UFOs are Real (1 Viewer)

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    Misty Mountains Envoy
    Mar 8, 2023
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    I BELIEVE it’s possible. :)

    Yesterday there were public hearings in Congress. i… forgot to watch :(
    Why is this a blip? You need to have a space ship land on the Capitol Mall before anyone pays attention…🤔

    From this whistle blower, you know how distances are frequently mentioned as a reason why UFOs coukd not be real? There is consideration to the possibility these craft are inter-dimensional.


    A Department of Defense whistleblower made a number of shocking claims about unexplained aerial phenomena — or UAPs, the updated government term for UFOs — during testimony in a congressional hearing on Wednesday.

    Among his many claims made under oath, former U.S. intelligence official David Grusch told the House Oversight Committee that “non-human” beings had been retrieved from spacecraft.
    If what Grusch is saying is true, why doesn’t he have some documentation? How do we know he’s got any credibility at all?

    Look, I know there are some unexplained events. And that they’ve happened in every time period. But in the absence of any sort of proof, some documentation, anything definitive, I think it’s a bit premature to go with “it’s aliens”. I also think there are crackpot conspiracy theorists in nearly every line of work.

    This particular guy, Grusch, doesn’t strike me as very credible. He seems pretty “off” to be honest, IMO. But that is just my own opinion.

    I‘m old enough to remember at least a couple of UFO fads. People who wrote books, went on all the talk shows, made drawings, told fantastical tales of abductions, etc. It seems to have all been just that, fantastical tales. Hell, I read at least one huge book. It was entertaining, fun to speculate about.

    But in all these years we haven’t seen one piece of physical evidence. And if physical evidence exists, as Grusch is claiming, how have they kept it a secret for all these years? Humans are just lousy at keeping secrets. How has nobody in a position of authority over these items ever had the position that they should be disclosed? Did everyone fall under the same spell once they see them?

    It just doesn’t pass the smell test, to me. Presumably thousands of people over the years would have been involved in this research. How do you keep that many people silent? You cannot.
    He's credible because he was a high ranking intel guy who had investigating UFO's as part of his job.

    He has supposedly provided a great deal of documentation to congress and the IG's office, but it's all classified.

    I certainly understand people who want to see evidence and not take people at their word, but his credibility shouldn't really be questioned. he's as credible a person as you are ever going to find.

    I don't think there is any reason to doubt he's telling the truth about what he was told.
    He's credible because he was a high ranking intel guy who had investigating UFO's as part of his job.

    He has supposedly provided a great deal of documentation to congress and the IG's office, but it's all classified.

    I certainly understand people who want to see evidence and not take people at their word, but his credibility shouldn't really be questioned. he's as credible a person as you are ever going to find.

    I don't think there is any reason do doubt he's telling the truth about what he was told.
    Well, General Flynn was a high-ranking intel officer, but I doubt his credibility all the time. I think he has zero credibility actually.
    Well, General Flynn was a high-ranking intel officer, but I doubt his credibility all the time. I think he has zero credibility actually.

    Yea, he's a known liar. He has done things that cause his credibility to be questioned.

    The only reason to question Grusch's credibility is that he's saying things that are incredible. He's as credible as anyone you will ever be able to find based on the information we have available right now.
    The modern disclosure "movement" started because of a leaked FLIR video. The testimony of that video came from the military pilot. Granted that is still a fuzzy video, but it did capture the UAP in real time while moving.

    We have no idea were they coming from, or how long they have been here.
    Exactly. We don't know anything. People speculate they are from other planets, but the U is there in the name for a reason.
    I would remind everyone that stuff like this exist:

    ... and in 1917 1000's swore they saw the Sun move in Portugal.

    It's really not an American phenomena either. In Grusch's testimony he talked about the recovery of a craft from Italy in 1933.

