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    Misty Mountains Envoy
    Mar 8, 2023
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    Anxiety surges as Donald Trump may be indicted soon: Why 2024 is 'the final battle' and 'the big one'​

    WASHINGTON – It looks like American politics is entering a new age of anxiety, triggered by an unprecedented legal development: The potential indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate.

    Donald Trump's many legal problems – and calls for protests by his followers – have generated new fears of political violence and anxiety about the unknowable impact all this will have on the already-tense 2024 presidential election

    I’ll reframe this is a more accurate way, Are Presidents above the law? This new age was spurred into existence when home grown dummies elected a corrupt, mentally ill, anti-democratic, would be dictator as President and don’t bother to hold him responsible for his crimes, don’t want to because in the ensuing mayhem and destruction, they think they will be better off. The man is actually advocating violence (not the first time). And btw, screw democracy too. If this feeling spreads, we are In deep shirt.

    This goes beyond one treasonous Peice of work and out to all his minions. This is on you or should we be sympathetic to the idea of they can’t help being selfish suckers to the Nation’s detriment? Donald Trump is the single largest individual threat to our democracy and it‘s all going to boil down to will the majority of the GOP return to his embrace and start slinging his excrement to support him?
    Seeking a second presidency as the Republicans’ presumptive 2024 White House nominee, Donald Trump has said he would “encourage” Russia to attack any of the US’s Nato allies whom he considers to have not met their financial obligations.

    Trump made the remarks on Saturday during a campaign rally in Conway, South Carolina, ahead of the state’s Republican presidential preference primary on 24 February.

    The former president has voiced misgivings about aid to Ukraine as it defends itself from the invasion launched by Russia in February 2022 – as well as to the existence of Nato, the 31-nation alliance which the US has committed to defending when necessary.

    On Saturday, Trump claimed that during an unspecified Nato meeting he told a fellow head of state that the US under his leadership would not defend any countries who were “delinquent”.

    “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay, and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’” Trump said, adding “I said, ‘You didn’t pay, you’re delinquent?’”

    “No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

    Though some doubted whether the conversation in question even took place, Trump’s remarks quickly raised alarm among many political pundits in the US.

    “Sounds as if Trump is kind of encouraging Russia to attack our Nato allies,” David Corn – an MSNBC analyst and the Washington DC bureau chief of Mother Jones – said on X.

    Meanwhile, conservative political commentator Alyssa Farah Griffin said Trump’s comments were “music” to the ears of Russian leader Vladimir Putin.……

    He always pays his bills
    well the Peice of work has just alienated even more the rest of the world.

    Trump says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough​

    What's lost in all this Trump/NATO discussion is why was Trump so eager to push NATO allies to increase their contribution? Trump doesn't give two shirts about the military nor does he want to balance the budget. He wasn't necessarily wrong here, but why does he care?
    What's lost in all this Trump/NATO discussion is why was Trump so eager to push NATO allies to increase their contribution? Trump doesn't give two shirts about the military nor does he want to balance the budget. He wasn't necessarily wrong here, but why does he care?
    That's an easy one. It's a two part answer:

    Part 1: Trump does not understand how NATO works, and thinks that the countries who aren't meeting their financial obligations haven't paid the US money that they owe us.
    Part 2: Trump is an entirely transactional person. He doesn't support NATO because we spend money on defense, and some of that money gets spent overseas in NATO countries, and the US does not get any financial return, so he sees that as a failure.

    As to whether or not he is necessarily wrong, that's a severely nuanced question. Out of the 30 member nations of NATO, 11 were above the 2% of GDP spent on defense threshold in 2023. However, 22 of 30 were over 1.5%, and all but 2 (Belgium and Luxembourg) were over 1.25%. So, it's not like there are countries out there spending nothing. And, to be completely realistic, if Belgium and Luxembourg suddenly started spending 5% of their GDP on defense, it's not like NATO would notice a difference.
    Honestly, I don't buy it. Trump is only motivated by self interests.
    He has a soft spot for dictators, Putin especially. He wants desperately to join the club, he sees the immense wealth and privilege these guys have. Putin wants NATO gone, so Trump wants NATO gone. Putin has been manipulating Trump in small (and not so small) ways for years. We’ve had reporting on the influence for a while now.

    He has a soft spot for dictators, Putin especially. He wants desperately to join the club, he sees the immense wealth and privilege these guys have. Putin wants NATO gone, so Trump wants NATO gone. Putin has been manipulating Trump in small (and not so small) ways for years. We’ve had reporting on the influence for a while now.

    I believe trump was working hand in hand with Putin to weaken NATO in the lead up to Putin's Ukraine invasion. Had trump won in 2020, that war would've ended in weeks!

