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Mark Robinson: 'I Absolutely Want To Go Back To The America Where Women Couldn’t Vote' (1 Viewer)

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    Feb 2, 2024
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    On Tuesday, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson won the GOP primary to become his party’s nominee for North Carolina governor, presumably with the help of female voters.
    But just four years ago, Robinson said he’d “absolutely” like to return to the days when the 19th Amendment didn’t exist ― when women didn’t have the right to vote.
    “I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote,” Robinson said in a newly resurfaced video of his remarks at a March 2020 event hosted by the Republican Women of Pitt County.

    I'm offended that the man won election as Lieutenant Governor. No man with his views should ever be in any governmental office.

    No woman should ever vote for this man. In fact, any woman who supports this man should not vote. They agree that they shouldn't vote if they vote for him.

    Finally to him and all who want to repeal the 19th Amendment:

    for what it's worth

    not saying this is the case here but it seems the playbook is

    1. Do shady shirt

    2. When you get caught, called out, investigated or charged for the shady shirt yell "partisan witch hunt!"

    3. Scream even louder if number 2 happens during an election year

    RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A state review's findings of operating and administrative issues by a nonprofit owned by North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s wife while implementing a child care food program “are politically motivated at the core," Robinson's campaign said Monday.

    A compliance review of Balanced Nutrition Inc. by the state's federally funded Child and Adult Care Food Program released last week found numerous problems that regulators said needed to be corrected by early August. Otherwise, Yolanda Hill, the Balanced Nutrition owner married to Robinson, and the nonprofit could be disqualified from the program going forward. Hill previously announced she was shutting down the nonprofit and it would stop participating in the program after April 30.

    The review also prompted the state agency to order Balanced Nutrition to repay the state over $132,000 for what it called disallowed expenses reimbursed to child care centers and homes or incurred by the nonprofit while performing its activities.

    Balanced Nutrition has helped child care centers and homes qualify to participate in the free- and reduced-meal program, filed claims for providers to get reimbursed for meals for enrollees and ensured they followed program requirements.

    Robinson is the Republican candidate for governor, running against Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein. Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper was term-limited from running again in November.

    Robinson's campaign spokesperson Mike Lonergan said in a prepared statement that Balanced Nutrition “vehemently disagrees" with the findings "and is looking forward to challenging them on appeal." He said that since Robinson announced his bid for governor in April 2023 the ”Democrat-run state agency started moving the goalposts." Lonergan did not elaborate.............

    went too far?

    In North Carolina, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's gubernatorial campaign has been surrounded by controversy — from his history of Holocaust denial to threatening violence with his widely reported "some folks need killing" comments in an evangelical church in early July.

    Robinson's critics have been emphasizing that he is extreme even by MAGA standards, yet some polls are showing a close race. The far-right Christian nationalist trailed Democratic nominee Josh Stein by only 4 percent in a Redfield & Winton Strategies poll released in late July.

    Robinson promotes a severe brand of fundamentalist Christianity. But according to the Greensboro News & Record, some faith leaders in North Carolina are speaking out against him and emphasizing that he doesn't speak for all Christians.

    At a press conference on Wednesday, July 31, the Rev. C.J. Brinson — who organized the gathering — declared, "We are here today to say that we have no faith in Robinson…. We're not going to allow voices in North Carolina to misrepresent who we believe Jesus is in the Christian context."

    Another attendee, the Rev. Jay Kennett, said of Robinson, "Love of neighbor is not found in declaring women’s bodies out of their control. Love of neighbor is not found in declaring certain people as 'filth' and 'maggots.'"

    The Rev. Amelia Fulbright, also present at the gathering, implied that Robinson is insincere when he softens his rhetoric on abortion................

    Imagine being so wrapped up in corporate media propaganda that you are still repeating lies that have been debunked.

    REPORTER: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville.

    TRUMP: Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

    George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same.

