The Impeachment Process Has Officially Begun (2 Viewers)

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    Staff member
    Oct 6, 2018
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    Sunset, Louisiana
    By Laura Bassett

    After months of internal arguing among Democrats over whether to impeach President Donald Trump, the dam is finally breaking in favor of trying to remove him from office. The Washington Post reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would announce a formal impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, following a bombshell report that Trump illegally asked Ukraine’s government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, one of his political opponents. (He essentially admitted to having done so over the weekend.)

    “Now that we have the facts, we’re ready,” Pelosi said Tuesday morning at a forum hosted by The Atlantic. At 5 p.m. the same day, she was back with more. "The actions taken to date by the president have seriously violated the constitution, especially when the president says Article Two says I can do whatever I want," referring to the segment of the Constitution that defines the power of the executive branch of the government. Pelosi's message was that checks and balances of those branches are just as central to the Constitution. And one more thing: "Today, I am announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry," she said at a conference broadcast on Twitter by the Huffington Post. ...

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    man, I apologize if I offended you, but come on really. The over sensationalizing of racism only makes actual racist actions get muted. Don’t be one of those people.
    "I apologize but...." usually means you actually don't apologize. The irony is incredible in your post.
    man, I apologize if I offended you, but come on really. The over sensationalizing of racism only makes actual racist actions get muted. Don’t be one of those people.

    The word 'lynching' is no no now?

    These are lynchings:





    What the President is "enduring" isn't a lynching. You may think I'm being oversensitive but your gross overdramatic, sensationalist description of this issue is demeaning to actual lynching victims and their families.

    If you want to learn about real lynchings, the Legacy Museum in Montgomery is open for business ( He isn't being lynched, no more than a loser in a trade was "raped" or two sports teams are "at war." I'm asking for us to not go there on the MCB especially considering tomorrow embarks us on BHM. It's about respect.
    Murkowski to vote No on witnesses.

    And she made a statement that strongly suggests that Elizabeth Warren's stunt of submitting a question that tried to portray the CJ in a bad light played a role in her decision. Basically stating that it was obvious to her that the witness issue was politicized and they are even trying to smear the CJ.

    Warren's poor political instincts show up over and over.
    And she made a statement that strongly suggests that Elizabeth Warren's stunt of submitting a question that tried to portray the CJ in a bad light played a role in her decision. Basically stating that it was obvious to her that the witness issue was politicized and they are even trying to smear the CJ.

    Warren's poor political instincts show up over and over.

    Her statement was full of hypocrisy. She can feel any way she wants to, but nobody every doubted the outcome in the end or that they would line up, as instructed to do so by McConnell, behind their dear leader.
    Her statement was full of hypocrisy. She can feel any way she wants to, but nobody every doubted the outcome in the end or that they would line up, as instructed to do so by McConnell, behind their dear leader.

    Actually, it makes sense on a couple of levels, the first is clear from her statement. Also by voting "no" she avoids a 50-50 tie which would raise questions as to whether the CJ should have cast a deciding vote. Warren just reinforced the concern that people would call the Supreme Court into question and she made the correct decision clear.
    Actually, it makes sense on a couple of levels, the first is clear from her statement. Also by voting "no" she avoids a 50-50 tie which would raise questions as to whether the CJ should have cast a deciding vote. Warren just reinforced the concern that people would call the Supreme Court into question and she made the correct decision clear.

    She can use whatever justification she wants to, but that's not what she's voting on. She's voting on whether witnesses should be allowed, they obviously should be. But whatever. I could care less what Republican justifications are at this point. Regardless of how they choose to frame it to justify it to themselves, I hope it bites them all in the arse.