    WASHINGTON — The Pentagon will remove nearly 12,000 troops from Germany, sending thousands of service members home to the United States and shifting others to different locations in Europe, Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced Wednesday.
    The plan would fulfill President Donald Trump’s demands to remove thousands of troops from Germany, which he has long derided as delinquent on its defense spending obligations within NATO. The announcement also comes after a monthslong review of American force strength in Europe, where some troops are permanently stationed and others deploy on rotational tours to train alongside NATO allies in an effort to deter Russian aggression on the continent. “It is important to note that in NATO’s 71-year history, the size, composition and disposition of U.S. forces in Europe has changed many times,” Esper said during a Pentagon news briefing. “As we’ve entered a new era of great-power competition we are now at another … inflection point in NATO’s history. I am confident the alliance will be all the better and stronger for it.” The plan would move about 5,600 American troops now in Germany to other NATO countries, largely Belgium and Italy. It would send another roughly 6,400 troops to new permanent stations in the United States. Esper did not identify U.S. bases that could receive an influx in troops. The moves would leave about 24,000 troops in Germany, he said. It would also include plans to begin heel-to-toe rotations of Army Stryker brigades into Eastern Europe. The moves will cost billions of dollars “over time,” Esper said, adding the Pentagon had yet to produce precise a cost analysis of the plans.

    Read more at: https://www.stripes.com/theaters/eu...own-to-begin-within-weeks-esper-says-1.639217
    Source - Stars and Stripes

    Not only will cost BILLIONS to drawdown those forward deployed forces, it has increased the cost of all force movements because those deployments will now start in the US instead of European locations. That decision only benefited the Soviets.
    Because of course he has. lol. He wants everyone to exist in his delusion. Idiot.
    Trump has been posting articles to Truth that he has altered to remove things he doesn’t like.

    reminds me of when he had that hurricane map

    ………Under the headline “This is a Valentine’s Day letter from Donald J Trump”, the message sent out on Wednesday began: “Dear Melania. I love you!”

    It then took its unexpected turn.

    “Even after every single indictment, arrest and witch hunt, you never left my side. You’ve always supported me through everything. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without your guidance, kindness and warmth. You will always mean the world to me, Melania! From your husband with love, Donald J Trump.”

    Recipients who clicked on one of three big red invitations to “send your love” were directed to a page offering the chance to send a “personalised message” to Melania – and to donate to Trump’s campaign amounts ranging from $20.24 to $3,300 or “other”.

    Melania Trump has recently reappeared in public with her husband, after an absence believed related to the death of her mother, Amalija Knavs, last month. Donald Trump recently told Fox News his wife “wants to make America great again, too” and would “play a big role” in his campaign to return to power.

    “I think she’s going to be very active in the sense of being active,” Trump added………

    A question I've had for the past week or so....

    If Judge Engoran rules tomorrow that Trump has to pay hundreds of millions of dollars, and dissolve all of his businesses in New York, what does Melania do?

    She has a recently renegotiate prenup that deals with how much her and Barron will get in a divorce. If she sees her golden goose losing all of his money, how long will she hang around? Will she bail before he loses it all so that she still gets paid? Also, how would that work in terms of all of this? If someone has a prenup that pays them millions of dollars, and they get divorced right before their spouse loses all of their money, can the courts take back money that was paid from the prenup?
    A question I've had for the past week or so....

    If Judge Engoran rules tomorrow that Trump has to pay hundreds of millions of dollars, and dissolve all of his businesses in New York, what does Melania do?

    She has a recently renegotiate prenup that deals with how much her and Barron will get in a divorce. If she sees her golden goose losing all of his money, how long will she hang around? Will she bail before he loses it all so that she still gets paid? Also, how would that work in terms of all of this? If someone has a prenup that pays them millions of dollars, and they get divorced right before their spouse loses all of their money, can the courts take back money that was paid from the prenup?
    not sure how she would get the money out of trump anyway. He is very good at not paying.
    Donald Trump claimed high-profile campaign trail gaffes, in which he seemed to think Barack Obama was still president and mistook Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi, were deliberate, the result of his being “sarcastic” in the first instance and choosing to “interpose” names in the second.

    “When I say ‘Barack Hussein Obama is the president of the United States’, [I am] meaning there’s a lot of control there because the one guy can’t put two sentences together,” the former president toldsupporters in North Charleston, South Carolina, on Wednesday.

    “So I say ‘Barack Hussein Obama’.”

    “The one guy” to whom Trump referred was Joe Biden, once Obama’s vice-president, who soundly beat Trump in the 2020 presidential election but whose fitness for office and a possible second term is now the subject of fierce speculation, given his age, 81, and allegations about his memory and performance…..

    Impersonating Limbaugh’s habit of stressing Obama’s middle name, Trump said: “He used to go, ‘Barack Hussein Obama’. ‘He’d go ‘Barack Hussein Obama’. But he did that, Rush. Do we miss Rush? Yes.

    “But when I say that Obama is the president of our country, bah bah bah, they go, ‘He doesn’t know that it’s Biden. He doesn’t know.’ So it’s very hard to be sarcastic.

    “When I interpose, because I’m not a Nikki fan and I’m not a Pelosi fan, and when I purposely interposed names, they said, ‘He didn’t know Pelosi from Nikki, from Tricky Nikki. Tricky Dicky. He didn’t know.”……..


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