Make America Healthy Again - Trump populism comes to health regulation (1 Viewer)

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    U.S. Blues
    Mar 26, 2019
    Reaction score
    Charleston, SC
    This is going to need a thread as we move forward - there are now clear signs that Trump supports a new, critical if not dubious approach on vaccination, and his HHS nominee RFK Jr. regularly espouses eating raw milk and raw meat . . . dietary components most experts agree are more dangerous than their heated counterparts.

    Health is certainly one of those areas were anti-institutionalism and turning to popular influencers over medical science comes with genuine risk of harm.

    Today Trump provided his most clear indication that he is a vaccine skeptic - claiming (falsely of course) that the USA doesn't "do as well" as other nations that use no vaccines at all.

    I completely support a lottery in the free world to pull your ticket. I would pull mine obviously you wouldn’t pull yours. The real problem with the earth’s decline from an environmental and other species sustainability standpoint is humans and our over population. That is undeniable. There is no getting around it, so when you are willing to pull your ticket for the lottery, let me know and I’ll do the same. 😉
    This is some high quality ignorance and some of the dumbest shirt I've read in a long time. You're a quitter and a defeatist, or you're not serious which then makes you a dumb troll. If you are serious then I'm happy you're willing to take a coin flip to get your dumb ideas out of here.

    Our species has a 100% survival rate. From the dawn of our existence we have survived everything, and your "solution" is to remove 50% of the population. End the existence of the people and posterity likely to solve whatever problems the future holds. Furthermore, your "solution" doesn't even work. If humans are the problem then removing half of them just delays some problems, and creates a world of new ones.
    I’m gonna say this is nice as I can the greatest threat to the earth, the environment and all the remaining species that we haven’t led to extinction already is because of our over population we are at 8 billion people plus I’m not worried about humans becoming extinct until we make ourselves so by as usual, self-serving dumbass choices and will take the rest of the planet and almost all species with us when we do so. We are a plague you gotta come to terms with that. The human population has beat mother nature, she’s been trying to take us down for a number of years and limit our numbers for the rest of the world’s betterment, but it hasn’t worked so worry about your milk whatever you wanna do, but we are the cause of the decline of every species on this planet and its ultimate demise. That is reality.
    Some very smart people think overpopulation is a myth. That said, I'm enjoying the debate between Dragon and you. There are many sources that say the same.

    A search will also add this from AI.

    According to many experts, the idea of "overpopulation" is largely considered a myth, meaning that the belief that the Earth's population will soon exceed its carrying capacity and lead to widespread crisis due to a sheer number of people is not supported by evidence and can be misleading; the primary issue is often not the total population size but rather unequal resource distribution and consumption patterns.
    I completely support a lottery in the free world to pull your ticket. I would pull mine obviously you wouldn’t pull yours. The real problem with the earth’s decline from an environmental and other species sustainability standpoint is humans and our over population. That is undeniable. There is no getting around it, so when you are willing to pull your ticket for the lottery, let me know and I’ll do the same. 😉
    Do you know which country has the most uninhabited space? If you sit down on the ground for a while the answer may come to you.

    Anyway, there is no overpopulation issue. It's that there aren't even amounts of people and resources in equal distribution around the world. Kinda like it was random. So some areas starve while others thirst. Some are perfect like Pacific Northwest.

    And by the way, the only resource raw materials we currently use a lot of, that aren't renewable through reproduction or replanting, are lithium, coal, and oil. So I am glad you are on board with getting off of them as soon as possible.

    Lottery for culling the herd? I'm glad you aren't running anything important.
    Do you know which country has the most uninhabited space? If you sit down on the ground for a while the answer may come to you.

    Anyway, there is no overpopulation issue. It's that there aren't even amounts of people and resources in equal distribution around the world. Kinda like it was random. So some areas starve while others thirst. Some are perfect like Pacific Northwest.

    And by the way, the only resource raw materials we currently use a lot of, that aren't renewable through reproduction or replanting, are lithium, coal, and oil. So I am glad you are on board with getting off of them as soon as possible.

    Lottery for culling the herd? I'm glad you aren't running anything important.

