Post Trump GOP (3 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Sep 28, 2019
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    I've been thinking about this for a while. What is the GOP going to do once Trump goes to jail? Realistically, anything over 10 years of real time would be a death sentence for the obese cheeto. I feel like the current riff in the house is a early sign of this coming change of leadership, and direction. Even the most sycophantic Trump GOP policy makers know he isn't beating 90 counts. They are a total impasse on direction with a sword of damocles, in the form of a Trump conviction, hanging over their heads. Will the GOP be pulled back from it's authoritarian fall, or will we see the rise of another strongman?

    Who do you think will takeover the GOP? I think Paul Ryan is interesting, since he sat out the current Trump era. I'm not sure the GOP base actually will care about the scandal of having Trump convicted.

    The short list is probably:

    1. Ron Desantis
    2. Chris Christie
    3. Paul Ryan
    4. Mitt Romney
    5. Ted Cruz
    6. Marco Rubio
    7. Mike Pence

    I don't think the GOP is ever going to nominate/follow a woman, or someone brown.
    You have two entities

    A. Donald Trump

    B. Trumpism/MAGA

    B isn’t going anywhere even if A does

    As far as who becomes the torchbearer, that’s up for debate

    It was supposed to be DeSantis. It’s clearly not (possibly could change in the future)

    Who takes over immediately post Trump may be one of the above

    But I suspect the true successor, the one who inspires the base the way Trump does, inspires fear the way Trump does and have rallies and merchandise the way Trump does is someone who isn’t on anyone’s radar right now
    It won't be DeSantis.

    He is going to burn himself by going after Trump.

    And then he will have pissed off his base in FL, which will lead to his defeat/recall there.

    Icarus is reaching for the sun now.....
    Trump will continue to control the party, even from jail (which he won't actually go to). Even if convicted he will get house arrest at worst.

    The post-Trump Republican party is what happens after he's no longer alive, which is likely a long time off. This is a fever unlike anything we've seen in American politics and it's not going to break. Who knows who will be out there in 15 - 20 years when he's gone.

    One thing that is true, this new brand of populism can't be carried by any establishment political figure. It has to be an outsider and bomb thrower. The cult won't follow an establishment player at all. They are all as evil as the libs in their eyes.
    The post-trump GOP fate is directly tied to it's voters! The GOP has spent 50+ years working its base into this fever frenzied mob we see today. Unless these voters take it upon themselves to stop being lead around by right-wing radio and social media, I believe it may take decades for the GOP to turn that temperature down.
    It's time to stop stereotyping the GOP voters.
    They are unpredictable.
    It's not stereotyping when they repeatedly show you who they are! Look at who the GOP voted into to the US Congress. Look at who the GOP voters vote for in their local state governments. The GOP voter has repeatedly shown that they are not interested in a consensus government and they reject any candidate that would feature such a government in their campaign.
    It's not stereotyping when they repeatedly show you who they are! Look at who the GOP voted into to the US Congress. Look at who the GOP voters vote for in their local state governments. The GOP voter has repeatedly shown that they are not interested in a consensus government and they reject any candidate that would feature such a government in their campaign.
    When you say caucasian voters won't vote for Nikki Haley even though I keep quoting polls that say they will...enough said.
    When you say caucasian voters won't vote for Nikki Haley even though I keep quoting polls that say they will...enough said.
    I don’t really believe many polls these days. They’ve lost the access they used to have because nobody has a land line and nobody answers their cell unless they recognize the number. I don’t think they have a real good way to replace their old methodology.

    Plus, people lie to pollsters. Nobody wants to admit they won’t vote for a woman or a brown person. Then they will walk into the voting booth and vote now they really feel.

    I want to be wrong, but I don’t think I am.

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