The Joe Biden 2020 tracker thread (1 Viewer)

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    Can you show me some examples of classy imitations in blackface?
    I answered you in the Wuhan Virus thread. But I'll take another stab here.

    Shouldn't we assign the racism to the intent or the motive behind the act, rather than just making blanket statement that painting your face for costume effect is inherently racist?

    Is wearing "Eye Black" racist?

    Is football players painting their faces with "War Paint" racist?

    Is my son a racist for wanting to be Black Panther for Halloween?

    I have a bald head. I love Charles Barkley. If I could do a Barkley impression as good as Frank Caliendo and wanted to paint myself and wear a Suns Uniform for a Halloween costume contest racist? The impression and uniform wouldn't have quite the effect on my very pale self. I'm not doing it to make fun of or demean the black race. There's no malice in my intent.

    I could give you a hundred different scenarios where painting your face could be done in a completely innocent, perhaps even flattering manner, but I think it's the intent or motive that should be used to pass judgement.

    I agree that what the virgina governor did was very racist. It was done solely to make fun of or demean the black race.

    I'm not sure about the movie "Blackface" as I've never actually seen it, but if it follows the same line of thinking that "White Girls" uses, then I doubt it's racist. Again, haven't seen it.
    I answered you in the Wuhan Virus thread. But I'll take another stab here.

    Shouldn't we assign the racism to the intent or the motive behind the act, rather than just making blanket statement that painting your face for costume effect is inherently racist?

    Is wearing "Eye Black" racist?

    Is football players painting their faces with "War Paint" racist?

    Is my son a racist for wanting to be Black Panther for Halloween?

    I have a bald head. I love Charles Barkley. If I could do a Barkley impression as good as Frank Caliendo and wanted to paint myself and wear a Suns Uniform for a Halloween costume contest racist? The impression and uniform wouldn't have quite the effect on my very pale self. I'm not doing it to make fun of or demean the black race. There's no malice in my intent.

    I could give you a hundred different scenarios where painting your face could be done in a completely innocent, perhaps even flattering manner, but I think it's the intent or motive that should be used to pass judgement.

    I agree that what the virgina governor did was very racist. It was done solely to make fun of or demean the black race.

    I'm not sure about the movie "Blackface" as I've never actually seen it, but if it follows the same line of thinking that "White Girls" uses, then I doubt it's racist. Again, haven't seen it.

    And I asked you to explain to me what made RDJ’s imitation classy? You didnt answer.

    I’ll ask the same about Charles Barkley, what about imitating Barkley requires you to wear blackface? What about Barkley’s personality requires the use of blackface to be accurate? I mean race is a biological consequence of melanin levels amongst a species that is no more than 91 genetic degrees apart, so why are you emphasizing that particular difference? And why do you think the vile history of the practice is immaterial to your desire to engage in it?

    To your second point, proving intent and motive, you call someone the N-word, should I refrain from calling you a racist until I can confirm through 100% neurological examination you meant it in a racist way? How about Buckley in the 1960’s? Should we refuse to call him a white supremacist because he claimed to have real concerns about allowing black people the right to vote or hold public office because in his mind their history and genetic capacity didnt afford them the intelligence to effectively hold public office? But like the other poster, seems you have no issue deducing out-groups motives and intents, you just get all offended if someone applies the same standard you use to yourself. We know the democratic governor is racist for using blackface at a costume party, but you arent?
    A pale white guy wearing a suns uniform talking like charles barkley isn't historically accurate. Maybe if I could wear stilts and become 6'6", it might hold some sway. But I'm trying to win.

    I'm not endorsing or promoting blackface. You're asking for examples and I am providing some. But I'm very against the practice of banning things/acts just because they could be used for offensive purposes by bad actors.

    Are we to ban the N-word? It can be used by some to offend, but is routinely used by those in the black community in common conversation. How about the word birch, gay, Homo, Queen?

    All of these words have origins rooted in common, non-offensive meanings. But over the years they have been given very negative and offensive connotations. Are we to now ban those? Or make the blanket statement that anyone who uses them is a bigot? Intent and motive are important. It separates those acting purely in the mob mentality from the independent thinkers who use context to help form judgement.

