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We Need to Talk About Trump's Project 2025 & Trump's Manifesto "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" (1 Viewer)

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    LA - L.A.

    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
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    Studio City, CA
    I think Trump's Project 2025 needs it's own thread to make as many people as possible aware of it, how Trump and the people he's surrounded himself with are dead serious about making it happen, and how devastating it will be if we allow Trump to make it happen. These are the various pages on his website which should show Trump means business. Trump's not just wishing or theorizing, he's planning and implementing.

    Trump and his minion's home page (the bolding is their's, not mine):

    "It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on Day One of the next conservative Administration.​
    This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative Administration."​

    Trump's policy agenda page:

    "This book is an invitation for you the reader—Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Smith—to come to Washington or support those who can. Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State.​
    The next conservative President will enter office on January 20, 2025, with a simple choice: greatness or failure. It will be a daunting test, but no more so than every other generation of Americans has faced and passed. The Conservative Promise represents the best effort of the conservative movement in 2023—and the next conservative President’s last opportunity to save our republic."​

    Trump's personnel (recruitment/application) page, bolding is mine:

    "Please fill out the questionnaire below and upload your resume for inclusion in the Presidential Personnel Database if you would like to be considered for positions in a presidential Administration.​
    Project 2025 is the effort of a massive coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure a successful Administration begins in January 2025. With the right conservative policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them, we will take back our government. Project 2025 is being organized by The Heritage Foundation."​

    Trump's training page:

    "The Presidential Administration Academy is a one-of-a-kind educational and skill-building program designed to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day One of the next conservative Administration. This academy provides aspiring appointees with the insight, background knowledge, and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government."​

    Trump's first 180 days playbook page:

    "The time is short, and conservatives need a plan. The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new Administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering from the Left’s devastating policies."​

    Trump's playbook, bolding mine (I've downloaded the pdf of their playbook for when Trump eventually pulls it from his website once the backlash really kicks in):

    "This book is an invitation for you the reader—Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Smith—to come to Washington or support those who can. Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State.​
    This is an agenda prepared by and for conservatives who will be ready on Day One of the next Administration to save our country. The Heritage Foundation is once again facilitating this work, but as our dozens of partners and hundreds of authors will attest, this book is the work of the entire conservative movement.​
    The next conservative President will enter office on January 20, 2025 ... The Conservative Promise represents the best effort of the conservative movement in 2023—and the next conservative President’s last opportunity to save our republic."​

    The link to the 111 groups Trump and his minions have cobbled together in a coalition to help Trump achieve his agenda.

    Groups include:​
    • ALEC - the Koch brother's foundation that has written all of the state laws that undermine child labor protection, worker's rights, air and water pollution protections, voter's rights, government assistance programs from those that need the help, and tax codes that made sure the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.
    • Moms For Liberty - the group leading the charge to ban any book that treats anyone, who is not white, heterosexual, cis and Christian, as being equal and deserving of acceptance, tolerance and respect.
    • National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation - which works for corporations to prevent and bust worker's unions to help corporations pay a non living wage to employees and force them to work under horrible conditions.
    • Tea Party Patriots - the group that is MAGA and has taken control of the Republican party and supports Trump's efforts to stage a coup on Jan 6th so that he could stay in power even though he lost the election.
    • Turning Point USA - run by Charlie Kirk who fully embraces Christian Nationalism and the reducing of women to just being homemakers dedicated only to serving their husbands and their family, in that order

    Here are some articles and videos that give an overview of what Trump's Project 2025 plans to do if Trump wins the presidency:

    The Heritage Foundation cooked up this plan during the Reagan administration, but Reagan didn't let the Heritage Foundation fully implement it. Trump has claimed it for himself and has made it his plan, because it plays into the ultimate power and control that Trump wants. See the videos below.

    No matter how annoying, frustrating, distasteful, or unappealing it may be, either Biden or Trump will be the next president. No one else has a chance at winning the election. If Biden wins, we have issues to solve, but we still have our democracy.

    If Trump wins, we lose our democracy and have to fight for our freedom, if we aren't white, Christian, cis, heterosexual men who believe in the divine right of white, Christian, cis, heterosexual men to sit in domination over all others.

    The bottom line is this, vote for Biden if you want to preserve our democracy, or don't vote for Biden if you want to chance Trump winning, which would bring an end to our democracy.

