This gives me vibes back to the call for Breyer and RBG to retire... Dems call for Feinstein to resign {Updated: Feinstein has passed} (1 Viewer)

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    Nov 20, 2019
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    While California is a safe Senate seat for Democrats, her absence is causing delays and friction in getting nominations through (which counters what I said in a previous thread). I think they're right for calling for her to step down. It seems selfish.

    Yes, I agree. She should step down if she cannot be present. Unless she expects to return soon, I suppose. But if this is how her attendance is expected to go until the end of her term, then she should step aside.
    I also agree with this POV. And I fervently wish someone would have talked some sense into RBG while Obama was President. I still get bitter about her obstinance and hubris from time to time.

    I also agree with this POV. And I fervently wish someone would have talked some sense into RBG while Obama was President. I still get bitter about her obstinance and hubris from time to time.

    No joke. It was the only time I ever found myself at odds with RBG.
    I've been on this soapbox for a while now. She has a known diagnosis of dementia for a few years now. If she doesn't come back after recess that should be the end of her career.

    You can find all kinds of stories in the press about her being confused on legislation, and unable to remember conversations.

    I feel zero empathy for her. She ran for re-election with a dementia diagnosis in 2018. That's a failure on the party as well to not push her to retire then.

    Feinstein said recently she won't be running for reelection in 2024. Instead, the love of my life Katie Porter is going to run for the seat

    Feinstein said recently she won't be running for reelection in 2024. Instead, the love of my life Katie Porter is going to run for the seat

    They're not worried about her running for re-election. They're worried about action in the Senate coming to a halt due to her absence now.
    I just don't get what she's holding out for. If she's already in cognitive decline, it's not like that's going to get any better with time. Give up the post, retire and try to make the rest of your life as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.
    So I read a couple of things today. First of all, the subpoena rules are different and DF not being there won’t stop subpoenas. Second, credit where credit is due, Lindsey Graham helped out today and allowed voting on judges to proceed with DF voting by proxy.

    So I read a couple of things today. First of all, the subpoena rules are different and DF not being there won’t stop subpoenas. Second, credit where credit is due, Lindsey Graham helped out today and allowed voting on judges to proceed with DF voting by proxy.

    That's all well and good, but I want Democrats to push through the nominees that the Republicans don't agree with. DF still needs to retire if she's not going to be there given she's not running for reelection.
    That's all well and good, but I want Democrats to push through the nominees that the Republicans don't agree with. DF still needs to retire if she's not going to be there given she's not running for reelection.
    Agreed but in the meantime some progress is being made.
    That's all well and good, but I want Democrats to push through the nominees that the Republicans don't agree with. DF still needs to retire if she's not going to be there given she's not running for reelection.

    Republicans won't let Democrats simply swap members as well.

    This is such a self own.

    They endorsed a 83 year old candidate with a Dementia diagnosis. They then let her seat on the most important committee in the senate because of respect? 90% of this is on Chuck, and his bumbling.

    They try to paint this as having respect, etc. The truth is Diane probably has no idea about the world at large. My guess is her aides handle EVERYTHING. She may not even be coherent enough to really understand if she was kicked off the judiciary.

    Everyone is talking about how Diane needs to go. Chuck needs to hit the road as well. How does this situation happen without massive mismanagement of your members?
    New article from the NYT on this subject.

    This Senate tradition should have been discarded long ago. Senate seats are not lifetime sinecures, and if members can’t effectively represent their constituents or work for the benefit of their country, they should not hesitate to turn the job over to someone who can. Ms. Feinstein owes California a responsible decision.

    This is a huge mess. If she is replaced Republcians won't seat the replacement on the judicial committee, and all appointments are squashed.
    New article from the NYT on this subject.

    This is a huge mess. If she is replaced Republcians won't seat the replacement on the judicial committee, and all appointments are squashed.
    I’m not sure your last sentence is correct. If she resigns and is replaced as a Senator, Rs have no say on committee assignments. If she doesn’t resign, Rs have to give permission before Ds can take her off the judiciary committee and replace her with someone else. Which is stupid, but that’s what I have read.
    Come on. What the hell...? Lady, resign!!!

    A Feinstein spokesperson said in a statement to CNN that those complications “included Ramsay Hunt syndrome and encephalitis.”

    The spokesperson added, “While the encephalitis resolved itself shortly after she was released from the hospital in March, she continues to have complications from Ramsay Hunt syndrome.”

    Earlier on Thursday, Feinstein told CNN she did not have encephalitis, saying, “it really has never been diagnosed properly.”

    “It was really a bad flu,” Feinstein said, adding, “I’m doing better, thank you.”

    It is rare for a Senate office to publicly contradict its own senator.

    Feinstein has been dogged by health questions for years, including over her memory – questions that have only intensified during her monthslong absence from the Senate and her recent return.

    Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain; it can be caused by many types of infections, but it is known to be a rare complication from shingles. Ramsay Hunt syndrome can occur when a case of shingles affects a facial nerve close to an eye, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    I don't know who is keeping her in office. She is clearly not coherent enough to understand.

    Someone wanted us all to know that this fact:

    I don't know who is keeping her in office. She is clearly not coherent enough to understand.

    Someone wanted us all to know that this fact:

    Of course. They use Pelosi like a boogeyman. The devil incarnate.

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