    I agree with most of this. Most of our issues are the will to do something that doesn't have a profit motive. Nuclear energy adoption along with banning ICE for everyday drivers would cut down on a ton of emissions. Carbon capturing technology would have to become a massive priority. It's all doable.

    What's crazy is people like Scoutster would rather have a purge then a couple of socialist programs for the good of the country/world.

    Not the greatest thinkers, maybe they should be culled.
    Do you know which country has the most uninhabited space? If you sit down on the ground for a while the answer may come to you.

    Anyway, there is no overpopulation issue. It's that there aren't even amounts of people and resources in equal distribution around the world. Kinda like it was random. So some areas starve while others thirst. Some are perfect like Pacific Northwest.

    And by the way, the only resource raw materials we currently use a lot of, that aren't renewable through reproduction or replanting, are lithium, coal, and oil. So I am glad you are on board with getting off of them as soon as possible.

    Lottery for culling the herd? I'm glad you aren't running anything important.
    I remember reading the following years ago. If you gave every U.S. citizen a 1 X 1 foot square to stand in the entire population
    would fit inside the city of Tallahassee Fl. If you did it for everyone in the world they would fit in an area the size of Japan.
    Wow. People have some amazingly silly and dangerous ideas.

    And, scoutster, if you truly believe what you are saying here - you wouldn’t be advocating what you are advocating. It’s pretty crazy, to be honest.
    Wow. People have some amazingly silly and dangerous ideas.

    And, scoutster, if you truly believe what you are saying here - you wouldn’t be advocating what you are advocating. It’s pretty crazy, to be honest.
    You people are nuts. Ocean species are decimated, this has been studied off the charts. Extinction rates are through the roof since humans started becoming a massive population. We pollute just about everything for our own needs. We cut down the rainforest to grow more coffee beans, you people are off the charts, 8 billion people. Climate change supposedly is about humans cut us in half in the first world countries that’ll be more of a carbon reduction than anything else proposed by any human politician or anyone else. What do you idiots not get. Do you know what cities like Detroit, New York City… looked like before humans became so dominant they were clean. They were trees/forests. There were lots of animals now it’s pavement and garbage and bears having to come out of the wild to try to eat garbage in cities. The cleanest the skies have ever been in too many decades to count were during the pandemic when flights were grounded. Go look at the current planned extinction list and that’s because of us get it?

    Here is one example of a place that has limited humans and what happened when our presence was basically ended. Stop being a dumbass!

    Now for years, the left thinks electric cars are green in the United States and same for other first world countries, they’re not. Just like iPhones, PS and Xbox’s aren’t. We are a forking plague, on this planet and every other species including our fellow species. So unlike some of you people, I’ve watched this for years like Uganda, Rwanda to get “rare” earth minerals for iPhones, Xbox, and PlayStations.

    Get it yet?



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    You people are nuts. Ocean species are decimated, this has been studied off the charts. Extinction rates are through the roof since humans started becoming a massive population. We pollute just about everything for our own needs. We cut down the rainforest to grow more coffee beans, you people are off the charts, 8 billion people. Climate change supposedly is about humans cut us in half in the first world countries that’ll be more of a carbon reduction than anything else proposed by any human politician or anyone else. What do you idiots not get. Do you know what cities like Detroit, New York City… looked like before humans became so dominant they were clean. They were trees/forests. There were lots of animals now it’s pavement and garbage and bears having to come out of the wild to try to eat garbage in cities. The cleanest the skies have ever been in too many decades to count were during the pandemic when flights were grounded. Go look at the current planned extinction list and that’s because of us get it?

    Here is one example of a place that has limited humans and what happened when our presence was basically ended. Stop being a dumbass!

    Now for the years, the left thinks electric cars are green in the United States and same for other like them first countries they’re not. Just like iPhones and PS3 is an Xbox aren’t. We are a forking plague, on this planet and every other species including our fellow species. So unlike some of you people, I’ve watched this for years like Uganda Rwanda to get “rare” earth minerals for iPhones, Xbox, and PlayStations.

