did Egypt leave the Israelites?

    You brought up the mistranslation of the word for “virgin” in Isaiah. This results in the authors/collaters of Luke and Matthew creating/gathering a story out of whole cloth. A young girl giving birth is not something miraculous. Of course, other cultures featured miraculous birth stories.

    There is discussion as to how ancient Jews viewed afterlife including that there was not an afterlife. Some rabbis will say an afterlife was definitively part of Judaic theology. Others disagree.

    So we move along to the synoptic gospels. Mark is said to be the oldest. Iirc, we have Yeshua asking why is he being called “good” when only god is good. We also have him quoted crying in agony: Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani? My God, My God, why have you abandoned me? We also note that the epilogue was added after the fact. The Gospel ends with an empty tomb, period.

    There is also the problem with the alleged genealogy of Matthew and Luke. They do not agree In the number of generations. A minor thing perhaps but then again if the goal of the authors was to directly connect Yeshua to God by including some evidence beyond the claims of virgin birth then the problem becomes more interesting.

    We also note that the laws, ALL of the 613 (iirc) laws, were intended to produce or promote holy living by the Hebrews. There is nothing that I can tell about “fulfillment“ of the law. Yet in the Gospel we read that Yeshua claimed to be fulfilling the law. God wrote the law. What was there to fulfill? We also see in writings attributed to Paul that we are freed from the law. Yet in James we are told that being guilty of violation of one law means violating the entire law.

    Regarding the crucifixation there are several problems. The first is the so-called blood libel. The “entire” nation said “his blood be on our heads and on our childrens‘ heads”? The entire nation would not have been there as they would have been uncontrollable by the Romans. We also know from history that Pilate was a cruel governor. The charge against Yeshua was that he was engaged in seditious behavior against Rome. Pilate is portrayed as a wishy-washy man afraid to condemn Yeshua. He was not so. Other problems include the alleged trial by the Sanhedrin with Caiaphas and Annas. Passover was a critical holy day. The duties of the high priest especial on the Day of Preparation and the Sabbath would have precluded such things.

    Then we have the death. Yeshua goes from crying in agony in Mark to having an almost pleasant appearing conversation with John in John’s account.

    While it is certainly understandable that the Jews would create theomythology for their own use, it becomes more intriguing that Christianity had no scripture beyond that which they combed through to claim prophesy regarding Yeshua. The choice of what became scripture was handled at the Council of Nicaea which was organized by Constantine. So for almost 300 years various word of mouth stories were passed around, written down, altered, created out of theological necessity to build a religion that had to be different from Judaism. At the same time it had to claim that it was the furtherance, for lack of a better term, of Judaism. In essence, it had to ”correct” Judaism. The same must be said of Islam which claims Judaism and Christianity both got it wrong.

    As for your comments regarding Islam, haram and halal, they are not germane.

    So, if we have a multitude of contradiction, errors, confusion and claimed history then what do we have? Well, we have small but critical things. I point to James and his “show me your faith without works and I will show you the faith behind my works.” This is passed over by theology depending upon what sect/denomination as being fruits of the spirit when Yeshua specifically said that you must do the things he spoke of including feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty etc. The two so-called Great Commandments, depending upon the translation which leads to automatic theological tinkering are, as the KJV notes, connected as follows: “…the Second is like it (like the first)”. This means that the dermonstration of loving god with all you heart, soul, mind and strength is “like“ loving your neighbor as yourself. The first and the second are like each other. That part, loving your neighbor as yourself, by the way, was not new. The Golden Rule appears in negative form in the OT.

    Finally regarding days. The Passover started on what we call Friday at sundown. Yet we “celebrate” Good Friday as occurring during the day prior to Passover, the Day of Preparation. Furthermore, Yeshua said he wanted to eat the Passover meal with his disciples. He would have eaten it not only in the prescribed manner but also during the prescribed time. This makes Resurrection occurring not on what we call Sunday because in no manner is that three days later. If the death occurred on the day of preparation (actually Friday in our time) at 3:00pm then sundown to sundown would be one day (now Saturday afternoon) and then sundown again (Sunday evening) meaning the Resurrection occurred sometime on what we call Monday. If it actually occurred during Passover then the resurrection would have occurred on what we call Tuesday. Now, is this an actual problem? That depends. Dogma states that it occurred on Sunday. So must dogma be ignored? Well, every Christian denomination that I have either been in or heard about claims Sunday. This, imo, is the theological attempt to try and mesh the alleged statement that “the temple would be ‘rebuilt in 3 days’”. Unfortunately, the math doesn’t work. Furthermore, the Church wished to ”claim” the Passover story for itself so they had to make the Passover story “work” even though it really doesn’t and it also allowed the Church to decide when the sabbath was even though that was spelled out in Genesis.

    So. Here again are the questions. Which things are true and which are not? some theologians use the dodge of “inspired by God”. What does that mean? When things are in opposition or contradiction what is “inspired” and what is not? Finally, is the Bible inerrant, without error? We see it is no. Do we sift through and pick and choose what we deem truth and what we deem false or is there something else at work? And, if so, what is it and where does it fit?
    no failure you keep changing the subject

    Your Original question was?
    I ran across a TEDx video by a writer named Blair Imani who claims to be an historian, and professes to be Muslim and queer. Then I looked it up, and found some other videos of talks of Muslims who identify as queer. As per lgbtqnation, the most accurate definition of queer is “a person whose sexual orientation or gender identity falls outside the heterosexual mainstream or the gender binary” , and acknowledge that "as such, all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people fit this queer definition because their sexual orientation and/or gender identity falls outside of different-sex attraction and the traditional male-female binary."