    It probably doesn't matter for her, since she's from Alaska. But there are a lot of Republican Senators in vulnerable states. I'm hoping this will factor into turning the tide in the November and we can finally get leadership of the Senate out of McConnell's hands. That needs to happen more than anything.
    These are lynchings:

    Those are lynchings and I dont think any person can look at those pictures and not be disturbed in some way. I guess the correct term for a sham court hearing that passes a sentence on a person without due process would be lynch law although they are interchangeable and not unique to our country.
    She can use whatever justification she wants to, but that's not what she's voting on. She's voting on whether witnesses should be allowed, they obviously should be. But whatever. I could care less what Republican justifications are at this point. Regardless of how they choose to frame it to justify it to themselves, I hope it bites them all in the arse.

    It probably doesn't matter for her, since she's from Alaska. But there are a lot of Republican Senators in vulnerable states. I'm hoping this will factor into turning the tide in the November and we can finally get leadership of the Senate out of McConnell's hands. That needs to happen more than anything.

    And some of us on the other side think that this was the Democratic play all along. Send half baked articles to the Senate that you know will never result in removal in the hope that they might use it against GOP Senators in November.

    It's a high risk move, but the Democrats need a Hail Mary.
    And some of us on the other side think that this was the Democratic play all along. Send half baked articles to the Senate that you know will never result in removal in the hope that they might use it against GOP Senators in November.

    I already knew that.

    Republican cockiness over Trump inevitable re-election is starting to remind me a lot of many Democrats belief in the last election that there was no way Hilary could lose to Trump. I like it. Overconfidence usually leads to a blindness over the weakness of one's position.
    These are lynchings:





    What the President is "enduring" isn't a lynching. You may think I'm being oversensitive but your gross overdramatic, sensationalist description of this issue is demeaning to actual lynching victims and their families.

    If you want to learn about real lynchings, the Legacy Museum in Montgomery is open for business ( He isn't being lynched, no more than a loser in a trade was "raped" or two sports teams are "at war." I'm asking for us to not go there on the MCB especially considering tomorrow embarks us on BHM. It's about respect.

    Being “black history month” doesn’t make something more or less insensitive. You are blowing a perfectly innocent comment out of proportion to make a sjw point. (I didn’t use an acronym for black history month, because it is disrespectful, I don’t have the same respect for sjw’s).

    I hope that you don’t go around looking for words not used within the context of racial animus to get offended by. Seems like a horrible outlook.
    Those are lynchings and I dont think any person can look at those pictures and not be disturbed in some way. I guess the correct term for a sham court hearing that passes a sentence on a person without due process would be lynch law although they are interchangeable and not unique to our country.
    I believe the term you are looking for is "being railroaded". lynched = murder, railroaded = rushed decision with no due process. Last time I checked, trump was never in danger of being murdered by the House prosecutors. However, DJT and his supporters are routinely murdered by the truth....
    I believe the term you are looking for is "being railroaded". lynched = murder, railroaded = rushed decision with no due process. Last time I checked, trump was never in danger of being murdered by the House prosecutors. However, DJT and his supporters are routinely murdered by the truth....
    No, I think I had it correct. But thanks.
    She can use whatever justification she wants to, but that's not what she's voting on. She's voting on whether witnesses should be allowed, they obviously should be. But whatever. I could care less what Republican justifications are at this point. Regardless of how they choose to frame it to justify it to themselves, I hope it bites them all in the arse.

    It probably doesn't matter for her, since she's from Alaska. But there are a lot of Republican Senators in vulnerable states. I'm hoping this will factor into turning the tide in the November and we can finally get leadership of the Senate out of McConnell's hands. That needs to happen more than anything.
    Hasn't there already been 18 witnesses including Atkinson's testimony that Schiff refuses to release? Shouldn't Schiff should release his testimony before calling for anymore witnesses?
    Being “black history month” doesn’t make something more or less insensitive. You are blowing a perfectly innocent comment out of proportion to make a sjw point. (I didn’t use an acronym for black history month, because it is disrespectful, I don’t have the same respect for sjw’s).

    I hope that you don’t go around looking for words not used within the context of racial animus to get offended by. Seems like a horrible outlook.
    I wonder if he got upset when 5 Democrats used the word lynching in reference to Clinton's impeachment?

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