    That's the grounded-in-reality choice folks, like it or not. Please vote for Biden so that we all have the freedom to live our lives how we want, to argue with each other, and to protest without fear of being imprisoned or "falling" out of window to our death.

    This election is not a drill, it's the real deal.
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    Who out of him and Trump is going to change their legal residency for Rubio to be Trump's VP? Rubio's desperation to be VP is blinding him to reality, or Rubio's angling for something other than VP, or maybe he's compromised somehow.
    It would definitely be Rubio. Trump would make him as a test of his fealty. And because Trump is a cruel fork who would enjoy humiliating Rubio.
    Donald Trump’s “preposterous” efforts to disavowProject 2025, a rightwing blueprint for a radical takeover of the US government if the former president is re-elected in November, have been derided by former Republican figures.

    The Project 2025 plan includes calls for replacing civil servants with Trump loyalists, eliminating the education department, putting the justice department under the president’s thumb and banning the abortion pill.

    Democrats have made concerted efforts to say the 900-plus page document from the conservative Heritage Foundation thinktank would be representative of a second Trump presidency.

    But although it was written by former members of Trump’s first administration, and he regularly echoes its policies in his speeches, last week Trump tried to disown the initiative.

    Posting on his Truth Social website, the presumptive Republican nominee claimed to “know nothing about Project 2025” and have “no idea who is behind it”.

    He added: “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

    Olivia Troye, a former White House adviser to Mike Pence who sat in on policy sessions during Trump’s first presidency, said Trump’s attempt to distance himself from Project 2025 was driven by a recognition that its deeply controversial policy prescriptions could sink his election bid.

    “This is preposterous if you look at the collaborators and the authors of this plan,” she told CNN when asked whether Trump’s denial was credible. “A lot of these people…served in Trump’s cabinet during his administration. There are people that I worked with. I sat in those policy meetings with them.”

    Troye identified various figures – including John McEntee, who was Trump’s director of White House personnel, Stephen Miller, a senior adviser in his first administration, Ben Carson, the housing and urban development secretary in his cabinet, and Ken Cuccinelli, a former deputy secretary of homeland security – as among the project’s leading architects.

    Carson has been “out there on the campaign trail” with Trump, she noted.

    “I think what this is telling us is that Donald Trump knows that what is written in this plan is so extreme that it is damaging to his possibility of getting elected, and that’s what he’s concerned about.”…….

    I haven't looked into it too deeply, but what I have read about it sounds like Republican establishment type policies. Hard pass for me.

    I haven't looked into it too deeply, but what I have read about it sounds like Republican establishment type policies. Hard pass for me.

    So you will no longer be voting for Trump, correct? Because that’s his baby, no matter what he says now. His campaign press Secretary made videos touting it. It was written mostly by his closest aides.

    Let’s face it, SFL. The people around Trump know he doesn’t really care about any policies, and they will use him to get their pet project, Project 2025, passed if he wins. He won’t care if he wins, either, because all he cares about is getting revenge on everyone he thinks of as his enemies. Oh, and grifting more and more money as President. And looking powerful and making people bow to him.

    Everyone knows what Trump’s about by now. But if you don’t like these policies, you shouldn’t vote for Trump, becausr that is what you will get.
    Donald Trump the notorious truth teller.
    Yeah nobody should believe for a single minute that Trump isn’t behind this totally.

    But let’s say he didn’t know about it - what does that say about his competence? His campaign staff have been touting it, and we’re supposed to believe he doesn’t know about it at all, and upon reading it (which I can guarantee he didn’t do, it’s over 900 pages) he’s appalled and upset by his own document?
    Oh, and SFL, Project 2025 mentions Trump by name hundred of times, IIRC. It’s his document through and through.
    Do you think that looks like a valid major political party platform, SFL? hint, it’s grade school level crap that contains nothing but platitudes. It’s entirely possible Trump dictated it from his bathtub. Actually I’m pretty sure he told them ALL CAPS so they know I mean business, lol.

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    Oh, and it is in serious conflict in some issues with the actual GOP party platform which runs over 900 pages. This is a clown show, actually.

    I would add it also means food shortages as crops rot in the fields. And restaurants closing due to lack of cooks and other workers. It’s no way to fix the issue, that’s for sure.

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