    I don't know who Buckley is. Sounds like a meanie.
    A pale white guy wearing a suns uniform talking like charles barkley isn't historically accurate. Maybe if I could wear stilts and become 6'6", it might hold some sway. But I'm trying to win.

    I'm not endorsing or promoting blackface. You're asking for examples and I am providing some. But I'm very against the practice of banning things/acts just because they could be used for offensive purposes by bad actors.

    Are we to ban the N-word? It can be used by some to offend, but is routinely used by those in the black community in common conversation. How about the word birch, gay, Homo, Queen?

    All of these words have origins rooted in common, non-offensive meanings. But over the years they have been given very negative and offensive connotations. Are we to now ban those? Or make the blanket statement that anyone who uses them is a bigot? Intent and motive are important. It separates those acting purely in the mob mentality from the independent thinkers who use context to help form judgement.

    I don't know who Buckley is. Sounds like a meanie.

    Why wouldn’t you endorse blackface if it is often completely benign as you say? Seems contradictory.

    I would also love to hear more about the non-offensive use of the n-word in American history.
    Why wouldn’t you endorse blackface if it is often completely benign as you say? Seems contradictory.

    I would also love to hear more about the non-offensive use of the n-word in American history.

    You could start by listening to some NWA I suppose. If nothing else, it could put you in a better mood which would be a nice change.
    You could start by listening to some NWA I suppose. If nothing else, it could put you in a better mood which would be a nice change.
    Might be slow on my rap history, care to post the sections where NWA extols the virtues or long benign history of white people using the N-word toward black people?
    I answered you in the Wuhan Virus thread. But I'll take another stab here.

    Shouldn't we assign the racism to the intent or the motive behind the act, rather than just making blanket statement that painting your face for costume effect is inherently racist?

    Is wearing "Eye Black" racist?

    Is football players painting their faces with "War Paint" racist?

    Is my son a racist for wanting to be Black Panther for Halloween?

    I have a bald head. I love Charles Barkley. If I could do a Barkley impression as good as Frank Caliendo and wanted to paint myself and wear a Suns Uniform for a Halloween costume contest racist? The impression and uniform wouldn't have quite the effect on my very pale self. I'm not doing it to make fun of or demean the black race. There's no malice in my intent.

    I could give you a hundred different scenarios where painting your face could be done in a completely innocent, perhaps even flattering manner, but I think it's the intent or motive that should be used to pass judgement.

    I agree that what the virgina governor did was very racist. It was done solely to make fun of or demean the black race.

    I'm not sure about the movie "Blackface" as I've never actually seen it, but if it follows the same line of thinking that "White Girls" uses, then I doubt it's racist. Again, haven't seen it.

    I get what you are saying, and I agree with you in principle. However, there is an absolutism in your statements: it either is or it isn't; if they do it why can't I. You very well may have no malice in your intent, but that doesn't mean your actions are going to be perceived differently by people who are affected or have been affected by whatever it is you portray.

    You may love Charles Barkley, and have not a single racist bone in you, but you don't take into consideration how the people who live in that skin have seen or heard the stories about white people doing what you did (painting yourself and pretend you are of their race) to degrade and demean them.

    As for the movies "Soul Man" and "White Chicks" (which I think are the ones you are referring to), they both have similar setups, people of one race disguising themselves as someone of another race to achieve something. But that is where the similarities end.

    Soul Man was considered then and it is considered now a a racist movie, because of "blackface" (the movie has the protagonist "overdose" with tanning pills to appear as a black individual). But when you look at the plot of Soul Man, it actually had an anti-racist message: a white man who gets to live in the skin of a black man and experience some of those things black people experience every day that you don't think about because they will never happen to you, which in the end chances his view about race relations.

    Of course, the NAACP screamed very loud about it, labeling it a racist movie. And I get why they did it. They just could not get past the imagery that was burned in their brains from over a century of visual and physical experiences that affected them negatively. And you could tell them it is not racist, but anti-racist, but that imagery in their sociological and cultural environment is just too powerful.
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    You may love Charles Barkley, and have not a single racist bone in you, but you don't take into consideration how the people who live in that skin have seen or heard the stories about white people doing what you did (painting yourself and pretend to pretend you are of their race) to degrade and demean them.
    Dave Chappelle did white face. I'm pissed.
    Jeez, man, you should just vote for Justin Amash then.