    I contend that you don't actually believe in this. You just want to get rid of people you don't like. Otherwise, you would be leading by example.
    I contend that you don't actually believe in this. You just want to get rid of people you don't like. Otherwise, you would be leading by example.
    I already won the argument and you’re just trying to save face. You are a coward who can’t accept that humans, me and you and everyone else have caused everything I posted! I would pull my ticket and we both know you won’t cause you’re a coward. Have a great day, try to stop looking foolish. Would you like me to post some more about the human plague and what we’ve caused, I mean seriously do you want this to go on and make you look even forking even worse. If I were you, I’d walk away from this conversation and still try to pretend you’re intelligent because you’re not!

    I do lead by example. I give money to animal foundations to keep them here. If you were drowning beside my pup next to you you better hope you can tread water until I decide if I’m too tired or not to come back to get you because my pup is getting saved first. Unconditional love from animals by and large, they don’t lie and they don’t hurt anyone for silly needs unlike us!
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    I already won the argument and you’re just trying to save face. You are a coward who can’t accept that humans, me and you and everyone else have caused everything I posted! I would pull my ticket and we both know you won’t cause you’re a coward. Have a great day, try to stop looking foolish. Would you like me to post some more about the human plague and what we’ve caused, I mean seriously do you want this to go on and make you look even forking even worse. If I were you, I’d walk away from this conversation and still try to pretend you’re intelligent because you’re not!

    I do lead by example. I give money to animal foundations to keep them here. If you were drowning beside my pup next to you you better hope you can tread water until I decide if I’m too tired or not to come back to get you because my pup is getting saved first. Unconditional love from animals by and large, they don’t lie and they don’t hurt anyone for silly needs unlike us!

    You're getting really shouty for no reason. Here's how I know you are full of shirt- you say you are leading by example, yet if you genuinely believed that decreasing the population was the right move, you would lead by example and leave. You are still here, therefore you are not serious.
    You're getting really shouty for no reason. Here's how I know you are full of shirt- you say you are leading by example, yet if you genuinely believed that decreasing the population was the right move, you would lead by example and leave. You are still here, therefore you are not serious.
    You’re forking hilarious, really a sad individual. Do you think I’d give up my life for you. That’s all you got for an argument. I’ve already proved my point. We are a plague. Do you get it, that means you as well as me. I’m sure old man that’s more you than me. I am not gonna pull a ticket till some lowlifes like you do as well because I care more about the environment and animals than you ever will that’s already been proven. How much money have you donated to any wildlife group to keep them here in the last year seriously, you haven’t you’re not going to you just want others to do it and then say how important your views are that you don’t put any cash to nothing to your joke Old man woman, whatever you are. 🤣

    I actually feel sorry for you because you are a low intelligent person who can’t accept reality of what we are as a species, including you. Go get your coffee tomorrow :)
    I already won the argument and you’re just trying to save face. You are a coward who can’t accept that humans, me and you and everyone else have caused everything I posted! I would pull my ticket and we both know you won’t cause you’re a coward. Have a great day, try to stop looking foolish. Would you like me to post some more about the human plague and what we’ve caused, I mean seriously do you want this to go on and make you look even forking even worse. If I were you, I’d walk away from this conversation and still try to pretend you’re intelligent because you’re not!

    I do lead by example. I give money to animal foundations to keep them here. If you were drowning beside my pup next to you you better hope you can tread water until I decide if I’m too tired or not to come back to get you because my pup is getting saved first. Unconditional love from animals by and large, they don’t lie and they don’t hurt anyone for silly needs unlike us!

    You haven’t achieved anything, and you’re not listening. Suggesting mass suicide as a solution to saving the planet is not the way forward. History shows that enlightenment, education, and better healthcare naturally lead to population reduction. Many countries that once led in population growth now experience negative growth rates.

    What we need to focus on is sustainability. This means reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, promoting renewable energy, and investing in education to raise awareness about climate challenges. Unfortunately, one of the world’s largest producers and consumers—the United States—has a political climate (no pun intended) that is hostile to these efforts, as is Russia.

