Next Speaker of the House? (10 Viewers)

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    Mar 13, 2019
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    There’s a lot of doubt that Kevin McCarthy will be able to get enough votes to become Speaker. It certainly won’t happen on the first ballot. Already Boboert and MTG are publicly at odds over it.

    Maybe this is worth it’s own thread to watch. One person mentioned is Scalise.

    Weren't there 3 different speakers during that period? Maybe you should source whatever it is you have posted? EDIT nevermind Ryan and Pelosi not counting McCarthy.
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    I wouldn't say I would support any of the candidates although Jordan would have been better than McCarthy.

    McCarthy is part of the uniparty that's helped accumulate 30 trillion in debt by spending massive amounts of money. Jordan has done some good things like calling out the online censorship by the government, but then he's also protected Big Tech in the past. So while he's better than McCarthy, that's not saying much.

    I would support anyone who will break the the uniparty corruption and out of control spending. I definitely support votes on single bills, no more CR, allowing votes on ammendment for every bill, and transparency. I doubt the establishment/Uniparty will let that happen. Look how they have conditioned people to think rubber stamping the corruption and spending is "democracy."

    Justin Amash would be a great speaker. I remember yall loved him during the Trump presidency. Here's what he's said about what's needed for a Speaker:

    A good speaker would follow the Constitution, uphold the agreed-upon rules, let everyone read the bills and genuinely participate, keep the House transparent and accountable, and mainly stay out of the way as America’s elected representatives draft, debate, and amend legislation.

    The best scenario for House Republicans is an outside, legislatively experienced, nonpartisan speaker, who upholds the rules of the House and focuses exclusively on process.

    Republicans can then easily choose any majority leader they want to drive their legislative priorities, and they’ll continue to have the same House majority they have now to implement their vision. The Republican leader can focus much more on the substantive agenda if that person isn’t also being held accountable for the process

    Imagine thinking that the democratic process of choosing a speaker is somehow bad for democracy. When our representatives are free to disagree—when consensus is hard-earned rather than commanded—*that’s* when representative government is meaningful and worthy of admiration.

    Concentrated power has decimated the House, turning legislators into actors. Here’s how many votes the speaker has allowed on floor-offered (not prescreened) amendments/year:

    2011: 414
    2012: 153
    2013: 61
    2014: 96
    2015: 94
    2016: 29
    2017: 0
    2018: 0
    2019: 0
    2020: 0
    2021: 0
    2022: 0

    Prior to this long streak of zeros, there had not been a congressional term with consecutive zeros in the history of Congress. “Saving democracy” within our constitutional republic must include stopping this assault on representative government by recent speakers of the House.

    It’s important to note that this wasn’t due to a change in House rules; it was due to a choice by consecutive speakers—one Republican, one Democrat—to shut down the legislative process and undermine your representation in the House of Representatives.

    Can you post a cite/source for that? Thanks
    Can you post a cite/source for that? Thanks
    Yes...please cite a source. According to this house site, in FY24 (the last three weeks) alone, there have been 7 house resolutions that have had floor amendments voted on.

    Amash got credit for calling out Trump, but that doesn’t mean I or anyone else agree with other things he has done or said. In fact, after he sort of quit calling out Trump, I found I didn’t agree with anything else he had to say. Unlike, Cheney or Kinzinger, who have stayed true to upholding the Constitution against the election lies, I don’t remember him speaking out at all about that. Maybe he did, I quit reading what he had to say on Twitter.

    It seems like the last time Amash posted a rant about the workings of the legislature it was not actually correct and was twisted to make his point. I remember somebody pointing it out. Oh, yeah, that whole nonsense about the budget bills being a huge conspiracy and crafted in “secret”, lol. That was a bunch of nonsense.

    So, is he unaware of the change to open up the House process, or just can’t be bothered to change his talking points? Anyway, the thing that has ruined the House, IMO and it isn’t even a close call, is gerrymandered districts. This works no matter who does it, but the reason the GOP caucus is a complete shirt show is because Rs do a whole lot more gerrymandering than Dems do. Gerrymandering rewards extremism, and we are seeing the GOP reap what they have sown.

    Also, SFL “uniparty”, lol. Really? You that far gone into this QAnon based conspiracy? 🤣
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    Okay - thank goodness for the 20-30 Rs who stood firm to prevent Jordan from becoming Speaker. You can tell the intimidation and threats worked on a bunch of others who didn’t want him either by looking at the vote totals on the secret ballot as to whether he should withdraw from consideration.

    Ahhh, Jordan insisted on a secret ballot and some House GOPs believe it was to achieve the exact result he got, so that he could blame the Swamp or Deep State, lol.

    Amash got credit for calling out Trump, but that doesn’t mean I or anyone else agree with other things he has done or said. In fact, after he sort of quit calling out Trump, I found I didn’t agree with anything else he had to say. Unlike, Cheney or Kinzinger, who have stayed true to upholding the Constitution against the election lies, I don’t remember him speaking out at all about that. Maybe he did, I quit reading what he had to say on Twitter.