    There is no evidence of that claim, which comes from an Italian writer of UFO books.
    If what Grusch is saying is true, why doesn’t he have some documentation? How do we know he’s got any credibility at all?
    I've seen his interviews, but I haven't watched the hearing yet. It sounded like he had the documentation but it was classified and he could show congress in a classified setting.
    Look, I know there are some unexplained events. And that they’ve happened in every time period. But in the absence of any sort of proof, some documentation, anything definitive, I think it’s a bit premature to go with “it’s aliens”. I also think there are crackpot conspiracy theorists in nearly every line of work.
    Considering how big the universe is I think it's naive to think we are the only living beings. Also, when the military members have talked about how fast these UFOs have been it's physically impossible for any humans to withstand the G force from traveling that fast.

    This particular guy, Grusch, doesn’t strike me as very credible. He seems pretty “off” to be honest, IMO. But that is just my own opinion.
    I don't see it, but okay.
    I‘m old enough to remember at least a couple of UFO fads. People who wrote books, went on all the talk shows, made drawings, told fantastical tales of abductions, etc. It seems to have all been just that, fantastical tales. Hell, I read at least one huge book. It was entertaining, fun to speculate about.

    But in all these years we haven’t seen one piece of physical evidence. And if physical evidence exists, as Grusch is claiming, how have they kept it a secret for all these years? Humans are just lousy at keeping secrets. How has nobody in a position of authority over these items ever had the position that they should be disclosed? Did everyone fall under the same spell once they see them?
    The government wouldn't even acknowledge UFOs until recently. I'm not surprised that they haven't released any physical evidence.
    It just doesn’t pass the smell test, to me. Presumably thousands of people over the years would have been involved in this research. How do you keep that many people silent? You cannot.
    It's classified and many former military members have said that they didn't report many sightings because it would harm their careers and they were deemed crazy. I doubt the government wants anyone to see anything especially because they have been trying to reverse engineer the technology from the UFOs.
    Yea, he's a known liar. He has done things that cause his credibility to be questioned.

    The only reason to question Grusch's credibility is that he's saying things that are incredible. He's as credible as anyone you will ever be able to find based on the information we have available right now.

    He's as credible as you want him to be.

    I don't know who credible or not credible Grusch is. I do know that extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence, and that which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
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    He's as credible as you want him to be.

    I don't know who credible or not credible Crusch is. I do know that extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence, and that which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

    I'm sorry you have been so impacted by decades of government propaganda that you aren't even interested in figuring out what David Fravor saw.
    I think the witnesses don’t have a huge amount of credibility, at this point in time. Plus, I remember Trump making the statement that he really wanted to find out the truth about Area 51 when he got in the WH. One would assume he couldn’t keep his mouth shut about it if there was something there, and he never mentioned it again, that I know of.

    I just don’t think there’s anything there yet. 🤷‍♀️ JMO.
    Why this judgement? Retired veteran officer with a compartmented top secret clearance who says he worked with a super secret group. I’d like to hear more, would not automatically dismiss what he has to say. But I’d also like to see some proof. :D
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    Well, General Flynn was a high-ranking intel officer, but I doubt his credibility all the time. I think he has zero credibility actually.
    Case by case. Flynn had a record on display.

    People saying this is a distraction are ignoring that the hearing is something that has been built up to over the past 6 years.

    If It's a pysop, then it's really elaborate, and something that needs to be investigated and everyone responsible needs to go to prison.

    If it's our tech, then the DoD needs to be more accountable, and whatever science is involved, needs to also be used to benefit the public.

    If it's another country's tech, then the public needs to know so we can start learning how to speak their language and adapt to their culture.

    There is not any way to write this off as a few people being confused. It's frustrating for people who have been following this to try respond to people coming up with conclusions that really can't possible be the case, because it always seems to come off like you are trying to talk them into believing in aliens.

    TBH, i wish this hearing could have happened without Grusch coming forward, because it has made the conversation almost totally be about aliens.
    The government wouldn't even acknowledge UFOs until recently. I'm not surprised that they haven't released any physical evidence.
    This just simply isn’t true. I remember Project Blue Book. Here’s a piece of the history:

    “To mark the 50th anniversary of the end of Project Blue Book, the National Archives will display records from the Air Force’s unidentified flying objects (UFOs) investigations.