    TRUMP: Oh no, George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down – excuse me. Are we going to take down, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? Okay, good. Are we going to take down his statue? He was a major slave owner. Are we going to take down his statue? You know what? It’s fine, you’re changing history, you’re changing culture, and you had people – and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats – you had a lot of bad people in the other group too.

    Apparently you are incapable of understanding the difference between Washington and Lee. Washington most certainly was a slave owner. Lee was as well or, rather, iirc, his wife had slaves when they were married. But…Lee was a traitor.

    That is the difference.
    Must have gotten some bad poll numbers

    This is like all those very publicly anti abortion politicians who magically scrubbed all mention of it after roe was overturned

    Don’t fall for it NC

    Curious to see if someone will do some digging and find that his wife’s abortion was after 12 weeks

    North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson appears to have changed his stance on abortion after releasing a new ad, which outlined his wife’s own abortion story.

    “Thirty years ago, my wife and I made a very difficult decision. We had an abortion,” he said in the advertisement shared online.

    Robinson, who currently serves as the Tar Heel State’s lieutenant governor, was choked up when he said the medical procedure was a “solid pain” between him and his wife that they “never spoke” about.

    “It’s something that stays with me forever,” Yolanda Hill, his wife, said as they held hands in the video.

    Robinson added that he is also backing the state’s 12-week abortion law because it “provides common sense exceptions,” including protecting the life of the mother or in case of rape or incest.

    The state’s law, he said, “gives help to mothers and stops cruel later term abortions.”

    “When I’m governor, mothers in need will be supported,” the Republican candidate added.

    The comments mark a new tone for the lieutenant governor, who in the past has been outspoken against abortion access.

    North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, a Democrat running against Robinson, previously launched ads that attacked his opponent on the issue.

    The ad included a clip of Robinson talking on a Facebook Live stream in 2019 where he said abortions are not “about protecting the lives of mothers” but rather the procedure is “about killing the child because you weren’t responsible to keep your skirt down.”

    In the past, the GOP official regularly said abortion was “murder” and “genocide,” comparing the anti-abortion movement to the efforts to end slavery, CNN reported.…..

    Last edited:
    Must have gotten some bad poll numbers

    This is like all those very publicly anti abortion politicians who magically scrubbed all mention of it after roe was overturned

    Don’t fall for it NC

    Curious to see if someone will do some digging and find that his wife’s abortion was after 12 weeks

    North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson appears to have changed his stance on abortion after releasing a new ad, which outlined his wife’s own abortion story.

    “Thirty years ago, my wife and I made a very difficult decision. We had an abortion,” he said in the advertisement shared online.

    Robinson, who currently serves as the Tar Heel State’s lieutenant governor, was choked up when he said the medical procedure was a “solid pain” between him and his wife that they “never spoke” about.

    “It’s something that stays with me forever,” Yolanda Hill, his wife, said as they held hands in the video.

    Robinson added that he is also backing the state’s 12-week abortion law because it “provides common sense exceptions,” including protecting the life of the mother or in case of rape or incest.

    The state’s law, he said, “gives help to mothers and stops cruel later term abortions.”

    “When I’m governor, mothers in need will be supported,” the Republican candidate added.

    The comments mark a new tone for the lieutenant governor, who in the past has been outspoken against abortion access.

    North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, a Democrat running against Robinson, previously launched ads that attacked his opponent on the issue.

    The ad included a clip of Robinson talking on a Facebook Live stream in 2019 where he said abortions are not “about protecting the lives of mothers” but rather the procedure is “about killing the child because you weren’t responsible to keep your skirt down.”

    In the past, the GOP official regularly said abortion was “murder” and “genocide,” comparing the anti-abortion movement to the efforts to end slavery, CNN reported.…..

    He even says we and my wife. Like he was physically involved.
    Must have gotten some bad poll numbers

    This is like all those very publicly anti abortion politicians who magically scrubbed all mention of it after roe was overturned

    Don’t fall for it NC

    Curious to see if someone will do some digging and find that his wife’s abortion was after 12 weeks

    North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson appears to have changed his stance on abortion after releasing a new ad, which outlined his wife’s own abortion story.