    It seems like the last time Amash posted a rant about the workings of the legislature it was not actually correct and was twisted to make his point. I remember somebody pointing it out. Oh, yeah, that whole nonsense about the budget bills being a huge conspiracy and crafted in “secret”, lol. That was a bunch of nonsense.

    So, is he unaware of the change to open up the House process, or just can’t be bothered to change his talking points? Anyway, the thing that has ruined the House, IMO and it isn’t even a close call, is gerrymandered districts. This works no matter who does it, but the reason the GOP caucus is a complete shirt show is because Rs do a whole lot more gerrymandering than Dems do. Gerrymandering rewards extremism, and we are seeing the GOP reap what they have sown.

    Also, SFL “uniparty”, lol. Really? You that far gone into this QAnon based conspiracy? 🤣
    Gee I wonder what changed when they started allowing ammendment again in 2023. Oh that's right. It was when McCarthy was elected speaker after multiple votes. The same process that many here said was chaos or a clown show.

    Increased amendments to spending bills
    Another change in the new rules is allowing any one lawmaker to offer amendments to spending bills.

    The move's supporters say it is intended to increase transparency in some of the government's most sprawling pieces of legislation -- shortly after the passage of a $1.7 trillion spending bill late last year that was largely negotiated behind closed doors.[/]

    I'm guessing most of yall weren't aware that zero amendments were allowed for 6 years in a row, or that the ammendment process was opened back up thanks to the concessions Republicans forced when McCarthy was elected speaker. But lets keep talking about supposed chaos.

    Opening up the ammendment process has ruined the House?
    Death threats. Screaming matches behind closed doors. A futile cycle of votes that put internecine warfare on full public display. The Republican party this week sank into new depths of disarray and dysfunction – with no remedy in sight.

    Never before has America gone so long without a speaker of the House of Representatives and, critics say, not for a very long time has a major party appeared so broken. It has left a branch of the US government leaderless at an extraordinary moment of peril in the Middle East and Ukraine.

    “When you look at the damage to the party’s image, its reputation, its ability to do anything substantive or serious, this is a week of unmitigated disaster for the Republican party,” said Rick Wilson, co-founder of the Lincoln Project, a pro-democracy and anti-Trump group.

    The latest setback came on Friday when Jim Jordan, a rightwing Ohio congressman endorsed by former president Donald Trump, lost a third vote to become speaker and was then unceremoniously dumpedby Republicans as their nominee. The majority leader, Steve Scalise, said they were going to “come back and start over” on Monday.

    This followed a week of turmoil remarkable even by the fractious standards of the Trump era, with ideological disagreements merging with personal vendettas in a combustible mix. After Kevin McCarthy was ousted on 3 October and Scalise failed to garner enough backing, Jordan, a bare knuckle rightwinger and election denier, had made an unlikely effort to unite the party.……

    Kurt Bardella, a Democratic strategist, said: “We are seeing the inevitable outcome of years of neglect, years of lack of leadership, years of lack of courage culminate with what is a completely ungovernable and dysfunctional Republican party. The fact that there isn’t a single Republican right now who can get 217 votes is illustrative of deep schisms within the party and these deep wounds that there is no healing from.”

    Bardella, a former spokesperson and senior adviser for Republicans on the House oversight committee, added: “Time and again the bad actors in the Republican party have been rewarded for their bad behavior. They get rewarded with television time. They get rewarded with raising millions of dollars in contributions.

    “They get rewarded with plum committee assignments. Whether it’s Jordan or a Matt Gaetz or Marjorie Taylor Greene, who time and again we’re told represent the fringe of the party, they continue to be elevated and empowered by the leadership that’s in charge.”……..

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    Okay - thank goodness for the 20-30 Rs who stood firm to prevent Jordan from becoming Speaker. You can tell the intimidation and threats worked on a bunch of others who didn’t want him either by looking at the vote totals on the secret ballot as to whether he should withdraw from consideration.

    That’s scary that 108 Republicans were too intimidated to vote their conscience.
    That’s scary that 108 Republicans were too intimidated to vote their conscience.
    It definitely is scary, but I also think it's indicative of the pressure party leaders are putting on rank and file members. While Trump's hold on the party is maybe not as strong as it was, it's still significant. More Republicans need to see that standing against Trump actually makes their role and position more secure, not less. Caving makes them useless and ultimately their voters will either vote Democrat or MAGA if they feel their Rep isn't making a difference.
    I'm guessing most of yall weren't aware that zero amendments were allowed for 6 years in a row, or that the ammendment process was opened back up thanks to the concessions Republicans forced when McCarthy was elected speaker. But lets keep talking about supposed chaos.
    Correct, I was totally unaware. Why do you think Amash is unaware that the process was changed 10 months ago? Why would he rant about it on social media as if it hadn’t been changes? Isn’t that pretty dishonest?

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