    Y'all talk about Biden's mental decline all the time, but Trump has literally done nothing in the current crisis - other than to cast blame of course. Please explain to us how Trump is "better."

    Amash has no chance of winning. So if I chose to vote for someone who has no chance I might as well not vote at all.

    And as I’ve stated, my personal opinion is that Trump is not as diminished as Biden.

    I fully understand that opinion isn’t shared by a lot of posters here, but it’s my opinion.
    It sounds like you are in a very rational, typical UTJ mood.

    Let's see if we can continue on that rational path. I think it is fair to note that AOC was hand selected, kind of like an actor, to play the role of politician. It happens, but the point is she wasn't exactly preparing herself for the position when her brother sent her info in to apply for the role. Most people don't study the kind of issues she would soon be speaking publicly about and think it was obvious she did not either.

    That doesn't make her stupid, it means she was ignorant. But it can certainly make one look stupid.

    Once in office she did not - as Whoopi even suggested - sit back and learn the ropes.

    She jumped into the deep end and not only started speaking about things she did not really understand, she was quick to admonish others. Now we are getting into the area where people might reasonably believe one is not just ignorant, but that the person doesn't have enough sense to know they lack enough knowledge to speak with such authority.

    And she has, no doubt, had some goofy moments.

    I could go on - but I really think there is plenty of reason to give someone the benefit of the doubt that their views on AOC are not driven by race.
    This is a ridiculous and almost completely untrue post.

    Hand-picked to play a role? C'mon that's idiotic. "Ignorant" my arse.

    Name some of these many ignorant things that she did or things she didn't understand.
    Untrue. I repeatedly asked for opinions on her from the left.
    Just as I’ve asked repeatedly why it’s ok to defend AOC while constantly doing the same and worse to Trump.
    Which still hasn’t been answered.
    Umm... it has been answered. You just choose to ignore when someone answers you thoughtfully and gives time to considering the arguments you made and jump into replying to the people who riled you up in some manner. I mean, I get it -- people LOVE to be offended and search for reasons to be so instead of addressing the people who make reasoned arguments. It happens to me sometimes, too.

    However, I find you to be disingenuous in many of your posts where you decry those on the left who post what you find to be insulting -- even implying that ALL of the people on the left only insult and demean -- but then turn around and LOL or heart eyes react to almost every instance of the people on the right when they insult or demean posters on the left or politicians on the left. You claim to not like the tone of the liberal posters so much so that you say it pushed you further to the right, but love the same tone from the conservative posters. It's very contradictory.
    Umm... it has been answered. You just choose to ignore when someone answers you thoughtfully and gives time to considering the arguments you made and jump into replying to the people who riled you up in some manner. I mean, I get it -- people LOVE to be offended and search for reasons to be so instead of addressing the people who make reasoned arguments. It happens to me sometimes, too.

    However, I find you to be disingenuous in many of your posts where you decry those on the left who post what you find to be insulting -- even implying that ALL of the people on the left only insult and demean -- but then turn around and LOL or heart eyes react to almost every instance of the people on the right when they insult or demean posters on the left or politicians on the left. You claim to not like the tone of the liberal posters so much so that you say it pushed you further to the right, but love the same tone from the conservative posters. It's very contradictory.
    I did respond to the one or two posters that genuinely answered. And thanked them.
    And my intention in that thread was to maybe learn a bit about what was appealing about her, to those that find her appealing.

    Which is why I went back and edited my thread title as it was wrong of me to state it that way about AOC.

    Find me as disingenuous as you please, that is your right.

    Lastly, I have found the left leaning posters on here (which seem to comprise about 90% of the mcb) to be more bigoted than the few posters that lean right of center.
    Is this real life in here???? 😂
    C'mon man, quit hiding behind links and videos and other posters and give me concrete examples of when she did something moronic. Something so out of the ordinary moronic that you feel fine labeling her so mentally challenged she couldn't cross a street.
    Lastly, I have found the left leaning posters on here (which seem to comprise about 90% of the mcb) to be more bigoted than the few posters that lean right of center.
    "Lean right of center?" Surely you jest. And this board is fairly evenly represented between left and right. Don't bring that old canard of being outnumbered and the board being biased over here, too. It's a false narrative.

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