    To make matters worse, the incoming U.S. administration, along with Russia, is among the few openly advocating for significant population growth, which undermines global sustainability efforts.
    You haven’t achieved anything, and you’re not listening. Suggesting mass suicide as a solution to saving the planet is not the way forward. History shows that enlightenment, education, and better healthcare naturally lead to population reduction. Many countries that once led in population growth now experience negative growth rates.

    What we need to focus on is sustainability. This means reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, promoting renewable energy, and investing in education to raise awareness about climate challenges. Unfortunately, one of the world’s largest producers and consumers—the United States—has a political climate (no pun intended) that is hostile to these efforts, as is Russia.

    To make matters worse, the incoming U.S. administration, along with Russia, is among the few openly advocating for significant population growth, which undermines global sustainability efforts.

    History shows this:


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    History shows this:
    Changes done over almost 3 centuries.. Not the gotcha you think it is...

    This on the other hand is part of the future. Hydroponic greenhouses on the roof of factory buildings utilizing heat that would otherwise had been radiated out into the atmosphere


    And this
    A survey supported by Solar Energy UK has found that solar farms deliver significant biodiversity gains and have the potential to offer even more.

    Conducted in collaboration with ecological consultancies Clarkson & Woods and Wychwood Biodiversity, the ‘Solar Habitat 2024: Ecological trends on solar farms in the UK’ study found that solar farms can become “safe havens for biodiversity” and play an “important role” in nature restoration.

    The study analysed a total of 87 solar sites in 2023 employing a standardised methodology, which Solar Energy UK helped develop alongside Lancaster University in 2022.

    Their findings revealed that vulnerable and red-listed species, such as skylarks, are among the most common wildlife present on UK solar farms.

    Yellowhammers, linnets and starlings – all red-listed bird species – were also present at the observed solar sites.

    On the ground, brown hares, a species under conservation concern, made up 40% of mammal observations across the 87 observed sites.
    Just to add some objective data to this, let's be polite and just say, overly simplistic idea, if we did actually halve the population of the planet, that would take us all the way back to the population levels we had in... 1974.

    Without addressing what makes population a problem - how people live in an unsustainable way - even the insane notion of killing half of humanity would only take us back less than fifty years.

    Conversely, if people were living sustainably, we wouldn't need to halve the population in the first place. Hence, that's where the attention should be, and largely is, albeit to a still insufficient degree.

    In conclusion, it's not a great idea. To be polite.
    You’re forking hilarious, really a sad individual. Do you think I’d give up my life for you. That’s all you got for an argument. I’ve already proved my point. We are a plague. Do you get it, that means you as well as me. I’m sure old man that’s more you than me. I am not gonna pull a ticket till some lowlifes like you do as well because I care more about the environment and animals than you ever will that’s already been proven. How much money have you donated to any wildlife group to keep them here in the last year seriously, you haven’t you’re not going to you just want others to do it and then say how important your views are that you don’t put any cash to nothing to your joke Old man woman, whatever you are. 🤣

    I actually feel sorry for you because you are a low intelligent person who can’t accept reality of what we are as a species, including you. Go get your coffee tomorrow :)

    And the bolded is exactly what I have said more than once. You don't want to die. You want the other half to die so you can enjoy what's left without "some lowlifes" running around. You are very angry for someone who is actively agreeing with my premise.
    Changes done over almost 3 centuries.. Not the gotcha you think it is...

    This on the other hand is part of the future. Hydroponic greenhouses on the roof of factory buildings utilizing heat that would otherwise had been radiated out into the atmosphere


    And this
    Do you see any trees or wildlife there? You people are forking hilarious. You and those like you want to pretend you’re all green you’re not do you not get it yet? All about yours and every other humans needs. 🤣

    Again, not so intelligent like I said! self-serving just like most humans.

    Changes made by humans in 2.5 centuries. You’re not green stop pretending to be, all you care about is yourself that’s all you care about.


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    Do you see any trees or wildlife there? You people are forking hilarious. You and those like you want to pretend you’re all green you’re not do you not get it yet? All about yours and every other humans needs. 🤣

    Again, not so intelligent like I said! self-serving just like most humans

    Here, I circled all of the greenery and vegetation for you:


    As you can see, it takes up the entire giant rooftop, approximately half of the picture.

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