    “Thirty years ago, my wife and I made a very difficult decision. We had an abortion,” he said in the advertisement shared online.

    Robinson, who currently serves as the Tar Heel State’s lieutenant governor, was choked up when he said the medical procedure was a “solid pain” between him and his wife that they “never spoke” about.

    “It’s something that stays with me forever,” Yolanda Hill, his wife, said as they held hands in the video.

    Robinson added that he is also backing the state’s 12-week abortion law because it “provides common sense exceptions,” including protecting the life of the mother or in case of rape or incest.

    The state’s law, he said, “gives help to mothers and stops cruel later term abortions.”

    “When I’m governor, mothers in need will be supported,” the Republican candidate added.

    The comments mark a new tone for the lieutenant governor, who in the past has been outspoken against abortion access.

    North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, a Democrat running against Robinson, previously launched ads that attacked his opponent on the issue.

    The ad included a clip of Robinson talking on a Facebook Live stream in 2019 where he said abortions are not “about protecting the lives of mothers” but rather the procedure is “about killing the child because you weren’t responsible to keep your skirt down.”

    In the past, the GOP official regularly said abortion was “murder” and “genocide,” comparing the anti-abortion movement to the efforts to end slavery, CNN reported.…..

    Living here in NC (Sunset Beach) I've seen his ads, he is a lunatic, and apparently an incredible hypocrite.....This is so far beyond the pale, how in the world could you trust someone that behaves in this way.....hopefully this seals the deal for Stein, he's a good man.....
    Living here in NC (Sunset Beach) I've seen his ads, he is a lunatic, and apparently an incredible hypocrite.....This is so far beyond the pale, how in the world could you trust someone that behaves in this way.....hopefully this seals the deal for Stein, he's a good man.....
    What are the polls showing there btw?
    About this rating

    In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters and the counterprotesters. He said in the same statement he wasn't talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be "condemned totally."

    About this rating
    In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters and the counterprotesters. He said in the same statement he wasn't talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be "condemned totally."
    Right. He wasn’t talking about his base. None of the RW azzhats were fine people.
    The Democratic governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper, withdrew from consideration for Kamala Harris’s vice-presidential pick in part because he feared his extremist Republican lieutenant governor could try to seize power – or at least the spotlight – in his absence.

    “Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor, is the most extreme statewide candidate in the country right now,” Cooper told Politico in an article published on Saturday, as Harris prepared to name her choice to take on Donald Trump and JD Vance. Harris’s decision is expected before a rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

    “If I were to be out of state at a campaign event, if I had been the vice-presidential nominee, he could claim he was acting governor,” Cooper said.…..

    Cooper told Politico: “There have been a few cases across the country that have said, ‘Look, now with text and phone and email and Zoom and ways to communicate, this doesn’t make sense’ … and courts have ruled that it doesn’t literally mean that.

    “North Carolina courts have not ruled that, however, and fairly recently, Republicans have taken over the North Carolina supreme court. They have made some extremely partisan decisions here lately, particularly regarding voting and redistricting.”

    Cooper noted that Robinson has already used the constitutional provision.

    “I was on a recruiting trip to Japan,” Cooper said, of events last October. “He did claim he was acting governor. He did a big proclamation and press conference while I was gone. It was something about support for the state of Israel. It was obviously to make up for all of his antisemitic comments that he’d made, his denial of the Holocaust that he’d made over the years.

    “… Our concern was that in this race for governor, he likes attention. He likes to get extremist contributions from all over the country. If I were to be out of state … he could claim he was acting governor.

    “The attention he would get would be times 10, and it would be a distraction to the presidential campaign. And plus, we don’t know for sure what the Republican supreme court would decide.

    “We believe we’ve got good arguments on the issue,” Cooper said, but “it was more that he would use this as a real distraction, drawing attention to himself, drawing attention away from the presidential campaign and that was part of the calculation that I looked at in making the decision” not to remain in consideration for vice-president.…….

