US strikes deal w/ Taliban to remove troops from Afghanistan (1 Viewer)

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    Just say no to Zionism
    Sep 28, 2019
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    Surprised I didn't see it posted anywhere. And to preface -- I know there are too many contextual complexities to name regarding this.

    Props to this administration for pushing to get this done. Endless war shouldn't be what American citizens view as 'normal'.

    This would be a huge win for Americans and Afghanis if this works out as planned:

    The US and Nato allies have agreed to withdraw all troops within 14 months if the militants uphold the deal.

    President Trump said it had been a "long and hard journey" in Afghanistan. "It's time after all these years to bring our people back home," he said.

    Talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban are due to follow.

    Under the agreement, the militants also agreed not to allow al-Qaeda or any other extremist group to operate in the areas they control.
    Very Good... and we sure haven't had a lot of trouble out of Iran lately... No tankers attacked in the gulf of Hormuz or drones shot down...(y)
    We need to get all our troops out of Iraq as well, stop with all regime change, and stop trying to be the world's policeman. The Neocons and the military industrial complex will always push for endless wars.

    Well then just how are Americans companies supposed to make a buck then? My God what is halliburton supposed to do.

    If you don't think our military actions around the world have more to do contracts and to make people rich than anything else you are fooling yourself.

    Ya can't sell more bombs if you don't blow some up. Send troops overseas all kinds of spending.

    That is why we push for endless wars. It is about the money.
    Well then just how are Americans companies supposed to make a buck then? My God what is halliburton supposed to do.

    If you don't think our military actions around the world have more to do contracts and to make people rich than anything else you are fooling yourself.

    Ya can't sell more bombs if you don't blow some up. Send troops overseas all kinds of spending.

    That is why we push for endless wars. It is about the money.
    Yeah I'm well aware. That's why I mentioned the miltary industrial complex.
    Well then just how are Americans companies supposed to make a buck then? My God what is halliburton supposed to do.

    Your 'attack the straw man' skill level is maxed out. Impressive.

    By the way, 15 years ago called, they want their democrat talking points back.
    The aftermath of the withdrawal seems to be going about as bad as it possibly could go, which also probably isn't too far off from what should have been expected to happen:
    The Taliban's rapid takeover of large swaths of Afghanistan is "deeply concerning," the Pentagon's top spokesperson said Friday as he acknowledged the insurgents are trying to isolate Kabul.

    "We are certainly concerned by the speed with which the Taliban has been moving," Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said at a news briefing Friday.

    "We're obviously watching this just like you're watching this and seeing it happen in real time, and it's deeply concerning," he added. "This is a moment for the Afghans to unite, the leadership and the military. No outcome has to be inevitable."

    Kirby's comments come as the Taliban on Friday solidified its sweep through Afghanistan's north, south and west weeks before the official end of the U.S. military mission there. The Taliban now controls half of Afghanistan's 34 provincial capitals and about two-thirds of the country as a whole.
    I was thinking about this earlier, because I read the taliban just overran the 2nd largest city in Afghanistan. You saw that with isis too. All those billions in hardware and training the locals... they buckled and ran (left behind the equipment too). Sad for the innocent bystanders living there.
    I was thinking about this earlier, because I read the taliban just overran the 2nd largest city in Afghanistan. You saw that with isis too. All those billions in hardware and training the locals... they buckled and ran (left behind the equipment too). Sad for the innocent bystanders living there.

    If the Afghans won't fight for their country, why the hell should we?
    I see a lot of postings on various social media how we screwed up the withdrawal and how this is all Biden's fault. :rolleyes:

    Does anyone think after 20 years of war there that another year or so would've made any bit of difference? Give me a forking break.
    Not to mention the disastrous prelude to this by Trump. Inviting the Taliban to Camp David, and doing a sham of an “agreement” with them?

    No, this is terrible, but there is plenty of blame to go around. I just hope they are able to salvage something or at least keep them at bay long enough to get everyone out safely.
    Not to mention the Afghan government wasn’t at that meeting with the Taliban and Trump. They weren’t in invited.

    couple that with the fact that Trump announced almost two years ago that we were leaving and here we are.
    If the Afghans won't fight for their country, why the hell should we?
    Because a non-terrorist Afghanistan is in our interest to help deal with Pakistani terrorist havens. Afghanistan will again become a haven for terrorists. We had less than 3000 soldiers in Afghanistan. We haven’t had a soldier die in months. These are young men in relative safety. You take any similar 3000 young men in the US, and there is a similar chance of them dying in non-combat situations. So it was costing very little to remain and maintain stability, but we are about to have chaos in Afghanistan. That doesn’t even address the moral issue that will ensue with women in Afghanistan that will be oppressed.

    I think it was a terrible decision to leave. The Taliban are about to take immeasurable amounts of US equipment and many soldiers will switch sides. If Biden reversed his position, it may not be a complete loss.
    I can appreciate the decision to withdraw. I did when Trump said it, I still do under Biden.

    But neither had a good exit plan. It was sloppy then, and it’s sloppy now.

    But but - I don’t know a better way to have done it aside from an actual assault on the Taliban before leaving. There was no way they weren’t going to press on once US forces withdrew.

    Now we’re seeing just how…bad…Afghan forces really are, despite us being there for so long training and equipping them. If we have to go back in, it’s going to cost lives to get those cities back. The situation sucks on the whole.

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