    Or, in Islamic words, haram, punishable by death. Which is the same punishment in the Old Testament. Which the New Testament doesn't correct, and still calls homosexuality and abomination (no matter how much apologists want to cry "mistranslated!") punishable in the eternal pit of fire.

    So why worship a god who decrees you to be an abomination, and who will punish you for the way he allegedly created you?
    you are a false witness end of sorry
    Exodus 20:16 (NKJV) "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

    giphy (39).gif
    you are a false witness end of sorry
    Exodus 20:16 (NKJV) "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

    giphy (39).gif
    Assertion with no evidence.

    Let’s try again.

    Is the Bible inerrant?
    the Lord's response to LGBT Community

    We read in Psalms 127:3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

    Lev 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

    Lev 18:22 (NLT) “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman.
    It is a detestable sin.

    We read in Matt 19:4-6 And He answered and said to them, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?
    So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

    Revelation 18:4 (NKJV) And I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.

    Jeremiah 42:10-13 (NKJV) If you will still remain in this land, then I will build you and not pull you down, and I will plant you and not pluck you up. For I relent concerning the disaster that I have brought upon you.
    Do not be afraid of the king of Babylon, of whom you are afraid; do not be afraid of him,' says the LORD, 'for I am with you, to save you and deliver you from his hand.
    And I will show you mercy, that he may have mercy on you and cause you to return to your own land.'
    "But if you say, 'We will not dwell in this land,' disobeying the voice of the LORD your God,

    Jeremiah 15:6 (NKJV) You have forsaken Me," says the LORD, "You have gone backward. Therefore I will stretch out My hand against you and destroy you; I am weary of relenting!
    Let's look implications of LGBT, the theme is hygiene
    Man with a Mam
    Men with Men

    Woman with Women

    a harsh reality, when men have sexual intercourse
    what consequence when a man has sex with the other man health-wise?

    sexual contact between individuals involves penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into a man, typically culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen. into a man's buttock

    Diarrhea is usually caused by a virus or, sometimes, contaminated food.
    Less frequently, it can be a sign of another disorder, such as inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome.
    Symptoms include frequent, loose, watery stools and belly pain.
    Most cases are clear on their own.
    infections may need antibiotics.
    Severe cases can cause enough dehydration to require intravenous fluids.

    Constipation is a condition in which you may have fewer than three bowel movements a week; stools that are hard, dry, or lumpy; stools that are difficult or painful to pass; or a feeling that not all stool has passed. You usually can take steps to prevent or relieve constipation.

    when a man insertion of a man's erect penis into a man, the waste product is erect, the insertion into the man's penis

    Men who have sex with men are at increased risk of contracting HIV, and MONKEYPOX, the virus that causes AIDS, as well as other
    sexually transmitted infections.

    Homosexual and bisexual activity is known within the animal kingdom



    Get the picture
    Let's look implications of LGBT, the theme is hygiene
    Man with a Mam
    Men with Men

    Woman with Women

    a harsh reality, when men have sexual intercourse
    what consequence when a man has sex with the other man health-wise?

    sexual contact between individuals involves penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into a man, typically culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen. into a man's buttock

    Diarrhea is usually caused by a virus or, sometimes, contaminated food.
    Less frequently, it can be a sign of another disorder, such as inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome.
    Symptoms include frequent, loose, watery stools and belly pain.
    Most cases are clear on their own.
    infections may need antibiotics.
    Severe cases can cause enough dehydration to require intravenous fluids.

    Constipation is a condition in which you may have fewer than three bowel movements a week; stools that are hard, dry, or lumpy; stools that are difficult or painful to pass; or a feeling that not all stool has passed. You usually can take steps to prevent or relieve constipation.

    when a man insertion of a man's erect penis into a man, the waste product is erect, the insertion into the man's penis

    Men who have sex with men are at increased risk of contracting HIV, and MONKEYPOX, the virus that causes AIDS, as well as other
    sexually transmitted infections.

    Homosexual and bisexual activity is known within the animal kingdom



    Get the picture
    Welp, you failed again.

    No mention of hygiene surrounding lesbians. Let's press on. The transmission of disease many times is due to bodily fluids being exchanged. We know that fluid from the lungs and or sinuses when atomized by sneezing or coughing spreads disease. This includes SARS CoV-2 as a very recent example.

    The following statement from your post:

    when a man insertion of a man's erect penis into a man, the waste product is erect, the insertion into the man's penis

    is not simply bad grammar but it is inaccurate.

    Now, viruses can cause diarrhea but viruses are not the "usual" cause. They are but one potential cause. There are multiple potential causes. C. Diff can be brought on by treatment with antibiotics for another disease if the person is unknwingly carrying the spores or if they are exposed when the gut flora have been compromised by the antibiotics. Both my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and mother-in-law had ulcerative colitis. Nasty disease, that.

    People are exposed to risk of sexually transmitted diseases, period. If your sexual partner has exposure to a disease you automatically run the risk of exposure.

    Your comment re: homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom is interesting. I note you didn't comment on it. The "get the picture" comment was merely noise and nothing more.

    A better question to ask was what was going on in the Middle East at the time the laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus were written down.
    Monkey pox isn’t an STD.

    It doesn't matter, as long as it affects "the gays" , it's punishment from the god who loves everyone... well, almost everyone it seems :hihi:

    ... and this dude is just off the rails...

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