    North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a Republican running to be governor of the red-tinted battleground state, often claims mixed-race Native American descent. But that has not stopped the candidate, known for making incendiary remarks that have embarrassed some fellow party members, from casting doubt on the European role in destroying Native American society, condemning sports teams' efforts to get rid of racially insensitive names and passionately defending Christopher Columbus.

    In a series of social media posts from 2015 onwards, Robinson complained about posts he saw from other people that described a settler-colonial genocide in which huge numbers of indigenous peoples were displaced, forcefully assimilated and killed from the Hudson Bay to the Strait of Magellan, calling them "ludicrous" and "VERY historically inaccurate."

    "It would seem that a Nation that is as blessed as we are would be too busy giving THANKS on Thanksgiving to have time to make silly memes and ludicrous posts about how we 'killed the Indians,'" he groused, calling anyone who would post such information an "IDIOT" and "INGRATE."

    While it is impossible to determine exactly how many people were killed over the centuries and by what means, including armed violence, exposure from displacement, induced starvation and disease, the present-day result of colonization is a reduction of Native American land in the present-day United States to around one to two percent of the country's landmass and the annihilation of the Native American population to the point where, according to some estimates, their numbers still have not recovered past pre-Columbian levels.

    In one post, Robinson attempted to turn someone's claim that "the white man will fail" because "injustice will bring destruction" on its head, asking if what the poster suggested was true, "what 'injustice' did the 'Indians' commit to cause their 'destruction' by their land being 'stolen' and being 'murdered by the millions?'" When confronting criticism of Columbus for his role in violently uprooting indigenous societies, Robinson mocked naysayers as "People Who Can’t Cross Town Without A Cellphone, AC, And GPS” who could not compare in greatness to a man "Who Crossed The Ocean In A Wooden Boat With No Running Water And No Electricity."

    Robinson blamed the education system for popularizing information about indigenous suffering, accusing colleges in particular of misleading students with "exaggerated claims" that "don't teach our true history" in a 2018 podcast interview. The lieutenant governor, outspoken in his desire to put a conservative stamp on North Carolina's schools, set up a task force in 2021 to investigate "indoctrination" in schools in what many legal experts said at the time was a violation of state law.............

    COLFAX, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina conservatives who gathered recently over coffee and pancakes at the Olympic Family Restaurant to support Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson knew about some of the controversial things he has said previously, but they were inclined to be forgiving.

    “He’s a good speaker. He made some mistakes in his past,” said Allan Jones, a 59-year-old truck driver, at the campaign event near his home in Colfax, about 90 miles (145 kilometers) west of Raleigh. “Haven’t we all? Did we learn from them? Let’s go forward.”

    Robinson, a favorite of former President Donald Trump, is the party’s nominee for governor in the November election. He is looking to succeed term-limited Democrat Roy Cooper in a state that has voted for Trump twice and has backed Republicans for the presidency all but once since 1980. Robinson is popular for his working-class history and a blunt speaking style that at times resembles Trump’s.

    But Robinson also has a history of inflammatory comments that his opponent, Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein, has said makes him too extreme to lead North Carolina.

    It raises the prospect that campaign struggles for Robinson could hurt Trump’s chances to win a state he cannot afford to lose to Democrat Kamala Harris.

    On a Facebook post in 2019, Robinson said abortion in America was about “killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down.” In a 2021 speech in a church, he used the word “filth” when discussing gay and transgender people.

    Democrats led by Cooper, a top surrogate for Harris, have tried to make the case that North Carolina’s 16 electoral votes are ripe to win. Trump’s 1.3 percentage point victory in North Carolina over Democrat Joe Biden in 2020 was the narrowest for Trump.

    Cooper argues that Republican candidates with views closely linked to Trump — Robinson and state schools superintendent candidate Michele Morrow among them — could turn out people who otherwise would not have voted for Democrats.……

    According to public records obtained from Guilford County Court, the wife of Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson was sued by Tarheel Triad Girl Scouts over “money owed” in Guilford County Small Claims Court in 2003–and the Girl Scouts won.