    Report of a “flying saucer” over U.S. airspace in 1947 caused a wave of “UFO hysteria” and sparked Federal investigation of unidentified flying objects. For more than 20 years, the U.S. Air Force analyzed UFO sightings and any security threat they posed; most notably through Project Blue Book, which launched in 1952.

    After investigations found no evidence of any UFO that was extraterrestrial in nature or that threatened national security, the Air Force announced Project Blue Book’s termination on December 17, 1969. Of the 12,618 UFO sightings reported between 1947 and 1969, 701 remained “unidentified.” Project Blue Book concluded its investigation 50 years ago, but American fascination with UFOs endures.”

    This was a known program to investigate these types of sightings, so to say the US government didn’t acknowledged the phenomena until recently is quite false.
    The modern disclosure "movement" started because of a leaked FLIR video. The testimony of that video came from the military pilot. Granted that is still a fuzzy video, but it did capture the UAP in real time while moving.

    We have no idea were they coming from, or how long they have been here.

    I would remind everyone that stuff like this exist:

    It's really not an American phenomena either. In Grusch's testimony he talked about the recovery of a craft from Italy in 1933.

    The hardest thing to answer, why are they crashing? I feel like that is the biggest hole in all of this. How does an advanced vehicle like this crash that many times? Why are they not recovering the craft?

    I would implore most of you to at least read a synopsis of Grusch's testimony.
    Attributing UAPs to aliens is like attributing things we can’t answer to god. Maybe they are aliens, but that is highly unlikely. There are almost definitely aliens, but it is highly unlikely that they are visiting us the way it is described. It is fun to believe, but I think generations from now, we’ll seem backwards and silly. I think we’ll figure out ways to reach other stars, and maybe we’ll actually encounter some beings, but I doubt it’ll be anything like what we’ve imagined.
    The hardest thing to answer, why are they crashing? I feel like that is the biggest hole in all of this. How does an advanced vehicle like this crash that many times? Why are they not recovering the craft?
    I could see flying around a place for hundreds or thousands of years with nothing really going on and suddenly radio waves or nuclear detonations start happening, it might cause the need to adjust your habits.
    Exactly. We don't know anything. People speculate they are from other planets, but the U is there in the name for a reason.

    ... and in 1917 1000's swore they saw the Sun move in Portugal.

    There is no evidence of that claim, which comes from an Italian writer of UFO books.

    I see a couple of people on this thread trying to discount Grusch's testimony. So what is going on then? There has to be a counter theory to the current reality before you. Is this a military psyop? Are senior military, and intelligence officials mentality unstable? I can't think of a single counter argument that's does sound as fringe as UFO's themselves.
    I see a couple of people on this thread trying to discount Grusch's testimony. So what is going on then? There has to be a counter theory to the current reality before you. Is this a military psyop? Are senior military, and intelligence officials mentality unstable? I can't think of a single counter argument that's does sound as fringe as UFO's themselves.
    What current reality? One person testifying does not make reality. 🤷‍♀️
    I'm sorry you have been so impacted by decades of government propaganda that you aren't even interested in figuring out what David Fravor saw.
    No need to feel sorry, nor have I been impacted by any propaganda, government or otherwise.
    As for figuring out what David Fravor saw, you sure as hell are not going to figure out by looking at grainy footage of a tiny black dot.
    I see a couple of people on this thread trying to discount Grusch's testimony. So what is going on then? There has to be a counter theory to the current reality before you. Is this a military psyop? Are senior military, and intelligence officials mentality unstable? I can't think of a single counter argument that's does sound as fringe as UFO's themselves.

    What's the current reality before us?

    People see things that they don't know what they are, and they attach attributes to them. That's it. A UFO/UAP is just that, something that's not identified. Does that sound like a fringe argument?

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