    In September of 2003 the Girl Scouts filed suit against Yolanda Hill due to a $2,956.03 bad check. The matter was heard the following month, and court documents indicate nobody attended on behalf of the defendant.

    The magistrate found in favor of the Girl Scouts and tacked on fees and damages as permitted by state law on returned checks for a grand total of $3,486.03.

    Robinson and Hill had to pay the Girl Scouts’ attorney fees as well…….

    Love how it's just the women who need to control themselves
    WASHINGTON ― In a newly unearthed video from 2022, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R) scoffs at the idea that young women should have access to birth control and, repeatedly waving his hand near his groin, says they just need to “get this under control.”

    During a January 2022 appearance at Hilltop Baptist Church in Thomasville, North Carolina, Robinson ― who is now the GOP nominee for governor ― also took aim at programs that provide sexual education and birth control to young women.

    The North Carolina Republican has a long history of making sexist, homophobic and otherwise offensive remarks, in addition to peddling wild conspiracy theories. He has built his image in the mold of former President Donald Trump, who endorsed Robinson’s campaign in March.

    “Particularly we love to tell our young women that. We want to empower you,” he said mockingly in his 2022 remarks. “We want to help you to build up your mind so you can be empowered.”

    Robinson proposed what he called “a novel idea” to the audience.

    “Why don’t you use some of that building up of your mind and building up of empowerment to move down here, to this region down here,” he said, moving his hand in circles around his stomach and crotch. “Get this under control.”

    “See, because this region right here, that’s the only region on your body that can make life and take life,” he continued. “If there’s anything we need to be telling our young people, it’s they need to be responsible with their reproductive systems. That means you don’t lay down and act like you’re making a baby til you’re ready to have a baby.”

    Robinson then dismissed people who educate young women about sex and birth control.

    “All this giving out of birth control and advising people how,” he said. “Here’s how you don’t have a baby: You don’t have what you do to make a baby until you’re ready to have that baby.”

    The video doesn’t show the faces of attendees at this church event, but a handful of them can be heard agreeing with Robinson on that last point..............

    Love how it's just the women who need to control themselves
    WASHINGTON ― In a newly unearthed video from 2022, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R) scoffs at the idea that young women should have access to birth control and, repeatedly waving his hand near his groin, says they just need to “get this under control.”

    During a January 2022 appearance at Hilltop Baptist Church in Thomasville, North Carolina, Robinson ― who is now the GOP nominee for governor ― also took aim at programs that provide sexual education and birth control to young women.

    The North Carolina Republican has a long history of making sexist, homophobic and otherwise offensive remarks, in addition to peddling wild conspiracy theories. He has built his image in the mold of former President Donald Trump, who endorsed Robinson’s campaign in March.

    “Particularly we love to tell our young women that. We want to empower you,” he said mockingly in his 2022 remarks. “We want to help you to build up your mind so you can be empowered.”

    Robinson proposed what he called “a novel idea” to the audience.

    “Why don’t you use some of that building up of your mind and building up of empowerment to move down here, to this region down here,” he said, moving his hand in circles around his stomach and crotch. “Get this under control.”

    “See, because this region right here, that’s the only region on your body that can make life and take life,” he continued. “If there’s anything we need to be telling our young people, it’s they need to be responsible with their reproductive systems. That means you don’t lay down and act like you’re making a baby til you’re ready to have a baby.”

    Robinson then dismissed people who educate young women about sex and birth control.

    “All this giving out of birth control and advising people how,” he said. “Here’s how you don’t have a baby: You don’t have what you do to make a baby until you’re ready to have that baby.”

    The video doesn’t show the faces of attendees at this church event, but a handful of them can be heard agreeing with Robinson on that last point..............

    How about telling men to keep their Johnson’s in their pants? Why is it always the fault of women?

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